The 3rd Cycle of the Betrayed Series Collection: Extremely Controversial Historical Thrillers (Betrayed Series Boxed set)

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The 3rd Cycle of the Betrayed Series Collection: Extremely Controversial Historical Thrillers (Betrayed Series Boxed set) Page 12

by Carolyn McCray

  “How is it going out there?” Brandt asked.

  “Not well. I give them ten, twenty minutes tops,” Prenner answered.

  Davidson couldn’t argue with the prediction.

  The army had tanks. These Assyrians, no matter how noble, were going to get rolled over.

  “Then we head out now,” Brandt ordered.

  Prenner took the lead, but Sallah and Rebecca still stood at the altar.

  “Shall I?” Sallah asked.

  “I think it best,” Rebecca replied.

  “Just grab it and go,” Brandt rumbled, urging them all to a low door on the far side of the cavern.

  Despite Brandt’s clear annoyance, Sallah reached out and with great reverence lifted the piece of wood from the altar. He wrapped it in a red velvet cloth and tucked it within his tunic.

  “So we’re ready, now?” Brandt challenged as the cavern quaked. The army was really battering the hell out of the compound.

  “Time to get the hell out of here,” Brandt growled.

  * * *

  Rebecca was still on some kind of high. Her mind buzzed with the possibilities. The only downer was the way the walls buckled and warped when the RPGs hit. Out of all of the underground tunnels she'd been in, this one seemed the sketchiest. There were no joists or support beams and with the driving rains, the moisture made the tunnel become less stable.

  There were making good time, to where she wasn't quite sure. Their link to Stark went in and out depending on the mineral content around them.

  She guessed they’d come out where they came out.

  Hopefully far, far away from the army.

  Rebecca glanced at Sallah. Was the man really carrying not only a piece of Noah's Ark, but also the code to build another?

  That was going to take some time to figure out. Time without gunfire and RPGs.

  Bunny’s voice crackled in her ear, “There is definitely a code on the wood. There are too many repeating sequences for it to be random.”

  Rebecca couldn't hear the rest, but it sounded like good news. Finally on the right track. Is that what Dr. Chen found?

  But why would the Chinese government care if they found the Ark? Especially if it was found on non-Chinese soil? What had the Chinese so spooked that they killed the entire expedition team?

  “Up ahead,” Prenner called out. “I think it is a staircase.”

  For the most part they had been running along a fairly level tunnel. Now it was time to do some climbing.

  Her thighs were complaining already and they hadn’t even gotten to the stairs yet.

  Poor Brandt’s knee. This mission was certainly dishing out some punishment to that joint. She could only pray that it could stay strong until the end of the mission.

  * * *

  “This isn’t good,” Davidson stated as his feet splashed in running water. There was practically a waterfall coming at them from above.

  Prenner picked up the pace, but both Rebecca and Brandt were struggling to keep up. Davidson looked to Lopez. They knew what they had to do.

  Davidson lent his shoulder to Rebecca and Lopez did the same for Brandt. Their CO put up a little bit of fuss, but it was obvious his “combat ready” knee wasn’t faring well on the soaking wet stairs.

  Finally he allowed Lopez to help him. No matter his pride, he would never allow himself to endanger the team.

  They barely made it up a step when the surface crumbled beneath their feet.

  The ceiling was now raining. At first it was just water, but as they got higher and higher, muddy water then chunks of ceiling came down on their heads.

  “It’s collapsing up ahead!” Prenner yelled, kicking it into a whole other gear.

  And there was the door. They were within yards of their goal and could die because of a stupid storm.

  Prenner ran ahead, putting his back against the ceiling. The entire tunnel was melting around them. Davidson urged Rebecca forward as they passed under the tall point man.

  They made it to the door, which was locked.

  Seriously who puts a lock on the inside of an escape tunnel?

  Screw it.

  Davidson announced, “Get down!”

  Although with all this mud, there should be little chance of any ricochets. He aimed at the door’s hinges, blowing them out of the mud.

