Only the Light We Make

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Only the Light We Make Page 14

by James Dean

  "Beth?" Alan croaked through cracked dry lips as a world of emotions hit him like a ton of bricks.

  She made her way across the bedroom and sat down on the bed beside him.

  "I know you have a lot of questions and we have a lot to discuss, but you need rest. You were almost dead when we found you," she said placing a hand on his chest and gently pushing him back down onto the bed.

  Too weak to argue or resist, Alan eased back down on to the soft mattress and the moment his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light.

  The next days were a confusing blur to Alan. He woke at random intervals and his sister would appear with a water bottle and a small bit of food to eat. He had almost died of dehydration and starvation and she was slowly nursing him back to health. After he was fed and watered, Beth would help him to the bathroom and then back to the bed. Alan tried each time to talk to her, to ask her questions, but each time she told him not until he was better and each time he gave in. One day she came in with an old beat up banana box filled with food and set it on his lap. There was a bowl of cold tomato soup, some stale crackers, a granola bar, a fruit cup and a bottle of water. It was more food than Alan had seen in a long time. The sight of it almost brought him to tears and to his shame he realized he hadn't thought of or asked about Shelly or Kenny.

  "I was with two others, a little boy and a young woman, Kenny and Shelly. How are they?" he asked as he brought the bowl of soup to his lips and eagerly sipped the soup. Even cold it was so delicious to him.

  Beth lost her smile and placed her hand on his knee, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  "I'm so sorry Alan, but they didn't make it. When we arrived, they were just beginning to reanimate. You were lucky, a moment later and they probably would have started in on you. We took care of them and buried them out back under the tree. It seemed like the right thing to do," she said as reassuringly as she could.

  Alan set the bowl down and stared at it numbly. They couldn't be gone. They were supposed to reach Bastion together. He was going to ask his Master to spare their lives as well. He may not have known them long, but they had become his family and the loss hit him hard. The tears welled up in his eyes and he let them flow. Beth sat there at the edge of the bed, not moving, just watching her brother curiously. Eventually Alan collected himself and took the banana box of food and set it on the bedside table. As hungry as he was, he had lost his appetite. They sat there for a time in awkward silence before Alan spoke.

  "So what have you been up to?" he asked his long estranged sister realizing it was the dumbest question he could have asked.

  She laughed and pulled her hand away from Alan's knee, much to his dismay. She told him about how her and her boyfriend had been in the northeast visiting his parents when everything went down. The holed up in their house for a while but eventually supplies ran out and they had to go out scavenging. The houses in the area gave them plenty for a while but they eventually ran out. So they formulated a plan. They packed up what they had left and headed south towards the ocean and warmer weather. Her boyfriend's dad had some grand scheme about how they could live off the ocean's bounty and crops they planted. They were so desperate for a plan that no one noticed the flaws. No one knew how to fish or plant crops. They weren't even on the road for a month when they were overtaken by the undead one night when they felt they were safe enough to not set up a night watch. She was the only one to escape. Alan saw the sadness in her eyes and reached out to comfort her but she pulled away from him. Not pushing it, he just leaned back against the headboard and let his little sister finish the story.

  After that she wandered for a long time, surviving on her own before she met up with the others in her current group. A husband and wife named Ted and Sasha. Together they kept on the move, never staying in one place for more than a couple of days. They'd pick an area clean and then move on to the next. They had better luck than Alan's group did. She wasn't sure how long they were traveling together before she started having the dreams. At the mention of dreams, Alan tilted his head quizzically at her. She told him how she would dream about her home, how she'd be sitting on her favorite couch in the living room and there would be a woman sitting next to her. They would sit there for some time before the woman would speak. She told Beth to find Adrian Ring and the last Bastion of humanity. She also told her to find Alan and stop him. That was how she knew where he was.

  "Stop me? Stop me from what?" he asked, his voice shaking nervously. Alan swallowed hard, a sinking feeling hit him hard in his stomach, making him think he'd be sick. Beth glared at her brother. He may have been able to lie to and fool everyone else, but he could never lie to her. She could see right through him.

  "Cut the shit, Alan. I know about your mission, your deal with the Devil. You're looking for Adrian too, except you want to kill him. You want to bring about the end of humanity," she scolded. Her disgust was obvious with every word she said.

  Alan was about to protest, to come up with something, but Beth cut him off.

  "Who's Emily and Sammy? You know what, save your lies, I'll tell you who they are. Emily was a bartender who looks alarmingly like me. You kidnapped her one night after she got out of work. You took her to some dungeon, tied her to a bed, suffocated her and then had sex with her body. And Sammy, Sammy was someone who saved you and brought you in to her group and how did you repay her? You killed her in her sleep and then after the rest of her group was dead, you beat and raped her corpse. That's who's been talking to me," she said coldly, getting up off the bed and heading towards the door.

  Alan stared down at his hands folded in his lap. His face burned with shame. He had imagined many kinds or reunions with his sister. She'd be happy to see him, disgusted to see him or he'd find her shambling around as one of the undead. In all those scenarios, she never knew about his crimes, the things he did. He was unprepared for this conversation and continued to stare at his hands, imagining all the blood on them.

