A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two Page 1

by J. L. Clayton

  This is a work of fiction. The events and characters described herein are imaginary and are not intended to refer to specific places or living persons. The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

  A Blaze of Magic

  Chosen Saga Book Two

  All Rights Reserved.

  Copyright © 2015 J. L. Clayton


  Cover Photo © 2015 J.L. Clayton. All rights reserved - used with permission.

  This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  Book 2



  Chapter One: This Was a Nightmare

  Chapter Two: Guardians

  Chapter Three : Nathaniel and Lilly’s Story

  Chapter Four: Dulcedo

  Chapter Five : Crossing Over

  Chapter Six : Crispin

  Chapter Seven : Callamose

  Chapter Eight : Dragons

  Chapter Nine : Meeting the Council Elders

  Chapter Ten : Receiving power

  Chapter Eleven : Oz

  Chapter Twelve : Oh it’s on

  Chapter Thirteen : Oz was in trouble

  Chapter Fourteen: Cypher

  Chapter Fifteen: Testing my Nifty Magic

  Chapter Sixteen: Going up in flames

  Chapter Seventeen: Finding Out Who the Dream Voice Belongs to

  Chapter Eighteen: Crispin

  Chapter Nineteen: Caged

  Chapter Twenty: Eeny-Meeny-Miny-Moe the Kidnappers

  Chapter Twenty One: Jace

  Chapter Twenty Two: Nikko

  Chapter Twenty Three: Charlie

  Chapter Twenty Four: The Traveler

  Chapter Twenty Five: Jace & the Moving Island

  Chapter Twenty Six: Nikko & Tru

  Chapter Twenty Seven: Asher’s Blood Bond

  Chapter Twenty Eight: Jace, Subrand & Eli

  Chapter Twenty Nine: Charlie’s last blood bond

  Chapter Thirty : The ring

  Chapter Thirty One: Invisibility

  Chapter Thirty Two: Busting out

  Chapter Thirty Three: Quilisa

  Chapter Thirty Four: Charlie & Jace

  Chapter Thirty Five: Marked by a Fairy

  Chapter Thirty Six: Crispin & Nikko

  Chapter Thirty Seven: A Messed Up Homecoming




  Deep in the heart of the supernatural realm.

  Is a mystical city of twinkling lights and golden streets unbound.

  Angels of Callamose spread their wings far and wide.

  Harkening anew, a prophecy.

  One of fate that no longer awaits.

  Power will surge within her.

  Heedless of their call.

  Callamose, Callamose, the divine city knowing all.

  With each approaching step Callamose calls begging for a taste.

  With each step closer he watches, he waits.

  All the power she receives just might destroy him in the end.

  However, Callamose remained a magical place.

  Written By J. L. Clayton

  Book 2


  Crispin clinched the now dead, human spine of Max in his hand. Blood and bits of bone made a disturbing wet sound as it splattered onto the floor. He sat, longing on his throne, oblivious to the stench, mess, and everything else around him. Crispin was lost in thought, not believing that one of his own had betrayed him—and with a human nonetheless. He could not dispute his own powers. After all, he was the one that had uncovered the truth. As he sifted through Max’s mind, Crispin had seen what he needed to see. The evidence was as clear as the sky on a sunny day. He wondered aloud, “How could one of my loyal servants betray me without my knowledge? How did I not know?” He clinched his fist tighter, narrowing his eyes. “Ah, yes!” Crispin nodded his head.

  “Her!” He growled under his breath, slinging the reminder of his foolishness to the floor.

  The plopping wet, sticky sound had Crispin smiling. Yes, it was her fault that one of his followers strayed. Yes, her fault, all her fault. “Her fault! Her fault! Her fault!” He chanted. “Oh, but what do I do to beings that are at fault?” The look on his face was frighteningly beautiful yet triumphant. “Why, I punish them, of course!” Crispin chuckled sinfully, licking his lips, already tasting her fear, knowing that the punishment would be a pleasurable pain. “She will want me to stop, all the while begging me to never let it end!”

