Requiem (Remington Carter Book 2)

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Requiem (Remington Carter Book 2) Page 3

by Emma Cole

  While the guys were checking out their pieces, I quietly told Alan what I’d hoped for. He actually had the special ink, and we got to it. I chose my inner, right hip area to put it so it wouldn’t be easily seen. When I started undoing my jeans, Beck objected.

  “Duckie, what the hell are you doing?”

  Alan laughed while I explained.

  “I’m getting a tattoo, ding dong. And I’m pretty sure Alan isn’t interested in what’s in my pants.”

  Beck seemed mollified with the explanation and relented.

  Alan got me set up as I laid back on the couch while he sterilized the area. At the first buzz, I got nervous, and Dylan settled next to me to grab my hand.

  “Squeeze if it hurts.”

  Yeah, he was about to regret those words. Beck hovered behind Alan until he told him to quit. At the touch of the needle, I tensed. It didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would, but it still wasn’t pleasant. The guys had barely flinched, and I’d be damned if I was going to make a fuss. Other than crushing Dylan’s fingers, however.

  It was over quickly, and other than the bleeding before it was wiped away, you couldn’t even tell I had gotten a tattoo. Dylan shook his hand out, muttering about Beck would need to drive home in the morning, while Alan went to get something.

  Beck fired away with the questions. “What did you get? I can’t tell what it is. There’s nothing there. Did he not put ink in it?”

  “Hold on you’ll see.” Alan was back with a black light. “You’re lucky I still had this in the closet from my poster phase in high school.” Plugging it in and turning it on while Derby shut off the other lights in the room, a picture appeared on my skin.

  “Holy shit, she got a black light tattoo.” That from Beck, stating the obvious.

  Dylan reached out to lightly trace around it, avoiding the tender skin, with an indecipherable look on his face.

  “Well, what do you think? Happy birthday?” I started to get nervous that they thought it was too much. Quietly, Dylan finally spoke up.

  “No, I think it’s perfect, and a great birthday surprise.” Looking down at it, it read Duckie, Love with a tiny rubber duck blowing heart kisses underneath it.

  “Hey, at least this way my parents won’t see it after it heals, and I should be able to keep it covered up that long.” I glanced at Alan, but he didn't care about the permission thing.

  Beck just grinned. “Now you’re officially our property, no takes backsies.” Little imp.

  Alan got it cleaned up and bandaged, then gave me the same instructions he had already given the other two, along with a little tube of ointment. After helping clean up, we decided we were all tired and got ready for bed.

  Dylan and Beck were both waiting when I came in the room, and Dylan was holding something in his hand.

  “We were going to give this to you tomorrow, but I think we should do it now.” Beck nodded in agreement. Holding the little box out to me, Dylan waited for me to take it.

  I looked between the two of them, trying to get a clue as to what it could be. Finally, curiosity won out and I opened the lid. Inside, nestled in pale pink tissue paper, was a necklace and a pendant with an ‘R’ monogram on it. “Thanks, you guys, but what is it for? It’s your birthday not mine.”

  “We wanted to get you something for when we’re not here. Open it up.” Dylan rubs the back of his neck, earnest and slightly uncomfortable.

  I hadn't even noticed that it was a locket until Dylan said something. Sliding my nail along the seam, I got to the catch and it popped open. On one side was a picture of me with Dylan, and on the other one was me and Beck.

  “I knew I was missing some pictures. And thank you. This is amazing, and I can’t believe you guys did this for me!” I jumped in between them both and pulled them in for hugs. “You’re the best guy friends I’ve ever had.”

  Dylan smirked. “Just friends?”

  With Beck echoing him a second later, I gave them both a peck on the cheek without answering and sat up to put the necklace on. Before I could, Beck took it from me, and Dylan gathered my hair for him. It was hooked before I knew it. I held it up to look at it.

  “Thanks again, I really love it.” I snuggled down into the middle of the bed on my side. Dylan and Beck quickly followed, with Beck spooning me from behind. I got comfortable, and the guys took that as a cue to do the same. Soon we were all wrapped up in each other, and not long after that, asleep.