  He jerked the door open.

  Which turned out to be the worst possible thing he could have done.

  * * *

  Rebecca screamed as a wall of angry water hit them. It sloshed and churned and tugged.

  Brandt caught her and pressed their bodies against the muddy wall. He dug his fingers into the wall. The strong digits the only thing keeping them from being washed away.

  Davidson was clinging to the door, and Prenner held onto the sniper’s foot.

  Luckily the tidal wave wore itself out and the water receded to a dull roar.

  Davidson sloshed his way out the exit, dragging Prenner with him.

  It took some effort and help by the other two, but she and Brant finally made it out. Sallah followed, his tunic bleeding color into the water.

  Outside wasn't much better. They stood in calf high water with rain pelting them from the storm. They were at the very edge of the sea.

  In the distance they could see the compound on fire and the rattle of a gun battle still going on.

  “Sallah.” Brandt asked. “Any chance to get that boat of yours back?”

  The man still cradled the piece of Ark in his hands. “For this, anything.”

  Rebecca shivered in the cold rain.

  Quite the weather to find remnants of Noah's Ark.

  And this was only the first week of the super storm.

  * * *

  The hospital room was filled with a clatter of typing. Tika had settled right in, getting to work.

  Stark snuck a look over at the now redhead. Did Tika know what a sucker he was for that auburn hair? Or had it really just been a clever disguise? Because for some reason Tika didn't want to be on the FBI top 10 wanted cyber criminals.

  Did it matter?

  Either way he got some eye candy.

  When he looked up he found Bunny staring at him. Stark gave a guilty smile.

  What could he say? Redheads were his weakness.

  “Well?” his mother asked. “Are you double checking my coding?”

  Boy, Stark was getting busted from all sides.

  “Yes, Mother,” Stark responded all Norman Bates style.

  He looked up to find Bunny smiling at him. Then the expression turned ugly. Was she angry with him for checking out Tika? He thought that Bunny would be happy. He wouldn't be puppy dogging after her all the time now that she was with Davidson.

  But that wasn't it at all. Her head arched back. A cry escaping her lips as her laptop clattered to the floor. Something horrible was happening.

  Stark hit the nurse’s button as Bunny gasped, struggling to breathe. He hit the big red button on the side off the wall. Klaxons sounded loudly down the hallway

  Stark took Bunny’s hand. “It’s okay. It’s alright. They're coming.”

  She didn't respond. Bunny just kept gasping as a nurse rounded the corner.

  “What happened?” the nurse asked.

  “I... I don't know,” Stark reported. “She was fine and then she was doing that.”

  He noticed a look pass between the nurses as they put an oxygen mask on Bunny’s face and took her vitals.

  “What?” Stark demanded. The nurse frowned. “What?”

  It was Tika that answered, “I looked up her symptoms. God, I think it's a pulmonary embolism.”

  That did not sound good.

  He turned to the nurses, “Well?”

  “That's for the doctor to say.”

  Well, that was pretty much a confirmation.

  He turned to Tika. “What can they do for it?”

  “It depends on how severe it is,” Tika explained, then she paused. “But, Stark, it can be fatal.”

/>   Even though the nurses tried to push him away, Stark held onto Bunny’s hand.

  “No. She’s survived too much, crazy snakes, raving mad cultists, to die of some stupid microscopic embolism,” Stark stated emphatically. “No, we don't talk about fatal anymore.”

  Finally, Stark had to move out of the way as the doctors arrived and shouted out orders.

  He moved beside Tika. She gave him a sad smile.

  “Somebody should tell Davidson.”

  * * *

  Brandt had never been so glad to be out of the rain before. The boat had been able to come, pick them up, and leave without detection. The army had its hands full trying to take down the Assyrians. What should have been a ten-minute massacre, had turned into a forty minute siege. The Assyrians were really giving the army a run for its money.

  He was dripping in a dress, but that was okay with Brandt. At least they were out of the war zone.

  “Anything from Stark or Bunny?” Brandt asked.

