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Sweetness Page 10

by Jude Ouvrard

  In my dreams, the echo of those words was relentless. Had I wished that badly for him to love me and tell me? He had been showing me his affection since we first met. His smile, his smirks and the winks he’d thrown me while I worked at the restaurant. We had dealt with a series of bad luck, I knew he had wanted to be served by me, and destiny had always directed him to another cashier. Until that night, not so long ago, when he came to me at a very bad moment and he’d made it all better. Iris is a beautiful flower, an even prettier woman and a name I won't forget.

  I believed life had a plan for us and that we were meant to cross paths.

  Chapter NINE

  SOFT LIPS BRUSHED AGAINST MINE, and sweet words drew me out of my dreams. “Wake up, beautiful girl. It looks like one of us worked hard this morning.” Two additional kisses landed on my mouth. “Good morning, sweetness.” I opened my eyes and saw this beautiful man – clean shaven, hair slicked back, and wearing a ridiculous Christmas sweater. I snorted loudly.

  “Do I get to wear a Christmas sweater, too?”

  “Of course, we’re celebrating together, aren’t we?” He laughed quietly.

  “What time is it now?”

  “It’s time for you to eat.” He turned around and grabbed a stainless steel tray, filled with food. From scrambled eggs to waffles, the smell of the food wafted through the room and had my mouth-watering.

  “It looks delicious.” I pushed myself up in the bed and Calvin placed the tray on my lap. “Are you eating too?”

  “Of course, if you eat all that on your own, you’ll be rolling out of this bed.” He sat opposite me with his legs crossed and he had a ridiculously happy smile on his face.

  “You’re going to have to stop smiling like that or I’m going to start thinking I have a booger hanging my nose or something,” I warned him.

  Calvin tried really hard to stop smiling, but the more he tried, the worse it got. “Let’s eat. We have a lot to do today,” he announced.

  “What’s your plan?” I couldn’t remember him suggesting that we had plans.

  He took a bite of his chocolate smothered waffle, deliberately not answering the question. Of course, Calvin was doing this in the hopes of teasing me, but I tried to look indifferent and took a bite of my eggs. Oh my god, these eggs had so many amazing flavors, including feta cheese, shallots and a touch of salt and pepper. “This is delicious! Definitely something I could eat every day.”

  “Stay here and you will. It’s my own personal recipe.” I heard the unspoken promise in his comment. Calvin was proposing that I move in with him, but I couldn’t agree just yet. We had only just met and rushing into something so permanent would only hurt us in the long run. I ate the remainder of my eggs without responding to his comment.

  The smell of the turkey cooking slowly in the oven lingered throughout the apartment. I finished my fruit cup, kissed Calvin passionately and pushed away from him to go and check on the turkey. The instructions had said that we needed to baste the turkey every hour. The clock on the oven indicated it was already past noon. Damn, I’d overslept again. I tended to do that a lot with Calvin.

  “I think we’ll be fine. It looks great so far,” I announced, after closing the oven door.

  “Not as great as you.” He had a charming personality, and the sparkle in his eyes made me narrow my own. I had just woken up, I probably looked like hell.

  “Liar. I need to shower if I’m going to spend the day here with you because you look absolutely fuckable and I can see from my reflection in the oven glass, I look like Cruella De Vil. It’s not good for my self-esteem.” I gave him a small peck on the corner of his mouth and walked back to the bedroom to take a shower in the ensuite. “What are all of these, Calvin?” I pointed at all the gifts which had appeared under the tree.

  He shrugged. “Maybe I lost control Christmas shopping.” He looked so innocent, as his eyes swept from me to the presents under the tree and back again.

  “You’re adorable, you know that, right?” We met halfway across the room. In no time he’d removed my t-shirt and started touching every part of my body.

  The sexual tension rose swiftly between us. He kept moving his hand lower and lower, and I could guess what he had in mind. I anticipated his touch, my body waited for his fingers to find the right spot. The more he waited to touch me, the higher the anticipation got. When his fingers finally found my swollen clit, my legs almost gave way. I clutched his arms and rested my head on his chest.