  Chapter Four

  Something woke me in the middle of the night. Becoming coherent, I realized I was half on top of Dylan, and Beck was suctioned to my back. At a soft moan coming from behind me, I realized it must have been Beck that woke me. I couldn’t effectively untangle myself without waking them up. That might not be a bad thing, in Beck’s case. A hard bulge was pressed up against my rear, and the occasional grind and noise from him led me to believe he was having a naughty dream. I tried to wiggle forward some but only managed to get more trapped, which made Dylan stir and crack his eyes open.

  “What’s going on, love?” He caught onto my predicament almost immediately and his chest rumbled with amusement. “Is he bothering you?”

  “No, but I don’t want him to be embarrassed when he wakes up.” He really wasn’t bothering me. Not in that way, anyhow.

  “Then why don’t you wake him up? Just remember the rules.” With that whisper, he trailed his hand down to more effectively pull my leg over his hip as he pressed up against me himself.

  Eyes wide and firmly on his, I realized Beck wasn’t the only one turned on. Oh, boy. I was so out of my league but determined not to show it. Keeping that in mind, I gave Dylan a smile and reached behind me to grip onto one of Beck’s tight ass checks as my anchor and rotated against him. He abruptly surged awake at my actions.

  “Fuck, duckie, I’m sorry.” Making it apparent that I wasn’t, I repeated the move. “Oh hell, you might not want to keep that up.” He sounded out of breath and slightly pained. Must have been a heck of a dream.

  Dylan took the opportunity to swoop in for a kiss, and I gave as good as I got, as both of us rubbed up against the other.

  “So, that’s how it is, huh?” Beck finally got clued in. I gave a small giggle and shimmied back against him again.

  Taking that as permission, Beck started nibbling the back of my neck while one hand crept up my stomach under my top to reach my breast. Slowly moving until he reached my nipple, he made me want more. I grabbed his hand and placed it firmly over my aching tip. Dylan took his cue and slid his hand around to the back of my thigh. He paused and waited for permission. I breathed “yes”, and his fingertips slid from behind into the crevice between my legs. Encountering a lack of panties, Dylan groaned.

  “Remi you’re not wearing underwear.”

  I think I had managed to shock Dylan.

  “And how would you know that brother?” Beck demanded as he pinched and pulled at my nipple, making me rumble myself.

  “Feel for yourself.” Dylan all but growled at him.

  Beck looked over to catch my eye for permission again, and at my nod, trailed his hand down my front and into the band of my shorts.

  “She’s not wearing underwear.” The gulp from Beck was almost audible.

  Throwing my inhibitions out the door, I gripped the back of his neck and pulled him to me for a scorching kiss. Tangling our tongues as much as our bodies were tangled together. Boldly, their hands moved in together, one from underneath and the other from the top. I moaned when Beck found sensitive places, causing him to thrust against me again. Dylan lightly circled the rim of my opening, teasing me, muttering about how slick I was. Beck dipped a finger down and drew the moisture up to circle around my clit in lazy strokes, while Dylan gently probed shallowly into me with a single digit. Their fingers were bigger than mine and the effect was maddening, making me strain against them for more.

  Getting my arm behind me free enough to trail down Beck’s hard stomach, I paused at the waistband of his pants. When he
picked up the pace with his fingers, I began to ease my own down and quickly encountered the smooth, warm, and slightly wet tip of his erection. Startled, I pulled back some, not having expected to reach him there that soon.

  At the same time, Dylan slid home, stretching me with his finger. He pushed in and out a few times before he added a second. I tensed at the fullness until he gently moved, easing me into it. Tilting his hand, he put pressure on the front walls of my sex, making me clench around him and press up into his hand.

  At a strangled sound from Beck, I realized my grip had tightened. As I loosened my fingers, he started pumping into them and ramped up his own movements on my clit. With my free hand, I pulled Dylan into a hard kiss that muffled us both. Then I trailed my hand down until I slipped into Dylan’s bottoms to start stroking him in time to the thrusts from Beck. Soon we all reached completion. I was the first to go panting and moaning softly into Dylan's mouth, while Beck followed and bit my shoulder to keep his shout dulled. Dylan had buried his face into my neck, jerking his hips unevenly.

