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Gage Page 75

by Emilia Hartley

Nick barked a laugh. “Atta boy! Oh, and thanks for the food,” he continued as they made their way to the dining table. “Way to save the day after I nearly burned the place down.”

  Jo rolled her eyes. “Oh, you probably did it on purpose so that I won’t ask you to cook anymore,” she jabbed lightly at her mate.

  Savannah wrinkled her nose. “Did you see that pot he dragged out into the woods? I don’t think even Nick could produce such a deep char on purpose. And the smell...” she shuddered. “It’s still clinging to my nostrils.”

  Lucy laughed at the repartee the pack shared while they ate, and Dan couldn’t help but let his mind wander as to what it could be. He hoped fleetingly that, whatever her reasons for being in Woodhaven, Nick would allow her to stay for at least a little while longer.

  “Oh yeah,” Nick spoke as he sat. “What the hell happened to your face?”

  Dan groaned. “Nothing, don’t worry about it.”

  Chapter Seven

  “So, Lucy,” Nick began as everyone finished up their meals. “What do you think of Dan not knowing you were a shifter?”

  She grinned at the question, taking in the groan Dan sighed as he covered his face with his hands. Truth be told, it was quite shocking that he didn’t know. She’d known he was a shifter almost immediately, as most other shifters would, and the fact that he didn’t was baffling to say the least. However, it did explain away her confusion at some of the things he’d said and done earlier in the night. Commenting on her hearing and confronting Dominic the way he had weren’t things that shifters said to other shifters, but Dan had been seeing them as humans the entire time. Still odd, though.

  She turned to Nick. “With all due respect, I reserve judgment. The poor fellow’s been embarrassed more than enough tonight.”

  Laugher rang out across the table as a scarlet hue tinged Dan’s cheeks. There was something in the way that he showed vulnerability that made Lucy feel at home, though she promised not to make a habit of it. Humor at the expense of others was probably not the best crutch to lean on for happiness.

  The laughing died to chuckles and some of the mirth melted from Nick’s eyes. She could tell that he was moving on to a more serious topic of discussion as his pack mates quieted around him. “So how long are you in town for?”

  Lucy’s eyes passed over the other people at the table before settling on Dan. “I’m not really sure. That’s not to say I really knew before all the stuff with my brother, but now I really don’t know.” She shrugged. “It’s not an exaggeration when I say I have nothing to go home to anymore.”

  Nick nodded his understanding, his eyes somber but honest. “You aren’t the first bear here who’s been in that situation, and I sympathize.” He leaned forward against the table from where he sat. “Look, I’m happy to let you stay here as long as you need to get back on your feet, but I hope you understand that I need more from you first. We’re going through some tough times right now and open-armed trust isn’t something I’m willing to risk for strangers these days.”

  Lucy bit her lip, conflicted on how much of her story she could openly share. She wasn’t the type to spill her life’s story at a moment’s notice, but at the same time, she understood this pack’s alpha and his need to exercise discretion.

  She thought loosely of her loyalty to her brother. Sharing much of anything at all would likely put him at risk. Was that something she was willing to do, even after the night they’d had? She fidgeted at the dinner table, painfully aware of all eyes upon her.

  She inhaled deeply and decided to let instinct do the talking for her. “I followed my brother to your territory,” she began, feeling the first stirrings of uncertainty as she thought of the best way to continue as she witnessed the flash of interest sparkling in Nick’s eyes. She glanced worriedly at Dan and he shot her an encouraging smile, urging her to continue. “He was the only home I knew, but he’s never been exactly the easiest to live with. Tonight was just the last straw; I don’t want the darkness in his heart to affect me anymore.” She shook her head for emphasis.

  “I met Dominic,” Dan interjected with a scowl, gesturing meekly to the bruises and swells that colored his face. “Not a particularly nice guy.” Lucy smiled up at him. Not a nice guy was putting it kindly, but she couldn’t agree more.

  She turned back to the others. “Of course, leaving someone who’s not used to being told no isn’t ever easy. Luckily, that’s when Dan stepped in to help out, for which I’ll always be grateful.” Her smile fell, a bit of apprehension returning to her chest as she dipped into the meat of her secrets. “But that definitely won’t be the last I or Dan will see the last of Dominic, unfortunately.”

