Third You Die (kevin connor mysteries)

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Third You Die (kevin connor mysteries) Page 8

by Scott Sherman

  I started to get a little worried. “COD?” I asked. You don’t live with a detective without learning some of the lingo.

  “Too soon to say,” Tony answered. “Although we know he was dead before he was dropped in the river. No water in the lungs.”

  “What do you know about the vic?”

  “Not much. We’re pretty sure whoever put him there never meant for him to be found. He was nude. There was a rope around his ankle, and we’re assuming it was tied to something to anchor him down. But the rope either caught on something or got nibbled through by a cooperative fish or two. The body got free and floated to the surface. Lucky break.”

  Things weren’t going well when that counted as good luck. “So, no ID at all?”

  “We know a little. Guy was probably mid-thirties. Dark complexioned. Too much bloating and decomposition to tell much else at this time. Maceration was-hey, are you sure you want to hear this?”

  “Yeah,” I croaked, unconvincingly. I threw in a “sure, go ahead” to add conviction.

  Tony sounded skeptical. Well, more skeptical than usual. Occupational hazard. “You know what maceration is?”

  I couldn’t help it. “No, but if you let me slip my hands down your shorts, I can try and figure it out.”

  Tony laughed. “It’s not as much fun as that, unfortunately. It’s the process of how things soften in liquid. In this case, human skin. After a few days underwater, the skin starts to saturate and peel away in long strips. Every hour, we lose more identifying features. The epidermis detaches and we’re left with bone and muscle. After a week-”

  “I get it,” I interrupted. This was starting to sound more grisly than I wanted to hear. Besides, what few details Tony’d shared dismissed my worst fear-that the victim was Brent.

  “Mr. Sensitive,” Tony teased.

  “Guilty,” I admitted. “I am really sensitive. Especially when you run your tongue along my-”

  “Gotta go,” Tony said, his voice cracking like a teenage boy’s. “See you later.”

  I imagined him sitting at his desk, red-faced and awkwardly turned on. There were many things I loved about Tony, not least of which was how easy it was to get his motor going.

  Who’s Mr. Sensitive now? I thought, smiling.

  A few months ago, if Tony had said he was “working late,” I’d have been worried. We’d agreed to an open relationship. In theory, I had no problem with it.

  What I didn’t like was the lying and evasiveness that accompanied it. There was a stretch back then when he was becoming increasingly unavailable. There were more and more late nights at the office and pretty thin excuses. I was convinced he wasn’t just playing the field a bit-something I felt he was entitled to after a long, monogamous marriage and a frighteningly scarce sexual history, but seeing someone in a more serious manner. Having another relationship that mattered.

  Turned out I was right-but the boy he was seeing was his son, Rafi, whom he’d kept secret from me. When he finally introduced us, it was kind of a breakthrough for our relationship. But it hadn’t gone as far as I’d hoped, and I was tired of being known to Rafi as Tony’s “friend.”

  Which brought me back to Kristen LaNue and my fantasies about him. How liberating would it be to be with someone who accepted me as I am, dick and all?

  Now I was the one thinking of cheating.

  Or was Kristen just another person on whom I was projecting what I wanted? Outside of our brief interactions, I knew nothing about him. Maybe in his private life, he was as deeply closeted as Tony. Or he was a total creep who never picks up the check and leaves the bathroom without washing his hands.

  Or, god forbid, he was a plushie.

  Could I make a purple dinosaur costume work?

  I wouldn’t mind finding out. Not if I’d look good in a purple dinosaur costume, mind you. More about Kristen.

  Probably not a good idea.

  Okay, no more dwelling on the sexy Latino who seemed kind, charming, rich, and into me. Because who’d want to think about him when I could imagine skin dissolving off corpses at the bottom of the river.

  Or not. No, I needed to see some skin, but the kind that was attached, and lots of it.

  Now that I’d cleared it with Tony, I could place the call that would make that happen.



  “You’re asking a single gay guy if he has any Brent Haven movies in his collection?” Freddy wondered incredulously when I called. “That’s like asking a fat guy if he has ice cream in his freezer.”