  I never knew they would swell and throb like that. They made such a mess. I couldn't really say much, as I was wet enough for audible noises, and my thighs were slick with my arousal. I thought I should have been embarrassed, but I wasn't. These were two of my best friends, and they'd just given me an amazing experience.

  “You alright, love? “Dylan sounded unsure at what my reaction and answer would be. Beck was tensed up behind me as well, for once not throwing a joke out.

  “I'm better than fine. I've never done this with anyone before. It was very...nice.” It had been better than nice, but I wasn't sure how to convey that. “I do think I need to clean up, though. There seems to be a lot of mess involved in all this.”

  “Mess is accurate, if unimaginative. But I won't burn your ears. I'm glad you liked it, Duckie, and glad you shared in it with us.” Beckett was never so serious. I knew he meant every word. “So, let's go clean this up and hope we weren't overhead.”

  Oh, shit! I hadn't even cared about that, as caught up as I had been between them. I had tried to keep it quiet, but mortification set in anyway. And now that I thought that, what was between us? Were they my boyfriends? Just friends having a good time?

  I pondered and worried as we went one at a time to the bathroom. Thankfully, it was attached to the guest room. I got to take my turn first and took my shorts off. No point to even try to wear them now. Unable to figure out any other option, I’d slipped quickly out the bathroom door to grab a pair of panties from my bag. The guys glanced my way but were gathering their own things and hadn’t commented. I’d have bet they had the same issue. Back in the bathroom, I had a quick rinse with a washcloth from under the cupboard and slipped the panties on.

  Knowing the guys were waiting their turn, I hadn’t dawdled, but had taken a quick minute to splash my flushed face with cool water and pat it dry. I opened the door to hushed voices and paused uncertainly in the doorway as I watched them argue. I must have made a noise, because they looked up and stopped talking. Dylan poked at Beck and said something I couldn't hear as he made his way over to me.

  “Did I do something wrong?” I felt on the verge of tears. I was obviously the topic of their discussion.

  “No, love, just a disagreement.” Dylan slipped his hand behind my head to grip my nape. He dipped down to drop a brief kiss on my still swollen and sensitive lips. “We've not done anything like that before, together, and we just needed to straighten a few things out. Beck, talk to her.” He gestured toward his brother, then went into the bathroom and shut the door.

  Unobtrusively as possible, I went to my bag and put my shorts in with my other dirty clothes before going to the bed to face Beck. Before I could get nervous, he pulled me to his chest with his arms wrapped around my torso.

  “What's going on, Beck? Dylan said I didn't do anything wrong but I'm starting to feel like I did.”

  “No, not at all. We don't do this type of thing. And Dylan wanted me to disclose some stuff after what just happened.” He paused, and I braced for something bad. “I like guys. I like girls too. Obviously. Dylan thought you should know. Not that I didn't think you shouldn't know. I didn't– don't, think you'd care either way.” He really was adorable, tripping all over himself, and I had to refrain from giggling at him. “What I'm trying to spit out is I've been flirting a bit with a guy at school and then we came here. Dylan said, and I agree with him, that you deserve full disclosure.”

  “What does that mean for us? Is there an us? Was this just a good time between friends? I'm really confused.” I let it all out so he knew where I was coming from. The bathroom door opened, and Dylan joined us.

  “No, we want it to be more. That's what we were discussing,” Beck went on. “We do have limited contact while we're at school, though. We’re not sure how that will work, or if you even want to put up with us. We can make phone calls. We only get to leave once a month on a pass. We can lose them, too. So, you wanna? Be with us, I mean?” I should have known Beck couldn't keep it serious the whole time.

  “Yes, I wanna!” I gave into impulse and tackled him, knocking him back onto the bed. I straddled him and glanced behind me for Dylan who wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

  “You're sure? We'd understand if you aren't. And we'd still be friends.” Dylan's voice rumbled through his chest into mine.

