Dark Lord's Desire: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Dark Lord's Desire: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 3

by Lexi Archer

  I’d brought us to this point, but now that we were here it terrified me.

  And it was precisely because of how much that terrified me that I found myself lashing out in the moment. That I found myself returning to old habits when it came to interacting with Rath. Old habits that definitely had no place in our current interaction, but it’s not like I was thinking rationally in that moment. No, there was a war between anxiety and desire and for the moment anxiety was winning out and the action part of my brain, the part of my mind that usually took over when I was dealing with Rath, was telling me that I needed to do something and now.

  “No,” I said.

  Ainya and Rath both turned to regard me. The study in contrast between their reactions was fascinating. I had the same commanding tone that I usually took when dealing with Rath, but Ainya wasn’t reacting with the familiar look of relief that I usually saw when I was leaping to her rescue. No, there was just arousal there and perhaps a bit of annoyance that I was stepping in to ruin the fun.

  Rath was even more interesting. Usually when I challenged him like that with my best commanding tone of voice he looked worried. Or maybe even angry if he thought he had the upper hand which he never did. This time it was different though. This time he was staring at me with something that seemed halfway between amusement and annoyance.

  “I’m sorry?” he said. “I think I may have misheard you just now.”

  I steeled myself despite their reaction being nothing like what I was expecting. I was still in command of this situation, damn it, and he wasn’t going to stop that with his oily words or by playing innocent and acting like he had no idea what I was talking about.

  “I’m going back on the deal,” I said. Though it really wasn’t much of a deal if I wasn’t getting anything out of it. Really it was more in Rath’s favor than anything else. He got to take Ainya and what did I get out of it?

  I got a throbbing cock and pure animalistic lust that was screaming at me even as I confronted Rath. Screaming at me for ruining this incredible opportunity. For stepping in when I was on the verge of having this fantasy that had taken hold of my mind fulfilled.

  Rath flicked his fingers and I felt something wrapping around my wrists. I looked to either side and saw a slight shimmer where the air itself seemed to grow heavy around me, pulling me back and across the room until I was pressed against the wall, and not gently either. Rath regarded me with a thin smile before turning back to Ainya.

  Trapped. Damn it. Unless… I was in control of some of the most powerful defensive magic in the kingdom concentrated on this tower. All it would take was for me to remove my permission for Rath to be here and the magic would do the rest.

  “I revoke your permission to be in this tower,” I said.

  Ainya gasped. She knew what that meant. I smiled and waited for the arcane forces that powered the universe to manifest themselves and swat that annoying smile off of Rath’s face. An annoying smile that was growing wider by the moment. I waited for something, anything to happen. I’d never actually seen the defenses do their work on someone trying to invade the tower, but it was supposed to be pretty spectacular.

  Nothing happened.

  Well now that wasn’t supposed to work like that.

  “I said that I revoke your permission to be in this tower!”

  The shout rang through the room but once more there was nothing in response. Not even a whisper to indicate that the powerful magics that kept this place safe had heard me, let alone decided to heed my call. What was happening here? Was it just my luck that the ancient enchantments would pick this of all moments to quite literally give up the ghost of the ancient wizard who’d created them in the first place?

  “Very interesting,” Rath said. He flicked his hand again and the invisible bonds that were holding me were gone. I was so surprised that I didn’t have time to react before his next words. “Restrain Theos, but don’t harm him.”

  All that magic that I’d been waiting for came back with a vengeance. Once more I found my wrists being restrained so that I was floating in the air with my arms perpendicular to my body, but the bonds were different this time. There was a crackling electricity in the air where I was being held in place that made the hair at the ends of my arms stand on end. There was another gasp, though whether that came from me or from Ainya was anyone’s guess.

  I thought about great-great uncle Ulfric. I thought about how many times I’d daydreamed about seeing the magic in the tower going to work like it had on that famous day when he lost control of the palace. I’d just never daydreamed that I would be the one on the receiving end.

  Apparently the magic thought that Rath was the one who was in charge for the moment. He was the one who was in control of the palace. And damned if the magic defending this tower wasn’t usually right about that sort of thing.

  “Right. Now that we’ve got that out of the way my dear,” he said. He moved forward and put his arms around her, but that didn’t stop her from looking over at me with concern finally breaking through the cloud of lust that seemed to have taken control of her for a moment.

  And yet.

  Being restrained like this should have infuriated me. I should’ve been straining at bonds that I had no chance of breaking free from. I should’ve been throwing every insult that I’d ever learned from hanging around in some of the more unscrupulous areas of the palace around workers who thought it was amusing to hear language like that coming from a young princeling.

  I didn’t do any of that.

  Because it was taking over again. The obsession. The arousal. The intense feeling that went coursing through my body as I saw Rath moving closer to Ainya. As his had moved out and then he was cupping one of her breasts again. Cupping it through the shimmering blue material of her wedding dress that signified she was absolutely pure in every way.

