Blood Bond: The Anti-Matter Chronicles (The Matter Chronicles Book 3)

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Blood Bond: The Anti-Matter Chronicles (The Matter Chronicles Book 3) Page 12

by P. G. Thomas

  Slowly, a shimmering haze formed by the wall, growing in size until it was over sixty feet tall, creating a huge image of Korg, and the crowd gasped in horror. “The image you see cannot hurt you.” Bending down, when he pushed his hand into the town wall, there was no damage to it. “If you throw a rock at me, it will go right through me. Unless you aim at my feet, then that would hurt me.” The crowd let out a little chuckle.

  “Lying charming bastard.”

  Panry leaned over to Lauren, “I suggest that you silence your commentary, as others now glance at you.”

  The image reached its arms out to the crowd in a welcoming fashion. “My most welcome friends; I am Korgamon Haile, Sub Commander of the Royal House, but please, call me Korg. I am also a goodwill ambassador from the Royal House. I met many of you at the town hall meeting the other night, being shocked to hear of injustices possibly committed by those of the Royal House.” Korg paused so the audience could become accustomed to the large image that now addressed them, “All good stories should start at the beginning. So shall this one. A very long time ago, more than five hundred years, my homeland of Darkpaye gave birth to a horrible plague, which devastated our populations and lands. Over time, we found the source and eliminated it, or we thought we did. At that point, most of our people had fallen to the disease. When first beset by this terrible infliction, there was so much that we failed to understand, and ignorance is a terrible curse. Large populations were evacuated, and entire towns burnt down, attempting to stop the plague. Forests, crops, and more, we put to the torch, hoping to slow its horrific onslaught. Over time, we built up immunities to the disease, and we even found some cures for the early stages of it. I was born into a nomadic nightmare of a famine-filled life, always running from one outbreak, hoping that we never ran into a new one. By the time we had achieved victory over the plague, the beautiful country that I had seen in my youth was a wasteland. Displaced masses, like that town of hope behind Alron, also sprang forth in Darkpaye. With our lands withering under our feet and our empty mouths many, we turned to the seas for help. There we found food but not enough. We had a long history of sea fairing before the lands withered, so we cast our vision to the horizons, hoping to find new resources, so we could rebuild. Our lands were rich with minerals and metals, and in our younger days, we capitalized on those assets. With so many dying of exposure and hunger, we filled our ships with those mineral and metal resources, looking for trade. We needed so much, but most of all, we needed hope. Ships sailed in every direction, but in truth, few returned. It was here in Calicon that we found the hope that we so desperately looked for.” Korg stopped for a second, wiping a tear from his eye, “We still tell the stories of the first ships that saw the horizon broken, not by land, but by buildings, of seeing smoke rise, not from chimneys, but from civilization. Our sailors had found many deserted lands with plentiful food, but it would take too long to harvest it. We needed somebody who had plenty, who would help those less fortunate. We found those people in Calicon. Children that now go to school with full bellies sing praises every morning to you.” Stopping, he wiped away several visible tears.

  Panry was unsure what curses Lauren uttered under her breath, but as she bit into her lip, he saw a small trickle of blood running down her chin.