  She saw Dan start at her declaration, and the importance of her next words became readily apparent. She had to choose her words carefully if she wanted any chance to hide under the safety of this pack.

  Looking Nick directly in his eyes, the nerves churning in her stomach were mere butterflies in comparison to her instinct to remain safe in all things. “I chose to leave Dominic because I was tired of being swept up in his endless cycle of thuggery and violence, but if I’m to remain safe from him for good, I’ll need your pack’s help.”

  Nick’s gaze was unwavering in sharp clarity. “And why do you think we’d help you fight your personal battles, Lucy?”

  Her fist clenched nervously under the table, but she kept her face strong and blank. “Because it’s not just personal. I may be on outs with my brother, but before that happened we got a call from our cousin to help deal with a pack that was causing him trouble. I’m convinced now that the pack he was referring to was yours.” She looked from face to face as understanding slowly dawned in each of their expressions. “My cousin’s name is—”



  Tom was the first to snap into action, the chair he was sitting on toppled over with the force of how quickly he stood up. “Get the hell out.” His voice was venom as he bared his teeth at Lucy, and she could feel the full weight of his alpha influence. It made her want to run and never look back.

  Dan shot up, staring down the angry alpha with a calm, but fearless gaze. “Remember that she made the conscious decision to leave all of that trouble behind. I watched it myself, Tom. Please try to think past your distrust and give her some credit.”

  “Like hell!” Tom bit back. “She’s one of them, Dan. Who’s to say they didn’t stage that whole encounter in an attempt to infiltrate our pack?”

  “Infiltrate?” Dan repeated, bewildered at the extent of Tom’s wariness showing clearly on his face. “Tom, come on, who would go to such lengths?”

  Tom tilted his head to the side as if Dan was truly dense. “Savannah did.” Lucy saw the small woman next to Tom flinch slightly at the declaration.

  “Exactly,” Nick interjected, finally rising with the other men in the room. “And look at Savannah, your own mate now. She’s allowed a place at this table to laugh and love just like the rest of us,” he said to the other alpha with disappointment in his tone. “I thought you of all people would understand how people can change for the better, Tom.”

  Tom’s nostrils flared as he stared down at his brother, and finally Lucy stood to join them all. “Listen,” she began in an attempt to get their attention. “I don’t want to cause any friction in your pack. If Tom wants me out, I’m okay with leaving, no argument. But bear to bear, I want to make it completely known that I want nothing to do with Lucas or his pack. I have no loyalties to my cousin and none anymore to my brother who insists on helping him.” She let her gaze waver from Tom to Nick, hoping to see some clarity in their eyes. “You’re both alphas, I know you can tell that I’m not lying, so I’ll let you guys talk amongst yourselves, but please, don’t fight over it. I’m not worth the trouble.” She let the certainty of her words settle in the room before backing away from the table. She figured now was as good a time as any to get some fresh air. The tense atmosphere of the dining area had become much too stifling.

  With a sigh, all the tension left Nick’s body. “You’re right. We shouldn’t be fighting over this.” He looked to his brother and Dan, then back to Lucy. “Let’s all just sit down and talk this out like the adults and shifters we are.” The two males sat immediately, and after a bit of reluctance, Lucy followed.

  When Nick was sure everyone was calm enough, he finally sat as well. “Okay, so you say you’re not allied with the Northern Wind, nor are you loyal to your kin brother any longer,” he began. “I’m not guessing there’s any way you can prove this, is there?”

  Lucy shook her head. “I’m afraid not.”

  “Well do you have anything you can provide?” Tom chimed in, face still in a guarded scowl. “Any insight on what your brother or Lucas is planning? When might they attack? What do their numbers look like?”

  “I don’t know any of that stuff,” Lucy replied uneasily, holding her hands up in a physical signal to halt the torrent of questions. “I didn’t want to get involved with any war and battle stuff, and even if I did, it’s not like Dom would tell me anything important.” She shrugged her apology, knowing that nothing she had to share would be enough to sway the younger alpha. “I’ve never even met Lucas before, and I never planned to, so I can’t speak on anything about him personally. But I do know my brother, and I can give you a bit of insight on him if you think it’ll help.”