  First, before punishing her, Crispin had to take care of his betrayer. With his mind, he summoned everyone into the throne room.

  One by one, Crispin’s cannon fodder entered and knelt before him. “Now, it’s time to find out where my little betrayer is, and who else might be betraying me as well.” He spoke low and seductively, sending shivers up and down their bodies.

  Indeed, it was time for a little “entertainment” Crispin thought, as he ripped through their minds. He was cruel, giving no consideration or compassion to the impact this was having on them. One by one they fell to the floor screaming and crying, clutching their heads in agony. A handful rolled up into the fetal position, while others just pleaded with him to stop. However, his warriors accepted the pain. To them, this was just another day. Nevertheless, this was not just another day because it’s not every day one of his own would betray him so easily. Crispin’s eyes glittered maliciously as he watched his followers with amusement. A wicked smile played along his lips. He thought once again how much fun it was going to be playing with her.


  “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but Charlie we are not your biological parents.” Mom said it in a moderately-matter-of-fact-way. Temporarily speechless, I narrowed my eyes at them both.

  What kinda game are they playing? Yeah, right, funny.

  If Mom is trying to come up with a good excuse for moving, this one is awful—it’s one of her least intelligent excuses ever. She must be losing her touch.

  “I am so sorry to tell you this.” I watched in horror as tears streamed down my mother’s cheeks. “Charlie, your parents are no longer with us.”

  I stood up abruptly shaking my head. Dad came over and placed one hand on my shoulder, sitting me back down, all while rubbing my back. Yeah, sure I always thought my parents were not my biological parents . . . But I didn’t expect it to be literal.

  Ah. It was just a thought, nothing more. God!

  I opened my mouth, closed it, then opened it again but Mom stopped me.

  “You said you would listen, so just let me tell you everything then you can speak.”

  Sickened, I nodded, hugging my knees to my chest. I was confused and worried, but I managed to smile and tell her to go on. She might as well not stop now.

  “You are a very special kind of person, Charlie.” Mom paused, collecting herself. “You have special abilities. Natural magical powers if you will. And they have not yet bloomed. In addition to that, your father and I are your chosen guardians.”

  I looked at her and almost smiled. I wondered what she would think if I told her that my magical powers were already blooming, if I said I already had a little bit of magic! I already had a spark of magic. I wonder what she would say then. Hey, I did hear that a little bit of magic can go a long way. I just wonder how far my magic will go when it’s fully bloomed, and when the inferno inside me is set free. What can I do then? What power will I have then? And how totally awesome would that be? Then I did smile.

  Chapter One

  This Was a Nightmare

  I sat there waiting for her to go on while a smug little smile played across my lips. Mom scowled. I knew by the way she was looking at me she thought I didn’t believe her. Oh, but I did! How could I not? Hello, I can effin set my skin on fire. So yeah, I believed her.

  She sighed. “This is going to be harder to explain than I thought.” She cleared her throat. “See, every underage child with your origin of power has a set of guardians to protect him or her.”

  Now I was starting to feel a little confused. The whole guardian thing was just weird. But even though I might look confused, which I most certainly was, I refrained from speaking, asking, or saying anything. Besides, I really didn’t think at this point I could have said one word. Mom looked over at Dad, he shrugged, and she smiled a wry smile my way.

  “Charlie, first of all, let me tell you something about your blood parents. Lilly was your mother’s name. She looked just like you, with long flowing brown hair and bright puppy dog eyes.”

  Mom stopped and pulled out a photo of four young people, two men and two women. She tapped the face of a twenty-something-year-old short petite woman. I studied the photo closely. The petite woman, I assumed, was Lilly - my biological mother. Lilly was holding a brown-haired, green-eyed woman’s hand while smiling up at a tall good looking man whom, I’m guessing, was my biological father. My biological father, if I was right, smiled down at Lilly.