  Rebecca shook her head. “After all the shouting, the line went dead.”


  While they were out of danger at the moment, except from being capsized by large waves, Brandt didn’t like it when he didn’t have a plan. It could even be a crappy plan, but he liked having a plan.

  Sure they possibly had a sliver of Noah’s Ark, but what did that really get them? Not much. It certainly didn’t explain Chen’s death. It didn’t explain much at all.

  The line clicked on. “Davidson?”

  The sniper perked up, “Yes?”

  The voice sounded like Stark’s, however the tone was unsteady, and was a man crying?

  “Davidson… I don’t know how… Bunny…”

  “What happened?” Davidson asked. “Did something happen to her leg?”

  “Not exactly,” Stark hiccupped, then continued, “She, dear God, she…”


  “She’s thrown an embolism,” Stark sobbed. “A fat embolism. It’s gone to her lungs.”

  Brandt watched as Davidson swayed back-and-forth. The sniper probably would’ve fallen to the ground if Prenner hadn’t caught him.

  They were all hardened battle-tested soldiers. They knew what embolisms were. Many times these microscopic clots were far more dangerous than the original wound. In the field they were usually fatal. Even with proper medical care it could be dicey.

  All of that showed on Davidson’s face. However there was nothing the sniper could to do about it. There were no assailants to shoot. No enemy to dodge. Bunny was in the doctor’s and God’s hands.

  * * *

  Davidson’s vision pinched down to a tiny spot. It was like he had thrown an embolism. God, he wished he had. How much had Bunny been through? It didn’t seem fair, but combat seldom was.

  “What’s her condition?”

  “Critical,” Stark sobbed. “They moved her up to ICU.”

  Davidson tried to let the information pass through him. He tried not to hang on to anything negative. Unfortunately, it didn’t sound like there was a lot of positive to hang onto.

  “What are they going to do to treat the embolism?”

  There was a pause as it sounded like Stark went into a hiccupping fit.


  “They are going to take her to radiology for a contrast study to see about the blockage, and then decide what to do about it.”

  Davidson jumped in, “What do you mean, ‘they’re going to take her?’ You’re going with her aren’t you?”

  “They won’t let me. Something about stupid radiation regulations.”

  This, This Davidson could fix. “No, absolutely not. You need to figure out a way to stay at her side at all times.”


  “No, buts, Stark. I know how much you love her. So you are going to find a way to never leave her alone. Do you understand me? Do not ever, ever leave her alone. If the worst happens…”

  Davidson couldn’t finish the sentence.

  Stark sobbed on the other side of the line. “I will. I will. I promise.” Then he hurried on, “they’re coming now. I’ve got to go. I’ll give you an update as soon as I can.”

  The line went dead. Taking all hope with it.


  Stark turned on his heel as a nurse and a radiology technician came into the room. They began to prep Bunny’s bed for transport.

  As they wheeled her out of the room, Stark just tagged along. They walked past the ICU reception area, Stark waved off his mother and Tika. They both had questioning looks, however they did not come forward.

  Like he belonged there, Stark entered the elevator with Bunny and the hospital personnel. It seemed a little awkward, enough that the nurse and the tech didn’t say anything the whole ride down to the basement.

  Once the doors opened, they wheeled Bunny down a drab grey hallway whose only decorations were the numbers on the doors. They arrived at number 115, The Cath Lab.

  The nurse opened the door, but the technician held out a hand to keep Stark back. “I’m sorry, sir, but hospital personnel only after this point.”

  Stark swelled his chest to as large as it could get. “I don’t think you understand, I’m her bodyguard.”

  Both the nurse and tech’s eyebrows raised. Okay he didn’t look the part, but he was thinking on his feet. He’d promised Davidson he wouldn’t leave Bunny, and he wasn’t going to break that oath.

  Eventually the shock wore off and the tech shook his head. “I don’t care who you are. You are not coming in here.”

  “Do you know who this is?” Stark asked.

