Iniquitous: A Dark Paranormal Romance (The Marked Book 3)

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Iniquitous: A Dark Paranormal Romance (The Marked Book 3) Page 8

by Bianca Scardoni

  “Thank you,” I said to her as she placed the tray on my bed in front of me.

  She ducked her chin down and then quickly scurried out of the room.

  Dominic passed her on his way in, muttering something that was too low for me to hear.

  “Morning, Princess.” He smiled at me jovially as he walked in, carrying a long emerald dress dangling from a wooden hanger. He stopped in front of the armoire and slung it over the mirror-clad door.

  My heart picked up speed at the mere sight of him. “What’s that for?” I asked, ticking my chin at the dress.

  “Wait outside,” said Dominic to Maz.

  Maz nodded and left the room, closing the door behind himself.

  “It’s your dress for this evening’s party.” He tweaked his eyebrows as though this were good news. “Engel is gathering some of his comrades tonight and has requested your attendance.”

  My face scrunched up into a mess. “What the hell, Dominic?”

  “Fret not, angel. Something tells me you won’t be able to make it tonight. And neither will he.” He winked as he walked over to my bedside. “How are we feeling this morning?” he asked, reaching out to move my hair from my neck. I’d made sure to cover myself when Lucy and Maz came in, just in case. The last thing I needed was someone spotting the fresh marks on my neck and tipping off Engel.

  “You tell me,” I said, looking up at him under my lashes as I craned my head to the side. “I haven’t looked yet.”

  “It’s nearly all healed.” He pulled back and flashed a devilish smile, clearly proud of his mark on me.

  “So what’s this party about?” I asked him as I lifted the cover from my breakfast dish. Eggs and Bacon. AKA heaven on a plate. “And more importantly, is it going to mess up our plans?” I asked, picking up a piece of bacon.

  “Nothing changes. We stick to our plan and if everything goes the way it’s supposed to, we’ll be out of here long before the event is set to commence.”

  I liked the sound of that. I couldn’t wait to get as far away from this place as possible. Of course, that meant I’d be returning to Hollow Hills. The realization sent a wave of trepidation through me. I hadn’t given much thought to what would be waiting back home for me when I returned.

  Or who I would be returning as.

  There were so many unanswered questions, so much unfinished business. Unfinished love. My thoughts went to Trace just then. Beautiful Trace Macarthur. I hadn’t allowed myself to think of him very much these days. It hurt too much to remember him and I already had all the hurt I could tolerate. It was easier to push my thoughts of him away; easier to just let him go. It was what I had to do to survive this place. At least, that’s how it seemed.


  I met Dominic’s gaze.

  “Did you hear anything I said?”

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.”

  “Never you mind then.” He smiled. “Finish your breakfast and join me outside. You have a big day ahead of you.”

  A big day indeed. I took a deep breath and nodded.

  After breakfast, Dominic and Maz took me down to the library. Engel had given me the pass for the day and thought I might enjoy some time to myself amongst his esteemed collection of classic novels. As much as I couldn’t stand the guy, I was pretty thrilled about my latest offering, especially after finding a first edition of my favorite Jane Austin novel. Even still, it hurt my heart that such a prized possession was owned by such an awful creature of debauchery.

  With the book cradled to my chest, I plopped down on a lounge chair by the window and tried to quell my nerves long enough to forget where I was. Dominic took the seat across from me as Maz shuffled aimlessly down the aisles.

  “God, I love the smell of books,” I said, fanning the pages as I inhaled its unique scent.

  He leaned further back in his chair with an amused grin on his face.

  “What? Don’t you read books?”

  “Yes, angel. I read books. I don’t smell them.”

  “Then you’re doing it all wrong,” I said and opened the book to the first chapter.

  I heard him chuckle, but I didn’t look back up. I was already immersing myself in the story; the same one I’d read a hundred times before, each time, finding something new and exciting that I swore hadn’t been there the previous time.

  I blew through the first couple of chapters without stopping once, and then jumped into the next one just as quickly. Who knew if I’d ever get another chance to read this book again. For all I knew, things could go terribly wrong tonight and I’d never again get to do any of the things I loved so dearly. When I glanced up to ponder the disturbing thought, I noticed Dominic was still staring at me—watching me with a strange look in his eyes—a faraway gaze I’d never seen before.

  “Why are you staring at me like that?” I asked, lowering the book.

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know, all dreamy and weird.”

  He laughed at my words. “That’s hardly what I was doing, angel.”

  “It sure looked that way from where I’m sitting.”

  Always one to have the last word, he was about to say something back to me when Maz rejoined us, carrying a magazine in his hands.

  “Of all the priceless books in this place, you grabbed a gossip rag?” I shook my head at him.

  “It’s not a gossip rag, it’s a Men’s Health Magazine.”

  “Uh-huh. Sure, it is.” I made a mocking face at Dominic and we both laughed.

  “I ain’t plannin’ on reading it anyway,” snapped Maz. “I’m just flipping through the pictures to kill some time.”

  “Okay. Cool beans.” Honestly, I hardly cared.