  Wow, this is starting to sound crazy even in my head.

  Looking at him I could see so much joy, love, and reverence in his expression. I was in awe, wondering.

  Did Tru look at me that way? Better yet, did Jace?

  I shook my head. I didn’t need to think about that right now. Swallowing, I focused on the photo once again. On the right hand side of my assumed biological father was a blond, bright blue-eyed man. The blue eyed man had his arm wrapped around my blood father’s shoulders and all four of them looked very happy to be there together in that moment captured in time.

  I felt a sudden tightness in my chest. It was like my heart was breaking, knowing that two of the four were no longer alive. The love in this photo was wonderful, and it hurt me knowing that I’ll never know my real mother and father. It hurt knowing that Janet and Sam, the ones who raised me my whole life, had lost their friends as well. I shrugged the feeling away, looking at my mother and father. The parents who’ve taken care of me my whole life. In the photo of the four, you could tell that the other two were my guardians, but they looked different.

  Why do Mom and Dad look so much different now? Why did they change their looks?

  The contrast was really strange, looking at them in the photo and looking at them in front of me. Yeah, it looked like my parents; but, at the same time it didn’t. You know what the funny thing about this is? It would’ve been more believable that the mother and father in this photo were my parents, rather than the dark hair and blue eyes looking at me right now. At least in the photo, they didn’t look like siblings. I guess I knew all along that Mom and Dad weren’t really my parents. I just did not want to accept it. I shook my head and looked at the photo. I noted Dad was just a hairier, taller version of my blood father, and my mom was the same height as my blood mother. Both mothers had brown hair.

  However, Lilly had long flowing wavy hair and Mom’s hair was short. Lilly had dark brown eyes and Mom’s eyes were olive colored. I looked at my blood father and smiled. He had no hair whatsoever. Don’t get me wrong, he was still nice looking, but it was just funny seeing my biological father without hair standing next to Dad, who had a full head of hair. Sam, the father I know and love, had dark rich velvet blond hair. The blond look was much nicer than the black inked hair he had now and both fathers had the same wonderful bright blue eyes.

  Mom pointed at the man that I presumed was my blood father. “This is your father, Charlie.”

  Aha, my presumption was right. Go me! Go me! Go me!

  But then again, when there are only four people in the photo I was bound to get it, right? “His name was Nathaniel. We loved them both so dearly. They were our family,” She said it with a tinge of sadness, but still managed a smile. “So Lilly found out she was going to have a baby. We were all overjoyed with the prospect of a little Lilly or Nathaniel running around.”

  I grinned. I bet she never thought this little girl would turn out to be the sarcastic-smart-mouth that I am today. Bigger grin!

  Mom shook her head, but the smile she gave me this time was genuine. “Anyway, not long after Lilly’s announcement, Sam and I got a wonderful gift. We found out that we were set to be guardians of Lilly’s and Nathaniel’s child. Naturally, when we learned about this wonderful gift we decided to all celebrate by taking a picture.

  “From that moment on, our lives were intertwined forever. Yet, tragedy struck and your biological parents were killed. And that was when we took on the role of your parents.” I frowned. Mom sighed.

  “To us you are our child. You might not be blood, but in every essence, Charlie, you are ours. We have loved you from the moment you were born. I just wish we didn’t have to tell you what happened. However, it is my obligation to tell you what happened and of course why, of all the times we could have picked, we chose today. Charlie, we are no longer going to keep secrets from you.”

  I looked at her waiting, wanting, needing for her to go on and finish. I was tapping my foot on the floor. Urgency started to creep over my skin. A need that I had never felt before was pulling at my stomach. It was as if I had been waiting for this my whole life. Finally! A part of me was rejoicing.

  My mind was screaming: Yes! Yes! Yes! While my heart screamed, No!

  My heart was too unsure of the outcome and what damage it might bring me, while my mind didn’t give a crap. I sighed in utter disappointment in myself. I was always torn.

