Tequila Truth

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Tequila Truth Page 6

by Mari Carr

  “Oh my God,” she cried, pleasure crashing through her. “That feels so good.”

  Colt chuckled and turned her head to face him, kissing her hard and long. She was amazed by the sheer power in the kiss. Both Heath and Colt were masters and she wondered how she would ever be able to settle for the lukewarm kisses of other men after the scorching possession with which these two men had marked her with their lips.

  She forced Colt to release her, remembering her earlier request. Both of them had offered her so much this weekend and she was anxious to give something back.

  She slowly drifted down their bodies, pulling her hands along their chests until she reached her knees. Heath, sensing her direction, changed the flow of water from the showerheads so that it hit both men on their lower hips. She smiled at his ingenuity. It kept the water out of her face, but managed to provide plenty of moisture for her to use her hand on one man while sucking on the other.

  “Kylie.” Colt’s voice rumbled over her and his hands were rough in her hair. She reveled in the feeling. He was always so in control that it humbled her to know she could do this to him. Leave him so hot and needy he forgot everything except what she was doing to him.

  Her tongue darted around the hard head of his penis and she savored the pre-come coating him there. Turning slightly she repeated the action on Heath and wondered at the difference. She never realized a man’s come had its own distinctive taste until that moment. Colt’s was salty, like seawater, while Heath’s had an almost nutty flavor.

  Gripping each man’s cock in her fists, she gave in to the desire to consume them. While she deep-throated Colt, she worked her hand hard against Heath’s turgid flesh. Then she switched. Over and over, she worked her tongue, teeth and hands over their erections, acutely aware when the tenor of their play progressed to the final stage. Heath’s grip on her shoulder became almost painful as his climax approached. Colt’s hands engulfed her scalp, forcing her further and further down on him.

  “I’m coming, Red,” Heath cried when she took him to the back of her throat. He pushed her away from him. “I want to spill on you.”

  Colt groaned at his words and placed his large fist over hers, pumping it hard and fast against his thick flesh before releasing her. “Together. Lean back, darlin’, and hold up those gorgeous tits. Let us paint them.”

  She quickly moved into the position he requested, swamped by the passion raging within her. The idea of being marked in such a way was potent. Pushing her breasts up with one hand, she reached down to fondle herself. She was only a second away from coming herself. As she played with her clit, she looked up at Heath and Colt, watching her as they pumped at their own erections. None of them was going to make it much longer. No sooner had the thought passed her mind then she cried out, her orgasm drenching her hand. Colt and Heath reacted to the sound as if they’d been scorched by a flame and they emptied themselves on her chest at the same time with harsh cries.

  Reaching up, she ran her hands through their sperm. With a saucy grin, she looked at Heath. “What was that you said earlier about rubbing it in?”

  Chapter Nine

  Colt rolled over and looked at the clock, marveling at how time ceased to matter. They’d stayed awake nearly all of Friday night, not bothering to rise until lunchtime on Saturday. After an afternoon spent showering, dozing and fucking, they’d fallen asleep. Now it was three a.m. on Sunday morning and he realized they’d failed to eat dinner again.

  Rubbing his empty stomach, Colt looked over at his best friends sleeping peacefully beside him. Kylie was draped over Heath with her leg hiked up around his waist, her hand on his chest, and her head on his shoulder. He grinned at the image they made, both sprawled out and disheveled.

  I could wake up like this every day of my life.

  As soon as the notion crossed his mind, he attempted to push it away. Too many times this weekend, he’d found his thoughts drifting to what if?

  Punching his pillow, he tried to find a comfortable position for sleep. Unfortunately his mind continued to race with the question that kept haunting him.

  What if they made this arrangement permanent?

  Who said they couldn’t change the rules of the game? After all, it was their game. What if they snubbed their noses at conventional society and accepted the fact that the three of them fit? They were perfect together. The words had been on the tip of his tongue several times, but he’d never seemed able to voice them aloud to his friends. Something always held him back.