  His eyebrows furrowed. “What’s it to you anyway, hell-girl?”

  Well, that escalated quickly.

  “Watch it,” warned Dominic, his voice unusually stern.

  “You should prolly be thinking about your roast tonight instead of worrying about what I’m reading,” he continued, clearly enraged by my innocent razzing. “Them three little witches are gonna fry you into next Tuesday.”

  “Three little witches?” I glanced at Dominic and then back to Maz. “What are you talking about?”

  “That’s enough,” said Dominic, rising to his feet. “Do me a favor and get out of here, you bumbling buffoon.”

  “Chill, man. It’s not like it’s a secret,” said Maz, running a pale hand through his dark hair. “What’s your problem anyway? You got a soft spot for her or something?”

  Dominic’s eyes were shooting fireballs at him. “Get. Out. Now.”

  “Whatever.” Maz tossed the magazine on the chair and then bustled out of the library.

  My crazed eyes snapped back to Dominic who was still watching the door. Obviously avoiding me.

  “What the hell is he talking about, Dominic? And don’t you dare lie to me!”

  “It’s nothing for you to concern yourself with, love.” His tone was soft and unhurried as though trying to keep me calm—contained. “We’ll be long-gone before then.”

  “Before then? Before when exactly?” He wasn’t getting off that easy. He knew something about the alleged festivities tonight and I wasn’t going to drop this until he gave me every last detail. “Who the hell are the three little witches?”

  Dominic shot another surly look towards the door, cursing Maz under his breath. Rolling his shoulders, he met my panicked eyes. “Remember when I told you Engel was working with Dark Casters?”

  I swallowed hard. “Yeah.”

  “Well, they were invited to the party tonight…to meet you.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “To exchange beauty tips,” he blurted out impatiently. “What do you think they’re coming here for?”

  The Uprising spell.


  My stomach dropped to the ground. “But he doesn’t even have the Amulet yet!”

  “Perhaps that’s their first order of business,” he suggest
ed, clearly not in the know.

  “Dammit, Dominic!” I stood up from my chair and glared down at him. My anxiety was running marathons all through my body. “When were you going to tell me about this?”

  “Well, to be perfectly honest, love, I wasn’t.” He relaxed back in his chair, calm and unaffected. “The last thing we needed was for you become unhinged and riddled with nerves before the big showdown.”

  How dare he presume to know what’s best for me. “You don’t have the right! You don’t know anything about me, Dominic, least of all how I would react to something like this.”

  God, where did he even get off?

  “Oh? I don’t know anything about you?” He stood up and took a daunting step towards me. “I know you better than you know yourself right now. I know what you need. I know what you want even before you beg me for it,” he said, his tone drenched with impish accusations, “I know what will make you stronger, and I damn well know what will slow you down. You can sit here like a petulant child and deny it, but it doesn’t change the facts one bit.”

  I smacked him in the face. Hard.

  Aside from clenching his jaw, there was zero reaction from him. But it pleased me nonetheless.

  “Didn’t see that one coming, did you, Mr. Know-it-all?” My chest was rising and falling so fast, it was making me dizzy, but I refused to back down from him.

  Dominic, never one to back down either, took another step towards me, erasing the tiny gap between us as if to intimidate me—to threaten me. It was almost as though he were daring me to hit him again.

  So I did, only this time, he caught my wrist before I could made contact with his cheek.

  “I do not take kindly to being assaulted, angel. Do not do that again.” Still holding my wrist, he used it to pull me in. “Are you reading me?”

  “Well, I don’t take kindly to liars! And I definitely don’t take kindly to threats!” I spat back through gritted teeth.

  His eyes skittered down to my mouth. “It was a cautioning, not a threat.”

  “And what exactly are you cautioning me about? What the hell are you going to do to me that hasn’t already been done, huh?”

  The tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

  His eyes climbed back up to mine. “Put down your weapon, angel. I’m on your side,” he said quietly, like a secret he didn’t want anyone else knowing.

  Even though my heart was still racing and my adrenaline was pumping hard under my skin, his words had still registered. He was on my side. Right now, he was the only one risking everything to help me get out of here.

  I pulled my wrist free and took a step back, gathering my bearings, pulling myself back together again.

  “You’re right, I’m sorry,” I said, though the words were heavy on my tongue. I may have been out of line earlier, but so was he. “I’m just so sick of everyone telling me what’s best for me.” I looked up at him to make sure he was hearing me. “I’m not as fragile as you think I am, Dominic. I can handle the truth and I can take care of myself. I’ve managed to stay alive up until this point, haven’t I? Even with everyone lying to me and using me as collateral in their own twisted games.”

  He didn’t say anything, but I could tell he knew exactly what I was talking about. After all, once upon a time, that list included his name.

  “If you want to help me get out of here then please, be my guest,” I continued. “I’m not so stupid that I’d turn down a helping hand. But if you’re going to play games with my life and take it upon yourself to decide what I should or shouldn’t know, then don’t even bother. Because I don’t need that kind of help anymore. Are you reading me?”

  He smiled at me. “Loud and clear, angel. Loud and clear.”

  “Good. Now, how long do we have until Engel’s little witches get here?”