  From the way he was looking at her, from the way she was breathing heavily despite looking over to me with concern, it didn’t seem like she was going to be pure for too much longer. That thought had my cock straining against my pants once more. The inevitability of it, of watching her being so bad with the one man in the entire kingdom that I should’ve hated more than anything, was causing that pure animalistic side of me to take over. It was causing that deep dark part of my psyche that was controlled by this fantasy, that was controlled by lust, to reassert itself over the more rational side of my mind that allowed panic to take over.

  Besides, it’s not like I could do anything as long as I was being held up by invisible bonds of magic. Why not enjoy the show that I’d set up in the first place? After all I was the one who brought us to this place even if I had gone through a moment of panic about actually going through with it.

  “Now where were we my dear?” Rath asked. His other hand moved up to cup her second breast and then there was a slight ripping and I saw a line of light running down the front of her dress causing the shimmering material to either side to start glowing even more brightly. Finally the light stopped just below her belly button and Rath was pulling her dress to the side. He was staring down with barely concealed hunger as her breasts, perfect breasts that I’d enjoyed on so many occasions but never thought I would be sharing with another man until the last rescue when this fantasy took a firm hold of my erotic imagination, were revealed to both of us.

  “Perfection,” he breathed. “Everything that I’d imagined and more.”

  Ainya smiled up at him uncertainly, but her glance moved over to me where I was hanging suspended in the air by arcane magic. Rath followed her gaze and the grin never left his face.

  “Are you worried about your betrothed my dear?” he asked.

  Ainya didn’t say anything. She bit her lip as she looked at me. Her chest was heaving as one of Rath’s hands cupped one of her breasts and I strained at my bonds, though not necessarily for the reason they might be thinking. No, I was straining because I desperately needed to feel some sort of touch on my cock but I was rendered unable to because o
f the bonds holding me back. I didn’t want to stop them. I was too far gone for that. All I wanted was to stroke my cock while I watched his hands stroking Ainya’s most precious treasures.

  Rath guided Ainya over to where I was being held in the air. The smile never left his face, and the uncertainty never left hers. It was obvious she was conflicted. It was obvious that she was turned on by this, turned on by finally fulfilling the fantasy she’d revealed to me after I rescued her. It was also obvious she was concerned after my little outburst. Now that desire had firmly reasserted itself in my mind I could kick myself for that moment of panic. For that moment that might still very much ruin all of the fun before it had even started!

  They stopped before us. Ainya stood proud with her chest pressing out, her nipples hard and straining as though they were reaching for my body. Only I knew that wasn’t the case. I knew the real reason why she was so turned on. So aroused. That reason was standing right behind her nuzzling her neck as his hands moved up to cup her breasts hiding them from my brief inspection. Her eyes closed and she let out a soft sigh that echoed through my mind as he massaged her breasts.

  “You seem to be a little hesitant to move forward Ainya,” he said.

  “Theos…” she managed to gasp before he did something that had her completely losing her focus for a moment. She locked eyes with me and stared.

  “Theos is absolutely fine with this,” he said. “Just ask him.”

  Ainya licked her lips as she stared at me. Her eyes were lidded and it was so very obvious that she was consumed with lust. So consumed with lust that I wondered if she wouldn’t go ahead with this even if I did object, and yet somehow that thought just added to the overall forbidden allure of this situation.

  “Is he right?” she asked. “Is this turning you on?”

  “You have no idea,” I said.

  Her eyes closed and she took in a deep sharp breath as once again he seemed to do something to drive her wild. Which in turn drove me wild. Damn! It didn’t seem that his hands were doing much other than cupping her breasts, and so that had my imagination running wild. Was his cock pressing against her? Was that a subtle motion I thought I detected as he pressed against her? Was feeling his cock nestled against her ass what was causing her to react like this?

  Ainya’s eyes opened. For a moment they weren’t lidded with lust. For a moment they were focused on me and it was as though we were the only two people in the world. It was as though Rath was completely forgotten even as he pressed against her and used her as his plaything as she stood before me.

  “Are you absolutely sure this is what you want?” she asked. “To watch me? To watch him… you know? Because this is our last chance.”

  “I’m sure.”

  The words were out of my mouth without thinking. And I guess I didn’t really have to think about it. The panic earlier had been a knee jerk reaction to finding myself in this suddenly unfamiliar situation. Now that I’d had time to calm down, more importantly now that Rath had time to calm me down, I was ready for this.

  “I’m glad to hear that,” Rath said. “Release him.”

  5: Royal Seduction

  Theos fell forward but managed to catch himself before he actually went stumbling to the ground. I watched for any sign that he might advance on Rath and ruin the fun despite what he’d just said.

  I blinked. I was a little surprised to realize that I was worried he would ruin the fun rather than being worried that his mortal enemy was right behind me pressing his cock against my ass in a very distracting way. Every time he thrust against me I gasped.

  I wondered if Theos could tell that something was going on. He got a weird look on his face every time Rath pressed against me and I gasped, but it was hard to tell if he knew what was happening. I looked down at his pants where his cock was straining out against his pants.