  What if Kylie agreed, but Heath didn’t? Or vice versa? He knew without a shadow of a doubt they were meant to be a trio. If Kylie left them, he wasn’t sure what they would do. She brought out the best in both of them. He had a habit of being headstrong and opinionated, but Kylie softened those rough edges and without her steadying influence, Heath would have succumbed to his workaholic tendencies long ago.

  They needed her and not singularly, but as a unit. This weekend had proven to him that there was no way in hell he could go back to a one man, one woman affair. He prided himself on being a red-blooded heterosexual male, but watching Heath and Kylie together had changed some intrinsic part of him and he knew he’d never view sex the same again. He was convinced that where this relationship was concerned, it was all or nothing and he desperately wanted it all.

  Giving up on sleep, Colt pulled on some sweatpants and quietly padded to the kitchen. Maybe a midnight snack would cure his sleeplessness. Maybe it was an empty stomach and not his anxious fears keeping him awake. Yeah right.

  Digging around in the fridge, he found some sandwich fixings. Pulling them out, he started putting the ingredients together without thinking.

  “That looks good.”

  He looked up to find a hungry-looking Heath eyeballing his sandwich.

  “Get your own.”

  Heath grinned at him as Colt pulled his plate closer as if to protect a precious treasure.

  “I think you must be the only man on the planet who’s irritable after sex.”

  Colt frowned. “I’m not irritable.”

  Heath didn’t reply, merely lifted his eyebrows in disbelief.

  “At least, it’s not the sex.”


  “No.” He wondered if he should try to explain his worries. He’d already attempted to bring the subject up once and Heath had dismissed it.

  Heath sat down across from him and started to assemble a sandwich for himself. “Worrying about Monday isn’t going to stop it from coming.”

  He glanced up, surprised at Heath’s astuteness.

  “We made a mistake. A fucking whopper of a mistake.”

  Leaning back against his chair, Heath crossed his arms across his bare chest. “I’d call it a miscalculation, not a mistake.”

  “Whatever you call it, wiseass, we’re in the shithouse now.”

  Heath’s anger seemed to swell at the comment and Colt suddenly realized he wasn’t alone in his worry. “Damn it, Colt. Do you know exactly what it is you’re considering here?”

  “A permanent arrangement.” He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. He’d expected Heath to be the easy one to convince. He knew Heath wanted this as much as he did, but if he rejected the idea, there was no way Kylie would accept it.

  “Colt, people don’t live in ménage situations. It’s a fantasy, not a lifestyle.”

  “Who says? If I’ve learned anything from Kylie these last few years, it’s that I’m not living my life to make other people happy. Besides, we’ve all lived together so long, nobody even blinks an eye at us anymore.”

  “There’s a difference between platonic roommates and what you’re proposing.”

  “Think about it. Kylie knows what she’s getting with us. She’s already proven she can handle the day-to-day living together aspect. She’s put up with our overbearing, sloppy asses for years.”

  “There is also a difference between picking up a few dirty dishes and dealing with two Doms in bed. Right now, she can te
ll us to go to hell if we get over-possessive because we have no real claim on her.”

  “And if I know Kylie, she’ll keep right on telling us where to go, lovers or not.”

  “Colt, there’s no way she’ll agree to this. We promised her a fantasy weekend with a return to our ‘just friends’ status on Monday. How can we go back on our word?”

  “All I’m suggesting is that we ask her.”

  Heath rose and walked toward the kitchen window to gaze into the black night and Colt questioned his friend’s feelings. Heath certainly had more to lose if their unusual situation became public knowledge. His friend was next in line for a partnership at the architectural firm where he worked. If the powers that be at his office found out he was an active participant in a ménage a trois, he could be putting his career aspirations at serious risk.

  “That is if you’re willing, Heath. It’s not a small thing I’m proposing here. I’m not saying let’s try it and see how it goes. I’m serious about making this a forever thing.”

  “So you’re proposing? To me and Kylie? I’m not sure if I should laugh or punch you in the face.”