  “Calvin...” I murmured, panting.

  “Let go, baby, let go,” he urged me.

  He inserted a finger inside of me and pushed deep, making my knees grow weak. The sound of me moaning his name kept echoing through the room, as my pleasure grew stronger.

  “I need to sit down, because I can’t feel my legs anymore,” I muttered.

  Calvin snickered into the hollow of my neck and lifted me off the floor to lay me down on the couch. His thumb didn’t miss a beat and hit right on my swollen clit and I moaned loudly.

  Closing my eyes, I concentrated on the coming climax. A warm feeling spread through my body and an amazing sensation developed between my thighs. When I thought it couldn’t get any better, he pushed my legs apart and his mouth crashed down onto my pussy. He swirled his tongue around my clit, applying enough pressure to make me explode.

  “Calvin, I... never... in... my ... life.” Only half of the words I was trying to say came out. My breathing was sporadic, my toes curled and my hands clenched into fists. I bit on my lip to try and quieten down my moans. Shit!

  “Iris.” He said my name with so much passion. Calvin nibbled softly on my clit with his teeth, as his fingers reached that deep spot inside of me. I came undone. My body spiraled off into a wild tornado of pleasure, topping anything I’d ever experienced in my life. A rush of adrenaline flowed through my limbs. I wanted to scream my pleasure, but no sound came out. I didn’t even know my own body anymore and as everything slowed down and I became numb.

  I heard him chuckle but I was too wrung out to look at him. The sound of the water running into the bath delighted me. A bath was exactly what I needed. Two strong arms slid under me and lifted me off the couch. I opened my eyes and discovered he still had that glorious smile on his face.

  “You’re going to have to stop doing that to me. Every time, it gets even better. It’s like you know my body, better than I do.”

  “I only listen to what your body is silently asking me to do,” Calvin whispered.

  He put me down in the warm water and the scent of lilacs drifted up to my nostrils. “Thank you, Calvin.” I remembered the words he had spoken during his dream the night before. I loved him too.

  Music drifted into the bathroom from the stereo in the living room, a soft voice signing the lyrics and my heart melted. After spending ten minutes in the warm water, I decided to join him to spend the rest of our day together. I had wasted enough time, between falling asleep and then collapsing after the amazing climax he’d given me.

  When I got to his bedroom, Calvin had prepared my clothes for the day. He clearly had a picture perfect image in mind. A Christmas cardigan, with a reindeer on each side of my breasts was to be paired with a black tank top and my own red mini skirt. I laughed to myself and got dressed in the amusing outfit.

  “Baby, is my outfit alright?” The endearment slipped out of my mouth without thought. I blushed.

  Calvin grinned. “Baby? Humm, I think I like that. You look perfect, beautiful as always.”

  “What’s your plan for the rest of the day?” Curiosity had always been my worst character trait, and I couldn’t stand not knowing what he had planned for the day.

  His grin was huge, giving me the impression he was definitely having the time of his life. “I don’t know. The turkey’s cooking, music is playing. We’ve got presents. I don’t really have a plan to be honest, apart from what happened this morning.”

  “That was incredible. Seriously, we have to do it again,” I said. It su
rprised me that I had the guts to tell him I wanted it.

  “Anytime. But for now, I want you to come over here.” Calvin offered me his hand and drew me closer before he positioned his other arm around my waist. “Can I have this dance, Iris?”

  “Of course.” We improvised a formal dance, having no clue what we were doing, but it seemed right for us. I wasn’t much of a dancer, other than when I visited a club but that was completely different.

  I leaned my head against Calvin’s chest. “When I found out I didn’t have enough money to visit my parents, I thought I was destined to spend the worst Christmas ever on my own, but it turns out, you’ve made it all better. I’m so happy to be here with you. You’ve shown me the real you and I really like being in your company.”

  He glanced down, avoiding my eyes. “I really like being in your company too. You are an amazing young woman.”