  He glanced at the wall clock behind my head. “A little over two hours.”

  I nodded confidently, though I could feel my pulse quicken as the sobering reality began to set in. “We need to go over the plan again.”

  “We’ve already gone over it a hundred times,” he pointed out.

  “Then we’ll go over it a hundred-and-one times.”

  A smile teased the corner of his lips. “Have I ever told you how sexy you look when you take charge?” He stepped into me, immediately filling up my personal space with his sidetracking cologne and pheromones.

  “You may have mentioned it.” My stomach fluttered at his nearness, but I forced myself to ignore it. I had to stay focused. No matter how good and distracting the Angel of Death looked before me.

  He made a growling noise at the back of his throat as he continued to categorize my features with his eyes. “Not nearly enough, I’m sure.”

  “Stick to the plan, Dominic.”

  “I’m trying to, angel.”

  “Excuse me, Mr. Huntington,” interrupted a small voice at the door.

  I turned to see a petite woman standing at the entrance of the library. Her dark hair was pulled into a coil and she was wearing a black dress with a white apron. It looked like a Halloween ‘Maid’ costume, minus the skank.

  “Yes, Nora?” answered Dominic, his eyes never straying from mine.

  “Miss Blackburn’s bath has been run and her dress has been steam pressed. Everything is ready for her.”

  “Thank you, Nora.”

  She nodded and exited the room as quietly as she came in.

  His lips twitched into a devious smile. “Looks like it’s show time, angel.”

  I pulled in a haggard breath, and nodded.

  Time to take this freak show on the road.


  I had a little less than two hours to get myself ready for this evening’s main event, though I was only planning on using a quarter of that to make sure I had more than enough time to take out Engel and get the heck out of Dodge. And hopefully, that was long before the Dark Casters arrived to further complicate my life. I wasn’t sure who they were or what they were coming for, and I had absolutely no desire to find out either.

  Standing in front of the bathroom sink, I looked up and caught my reflection. I hardly recognized the girl staring back at me. My body looked weathered and my skin was sickly and pale. I couldn’t remember my eyes looking so tired before, almost as though the light in them had disappeared. I wondered if I’d ever be able to recognize my own reflection again…. if I’d ever really feel like myself again.

  I rubbed my sweaty palms against the towel that was wrapped around my body and pulled in a deep breath, but it wasn’t nearly enough to steady the tremors vibrating my entire body.

  “You can do this,” I whispered to myself in the mirror, hearing his words in my ears. “You’re stronger than you think.”

  The door opened behind me and Dominic walked in carrying the emerald dress I was supposed to be wearing tonight.

  “How exactly am I supposed to fight in that thing?” I asked him, eyeballing the dress like a ball and chain.

  “Like a lady, I presume.”

  I shot him a nasty look. “You’re a riot.”

  He laughed and handed me a black tank top and some sort of booty-slash-bicycle shorts. “Slip these under.”

  I picked up the skimpy garments and made another face at him. “Seriously?”

  “It was the only thing I could find thin enough to be concealed under your dress,” he answered with a smile.

  I could tell he was more than amused by this, which was irritating as hell. How he managed to find humor in any of this was beyond me. I could barely stop my hands from trembling like I was going through withdrawals and he was over here teasing and flirting with me like we were on our way to prom.

  “Did you lock the door?” I asked as I slipped on the shorts under my towel.

  “Of course.” He hung my dress on the door hook and then waited for me to put on the tank top.

  I turned away from him and dropped my towel. “You’re going to feed, right?” I aske
d as I pulled the top over my head. “You know, in case something goes wrong.” The last thing I needed was Dominic checking out on me in the middle of the biggest fight of our lives.

  “Worried about me again, love?”

  I gave him a warning look over my shoulder, but didn’t bother denying it. He had that irritating ability to tell when I was lying. I wasn’t sure if it was a Revenant thing, a bloodbond thing, or a Dominic thing.

  Once dressed, I threw a glance at myself in the mirror to make sure everything was covered up. To my dismay, barely anything was covered at all. I bet he picked this little number out on purpose, you now, just for shits and giggles.

  “Dress, please.”

  He slipped the dress off the hanger and then passed it back to me without turning. Guess he finally learned some decency after all. I unzipped the side zipper and then stepped into it. Without bothering to look at myself, I zipped myself in and then ran my palms over the satiny fabric.


  “As I’ll ever be,” I muttered, still fidgeting with the stupid dress.

  Turning, he met my eyes and faltered. His mouth opened and then quickly closed.

  “What?” I quirked an eyebrow at him. “What’s wrong?”

  He shook his head softly. “Nothing, angel. Nothing at all. You look stunning.”

  “Give me a break. I’m a mess.”

  He was still shaking his head, and that strange, dreamy look in his eyes was back with a vengeance. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything quite as exquisite.”

  My heart did a weird flip into my stomach. Unsure of what to say to that, I glanced back at the mirror behind me to see if I could see what he was seeing.

  Nope. Still hated what I saw.

  The truth was, I didn’t recognize my own reflection anymore and it pained me just to look at it.


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