  “I, I mean we would be proposing to Kylie. But I guess now that you mention it, we’d be making a commitment to each other too. You’re my best friend, Heath. We’ve been in each other’s lives for nearly two decades. I wouldn’t know what to do if you weren’t in my life anymore. I mean, shit, we root for all the same sports teams. That’s rare, man.”

  Heath laughed at his attempts to lighten the mood. “I do want this, Colt. I’m not blind and I can appreciate how perfect this weekend has been. Neither of us has had much luck in the love department and now I can’t help but wonder if it’s because we’ve been in love with Kylie all this time. Maybe we were avoiding the obvious because we thought it might end in a competition for her attentions.”

  He groaned at Heath’s words. “Christ, do you have to mention the ‘L’ word? You know the thought of that emotion gives me gas.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to overcome that little obstacle because I know for a fact Kylie won’t accept any offer we make that doesn’t include that sentiment.”

  Colt ran his hand through his hair once again. “I love her. Shit, I’m crazy about the girl.”

  Heath walked over and joined him at the kitchen table again. “It really won’t bother you when I’m alone with Kylie? There are going to be nights when you’re on duty and I’m telling you right now, I won’t just be in bed sleeping with her. I’ll be fucking her. That doesn’t bug you? Even a little?”

  Colt shook his head instantly. “Not a bit. I swear to you. Does it bother you that the same holds true when you’re out of town?”

  Heath gave a humorless laugh. “Not a bit. Geez, what’s wrong with us? Don’t you think there’s something seriously fucked up about that?”

  “Not really. I trust you with my life, buddy, and I know you’ll take care of Kylie when I’m not around. The three of us fit and I’m not so sure the same would hold true if it was just you and Kylie or just me and Kylie. It’s hard to explain but I really feel like this relationship only works as a trio.”

  Heath nodded. “I feel the same way. I guess when you think about it, we all bring something different to the table. Besides, with our fucked up work hours, it would take both of us to make one full-time husband for her.”

  “Heath, we’ve shared everything our whole lives—bedrooms, clothes, cars. It’s second nature to us now. Besides, I gotta tell you, the sex—” He stumbled, trying to find the words, but his friend saved him from the task.

  “I know,” Heath said. “So now we share Kylie?” Heath’s question came out as a statement and Colt let it slide without a response. “She’ll never go for it.”

  “You said that about this weekend and she jumped in with both feet. I can’t go back, Heath. If she refuses, there’ll be no going back to the way things were.”

  Heath turned and frowned at him. “You’d move out?”

  He shrugged. “I’ll never be able to be in the same room without wanting her again.”

  Heath considered his words for a long time. “Neither will I. So I guess we’d better put on our most persuasive faces and convince the girl, since failure doesn’t seem to be an option.”

  He smiled and walked over, placing a friendly hand on Heath’s shoulder. “Well, my friend, I’ve been thinking about that and it seems to me that Kylie responds better to actions than words.”

  “Are you suggesting we seduce her into agreeing to marry us?”

  “Like you said, failure’s not an option and the way I see it, all is fair in love and war.”

  “You’re speaking in clichés,” Heath muttered.

  “Better that than the puns I usually annoy you with.”

  Chapter Ten

  The sun was rising outside the curtains when Kylie opened her eyes to find two large predators staring at her.

  “You guys look like a couple of hungry tigers,” she teased. She could feel their arousals pushing against her hips and wondered if her body was up to any more playing. She was pleasantly sore in muscles she hadn’t known she possessed.

  “We were starting to worry you were going to sleep the entire day.” Heath reached over and pulled her on top of him. He covered her face with soft kisses and she giggled as his fingers brushed her waist so lightly it tickled.

  “It’s dawn, you slave driver. Besides, you should have woken me up. I certainly don’t want to be accused of wasting our last day on something as silly as sleep.” She thought she heard an unhappy growl from Colt, but when she looked over her shoulder his face belied the sound so she dismissed it. “So what’s the plan for today?”