  “Well, I assumed you had the ice cream, chubby,” I answered. “I guess I didn’t know that Brent’s movies were also membership requirements. So, can I come over and watch a few?”

  “What’s the matter, Tony not putting out for you these days? Bed death already? It’s only been a few months. What are you two, lesbians?”

  “That’s a mean stereotype about lesbian relationships petering out on the sex front,” I objected. “I know some women who-”

  “I was just joshing,” Freddy said. “What, I can’t joke about lesbos, but you can call me ‘chubby’? Double standard much?”

  I knew he wasn’t really mad. “I’m just trying to get to know Brent better.”

  “I suppose you could do that by watching him on video getting tag-teamed by Lucas Fisher and Hugh Jestman,” Freddy observed. “Or you could, I don’t know, call him. Didn’t you say he gave you his number?”

  “He did, but-”

  “I know, why bother talking when you can form the deep emotional connection that only comes from seeing someone anally penetrated by a large vibrating egg? In my opinion, more friendships should start that way.”

  “Like yours don’t,” I said. “Besides, I’d prefer talking to him. There’s just one problem.” I filled Freddy in on Brent’s disappearance and my efforts to find him.

  “Oh. My. God,” Freddy intoned. “That beautiful child. You’ve done it again.”


  “Gotten another one killed.”

  “Killed? Who said anything about killed?” I ran through all the other possibilities for Brent’s absence, my theories and the ones offered by the guys at SwordFight Productions.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Freddy responded. “And maybe he grew wings and flew to the moon, too. Let’s be honest, sugar. Boys who go missing around you turn up dead. Terminated. Rubbed out, knocked off, whatever. How many times does this need to happen before you accept that you have the karma of a cadaver dog? You’ve stumbled across homicides like Angela Lansbury when she played Jessica Fletcher, except without her raw sexuality. I’m calling your biography Murder, She Wrote. Again. ”

  “Okay,” I admitted, “maybe I’ve had some weird flukes in that area. But this is New York. It’s bound to happen.”

  “Oh yeah?” Freddy asked. “Who else does any of this shit happen to?”

  “Tony deals with murders all the time.”

  “He’s a homicide detective,” Freddy said. “People call him when there’s a victim; he doesn’t run into one on every other corner like they’re a Starbucks or something.”

  He had me on that one. Not that I’d admit it.

  “Can I come over or what?”

  “Sure,” Freddy said. “What could be more fun than a movie marathon featuring a probably-dead legend o’ porn? We can put on some Amy Winehouse and moon over pictures of a young Patrick Swayze while we’re at it.”

  “Could you stop being so morbid?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe if you pick up some ice cream on your way over. I just ran out.”

  “No problem. You want I should pick up some dinner, too?”

  “Ice cream and dinner?” Freddy asked. “No, darling, the ice cream will be dinner. That way, it counts as one course. What are you trying to do, make me fat?”

  “Uhhh,” Freddy moaned as we watched Brent’s movies on his ridiculously large sixty-five-inch screen while lying on his bed. Freddy lived in a studio apartment, and there was
no couch, sofa, or other chairs. Given his usual definition of “hosting,” there was no reason for such traditional seating. You were either on your way in, out, or in his bed. Why else would he have you over?

  “Oh my god, that’s good,” Freddy groaned. We were watching a particularly sexy scene in a movie called School Gayz. Brent played a prospective fraternity member being rushed by the world’s hottest pledge master. At the moment, Brent was being asked to prove his loyalty to Alpha Gamma Rimya by seeing just how far up his butt he could accept his co-star’s tongue. It didn’t seem like a particularly tough hazing, but who was I to judge?

  “So sweet. So fucking smooth and good. I gotta have it,” Freddy pleaded.

  On screen, Brent groaned. “Gimme more, sir,” he begged.

  Freddy ran a hand over my chest. “Yeah, baby, like he said. ‘Gimme more,’ ” he rasped hungrily, his breath hot against my cheek. “I want more.”

  “Get it your own damn self,” I told him. He was talking about the ice cream I’d brought over. He’d gotten through the first two bowls before the opening credits of the first movie we’d watched were complete. We were now on the third.