  "You know what? Even after everything you've done, they still want me to save you. You're my brother and I love you Alan, but I don't know if I even want to," she said sadly before leaving.

  Alan didn't see Beth again until later that night when she came to check in on him and bring him something to eat. A can of tuna, some more stale crackers and a bottle of water. Alan ate them slowly while she sat at the foot of the bed watching him. No one said a word until he was done eating and had put his trash in the banana box still sitting on the table beside his bed.

  "So explain everything to me Alan. How did it come to this?" she asked him, resting a hand on his leg, just above the ankle.

  He sat there with her watching him and waiting for a response for what felt like an eternity. At first the words were difficult and hard to say. He had never shared what he did with anyone before, for obvious reasons. But once she squeezed his leg reassuringly, the words just came and he told her everything. He told her about the girls before The End, how he had stalked them, kidnapped and killed them. He glossed over what he did to them afterwards before explaining about how he snuck their bodies out of his house and where he disposed of them. He told her about his dreams and his mission and the survivors that had died by his hands because the Devil commanded it. He told her how it was all for her, how he was hell bent on finding her and keeping her safe so the two of them could be together and start over as some post-apocalyptic Adam and Eve.

  They sat there in awkward silence as the sun began to set, its last light shining through the dusty windows, bathing the room in a golden blanket before slowly fading and leaving them in darkness.

  "Alan, I love you but not like that. You're my brother," she said gently."And I do want your protection, but not at the expense of the human race. Although I will say, no boyfriend ever went to those lengths for me," she said with a smile, attempting to lighten the mood.

  Alan did chuckle, but then turned serious again."I know I'm fucked up and I'm going to Hell. I don't want to be like this," he said, his voice shaking as h
is eyes filled with tears.

  Beth stood and walked to the bedside table and picked up the banana box of trash.

  "Well you won't be like that anymore, big brother, because I'm here to set your punk ass straight," she said teasing him. "Now get some sleep, we leave in the morning."

  "Yes ma'am," he said with a smile as he watched her leave.

  Alan slid back under the covers, pulling them up and drifting off into what he hoped would be a good night's sleep.


  Alan woke in familiar darkness. Waking in the Master's realm used to fill him with a giddy anticipation, like the way he felt as a kid on Christmas Eve. This time he was filled with an intense feeling of dread. Before he could begin his customary walk through the darkness, the Master's voice came to him, strong and imposing.

  "Alan Anderson, the end of your mission approaches. This group will lead you to Adrian Ring. Fulfill your duty and I will reward you as I have promised."

  The end of his mission was something that Alan had been looking forward to. Killing Adrian would bring him his sister and her love. But after their last conversation Alan had realized she already did love him. Maybe not the way he wanted, but she did nonetheless. She had his back and he wasn't going to let her down.

  "No," Alan said, his voice braver and steadier than he felt.

  The darkness suddenly became uncomfortably cold and the air became so heavy that it forced him down to his knees. He briefly wondered if this was what it was like to train in a gravity machine.

  "I will not tolerate insubordination. You will do as commanded or there will be consequences. Kill Adrian Ring and condemn the human race to the ending it deserves."

  "How about you go fuck yourself? Do your worst, I'm not going to be your puppet anymore," he said with more bravery than he actually had.

  "Very well, Alan Anderson. Consider our arrangement at its end. No longer will you have my favor or protection. I expected so much better from you, so much better."

  Alan's eyes fluttered open and he found himself in bed. The sun was rising and its first rays were slowly creeping across the room. He managed to pull himself out of bed and stretched, his muscles protesting. He wasn't sure how long he had been confined to that bed but he was happy to be out of it. No matter what happened from that point on, life was going to be good.


  Alan liked Ted and Sasha from the start. They were an older couple, maybe mid-forties. Ted had been a graphic design artist and Sasha a nutritionist before That Day. Both were extremely friendly, hugging and welcoming Alan after Beth introduced them. They thought it was so cool that fate had brought the siblings together and took it as a sign that good fortune shined on them. Both Alan and Beth smiled, not wanting to reveal the terrible truth behind their reunion. As Ted and Sasha packed everything up, Beth took Alan out back and showed him where they had buried Kenny and Shelly.

  Alan stood over their unmarked graves, tears filling his eyes. He thought of the good times they had despite the awful circumstances the world had thrust upon them and he wished that they were still with him to make the trip to Bastion. He knew Beth would have liked them and they would have liked her.

  "You cared about them didn't you?" Beth asked him placing a hand on his shoulder.

  "You would have liked them," he told her as he nodded his head in response to her question.

  He reached up with his hand to rest it on hers, but she removed it at the last moment and turned towards the house.

  "Come on, we still have miles to cover."


