A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two Page 23

by J. L. Clayton

  Asher grunted as he bumped into me. “Why did you stop Kitten?” Asher asked looking down at me.

  I rolled my eyes up to meet his. I gave a weak smile; Asher arched his eyebrows as I pointed my hand at the four Clowns and one wicked looking chick standing in our way.

  “I don’t think they’re on our side. What do you think?”

  Asher grinned maliciously. “Hell, Kitten, this is just an appetizer. Leave them to me.” Asher flashed his fangs and charged.

  Chapter Thirty Three


  I watched Asher grab one of the Clown’s by the neck, with a sickening sound Asher twisted and pulled the head right off the Clowns body. Blood flew in an ark over his shoulder, spurting out like lava covering him and the floor. I stepped back watching in horror as the body went limp, it jerked once then hit the ground with a sickly sound. Asher glanced over at me; with a wickedly ferial expression, he threw me a fanged smile. Asher’s eyes were blazing red; he let out a guttural sound and laughed. I shuttered as Asher started savagely ripping the next Clown’s body apart. I felt sick; I quickly turned my head and closed my eyes. I cannot believe this was happening. I can’t believe I was bonded to a monster, but what was I expecting. Vampires are not sweet, Vampires are natural born predators. I was a fool to think any different.

  “Aw, hello there pet. You don’t much fancy watching Asher do what comes natural, now do you?”

  I turned my head to see the girl I’d seen earlier with the Clowns now looming over me. She was stunning, full lips, a slender waist and toned body. Her hair flowed around her in a cascade of curls. She was simply gorgeous. She smiled showing me that she too was a Vamp or maybe in her case, a Vampirella. She put one hand out so I could shake it.

  I shrugged and took her hand.

  She said, “I am Quilisa.”

  Then suddenly, Quilisa shook her head and laughed. The next thing I knew she had me pulled hard against her chest. It happened so fast I didn’t even know she had done it until it was too late. Slowly she wrapped one arm around my waist and spun me so that my back was to her chest now. She squeezed a little, just enough pressure so I wouldn’t be able to move.

  She whispered, “Look at him.”

  Defiantly, I kept my eyes closed. When someone tells me to do something I don’t want to do, I tend to do the opposite. She tightened her grip cutting off my breathing.

  “I said look at him.”

  Slowly, reluctantly, I opened my eyes. What I saw was horrifying; Asher was ripping and tearing open the ribcage of another Clown. The insides of the bad guy’s stomach, intestines and other organs fell out with a nasty thwack. Asher then proceeded to pull the bad guy’s heart out with a jerk. He slowly licked the heart as the Clown, who was still alive, for the moment, watched. Then Asher crushed the heart, the Clown fell over and turned into dust and ashes. I felt sick; oh God I was going to throw up whatever was in my stomach. The carnage Asher was leaving behind was disgusting. Quilisa laughed a deep throaty laugh as several other Clowns swarmed Asher.

  “See that pet, that’s Asher at his best. Now you see what he really is! He is beautiful, right?”

  “No,” I whispered.

  She grunted, “Oh well, more’s the pity. It’s just too bad I have to kill you now. Although, Crispin might get a tad mad at me, but you see I don’t friggin care. Once Crispin’s devotion was for me, and now it seems it’s not. Why do you suppose that is?”

  “Um, I don’t know.”

  “Come now, you know why.”

  “Sorry, no I don’t.”

  I had to keep her talking; I did not want to fight her. I didn’t want one of us to die and I really did not want to be a killer.

  She pushed me down hard. I crouched on my hands and knees. The impact of the fall jarred my body. However, I scrambled to my feet and turned to face her. Quilisa’s eyes had gone red and she looked ready to kill me.

  “Well pet, you took him from me and now I am going to love killing you. I will drain you dry and bathe in your internals.”

  I was freaking out at what she said, but my bravado was starting to kick in as well.

  Yeah, I was stupid.

  I go, “Maybe you lost him because he really doesn’t like bad-breath-fowl mouthed Vampirella’s.” I smiled wickedly.