  I suppose Rath’s hands on my breasts would be more than enough to get his attention even if he didn’t realize that another man’s cock was grinding against my ass while he watched. Theos regarded the two of us but he didn’t make a move to stop us. No, now that he was free he just stood there watching with unconcealed lust plain on his face.

  Rath pulled me back. I felt a moment of disorientation as I went flying through the air. There wasn’t anything behind us to catch us. No bed. No couch. No nothing.

  Only rather than slamming into Rath as he slammed into the ground under me it felt as though we hit a cushion of air. And in a way I suppose that was exactly what we hit. No doubt he was using the same spell he’d used to bind Theos, only in this case it was creating a cushion of air that was just like lying back on, well, a cushion of air.

  There really wasn’t a better way to describe it.

  Rath’s hands were all over me. Exploring me with an urgency that was a testament to all of the pent up frustration both of us had felt after the months that I was in his captivity and yet he somehow managed to keep from doing exactly this.

  Now that he was in the moment, now that he was finally getting that opportunity to explore my body, now that I was reveling in the feeling that was his hands running all over my body, it was as though a dam holding back his passion had burst and now there was nothing to prevent him from taking what he wanted while Theos sat off to one side watching and completely powerless to stop this.

  Not that he would want to stop it even if it was within his power. His admission just a moment ago made that obvious enough even if he had gone a little crazy for a moment there trying to prevent this union from happening.

  I sighed as I melted into that embrace. As I enjoyed the licks of flame running along my body everywhere his hands made contact. As I lost myself in the wave of pure lust and passion that washed over me from that dam breaking and sweeping both of us away in our desires.

  Somehow his body pressed against me even though whatever he’d done to have us floating seemingly on air also seemed to have made gravity take a break for a moment. It was as though we were creating our own gravity, our own attraction, as our bodies fell into one another.

  And through it all I felt it. That throbbing promise of things to come down between his legs. He was getting more and more insistent as he pressed his cock between his legs and it was everything I could do not to cry out in pleasure every time he made contact with my pussy through my dress.

  I glanced over to Theos. He stood as though not quite sure what to do with himself. I smiled. I hoped it was a reassuring smile, but it was hard to tell. I was so overcome with the moment, with finally fulfilling this fantasy, that it was difficult to communicate anything more than lust.

  I was starting to feel a bit of frantic lust as well. My hands ran down his muscled body, every bit as hard and firm as I’d imagined in the secret recesses of my mind while we were having polite dinner together, captive and captor, and all I could think about was how much I wanted him to throw me over the table and take me rather than enjoying that polite dinner.

  I pulled up on his shirt and then it was over his head and I tossed it away where gravity reasserted itself as it left the hold of whatever magic he was using to hold us in place and fell to the floor. The shirt was a simple matter that was a stark contrast to the uniforms he usually preferred. Normally it seemed like he wanted the world to know who he was and that he was in charge, but here in this room as his hands continued to roam my body, continued caressing my breasts where he’d torn my dress down the middle with his magic, it was obvious enough that he was the one who was in control of the situation without anything silly like a uniform.

  I gasped in surprise as I felt one of his hands make its way down my stomach which was exposed to him thanks to the aforementioned magic. As I felt it move between my legs and then there was a heat gathering there that had nothing to do with the heat I was already feeling just from his hand being down there in the first place. No, that was a magical heat, warm but not uncomfortably so, that was similar to what I felt when he was tearing my dress down the middle up top.

p; Of course I was also feeling a bit of heat that had nothing to do with the magic. The thought that he was tearing my dress down there and the anticipation of what he might do once it was out of his way drove me wild. It was a pity that he was tearing such a nice expensive dress to pieces like this, but at the same time tearing the dress and what it represented into pieces also seemed nicely symbolic while at the same time being one hell of a turn on!

  Then his hands were between my leg and oh my gods above and below it felt so good! It was like a fireball running straight from between my legs to the core of my very soul as his fingers danced along my already slick pussy.

  I couldn’t believe it was happening, but already I felt my body tensing. I felt my pussy clenching even though his fingers were only dancing around the edges of my lips so it’s not like the walls of my pussy really had anything to clench around in the first place.

  Still they clenched. My entire body tensed and then I was shuddering as I felt his body pressing over me. Under me. Wherever the hell he was. We seemed to be rotating in the air and so it was difficult to tell one direction from another. No, the only direction that was obvious was how we were continually pulled against one another as I felt indescribable pleasure exploding through every part of my body.

  I didn’t know it could feel like this. Sure I’d explored with Theos, sure those furtive and somewhat forbidden explorations had been hot, but it was nothing like this. Maybe it would’ve been something like this if he was the first man to take me after so much anticipation, but Rath got there first and now feeling his touch in between my legs after I’d fantasizes about just this happening so many times while I was in his captivity was causing my entire body to explode with the barest of touches.


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