  “Great people of Calicon, this is where we did you wrong. We took great precautions ensuring those that sailed on our ships were plague free, but we must have let our guard down. With our lands beginning to prosper, our populations were reclaiming their heritage. As I said, the damage we did to our homeland was great. While forests were growing back, they were not ready to harvest. The ground, poisoned by fires and more, its crops were sparse. We emptied the vaults, bringing the gold that was unable to comfort us, to the shores of Calicon where we could purchase the necessities we required, and hope blossomed once again for us.” Korg took a deep breath, “It was a few years ago, some of our sailors informed their captains that they thought they saw signs of plague. This horrifying news they sent to the Royal House. We could not believe that we had now inflicted those who had saved us with the same curse. On following trips, we sent over qualified men to investigate, and the news that the Royal House received tore them apart. The thought that others would have to endure what we had, when it was our fault, the Royal House would not hear of it. We formed a plan to contain the threat, sending over medicine and our best healers, hoping they would arrive in time. After our lead ship had docked on the Bright Coast, they headed straight to your local governments. Confessing our sins, we made our apologies, but we stayed instead of leaving. We advised on how we were going to quarantine the Bright Coast to stop the epidemic. We advised how we could control it, finding those infected and cure them. Your citizen governments welcomed the support, helping to establish the initial containment, but they declined to send out warnings until that containment ring was in place. They were afraid that those infected might be scared, crossing into the Newlands. We strongly suggested they word the message differently, issuing the necessary warnings on what was happening. They were hesitant at first, but when the plague spread, so did the warnings or so we thought. Maybe they never did send them out, but I will send word back to the Bright Coast, seeing if any can shed light on this matter.”

  The image of Korg looked down to the ground, “Then my displaced friends, this is where we did you wrong a second time. When the Royal House heard this news, they commanded me with their strongest conviction that I should apologize to all for our arrogance. They further commanded me to tell you that they will not rest, sparing no expense until we eradicate the plague. What we failed to realize when we first spotted it, it had changed, transformed. We think it may have even found new hosts here in Calicon, which helped it to spread faster. We called for more troops, spreading the containment rings farther, but we always came across entire settlements that had been devastated by the plague. We were shocked at how fast it moved. In many towns, we arrived before the plague, and those lucky ones, we escorted back to the Bright Coast where we had a solid line of defense. It does cause my heart much pain, but I do have to inform you, the loss of life in the Newlands was great.” Pausing to regain his composure, he tried to push the tears back, “However, I do bring good news. The plague has now been contained to the center strip in the Newlands. We even believe the lower Newlands within the year will be plague free, and those who called it home will be able to return, possibly sooner. Now, many of you know that the fort in the pass burnt down. When we heard that news, we were devastated. Especially since the initial reports suggested that plague-infected soldiers caused it. Having the plague contained in the center of the Newlands, when we thought it had an escape route to the west, we expedited troops here to rebuild the fort, trying to stop its migration into the west.” Korg let out a sigh, “There was a mistake or lack of communications. The force we sent here was to protect you, but some thought it was here to harm you. I should have arrived first, bringing this message to you, but my ship had to take shelter from a storm. My troops arrived before I did, and with their concern so great for what was happening, they never waited for me. I can understand how that happened, and after listening to the meeting the other night, I now know that rebuilding the fort is not a priority, rebuilding the trust between Calicon and Darkpaye is the most important element that I can construct. Thankfully, your Earth Mothers were able to block the pass, and we are safe from the plague, but there are other issues here, which I feel very strongly about and need to investigate. The fine citizens of the west have spoken, and I heard stories that pained my heart greatly, but right now, I will accept your word without dispute. I heard about the attack on the northern town, and of Royal House agents working in collusion with your mayors, but for what reason I am uncertain. That your beloved Earth Mothers were also attacked. If there are wrongs done here, then it is my responsibility to investigate those charges, bringing forward any that have darkened the Royal House name, so they will receive a swift and just punishment.” Korg
took another deep breath, “We have also heard about the discomfort in the west. We had sent provisions, shelter, and clothing, but our ships ran into a strange storm, but within the month, a new shipment of aid should be arriving. I will be holding a meeting with your local citizen government, seeing how the Royal House can best rebuild our relationship with the fine citizens of Calicon, who gave us so much help and so much hope. If you would like to talk with me in the meantime, we are staying at the inn run by Pintar. If I am not available, one of my junior officers will listen to you, reporting your exact words back to me. Once again, Darkpaye and the Royal House are extremely sorry for the grief we have inflicted on you. We are doing everything within our powers to re-establish your lands like they were before this terrible incident, and we will continue to make restitution, waiting for that day when Calicon forgives Darkpaye. Thank you.” After speaking his last word, the giant image winked out, and the crowd began to murmur.