  “Hey, look at me.” He gradually brought his gaze up to meet mine. “What’s the matter?” Something had suddenly changed in him and it worried me.

  For a long moment, he remained silent, and then he took a deep breath and spoke. “I’m— I’m starting to feel something for you, and it scares me. Everything is happening so fast.”

  It was like an out-of-body experience, as if I was watching the scene being played out before me in a movie. I saw him speaking to me, declaring his love and the smile on my face mixed with a heated blush. “I am, too,” I exhaled deeply, trying to calm my racing heart. “The way you make me feel, I don’t ever want to walk away from you. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. I really like you and being with you, Calvin.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet. I want to make you incredibly happy. I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were something special. You tried to avoid me, but your eyes were drawn back to me right away and you turned three shade of red.”

  “I did not!” I went through the denial, but I knew he was right.

  “Oh, you did so, sweetness, and don’t try to deny it.”

  I chuckled, unable to deny what he said. “You weren’t really the type of man I would go for, you looked too much like a businessman and you intimidated me, at first. Once I saw you with your hair down and your body covered in sweat at the gym, I knew I would never be able to walk away.”

  He stopped dancing. His six foot three physique made me feel tiny. As always, he swooped me up into his arms, swept his lips over mine in a gentle manner.

  “Don’t tease me, Mr. Banks,” I sighed happily.

  He chuckled, but soon, covered my mouth with his. Repetitive small kisses were pressed onto my mouth, chin, and jaw – all the way down to my collarbone. “You’ll be the death of me, sweetness. I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  “Good thing, I don’t want you too.” I whispered, feeling the heat emanating from both our bodies.

  My phone buzzed.

  “Saved by the bell.” He spanked me as he dropped me down onto my feet. “Rain check.”

  “It's probably my parents, calling me through Face Time.”

  “Your phone is in the kitchen, I put it on the charger earlier.”

  I ran through to the kitchen, not wanting to miss their call. As soon as I picked up the phone, I realized I would have some explaining to do – not only about the ridiculous cardigan I was wearing, but also regarding the luxurious kitchen I currently stood in.

  “Merry Christmas!” I announced cheerfully when Mom and Dad appeared on the screen.

  “Merry Christmas, babe. We miss you so much, my dear,” Mom said.

  “I know, Mom, and I'm sorry. I'll save up enough money to make it home for Easter, or maybe spring break,” I said and caught Calvin’s eye to see what he thought of that idea. “How's the ranch? How's my horse doing?”

  “Things are great. Your sister is taking care of Polo for you. She misses you a lot. We all do.”

  It was hard to keep smiling. My throat tightened and my eyes were filled with tears.

  “Don't be sad, honey.” Dad always hated to see me upset. “We'll find a way to catch up with you soon, okay?”

  I nodded, sniffling a little as I tried to regain control of my emotions.

  “Where are you anyway? I don't recognize the kitchen. Did they renovate the dorm?” Mom questioned.

  I laughed and shook my head in denial. “I’m staying at someone's place for the holidays.” I paused, having to think fast about the best way to deal with this situation. Introductions should be done, now. If only I could make sure things didn’t get awkward. “I’ve met a guy.” I motioned to Calvin to join me and he did, wrapping his arm around my waist. He looked very happy to be joining our video call. “Mom, dad, this is—”

  “Calvin Banks?” My dad practically cheered. “Is that really Calvin Banks?” I saw Mom nudge Dad fiercely in the ribs and he winced.

  “I forgot to tell you, my dad is a football junkie.” I muttered to Calvin, worrying about what he would have to endure when he actually met my Dad.

  “Nice meeting you, Calvin.” My mother seemed sincere and truly happy for me. She had worried a lot when everything went down with Damien. “Please make sure our daughter has a good Christmas.”

  “Of course, Mrs. Hartwell,” Calvin responded politely.

  “You can call me Donna,” Mom suggested. “Nice sweaters, by the way, very cute,” she added, knowing I would never normally wear one of these. We all laughed.

  “I’ll make sure Iris has a remarkable day with me,” Calvin said, charming my mom with a crooked grin.

