Throne of Vengeance: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance (Throne Duet Book 2)

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Throne of Vengeance: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance (Throne Duet Book 2) Page 16

by Rina Kent

He pulls out, cleans me with tissues, and then takes care of himself before he drives to the hospital. Why did I think he would forget about it after the sex?

  Wishful thinking.

  We sit down in one of the examination rooms, waiting for the test results. Kyle’s words were, and I quote, “Check all of her.” The nurse smiled, and I had to apologize for his overbearing nature.

  “I’m going to be fine.” I sigh, throwing my head back on the hospital bed. The pillow feels soft to the touch. After the nurse drew blood, she told me to rest and not attempt to stand up too soon.

  “Then we will just confirm it.” Kyle smiles in that infuriating way from his sitting position on the bed beside me.

  “We’re wasting time here when we could be doing other stuff.”

  His gaze gleams. “Other stuff like what?”

  “You know.”

  “No, I’m afraid I don’t. How about you enlighten me?”

  “Do you want me to say it?”

  “Fuck yeah, baby.”

  My cheeks heat at the way he calls me that.

  “So what type of stuff?” he asks when I don’t say anything.

  “Husband and wife stuff.”

  “Husband and wife stuff, huh? You’re surprisingly very horny tonight. Not that I mind.”

  “Shut up,” I tell him, even though it’s definitely true. I don’t know why I feel like I want to jump him and let him fuck me all night long.

  Part of it is because of the rush of life that invaded me after the whole shitstorm today, but the other part is something else I can’t put my finger on.

  Kyle cups my jaw before his fingers slide to my throat and he closes his hand around it. The position has become so familiar that my heart leaps whenever he does it. It’s not helping my libido, though, because my body associates this gesture with sex, and he obviously won’t do it while we’re waiting for the test results.

  “Once I make sure you’re all good, I’m going to fuck you until tomorrow, Princess.”

  “Until tomorrow?” I whisper.

  “It’ll be rough, too just how you like it.”


  “Absolutely, so don’t beg me to slow down or stop.”

  “I won’t tonight.”

  “Mmm. Does that mean I get to do whatever I like?”

  I nod once, biting my lower lip.

  The door opens and I pull back against the pillow, but Kyle doesn’t release me.

  “Let me go,” I murmur as the doctor approaches us.

  Kyle tightens his hold around my throat for a second before he does as he’s told. My face must be all red as the doctor stands beside us. He appears to be in his fifties with some white strands in his ginger hair.

  If he noticed the scene, he doesn’t comment on it, just busies himself with the papers in his hand. “The tests came back normal. There were traces of propofol in your system, but thankfully, it’s not a dangerous amount that could harm the baby.” His gaze slides to Kyle. “There are a few bruises on your stomach that aren’t critical either, but if you’d like to talk to someone, please let me know.”

  My mouth hangs open as one word he said stays in my mind. “Wait—go back. Did you just mention a baby?”

  The doctor’s gaze doesn’t change as he flips between the papers. “Yes. You’re pregnant.”




  I think the doctor just said I’m pregnant.

  “I can’t be pregnant,” I blurt. “I’m on the pill.”

  The doctor double-checks the papers in his hand. “You are, miss.”

  “There must be a mistake.”

  “No. Your blood tests came back with a considerable amount of hCG, which is the pregnancy hormone.”

  I stare at his face, my mouth falling open. “Then…then…how can I get pregnant if I’m on the pill?”

  “If you missed a day or so, it could happen.”

  “I never have.” Because the brute Kyle keeps coming inside me all the time and is so vehemently against wearing a fucking condom, I take them religiously.

  My gaze slowly slides to his. He’s grown quiet, his face expressionless. What is that supposed to mean? Is he also shocked?

  I’m going to put a baby in you.

  My eyes widen as his words from before slam back into me.

  No, he didn’t.


  “Is this the first time you’re finding out about the pregnancy? If so, you should see an OB-GYN,” the doctor continues. “It needs to be done as soon as possible.”

  I’m unable to answer him, so I nod as a response. The doctor watches us peculiarly for a second, then takes his leave.

  As soon as the door closes behind him, I face Kyle, trying as hard as hell to hold on to my cool. A volcano is raging inside me with the intention of sweeping me under.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?”

  His eyes meet mine, and I see it, the cunning, the fucking victory. If I had any doubt, it’s now eradicated.

  The asshole.

  The fucking asshole.

  Kyle takes my hand in his and brings it to his face, but I yank it away before he can kiss it.

  “Is something the matter?” he asks nonchalantly, almost innocently.

  “Something the matter? Something the fucking matter? I was on the pill. I shouldn’t be pregnant.”

  Kyle keeps his cool. “I’ve heard it’s only ninety-nine percent effective.”

  “Or zero if you switched them out.”


  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I jump up from the bed, ready to punch him, but the world spins, putting a halt to my plans.

  Kyle clutches me by the arm, but I yank it back, facing away from him to grip the bedpost. I want to scratch and claw at his damn face. I want to kick and hit him, but I feel too physically weak to inflict any pain.