  It seemed like I was always in a state of in-between: Who should I pick? What should I do? How should I feel?

  Nevertheless, I know most people are indecisive. However, it just feels like I am more undecided than most.

  Looking at me intently, she said. “Charlie, we have to tell you this now because tonight you will receive powers, which up until now have been lying dormant for sixteen years. Tonight your abilities will merge into you as one body, one spirit and one being. At last, Charlie, you will be complete.” Mom looked at me again eyes wide. She looked sad and happy in that glance. “I know you are dying to ask questions dear. But just know, all these years we’ve lied to you, it was for a good reason. We had to keep you safe from the people that killed your parents, but now you can finally know why. So, please, feel free to ask me whatever’s on your mind. I can finally be honest.”

  Finally! Finally! What a freaking joke. I’ve been asking for this almost all my life, and now it has just been handed to me on a silver platter. Hell, that’s just peachy! Just flipping peachy! Ugh! Oh yeah, now my mom and dad will spill all their deep dark secrets. Sure, because they have to! Shish! Now I was mad, dammit, but I was also curious. I felt sick as well. I really didn’t know how to feel, breathe or speak in that moment. All I knew was that my heart was breaking over the loss of my biological parents. The freaking dream invader guy was right, I have powers and I felt lost.

  What does it mean? Does it mean that my powers are already manifesting? I did shoot fire out of my body for flipping sakes. So what does that mean? Does it mean that some of my powers are already showing, or have they already manifested? If so, how will
it affect me when they weren’t supposed to until my sixteenth birthday? In any case, I’ve decided my life was truly messed up and now my head hurt. Dang, life just gets better and better all the time. What should I feel? I mean, I did just learn a whole heck of a lot. I should feel something, right? Yet, all I felt was empty, a black hole of deep dark hollowness. This blows!

  “Don’t worry, Charlie. Go ahead and ask me. Whatever you need to know, I will try to tell you everything,” Mom encouraged.

  Dad walked around to Mom holding out his hand. She took it great-fully. They gazed at me waiting patiently. In that moment, I could see all the love they felt for one another and for me. There was no doubt in my mind that Sam and Janet were my family. DNA could go screw itself for all I cared. There was nothing that could ever tell me that my parents here in front of me were not my mother and father. However, it seems my curiosity always gets me in the end. I sucked up all the nervous jitters I was feeling and asked.

  “Mom, how did, um, err, my biological parents die?”

  Mom exhaled. She looked up at Dad then back at me and said, “You’re not going to like this.”

  “Well, no duh! That’s the understatement of the century!” I retorted.

  “I’m sorry, that was a poor choice of words, Charlie.”

  “Ya think?”

  She shook her head and continued. “Okay, you know how we feel about Tru, and how reluctant we were for you and him to date?”

  “Yes?” I asked hesitantly, wondering how this would answer my question. “What does Tru have to do with all this?” I waved my hand in the air like a mad person.

  “Charlie…you’ve been around Tru’s family and his tribe, right?” I nodded, growing a little aggravated at this point. “Well, the reason I bring Tru up is because his tribe calls us the followers.” Mom said it nonchalantly, in a way that worried me.

  Followers? Huh? What? Wait a second: light bulb moment, ding! Oh hell! The Traveler... his followers. Eck! Saying I freaked, well that was not quite right. I totally went freaking bat-shit-crazy. Yeah, that sounds more like it! My breaths were coming in fast. Too fast! I closed my eyes trying to calm the sudden ice that was churning through my veins. I felt nauseous and cold. Shockingly disbelieving, I started babbling. “What? Mom? Hold up! I know this story—Tru’s mom told me this story—she said that her ancestor Isha came across an evil person that called himself Traveler. He went on and slaughtered most of Isha’s people. And I’m not anything like the Traveler!” Breathe in, breathe out! Breathe in, breathe out! Oh my… no. No. No. No! “I would never kill, or take someone’s life for the fun of it.” I sucked in a huge gulp of air.


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