  Chapter 11

  The small group of forty formed a circle, repositioning themselves around Lauren, who looked like she could chew lead and spit bullets.

  “So can we go home then?” Everybody turned to Logan, “Well, you heard the guy. It’s all just a big misunderstanding.”

  Lauren scowled, “When they jumped off of their horses and beat you, did they leave you with permanent brain damage? Now you want to go join their softball team?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t mind taking a baseball bat to Korg, but I was kidding. You’re always so damned serious.”

  Lauren scanned the group, “Seriously, how do we even stand a chance against Captain Special Effects. Mirtza, can you do magic like that?”

  “No, Earth Mother, but I would be curious to know how he does it.”

  “Well, he’ll be at Pintar’s for the rest of the week. Go ask him.”

  “Earth Mother, I would never do that. I was just curious.”

  Nur gave a nervous cough, “His message, I heard it both in elf and midlander.”

  “Dwarf spoken also,” added Aaro.

  Lauren shook her head, “We are so screwed; those big puppy dog eyes, alligator tears, and apologies, but not just any apologies, apologies commanded by the Royal House. Then, little children with full bellies sing praise to Calicon. I thought I was going to puke.”

  “What are alligator tears?” asked Arora.

  John replied, “An alligator is a large ancient reptile where we come from. It has a huge mouth of large carnivorous teeth designed to rip meat off of bones, which waits under the water for unsuspecting prey to take a drink, and then it launches itself forward. When those teeth latch on, it starts to roll in the water, trying to break bones or drown its victim. As it does that, it cries.”

  “Is Korg be one of these alligators?” asked Brook.

  John shrugged his shoulders, “I’ll call him a monster, a very confident, intelligent, educated, and slick monster, but a monster none the less. When he’s ready, he’ll launch his attack, but until then, he’ll be patient, waiting until everything is just right. Lauren, I think we should head north, taking refuge in the north pass settlement.”

  “No, John, I’m done running. Even if we did, in a few weeks, that con artist would be up there putting on the same show for them. Hell, Pintar will probably have letters in the post tomorrow heading north to spread his lies. That which we created to help us, now works against us.”

  “I can misplace those letters, Earth Mother.”

  “No, Pintar, just make sure you put them on the slow horses.” When the majority of the crowds had dispersed, Lauren stood, “We may as well head back while the town is still named Alron. John, we aren’t going to win this battle with words. You may have been the debate captain at school, but you’ve met your match in Korg. We need to find evidence that the Royal House is a threat, and we’re going to need it soon. If they can have a new shipment here within the month, they’ll also have new troops here to aid in the disbursement of the aid they bring. However, I have a bad feeling that it’ll be first aid to help those who didn’t die.”

  Once they returned to the house, they sat defeated in the backyard. The cook had found a source for a new fruit wine, but it did little to remove the sour taste in their mouths.

  Zack, wandering down when he heard the bickering from the backyard, carried a chair over, so he could sit beside Nur. “Your friend Korg had his own room at Pintar’s, center back section. He has ten guards with him, two per room, and all facing the street. There are also four lackeys with him in the opposite rooms. There’s an odd Dude in the first room, and I don’t know who or what is in the last room because the curtains remained closed. Pintar, sorry, Dude, I chewed a hole through your roof so that I could get in the attic to listen. When Panry told me that his men watched the roof, I didn’t want to take a chance running from window to window, playing peeping tom. I was in that hot attic all night listening, and none of them spoke a single damn word. It was like they were afraid the walls had ears. One guard stayed there this morning, and I finally gave up trying to get into their rooms, heading back over after you guys left. So how was the show?”

  Lauren grabbed the hair at the sides of her head and pulled, “Aww!”