  “Why are you so angry? It would’ve happened at one point or another.”

  My lips part. He’s not even trying to deny it or defend himself. He’s openly confessing that he switched out my fucking pills.

  “Wow. I really want to kill you right now.”

  “That will leave you alone with our baby, so I vote against that option.”

  I turn around and punch him across his slowly healing face. He doesn’t attempt to avoid it, even though he must’ve seen it coming. “It’s not our baby.”

  “You and I made him or her, so that makes the baby ours.”

  “You made this happen.”

  “Fine, but don’t get too agitated. It’s not good for your health.”

  “How can you be so calm about this?”

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Right, why wouldn’t you?” My voice rises with a sense of mockery that’s so close to rage. “You’re the one who plotted for this all along, and it’s simply working according to your plan. Now what? What’s next in your grand plan? Are you going to put a few other babies in me?”

  “If you want to.”

  “I don’t want to! That’s why I took the damn pills.”

  “Are you done?”

  “I’m not fucking done! You know, this is why I can’t trust you, Kyle. This is exactly why. One moment, you make me feel as if the world is at my fingertips, then you go and stab me in the damn back.”

  “Don’t be so dramatic.”

  “Dramatic? You think this is dramatic? Oh, I will show you what dramatic is really like.” I push at his chest. “You and I are no longer on speaking terms.”


  “Don’t talk to me!”

  “I’m not, you are.”

  Frustration bubbles in my veins, but I bottle it up and storm out of the room. I’m well aware of Kyle following right after me. I stand in front of the car because I have nothing on me, not even a phone to call Ruslan and Katia. As soon as he opens the door, I slide in the passenger seat and stare out the window.

  I try to ignore the memories that co
me with being in this seat. Less than an hour ago, he made me feel over the moon. Now, he’s done it again in a completely different way.

  A sigh leaves him and I feel his eyes watching me. “Do you feel nauseous? The doctor gave me a prescription.”

  I don’t respond and continue staring at the other cars through the window.

  “So this is how it’s going to be? Silent treatment?”


  Until I figure out what to do with the life growing inside me and the man who put it there.

  Because there’s no way we’ll ever be the same after this.



  The drive home is spent in utter silence—the suffocating type.

  Rai erases me completely and focuses her entire attention on the world outside.

  I clench my fist around the steering wheel to keep myself from grabbing her and knocking some sense into her. That will only escalate things for the worse, so I stop myself.

  After all, it’s not like she’s mad for no reason. I may have played it down at the hospital so she didn’t pop a nerve, but even I know her anger is legitimate.

  As soon as we arrive at the Russians’ compound, she barges outside. Katia and Ruslan greet her at the entrance, and she merely nods in their direction.

  I walk beside her, keeping up with her angry strides. Anger is good sometimes. It means she cares enough to be angry. It’s the lack of reaction that grates on my nerves.

  We’re only two steps inside when Anastasia jerks up from her position at the bottom of the stairs and quits clinking her nails against each other. Was she sitting there all along? She’s in her pajamas, her white-blonde hair is barely brushed, and the dark circles under her eyes hint at many sleepless nights.

  We stop when she runs and clasps Rai in a hug. “Are you okay, Rayenka? I heard what happened and was so worried about you.”

  My wife fakes a smile for her grandcousin’s sake, even though she’s been sulking around me. “I’m totally okay, Ana.”

  “But Papa said the Albanians got you and took you and…” She trails off, sniffling.

  “Anastasia Sokolov, don’t cry for something as trivial as this,” Rai scolds like a loving mother, and the analogy hits me with the image of her carrying her own son or daughter. My son or daughter.

  My gaze trails to her stomach, and although it’s flat, the doctor said our child is there. Our. Mine and Rai’s.

  Holy fuck. I never thought it would feel this…euphoric. Fascinating, really.

  “It’s not trivial,” Anastasia argues. “You were in danger.”

  “But I’m not anymore, you crybaby.”

  “But you were in the past and you will be in the future.” Something flashes in Anastasia’s gaze, something I never thought a soft, sheltered thing like her would ever show.

  Grudge. An angry grudge.

  Is that interesting, or what?

  Rai pulls her into an affectionate hug. “Don’t worry, Ana. I’ll always be around to protect you.”

  “But for how long?” the younger woman murmurs, her gaze on nothing in particular.

  “For as long as it takes.” Rai pulls back. “Okay?”

  She nods, her gaze sliding toward me, then back to Rai. “I…I want to talk to you about something.”

  “Can it wait until tomorrow?”

  “Yes, of course.” She kisses her. “I’m so glad you’re safe.” Then, Anastasia smiles at me. “Thank you for bringing her back.”

  “She’s my wife. I would do it any time.” I try to reach for Rai, but she steps away from my reach.

  As soon as Anastasia disappears up the stairs, Rai’s smile vanishes.

  I suppress my reaction as we head to Sergei’s office so we can give him a report of what happened.

  “He will let you know the rest.” She makes a vague gesture in my direction without looking at me. “I’m tired, so I’ll retreat to my room.”