  Quilisa lunged for me; teeth bared, fingers stretched out like talismans. I did the only thing I thought I could do, I ran. I dove through an open doorway and started dropping the wall’s in my head. I hoped I had enough time to cypher from her power. As I pulled on that metaphysical power, I felt Quilisa’s speed and strength envelope me in a cool blanket of ice water. It was as if I was dunked under the deepest, coldest ocean in the world. My body felt numb as my heart felt like it stopped beating. For a split second I thought I had died, there was no life whatsoever pumping in my veins. I felt this void in my body, it was cold and silent. Was this how Asher felt, alone, cold and lifeless? But I felt his heart. I felt his warmth. Why then, did I feel dead, when he felt alive? I sucked in a deep breath then realized I really didn’t need one. I shrugged, and then felt someone coming at me; I quickly dove out of the way.

  “Why pet, you smell different. You smell, now, as I do and I do believe you just moved as fast as me. How is that possible? How did you take on my smell and my speed?” She spat.

  I shook my head and shrugged.

  “Tell me?” She screamed.

  “Why don’t you come over here and find out.” I sneered.

  Outwardly I was okay, but on the inside I was scared to death that she was going to take my head off like Asher did the Clowns.

  “Fine, it will be more satisfying killing you now that I have a little bit more of a challenge.” She leered.

  I swallowed hard trembling inside. She was by my side in a blink, picking me up by the neck snarling. Quilisa threw me across the room. I hit the wall; which that wasn’t so bad. However, directly behind me was a huge glass mirror. I braced myself for the impact, slamming my hands down to stop the blow as best as I could. The collision jarred my body and shattered the glass behind me. I cut my right elbow and the palms of my hands. I took in a deep breath and slowly stood up to face her on shaky legs. The pain was sharp, but I have had worse, much worse than this. Blood poured down my elbow and puddled around my feet in a dark rich crimson stain.

  “Umm, your blood smells delicious.”

  Quilisa charged me; I had just enough time to pick up a long sharp piece of glass. It happened so fast. Quilisa’s body hit mine, and then the glass slid under her ribs smoothly. Without weighing the consequences, I shoved with all the strength of Quilisa’s own power, and plunged the sharp piece of glass up under her ribcage. Quilisa froze, as the glass pierced her heart. All that was left for me to do was twist and her life would be extinguished.

  “I loved him, you know!” She laughed; it was a harsh guttural sound. “Do it! Do it now. Kill me and end my existence.” I shook my head, I couldn’t do it. “Yes, do it! Remember that you are not so innocent anymore.” She grabbed hold of my hand that was holding the glass.

  My eyes were wide. What was she going to do? Was she insane? This Vamp has totally lost her mind.

  I swallowed and licked my lips. I said, “Quilisa, I-I, umm.”

  She closed her eyes and tightened her hold on my hand. I pulled, trying to let go of the glass. Even so, Quilisa’s grip was firm.

  “Here, allow me to make it easier.”

  Quilisa did the unthinkable. She twisted the glass. A low sigh escaped her now white lips, and with a sad small smile, Quilisa disintegrated into ash and blood.

  It’s funny what love can truly do to a person, how it can make you beautiful or twist your soul. The love Quilisa felt for Crispin twisted her so much that she would rather die than leave without him. Now all that was left of her was the glass, her clothes, ash and blood, lots and lots of blood. I doubled over and threw up then I slid to the floor and passed out. I felt someone shaking me. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to see Ashe
r’s concerned expression.

  Crap on toast.

  I shrugged him off and struggled to my feet.

  I said, “Don’t touch me.”

  Asher frowned, “What?” He looked truly puzzled.

  My God, did he not know? Did he not think I would be totally freaked out after seeing him rip the guards to pieces while liking it? I was glad that my mental walls were up; because I didn’t want Asher to know how much he disgusted me. I didn’t want a Vamp that could easily rip my head off and lick the blood off the floor all the while loving every second to know how I felt just now. Hey, I’m not a total moron.

  “Let’s just find the machine so we can get out of here, okay?”

  Asher studied me for a long moment. He looked me over and down at the floor, nodded and said. “I see Quilisa’s no longer with us!”


  “Good.” Asher nodded again, but this time it was a sad kinda nod.

  Did Asher feel bad that Quilisa was gone? Was Asher going to miss her? Was he mad that I killed her?