  “I'm very sure.” Happy and content, I began to get drowsy. We got back into bed, this time just for cuddles and sleep.


  “Hold up! You did what?! Girl, seriously, you've been holding out on me. So, that explains the necklace. But how did it all go to shit from there?”

  My bestie looks torn between demanding more and being patient for the rest of the story. Sitting cross legged on her bed facing each other, I can tell she's excited for more of my drama. I go to play with the locket on its chain when I remember I left it back at Elliot's.

  She notices my movement and gives me sad eyes. “Alright, I want to know what happened for you to take that off. You only take it off for work and showers.”

  She's not wrong, and I feel a bit naked without it. I'm not sure I'd feel the same comfort with it any longer, though. They knew where I was, how to contact me, and they didn't. I don't know what to think about that.

  With a long sigh I get back to the bitter end of me, Beck, and Dylan.


  "Tattoo? I'm going to buy a black light." I'm mumbling to myself but it's loud enough Dylan hears and swats me.

  "I don't think she ever told anyone,” he says. “Besides, she's your girlfriend now. Not ours." His delivery is bitter, and I know my best friends, my family, are hurting.

  "What even happened? On your guys' end? You, too, Ethan. I can't convince her to come back here if there's a reason for her to stay away."

  I instantly have Beck and Ethan's attention. Dylan is still glowering at the items on the nightstand. Beck, forever the outspoken one in our group, responds first.

  "You'd bring her back?" At my nod he continues, "Why? What if one or more of us wanted her still?"

  Like it wasn't already apparent there were still feelings all around.

  I tug at my short blond hair, trying to word this in a way that won't break up my family.

  "I'm in love with her. Obviously. I also saw her reaction when she saw you all. Whatever went down before caused her to run out of here. I won't drag her back to be uncomfortable."

  Ethan clears his throat and says, "I'm not sure she should come back. She fucked me over. Well, us over, since I'm putting the pieces together that you all got told to stay away, too."

  I'm really confused now, so they take turns explaining. They had all gotten letters saying to leave her alone, that she just wanted to forget all about them. That what had happened between them was a mistake. She was lonely, etc... None of them go into detail, but it sounds like she ghosted them. Number changed, emails, and snail mail marked ‘return to sender or undeliverable.’

  I'm shaking my head before they even finish. "Remi isn't like that. I doubt she would have had those drastic changes to her personality, then switched back again more than once. You guys need to talk to her. Tell her and let her explain. I'll go over later and see if I can help."

  I take a big breath in and then let it out. "I can't believe I'm even going to say this, but I won't interfere. If she's still into one of you. Or all of you– Fuck." I can't lose her now, and if everything that went down was a misunderstanding, there's a very real possibility of that happening. "Don't hurt her. If you can't make up or at least be friends just walk away. We're still family, that won't change. We'll still work together, too. I plan on marrying her one day. So, this needs to get fixed."

  "Are you proposing a time share?" Dylan is incredulous.

  "Well, how did you and Beck plan on it working?" I shoot back. That one has him stumped.

  From Beck, "I thought you weren't sharing?"

  "I panicked. What else should I have done, not stake my claim?" They all shake their heads. "Okay, depending on what Ethan has to say. After you two finish, let's just be open to that being an option."

  Chapter Five

  In the past…


  I heard a phone ringing and realized it was my mom's ringtone. Rapidly coming awake, I disentangled myself from the boys and grabbed the phone from my bag on the dresser. Anxiously, I answered it, knowing it wasn't going to be pleasant. I had talked to Mom last night; I didn't know why she'd be calling this morning again. Unless something was wrong. With a lump of dread in my throat I pushed out a falsely cheerful greeting.

  “Hey, Mom, what's up?”

  “Remi, where are you?” Mom didn't beat around the bush.

  I answered evasively. “Just hanging out with friends. Why? Is something wrong?”

  It was worth a try, right?

  “Oh, good I was worried something had happened when Mrs. Grant called and said you weren't home when she just went to check on you.”


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