  “Please,” Nick said with an encouraging look. “Anything at this point would be helpful.”

  Something tense unclenched deep in Lucy’s belly. Finally, she was getting through to someone. “Alright,” she nodded. “Well, first off, he’s arrogant. He craves control and has the power to take it at a moment’s notice. Whatever he’s planning with that pack, I wouldn’t be so quick to assume that Lucas is pulling the strings. Everything Dom does, everything he agrees to is solely for his own benefit. Expect a power struggle in that pack within the coming days. There’s a good reason Dom decided to leave everything behind and come here. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with that pack.”

  “It sounds like you don’t really trust your brother at all,” Jo commented, leaning forward with eyes full of concern.

  Lucy pressed her lips together to quell a wave of emotion within her. “I don’t, not in the slightest. He’s always up to something, and he doesn’t care who gets hurt or what gets devastated in the process. I’m understand that this Northern Wind pack is a huge problem for you guys, and probably this whole town. If Dom has leadership of that pack in his sights, nothing good will come of it, for you guys, or the humans of this town.”

  Lucy watched as Nick worked over some thoughts in his mind. He finally looked at her. “Your brother,” Nick spoke. “Is he an alpha?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “But he makes for a good imitation,” Dan interjected. “In human form he’s bigger than me by a head or so; bigger than Lucas by about the same, I’d guess.” He looked over to his alpha. “Pretty sure he’s bigger than both Tom and you, as well, in both height and width. I’m not exaggerating when I say the guy is massive.”

  Lucy shook her head, remembering the days long before her brother started spending every waking moment in the gym to achieve a body strong enough to hold his ego. “His bear form isn’t any more reassuring either, I’m afraid,” she added, feeling a growling pain in her chest at what could have been if he’d been the brother she’d had all those years ago.

  It wasn’t that she regretted her decision—she certainly did not—but that didn’t erase the fact that they were family, the last of it that she had left behind. But being alone had made him harden in a way that not even she could correct, and as much as it pained her, he’d finally gotten to a point where she could no longer turn a blind eye on his actions. His treatment of humans and shifters alike were completely out of control.

  Nick nodded his understanding. “Bigger than Dan, eh? So definitely not someone to mess with,” he murmured. “No wonder Lucas lobbied for his help.”

  “Certainly not something a person would do, I’m sure,” Lucy agreed. “But if I’m allowed to stay, I’ll do everything in my power to help you guys fight him. No one knows my brother like I do. If there’s the slightest flaw in his plan of attack, I can find it.” Tom growled his dissent, but otherwise said nothing.

  Lucy held her breath as Nick contemplated silently, his gaze steadily on hers as he paused to dole out judgment. She could see some modicum of doubt in his eyes, similar to his brother’s, and she couldn’t blame him. Her story was a long shot, and a certain amount of faith would be needed if he allowed her to stay. She knew it’d take some time, but that’s all she had. She’d use it to gain their trust and save them from the monster her brother had become.

  “Jo?” Nick finally said softly, turning to his mate. “What do you think?”

  “Of course she should stay!” Jo exclaimed without a beat of hesitation. “Your problem is with our enemies. Dominic is the idiot that chose to oppose us, not Lucy. So why are we contemplating punishing her for his crimes?”

  “I agree,” Savannah added, sharing a nod of solidarity with Jo. “Plus, Dan’s putting everything on the line to vouch for her. If he has a good feeling about her, then I’m not going to question it.” She smiled over to Dan with a reassuring expression, and Lucy could tell they shared a comradery that she’d never quite understand.

  He nodded his agreement. “Thanks for the backup, kid.”

  “Alright,” Nick announced. “Then it’s settled. Lucy, you can stay for as long as you need. We have a spare room here and Jo can help you get everything you need.”