  “Um, Asher, about Quilisa . . . I’m—”

  “Look Kitten, Quilisa was bad and you had no choice.”

  That was the end of our conversation, but I thought about her killing herself. Yeah, I had no choice; the choice it seemed was all hers.

  “I think I found the room that will lead us to the machine.” I looked at him, eyebrows raised in surprise. He smiled wryly. “It’s just down this hall and around the corner. If we don’t run into any more trouble, we should be able to destroy the device.” I snorted. Asher shrugged. “We can save whoever is around to be saved, and then you can work your magic and burn this baby down once everyone is out of harm’s way. How does that sound to you Kitten?”

  I grinned, “That sounds flipping fantastic.”

  Asher laughed a throaty chuckle and said,” I thought you might say that.”

  As we were descending, Asher and I collided with Reese, Thorn and Ziggy.

  “Looks like we all found the right location I see.” Thorn sneered.

  “Yeah, it looks that way, sunshine.” I rolled my eyes. “Now all we have to do is get into the room.”

  I eyed the door warily, wondering what was on the other side. I tried the handle. No, it was locked. I looked over my shoulder at the screwed up Scooby gang.

  “Any bright ideas?” I asked.

  Asher pulled a blade out of his back pocket, flicking his wrist as he smiled. I flinched, tamping down on the memories that were threatening my mind. Think of Jace! Think of the flowers. I told myself this as I breathed out slowly. Asher gave me a sympathetic look. I wanted to hit him just then. Curse this blood bond, if not for that Asher wouldn’t know what happened. Asher slid the blade into the lock and with a flick of his wrist the door clicked. We all could breathe easier. There were no bad guys jumping out and no sharp objects protruded from the room ready to impel us. I slowly looked around.

  I had a funny, crazy thought, this reminded me of that cartoon: Dexter’s Laboratory. I was waiting for Dexter’s arch-nemesis Mandark to jump out and laugh his famous laugh. I could hear it now: Aha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!

  If only, but this isn’t a sweet innocent cartoon. This was real and there was nothing sweet and innocent about what I was seeing. The walls were a faint gray color with no windows, so the only light came from the emergency lights. Directly in front of us was a two-way mirror. Also there were hidden cameras that hung on the far wall, obviously to observe the subject’s behavior. In the room beyond the two-way mirror sat a huge machine in the center of the room. Blood stained the walls and floors.

  There were vials of liquid and jars of God only knew what setting on shelves, two huge freezers where in the right hand corner. Also, there was a flat screen, which hung above the machine a little tilted so it was leaning down. The room looked cold. I didn’t want to go in there. I didn’t want to see what was in the jars. I didn’t want to see what was in the freezer.

  No. No. No.

  In the room there was a body lying limp on an operating table connecting it to a machine that I’m assuming was The Machine.

  Horrifyingly, I looked at the creature; its body was torn and opened for everyone to see. The color of its skin was a pasty white, reminding me of glue. Its skin also looked rubbery. It was naked, but you couldn’t tell if it was female or male. Any indication of its gender was gone. Its chest . . . Oh God, its chest had a hole in it. However, the hole stopped at the ribcage, leaving the heart and everything inside untouched. It was as if someone decided to cut only the skin, muscles and ligaments until they reached bone, then they stopped. It had no hair whatsoever on its body and the top part of the head was cut off showing the brain still intact. Its eyelids were cut off so it could never close its eyes and it had no lips. Below the waste, right at its bellybutton there was nothing. A metal sheet was screwed into its sides cutting off any body parts from the waist down. Its bulging eyes seemed to move, reminding me of a scary movie monster, it was sickening. I closed my eyes.

  “Oh my God,” I all but whimpered.

  “Tinkerbelle’s wings,” Ziggy spat.

  Thorn whistled and grunted, Reese cursed something about Oberon and balls.

  “Shit,” Asher sounded disgusted.

  I laughed bitterly, Asher was disgusted, please.

  “Charlie?” Reese looked at me startled, I was glaring at Asher.

  “Kitten, why are you laughing?”

  “Because of you Asher.” I wanted to get mad, and it just so happens Asher was a good enough target to get mad at.

  “Why, because of me?” Asher looked confused.