  They both shook their head. Which was expected, since Stark didn’t know where he was going with this either. He had to think quickly though. In this Internet age it was easy to double check facts and get caught in a lie.

  “She’s the favorite niece of one of the most prominent Middle Eastern leaders.”

  The nurse rolled her eyes. “I knew Bunny couldn’t be her real name.”

  The tech snorted. “And that hair color? No doubt that came out of a bottle.”

  Stark had to keep his temper in check. Bunny was a beautiful name and her hair color was natural. However, would disclosing this fact help him if they were buying what he was selling? He didn’t think so.

  “The king, I’m sorry, her uncle, is already upset you allowed her to throw an embolism. Imagine how he’ll be if anything happens in there and you wouldn’t let me in.”

  The nurse put her hand on her hip. “So now you are a pulmonary specialist as well as a bodyguard?”

  “My orders are simple,” Stark said as deadpan as he could. “I’m never to leave her side. If you have issue with that, call the State Department, CIA or even Homeland Security.”

  He had pushed it. Especially since he was a convicted traitor with a death sentence on his head. If the nurse in fact contacted any of those agencies, he was dead. Like hanging by the neck until dead, dead.

  The nurse frowned. “When she first got here we did have a problem. She didn’t have a social security number and no insurance. But she paid for her procedure in cash.”

  Stark just nodded sagely. See? Keeping Bunny off the radar was helping even now.

  “I don’t know,” the tech said. “I have to follow regulations.”

  A loud huff came from behind the door, “I don’t have time for this.” An older male doctor came into view. He waved his hand dismissively. “Just have him sign a waiver and suit him up.”

  Apparently the doctor ruled this little roost. They finished wheeling Bunny into the suite as the tech got Stark the paperwork.

  So far, so good.

  Now to have the scan come back with good news.

  * * *

  Rebecca held Davidson tight as he processed what had happened to Bunny. He didn’t cry, after all he was a sniper.

  Lights up ahead informed her that they are nearing a coastline. She wasn’t sure which one, but did it really matter? They were to the north, so the country was p
robably fairly-US friendly.

  The seas were rough and the storm was worsening, but Sallah felt certain they could dock safely. Then the decision of whether they should head back to the States to be there for Bunny or to continue with their quest had to be answered.

  Brandt came up behind her. “Davidson, I know this is rough, But you’ve got to pull it together.”

  “Brandt!” Rebecca complained. “It’s Bunny, for God sakes.”

  Her husband didn’t back down. If anything he doubled down. “Even if it were you, they would be telling me to compartmentalize. In the field that’s just what we have to do.” He patted Davidson on the back. “Put it in a box. And prep for landing.”

  Davidson moved away from Rebecca. Sniffling only once. “Yes, sir.”

  It always amazed her how these soldiers could flip the switch. The problem was that most of them had to learn to flip it the other way when they were home.

  “What’s that light?” Sallah asked.

  They all looked out the window that the man pointed to. Dear God, she knew that blazing red light.

  “Incoming,” Prenner shouted.

  “That thing isn’t just coming our way,” Davidson stated. “It’s coming for us.”

  Rebecca looked her husband. He looked to Sallah.

  “Any lifeboats on this bad boy?”

  Sallah shook his head.

  Brandt craned his neck to see in front of the boat. “There’s no way we can land in time.”

  He made his decision in a split second. “Strip down as far as you can. We’re going to have to jump.”

  Of course they were.

  * * *

  Brandt tore his tunic and created a functional loincloth as best he could. Everyone else was doing the same. Lopez walked over to the van that had rescued them in Iran and patted the hood. “Sorry, Marilyn, but we can’t save you.”

  That missile was really closing in, as they made their way out onto the deck. They were going to use the blast wave of the explosion to propel them far from the boat and any shrapnel.

  “Five. Four. Three.”

  “Wait!” Prenner yelled. “It’s diverting course!”

  Damned if it wasn’t.

  The missile only changed course a few degrees, but it was enough to miss the boat.


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