  Filling his glass, John drained it, “Korg is a master wordsmith. Every phrase calculated. Every thought controlled. Every tear delivered on cue. He led the entire crowd on a journey from misunderstanding to clarity. I think there was even a large group that felt sympathy for the freaking invader. He admitted what they did, and even though it was supposedly an accident, he apologized several times to the crowd. If it weren’t for the fact that those black-clad bastards whipped me to within an inch of my life, I might even believe him. Worse yet, he knows magic.”

  Lauren pulled on her hair harder, “Aww!”

  “He amplified his image and voice so that everybody could see and hear him,” continued John. “Even though we were miles back, we saw and heard everything and the delivery, I’m sorry Lauren, but it was flawless.”


  “If Korg were a used car salesman, he could sell you a lemon for ten times its worth, and still make you feel so bad for him, that you would give him more money. I mean—”

  “Shut up, John! Just shut up, shut up.”

  “I’m sorry, Lauren.”

  “It’s not you I’m mad at. Yes, his elocution was outstanding. Choosing fancy words isn’t going to get us out of this mess. Gingaar, you spent a lot of time with Earth Mother, are there any plant-based options to make them tell the truth?”

  “Not any that I know of. If an unspoken truth exists, an Earth Bond can bring it forth.”

  “Yes, but the Royal House bastards are immune to Mother. What about plants that will make their blood boil or their eyes explode?”

  “Mother’s plants heal and do not inflict damage. I will check with the others to see if they know of any plants that will help.”

  “Can we invite them out to the mountain valley, letting them examine the dead Royal House out there for evidence of plague, as I feel like letting off some steam.” Everybody smiled, secretly hoping that Lauren was joking. Each frustrated, returned to the house for rest, hoping dreams would bring them answers.


  The next morning, Lauren sat at the table with her head in her hands, smelling the hot bean juice and fried meats on the plate, but her appetite had left with her hopes. Any other day she would have gone for a walk through the town. While some of the people may have feared her, and others may have respected her, today they would label her an outcast. With nothing to counter Korg’s lies, she sat in the backyard, wondering how she could fight a battle of words. After an hour, she moved to sit under one of the larger trees, trying to pray to Mother, the one who had promised to guide her; the one that continued to ignore her.

  After lunch, Ryan walked over to join her on the grass, “There’s a line outside of Pintar’s over one hundred strong. Everybody is trying to talk to the Royal House, but Korg isn’t there. I think he went dow
n to the town hall to talk to the mayors. I sat inside listening for a couple of hours, and most of the people are curious about their families. The Royal House agents are taking notes and asking questions, but all of the questions are plague based.”

  “It doesn’t surprise me. If Korg could tell me about my parents, I might even go ask him. Family is a pretty strong motivator.”

  “I talked to the guards at the front gate,” began Ryan. “A couple of the Royal House guards rode out to the old fort to investigate. They could be gone for a couple of weeks if they go to the end of the valley. I’ll let Zack know because he should be able to figure out which room they were sleeping in, and maybe he can sneak into it.”

  “Korg is moving even faster than when we came into town. It took me a month to turn the citizens in my favor, but he did it in a few days.”

  “I’m not surprised, Lauren. The spies and traitors here would’ve sent reports back about you. He may not know you by sight, but he knows about you. You screwed up their plans big time, hurting their cause, so they would’ve to send in a superior player to match you. If they just sent in Joe Tough Guy, somebody who started barking orders, then everybody would believe and back you. Instead, they send in Dr. Korg.” Then in a deep southern drawl, Ryan added, “I’ll help you understand why you need to love me.”

  “So then how do I beat up the most popular kid in school, chasing him out of town, and make all of the other kids like me again?”

  “I’ve no idea. He can’t come straight at you, as that would turn the town against him. Korg has to be curious on how we stopped so many armies, especially when we don’t have one. That alone has to be driving him crazy. Then he has to have reports about a little girl with lots of friends, who killed their spies and ran their traitors out of town. He has probably been able to spot you just by looking for the largest crowd. I think right now, he’s still gathering information. Give him some time, and let him think we have given up. Maybe at that point, he will slip up.”


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