  “Aww, you guys have a good time then,” Mom said.

  “Give Rose a hug for me.” I missed my sister the most, she completed me.

  The call ended and my heart constricted as Mom and Dad disappeared; I felt like crying, but Calvin took me into his arms for a heartfelt hug.

  “Your father seems like a funny guy.”

  I nodded, unable to speak yet.

  “You can cry. Don’t be ashamed to feel.”

  “I want us to have a good time today, if I cry, I’m going to ruin everything. I miss them, Cal, that’s all.”

  He lifted my chin up with his fingers. “Look at me, sweetness,” he requested in a soothing voice. We stared at each other for a long time. Unspoken words were said, his support, his understanding, his love, everything he offered was visible through his gaze.

  “You’re important to me, Iris. I think... I...huh... I’m more than falling for you at this point.”

  That was the end of me. Too many emotions battering me from opposing directions. I broke down in tears and laughed simultaneously. “You’re important to me too, Calvin, and I have very strong feelings for you.” His lips swept away my tears and replaced them with soft smooches. “What I feel for you is undeniable.”

  “I know, I know.” He comforted me quietly. “Are you ready to unwrap some presents? We have a lot.”

  “I only brought three of them.” I dried my tears with the back of my hand and chuckled. “So I figure most of them are coming from you. But, I agree, it’s time to open some.”

  He was as excited as a little kid. The sparkle in his eyes, the grin on his face, he settled onto the floor in front of the tree, the fireplace keeping us warm. Everything was perfect, just like in the movies. Soft music played in the background, and I noticed all the gifts had matching wrapping paper. I couldn’t be happier to be with Calvin today. I was positive that fate had planned this for a reason. We had found each other and were healing together.

  Calvin took the first gift from under the tree and offered it to me. I read the note taped on top of the rectangular box. ‘You aren't in Florida anymore. Welcome to New York City’.

  I lifted my eyes, to look at him wondering what the cryptic message meant. I un-wrapped it, still trying to guess what could be inside. I opened the box and found a whole pile of dark purple fabric. It was a winter jacket! I lifted it from the box letting it unfold. “Oh, wow, I love it!”

  “If there is anything wrong with it, you
can return it,” he said, sounding doubtful.

  “No, I love it, it's perfect.” I kissed him. “Thank you!”

  I took one of my gifts and gave it to him.

  “I haven't received one of these in a very long time. Thank you!” He took his time unwrapping the present, even though he looked as if he could barely contain himself. When he opened the box, I suddenly grew very anxious. “I love it,” he announced.

  “Are you sure?” I questioned anxiously.

  “Of course, I am.” Calvin’s words were reassuring. He studied the navy sweater I’d selected with delight. He put it down next to him and before I knew it, his soft lips were skimming over mine. Everything moved in slow motion, and I took it all in, loving every second of it.

  “You’re turn.” His words tickled my lips when he spoke. Calvin gave me the smallest present under the tree. His fingers were trembling slightly, when I started opening the present. Under the paper was a small velvet box. The idea of jewelry popped into my mind and my own fingers started trembling.

  “I bought it for you yesterday, before I knew how you felt about me,” he admitted quietly. “I hope it’s not too much.”

  It was a white gold bracelet with a heart pendant attached, and I swooned over it, hardly daring to believe he’d brought it for me.

  “It’s from Tiffany. A classic,” he said as he helped me put it on. “I had my heart is yours engraved on the back of the heart.”

  “Calvin, this is the sweetest thing I have ever got.” I pushed myself against him, wrapped my arms around his shoulders while I brushed my lips against his. Calvin’s body became rigid when I nibbled on his bottom lip. “You spoil me too much, baby.”

  “It’s only the beginning.”

  We snuggled on the carpet for a good while. We had plenty of presents left to open, but we were both enjoying being in each other’s arms way too much to return to opening them.

  “I love being with you,” he said, brushing the tip of his nose against mine. “I don’t want the holidays to end. It’s so good to have you here. I want you to stay here from now on.”


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