  “Seems to me there’s one fantasy we’ve yet to indulge in.” Colt’s deep voice reminded her of his Tequila Truth answer and she shivered with anticipation. Heath must have mistaken her response.

  “Easy, Red. Remember your safe word. You can say it anytime.”

  “I don’t want to say it.” She pushed up onto her hands and knees, caging Heath below her while offering Colt a perfect view of what she wanted him to claim.

  She was thrilled when Colt’s natural dominance came shining through. “Don’t move. Stay exactly like that.”

  She looked over her shoulder as he moved to the bedside table. She watched as he removed two condoms and a tube of lubrication. He saw her gaze on him and he offered her a seductive smile that did little to calm the butterflies now flittering in her stomach. She was about to get her ultimate sexual fantasy. Colt and Heath were going to take her together. She quivered with excitement at the thought.

  Colt returned to his spot directly behind her and she struggled to relax when his large hand came to rest on her ass.

  Heath reached up and ran his knuckles along her cheek in the way she’d come to love in the few short days they’d been together. The gesture was so typically Heath. His had always been the shoulder she cried on when life got too tough and his touch now was so full of comfort and love it was all she could do not to cry with delight.

  She shook slightly when she felt the cold lube land on her ass, but Heath shushed her and continued to stroke her face. She leaned forward, desperate to feel more of him. Her breasts pressed against his hard chest as she offered him her lips, silently begging him to claim her mouth as surely as Colt would claim her ass.

  As Heath deepened the kiss with the stroke of his tongue, Colt deepened his own strokes, pushing one, then two thick fingers inside her anus. The plug had worked its magic and she felt her muscles relax against the unfamiliar invasion. Soon he added a third finger and she broke away from the kiss with a pleasured cry.

  “More,” she demanded without thought. For a moment, she feared they’d deny her, tease her, but her word seemed to be the impetus they were waiting for. Heath picked up the condom Colt had laid beside him on the bed and put it on, while Colt continued to torment her ass with his fingers. Once Heath was sheathed, his strong grip on her hips pulled her until h
er wet opening was level with the crown of his cock. She struggled to breathe as he slowly impaled her body on his rigid erection, his tight hold keeping her from thrusting down on him as she desired.

  When he was fully seated, he held her completely still. She fought against his hold, desperately trying to fuck his cock until Colt’s hand landed on her ass with a loud smack. She froze. The spot he struck stung for only a second until he ran his cool lips across the injured flesh. She fought against the pleasure and pain as he repeated the action on her other buttock.

  The feelings his actions evoked in her body were better than in her wildest dreams. This moment was the one. The one she’d spent a lifetime looking for, waiting for, praying for. Heath’s hard cock was filling her cunt while Colt marked her ass with a loving spanking. Unable to deny her body’s desire, she succumbed to one of the most powerful orgasms she’d ever had.

  Colt and Heath must have realized the impact their actions were having on her as Heath wrapped his arms around her while Colt lovingly caressed and kissed the heated skin on her ass.

  “More.” She repeated her earlier demand as she came back to earth and silently rejoiced when the men—her men—chuckled in surprise.

  “Demanding little wench.” Heath directed his words over her shoulder at Colt.

  “I can see why she’s been so mischievous these past few months. It takes more than one man to satisfy her.”

  Kylie considered Colt’s reply for only a moment, marveling at the truth of his observation, but then her thoughts were washed away by touch of his cock prodding for entrance at her virgin hole.

  Together the three of them worked slowly toward heaven. As Colt pushed forward into her tight ass, Heath murmured words of encouragement. Whenever she tried to move, she was halted by not two, but four hands, refusing to allow her to take too much, too quickly. It was clear neither man wanted to rush this for fear of hurting her and Kylie’s heart swelled with the thought.

  “Almost there,” Heath whispered in her ear. “God, Kylie, I can’t tell you how good this is. I can feel Colt’s cock through the thin wall inside you. It’s rubbing against mine. I never knew it could be like this. Thank you, baby. Thank you for giving this to us.”


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