  As they headed north the weather grew colder with winter's approach. All four members of the group remembered how difficult the last winter was, nearly starving to death on multiple occasions and the constant threat of frostbite and hypothermia. They were pushing hard to reach Bastion before it was too late. At first things seemed fine. Supplies were scarce but still out there and the threat of the undead was surprisingly manageable. Alan was the happiest he had been now that he was reunited with his sister. They talked when possible, catching up on lost time and easing back into the sibling relationship they used to have before Alan screwed it up long ago. Alan noticed when he tried to touch her, even the most innocent of touches, she would pull away. She may still care for him and want to save him, but it was obvious that she still feared or was disgusted by him.

  It wasn't until after they were on the road for a few days that he began to notice the changes in his sister. The bags under her eyes were more pronounced and grew darker each day. Where she was once quick and agile, her reflexes slowed and she became clumsy. He asked her one day what was wrong and she told him that she was coming down with a cold and that he shouldn't worry. The look in her eyes said otherwise.

  They were making their way through a small town that looked like someone was in the process of clearing when she collapsed. She crumbled to the cold, hard ground like a marionette with its strings cut. As he tried to help her up, she jerked away from him and launched into a coughing fit. Alan and the others noticed the flecks of blood splatter onto the ground..

  "I'm sorry," she said quietly as her eyes glazed over and she crumpled to the ground unconscious.

  With some help from the others, Alan carried her to a nearby garage that had a faded sign that said 'Mike's Garage.' Someone had taken the time to move some nearby cars into fortifying positions around the building making it relatively safe. The former inhabitants were long gone, leaving empty food cans and wrappers behind. Alan found the remnants of a musty, stale bed in a back office. As he set her down and tried to make her comfortable she squirmed and moaned in her sleep, her facial expressions a mixture of pain and fear. He wondered what she dreamt of and was afraid he might know.

  After making her as comfortable as possible Alan returned to the main area and found Ted and Sasha standing off to the side, arguing in hushed voices. Probably about whether or not they should leave Beth behind.

  "So what are you two planning?" he asked approaching the pair.

  They turned in surprise towards Alan. They were so caught up in their conversation that they didn't see or hear his approach. They both looked guilty and ashamed.

  "We're sorry, Alan, but Beth's condition... Well, she's a hindrance to the group. We need to make it to Bastion before winter," Ted said sadly, his eyes staring at his feet.

  Alan's fists clenched and he glared at the two in fury and disgust.

  "You have no idea what I went through to find her, what I had to do to survive. I don't care what you two do, but I'm not leaving my sister's side. You want to leave, be my guest. We'll meet up with you in Bastion once she's well enough to travel," he said, his voice shaking in anger.

  "And we wouldn't ask you to do that, Alan," Sasha said softly, placing a hand on his arm, trying to diffuse his anger. "We were thinking of splitting our supplies so you can nurse Beth back to health and we can move on. Then when we reach Bastion we can send help."

  Alan relaxed a little, his anger subsiding. He should have known better, Ted and Sasha looked on her as family, just as he did with Shelly and Kenny.

  "I'm sorry you two. It's just… she's my little sister, and I'd do anything for her," he apologized.

  Apologies exchanged, the three of them made their plans. They split the supplies evenly and Ted and Sasha made all their preparations so they could leave at first light. Alan volunteered to take the whole night watch so that they could sleep and he could keep an eye on his sister.

  She was tossing fitfully when he entered the back office to look in on her. He kneeled down and lifted her head slightly and put the water bottle to her lips. She drank it weakly, most of it running down her chin instead of going into her mouth. Alan rested her head back down on the pillow and she went into another coughing fit. Grabbing a dirty cloth from the nearby desk, he wiped her face clean. He noticed the blood stains on it. He smoothed her hair over, wiping it from her face. Her skin felt cold. Cold like the dead.

  "Hang in there Sis, please," h
e pleaded as he leaned in and kissed her forehead.

  He grabbed the heavy duty crowbar that had become his trusted weapon since his firearm ran out of bullets and left the confines of the garage. He climbed onto the roof of one of the abandoned cars and settled in for a long night of security.

  He didn't know how long he pulled security before he fell asleep, but when he awoke, he found himself in that dark place where he met his Master so long ago. He had hoped the Devil was done with him but apparently he wasn't. Alan took a deep breath, inhaling that cool, sweet air and started his walk. Things felt different this time. There was no excitement or fear, just a sense of finality. Alan didn't know how he knew it, but he knew this was the last time he would ever come to this dark place.

  "Alan Anderson."

  The voice boomed, echoing around him in the darkness, permeating his very soul. Alan wasn't startled by the suddenness of it as he was in the past. He didn't answer back, he just crossed his arms and waited for the voice to continue.

  "I am prepared to give you one final chance to fulfill your destiny. You stand on the precipice of greatness, all you have to do is reach out and take it. Kill Adrian Ring and I will build for you a kingdom to rival the greatest in history. Wealth, women and power beyond imagining will be yours."

  Not too long ago the offer would have been more than enough to tempt Alan on the spot. He would've liked to think he was a changed man but he knew better. The urge to take the offer and become a king was great, but he thought about how his sister would react to it, and it tempered his urge.


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