  The horrible thing about Freddy was that he could eat crap like this and his body somehow managed to turn it into muscle. Whereas I just look at it and need to double my cardio.

  “I can’t,” he whined. “You’ve killed me. Filled me to the gills with this stuff and now I’m too stuffed to move. You’re going to have to feed me in bed for the rest of my life, as I get fatter and fatter until they have to lift me out of here with a crane. Come to think of it, you may want to get me a bedpan, too. This could get messy.”

  “Okay, that’s just gross. I’ll make you a deal. I’ll get you another bowl if you fast-forward to the next part with dialogue.”

  “Are you retarded?” Freddy asked incredulously, as I got up to fetch his bowl of frozen crack. “You tell me you want to come over to watch porn, and then you ask me to skip the sex scenes? Isn’t this like watching an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie for the acting?”

  “No,” I said from the kitchen, fifteen feet away. “I didn’t say I wanted to watch porn. I said I wanted to get a better sense of Brent through his movies. I’ve already seen him have sex with a fireman, an adoptive uncle, his baseball coach, and a rugby team. Turns out he has a pretty good-sized cock for such a little guy, he’s admirably versatile, and, given proper inspiration, he can come twice within fifteen minutes. Not much more to learn on that front.”

  I didn’t add the obvious-that Brent was ridiculously hot. He moved with the grace of a dancer. He had a sexual intensity that singed the screen. His body was flawless. His skin was smooth and almost hairless. He had a quality that made you believe that if you touched the TV, you’d feel real skin. He seemed more alive, more vital, than anyone else on the set. I wasn’t much for tattoos, but he had a two-inch silver star on his right shoulder and a ring of matching, smaller stars around his left ankle that really worked for him.

  “You haven’t seen the part where he blows himself, yet,” Freddy said, watching me with greedy eyes as I returned with another bowl of Rocky Road. “Folds himself in half like he’s hinged at the hip.”

  “Sounds like a cinematic classic,” I said, climbing back into bed. “How Spielberg didn’t work that into one of the Indiana Jones movies, I’ll never know. Still, it’s not going to help me figure out where Brent is, is it?”

  “It might,” Freddy mumbled through a mouthful of frozen delight. “It proves he could be hiding in a very small space.”

  I took advantage of Freddy’s involvement with his dessert-excuse me, dinner-to snatch the remote from him.

  “Hey!” Freddy shouted. “That’s my job.”

  I ignored him and fast-forwarded. I sped through a scene in which the school’s star quarterback uses skills he probably didn’t learn on the football field to persuade his professor to change his D grade to an A minus, and another where the crowded action at the campus library’s restroom made me wonder where these boys got any studying done.

  Finally, I came to another scene with Brent. After the bacchanalian excess of the previous footage, this encounter was almost romantically sedate. Brent and another freshman were seated across from each other on twin cots in a dorm room. The walls were covered with posters of muscle cars, bikinied pinups, and popular bands. There was an Xbox, stereo, and bong on the desk, but, curiously, not a book in sight. Further testimony that the library was rarely put to its intended use.

  The boys were complaining about the various indignities being forced upon them.

  “Did he make you, you know, touch it?” Brent asked his co-star.

  “Yeah,” the handsome, shaggy-haired actor answered. He was bigger than Brent, probably about five eleven. More muscular, too. Rounded, plump muscles, like a wrestler’s. Despite his size and weight advantage, though, he seemed submissive to the younger Brent.

  He ducked his head and looked at Brent through dangling bangs. “He did.”

  Brent leaned in, placing his elbows on his spread knees. “And..?”

  Shaggy shook the hair out of his eyes and regarded Brent with a quizzical shrug. “And… what?”

  Brent bit his lower lip thoughtfully. “And… did you… like it?” He idly let his right hand drift halfway up his thigh.

  Shaggy’s chest rose and fell more rapidly as he started to breath heavier. “Kind of. It was all right.” He dropped his hand to his crotch and squeezed.

  “Oh, yeah?” Brent scooted forward on his cot, till his knees touched the other boy’s. Shaggy was almost panting now.