  “That,” I pointed at the room not looking. I didn’t want to see in there again. “It should be right up your alley! Don’t you just want to go in there and roll around in that poor things blood? Wouldn’t you just love that?”

  Asher’s eyes turned red and he grabbed my wrist hard, snarling when Reese and Thorn tried to stop him. I cried out, not really in pain more in surprise.

  “This is between Kitten and me, back the hell off.”

  Thorn and Reese reluctantly took the hint.

  “I do not enjoy torturing, whatever you may think of me, I would never do that to someone.” I opened my mouth to say he did torture people, but he put a finger over my lips. “Yes, Kitten you saw me kill, and yes it was vicious. I am not going to lie to you and say the monster in me did not enjoy it. However, the good in me hates that part of myself, Kitten if I did not kill them they would have killed us. I could not allow that. I cannot lose you, you’re the Chosen One; I will die in your place before I let that happen.”

  I knew he was right, I knew he had to kill them, but I didn’t have to like it and he didn’t have to like it either. I closed my eyes and started to cry.

  “Shh, Kitten!” Asher put his arm around me; I hung on needing a hug so badly. “It will be alright,” Asher was saying. “There is no need for you to go in here. Why don’t you and the others wait on this side? I’ll destroy the machine and see if there is anyone alive in that room.”

  I was relieved that I didn’t have to go back in there. But I also felt like a chicken. Guilt seemed to crawl up my spine. Yet, I kept my eyes closed, only hearing what Asher was doing. But, the images of that poor creature seemed to be forever seared in my brain now.

  “It’ll be ok.” Reese put his arms around my shoulders.

  “It is done,” Asher announced. “Kitten I need you to work your magic, ok?”

  I nodded. As I let down that wall I called my elements. I saw earth, water, and air, spirit and fire. Slowly I connected with fire. It washed over my body in a warm wave. I knew just then, if I could see myself, I would look like I was glowing a pinkish/reddish color, but still there was no fire. I sighed and opened my eyes to see everyone looking at me in awe.

  “What is it Kitten?” Asher sounded husky. He licked his lips and held himself completely still.

  “I have to get mad, I don’t know why. It is just the only thing that
will make me go up in flames. I haven’t yet learned how to conjure my powers willingly.”

  Asher nodded. “I didn’t want to tell you this, but Kate is going after you’re guardians as we speak. She also told me that someone named Tru will soon be history. Who’s Tru?” Asher asked, but I was too mad to comprehend.

  I will kill her before she can harm the people I love. With that thought in mind, my blood started to boil and the flames licked my skin and with a whoosh of sound I was burning.

  “Here, take this.”

  Asher handed me some kind of clothing and stepped back cringing. Once it was on fire Reese took and threw it into the room where the dead thing lay. Another whooshing sound occurred and the body went up in flames. That was when all heck broke loose. Things started to explode, popping noises sounded and then . . . . Boom! Boom! Boom!

  “Everybody run!” Asher shouted.

  As we ran, I had a bad feeling this wasn’t the right machine, that this was a decoy. I hoped like hell I was wrong.

  Chapter Thirty Four

  Charlie & Jace

  Jace lost sight of Jerold and after that, it seemed like all hell broke loose. Guards that had the face of a Clown surrounded them. There was at least twenty.

  Jace did the math. “Five a piece. Well, this should be fun!”

  “My sentiments exactly,” Oz grinned and changed into his Dragon form.

  “Show off,” Jace muttered.

  Oz just huffed, and started attacking his five Clowns, roaring and blowing green fire with savage intent. The Pixie king pulled out his sword and darted in and out cutting deep into the guard’s body’s. The Pixie king grinned showing his razor sharp teeth and attacked again biting one guard’s wrist so deep you could see bone. The guard could not defend himself, which was all it took for the Pixie king to bring his blade down. He severed the hand clear off.

  Jace cringed.

  The Troll picked up one guard like he was nothing. With a fast movement he snapped the guard’s spine over his massive knee. The guard screamed in pain. The Troll then snapped his neck tossing him like trash and moving on to the next assailant. Oz took that opportunity to spray the broken guard with his fire. Jace turned to his five, they were slowly moving in, with the flick of his mind Jace pushed himself onto the weakest mind compelling him to do his will.


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