  It was as if some huge weight had been lifted from Lucy’s shoulders with the declaration, and relief made her chest swell. “Thank you, Nick,” she said, bowing her head softly in appreciation. “Words can’t describe how grateful I am. I know you’re taking a huge risk in trusting me, and I’ll work my hardest to make sure you know that it wasn’t misplaced.” She knew she wasn’t completely off the hook yet; they’d still be keeping a close eye on her until they didn’t feel the need to, but for now this was enough.

  For now, she was safe.


  “Thank you, Nick,” Dan said quietly. The women were talking amongst themselves on how to best get Lucy settled, and Dan thought it best to express his gratitude to the alpha for his kindness before everyone parted ways to do their own thing before settling down for the night. “I know deciding to take her in couldn’t have been an easy decision.”

  Nick studied him, eyes contemplative. “Easier than you’d think,” he replied. “She walked away from family; something not even I think I’d be able to do if Tom went rotten. Plus, I trust your judgment, as well as Jo’s. If you both are alright with her, I’m okay with at least giving her a fair shot.”

  A sudden smile spread across his face. “But you know, when I said you could go out and find yourself a girl, I didn’t expect you to actually do it.”

  Dan chuckled to hide his embarrassment. “Hardly that. We only met because I knocked her flat on her back at the bar. Not my best first impression.”

  Laughing, Nick glanced over at the girls as they chatted. “Must’ve been good enough, considering she can hardly take her eyes off of you.”

  “Really?” Dan replied, hopeful. He had to fight not to turn around and gawk at her like an oaf.

  Nick clapped him on the shoulder. “No doubt about it, big guy.” He looked over to Tom who was shrugging on his jacket with a somber expression on his face. “We’re gonna head out for a quick run. Wanna join?”

  Despite his earlier romp through the woods, the relief of how well the night had gone with the pack had revitalized Dan’s bear, and it was eager to tear off through the forest a bit more. “Definitely.”

  Nick leaned around Dan, casting his gaze to the women. “Savannah? Lucy?” he called. “We’re gonna let our bears breathe a bit if you want to join.”

  “Sure,” Savannah said at once, rising to her feet. “I could use a
bit of exercise, and I’m sure my bear won’t complain.”

  Nodding, Dan turned to Lucy. “And you?” he asked with a smile. “It’d be a good time to get to know us all a bit better, since you’re sticking around and all.” Truth be told, he had a strong urge to see her bear that bordered on straight up excitement. Something deep within him felt compelled to know everything about her, and the opportunity to see such a big part of who she was… it was too good to pass up. Even his bear nodded in agreement as he silently hoped her coat was the same dark hue as her flowing hair.

  Slowly, Lucy gave him a tight smile. “Thank you, but I’m going to pass,” she answered with a shake of her head. “I don’t shift.”

  Chapter Eight

  Dan entered the office in a grumpy mood, which was unusual for him. When Nick and Tom tried badgering him about it, he brushed them off with a somber fervor that wasn’t like him at all.

  “Come on,” Nick grinned in an attempt to lighten the mood. “What, now you’re the one who can’t take a joke?”

  Dan grumbled something unintelligible before saying, “I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Ah, so that’s it,” Nick replied knowingly, elbowing Dan lightly in the side. “Got her on the brain, have you?”

  “No,” Dan replied too quickly to be convincing. Nick raised an eyebrow as his gaze slid over to his brother. Dan didn’t want to admit it, but Nick had hit the nail on the head. His mind had raced all night, flickering past images of Lucy and the events that had led them together. It was short and fleeting, but replaying the memories also felt like he’d been lost in an eternity. Sadly it always ended the same; she admitted that she never shifted and with that declaration, a part of his hopeful utopia with Forest Haven shattered alongside it.

  Hopeful utopia? Just what was he expecting from Lucy? Sure, she was gorgeous, and she’d seemed open to at least talking at the bar, but she came to the pack under duress and begging for help. He felt kind of skeevy at the thought of using her situation to his advantage in such a way. He’d always considered himself a helper, and it was never a hard decision to put his feelings aside and aid others, even when that ‘other’ was Lucas. So why was he finding it so hard to forget all personal emotion and help this poor woman when no one else would?


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