  “Watch this,” Freddy said.

  The boys touched nowhere other than at the knees, unless you counted the heavy eye contact, a come-fuck-me stare from Brent so intense you wouldn’t be surprised if Shaggy spontaneously combusted. They stayed there almost a full minute, silent and motionless, until you wondered why the director was still holding the shot.

  Then you knew. Under Brent’s unwavering gaze, an expanding, twitchingly jerky elongation grew and snaked down Shaggy’s leg. Shaggy was wearing a pair of thin cotton drawstring pants, almost like hospital PJs but white.

  Seeing Shaggy’s dick stretch and grow was like watching one of those stop-motion shots of a flower blooming, but in real time. Soon, Shaggy’s casual confession was betrayed by the untouched but massively throbbing hard-on that now pointed upward, trapped in his pants but with enough room to rise upward and point accusingly at his chin. Shaggy looked at his own lap in surprise-how did that get there? — and Brent’s eyes followed.

  “Yeah,” Shaggy answered, looking at Brent again.

  “Looks like you liked it a lot.” Brent’s tongue flicked across the lip he’d just chewed on. Shaggy’s cock gave another leap and, at its tip, a tiny damp spot leaked through the fabric. It was clear whoever chose Shaggy’s “costume” for this scene knew what they were doing-the pants were loose and sheer enough to conceal the details but hide nothing.

  Shaggy’s eyes widened and his jaw went slack as if he was being hypnotized by the irresistible sexual pull of his friend. Although he was probably a foot taller than Brent and had fifty pounds of muscle on him, he appeared completely at the younger student’s mercy, spellbound and lost in a fog of thickening lust. The dichotomy of this little Brent so completely dominating the muscular, older stud only made the scene more thrilling.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” Freddy said. For once, he wasn’t talking about the ice cream.

  He was right. I’ve seen the “behind the scenes/making of” extras that come with adult films, and they always show the actors “prepping” for their scenes by getting themselves hard just before the camera starts rolling. Either they’re only gay for pay, or they just find it difficult to get excited on the artificial, uncomfortable environment of a movie set. In any case, there’s always a cut before the pants come off to reveal an erection.

  I couldn’t remember ever seeing someone get excited “before your eyes” like thi
s. And it wasn’t just the boner, which now pulsed with a steady intensity that matched Shaggy’s increasingly loud breathing. It was everything-Shaggy’s glazed but somehow alarmed expression, his half-open mouth, the way his body tensed as if about to spring forward or leap away.

  Brent reached out and put just the tip of his finger against Shaggy’s knee. “Did they make you jerk them off?”

  Shaggy nodded.

  Brent’s finger traced a fraction of an inch higher.

  “Did they take off your clothes?”

  “Yesss…” Shaggy hissed. His cock gave another massive lurch and the spot at its tip spread wider, the stain now the size of a quarter.

  Still just teasing with the tip of his finger, Brent slowly ran it up the inside of Shaggy’s thigh, stopping midway between knee and balls. He leaned closer, too, his face inches from his friend’s, close enough that I imagined Shaggy felt his breath against his cheek.

  “Did you get hard?”

  Shaggy groaned. “Maybe.”

  “Maybe?” Brent leaned back an inch.

  “Yes!” Shaggy corrected.

  Brent smiled and brought his other hand inside Shaggy’s legs, too, matching its partner’s placement. He laid them both flat against Shaggy’s thighs, making small circles with his thumbs.

  “Like I’m making you hard?”

  “Yesssss,” Shaggy panted.

  Brent ran his hands higher, up and down, almost touching Shaggy’s balls then sliding back down. Over and over while he made Shaggy talk.

  “Tell me what I’m doing to you, buddy.”

  “You’re making me so fucking hard, man,” Shaggy moaned.

  “Like this?” Brent spread his legs and displayed his own tented shorts.

  “Aw, fuck.” Shaggy sounded like he was going to cry. His hard-on seemed to stretch almost to his navel as it discharged another round of precome, soaking his white pants to the point of transparency, the pinkness of the head now evident against the see-through cotton.


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