  “Of course, of course.” Sergei’s brows furrow. “Take care of yourself and the baby.”

  Her lips thin in a line at that. She didn’t have a problem lying about her pregnancy all this time, but now that it’s become true, she’s in the mood to kill me.

  She tells Sergei good night and storms out of the office as if hell is on her shoulders.

  I contemplate the best way to summarize the situation to him before I join her. There’s no way I’m letting her sleep in that state tonight. It takes me twenty minutes of answering Sergei’s questions before I’ve had enough.

  “I don’t think we killed all the Albanians since that’s not their only hideout. Kirill and Adrian will give you a full report come morning.”

  I’m about to excuse myself when Sergei cuts off my attempt to flee. “I’m going to need you to carry out a hit.”

  “On who?”

  “I’ll let you know soon.” He pauses. “Just be ready for it and keep it between the two of us.”

  “Got it.” No idea who he’s trying to eliminate, but if he’s keeping it a secret, something is definitely up. I will look into it as soon as he gives me a name. Did they perhaps figure out the identity of the traitor who’s been stealing from them?

  The wrinkles ease at his eyes. “And thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For saving Rai from an atrocious fate.”

  Why do he and Anastasia think I did it for them? I only did it for her, and myself by extension.

  “There’s no need to thank me. She’s my wife.”

  After saying my good nights, I retreat to our room. I stop at the threshold when I spot her sleeping form on the bed. She’s curled up in a ball, which is the last position I would expect Rai to sleep in.

  The vulnerability of it doesn’t escape me. She has been through so much today, from the attack to the kidnapping, and she ended the day by finding out about her pregnancy.

  Recalling what those fuckers did to her makes me want to go back in time and slice the throat of every last one of those bastards.

  If Kirill didn’t catch that guard or if I were a little too late, she wouldn’t be sleeping in our bed like this. I could’ve lost her for fucking good.

  A long breath heaves out of my lungs as I shake those thoughts away. It’s over. She’s here, and I’ll make sure nothing like that happens again, even if it means keeping her in my sight at all times.

  She certainly won’t like that, though.

  The covers slide down her body, revealing her nightgown that rides up her bare thighs. It’s a plain white one, not the red I was promised tonight, but, oh well—I didn’t expect her to wear it after the fiasco in the hospital.

  Her hair is slightly damp, which means she took a quick shower.

  I’m tempted to lie beside her like this, but I don’t want any of the blood marring my clothes and skin on her. She has the ability to make me feel like I do have filthy hands, and those hands keep on tarnishing her over and over again.

  If I were sane enough, I would’ve stopped this vicious cycle of tainting her every step of the way, but I’m fucking insane when it comes to this woman.

  I strip on my way to the bathroom and take a quick shower, letting the blood cascade down the drain.

  When I return to the room, Rai is still curled on her side, but this time, a frown is etched deep between her brows. My chest tightens at what she must be dreaming about—the memories from today.

  All I want to do is erase them and protect her, not only from those heinous memories, but also from the world.

  Not bothering with clothes, I lift the covers and slip in behind her. My arm snakes under hers and I place my palm on her stomach and stroke it over the cloth, searching for what, I don’t know. It’s not like I can feel the life growing there this early.

  I never thought about becoming a father before. I was like Rai and found the idea of a kid ridiculous. But ever since I saw this woman again, all I’ve wanted to do is put that life inside her.

  It was a way to keep her with me, bind her to me so sh
e’d never think of leaving me. Did I go overboard by switching out her pills? Probably. But I don’t seem to have a moral compass when it comes to this woman. Most of the time, I’m acting on pure instinct like a fucking animal.

  “Mmmm,” Rai mumbles, the sound pained. Her brows furrow further and her breathing turns harsh. “No…mmmm…n-no…”

  “Rai,” I softly call her name.


  “Rai.” I grab her face, and while my touch is gentle, my voice is anything but. “Wake up.”


  “Come on, baby. Open those beautiful eyes.”

  “Nooo!” Her voice catches and a tear slides down her cheek and clings to her upper lip.

  I shake her shoulder and she startles awake, her mouth agape and her bright eyes unfocused. Sweat covers her temples and her brows.

  “It’s okay. I’m here.” I wipe the tears staining her cheeks.

  Her chin trembles as she stares at me over her shoulder. “They…they were grabbing me…I didn’t…couldn’t…fight…”

  “It’s over, Rai. It’s all over, okay?”

  “They…they stripped Sasha in front of me and almost raped her and I…I couldn’t help her.”

  So Rai finally figured out Kirill’s second in command is actually a woman. About time someone did.

  “But you did help.” I plant a kiss on her forehead. “You did great. You were strong, Princess.”

  Her breathing slowly calms as she tilts her head further to get a better look at me. The sadness in those electric blue eyes bug me, especially since she seems sad about something entirely different than her nightmare about the kidnapping.

  She attempts to face the other side. “Stay away from me.”

  “Not so fast.” I grab her chin and force her to face me. “You said all night long, remember?”


  “I will make you forget about those scum.”

  Her eyes widen, but she doesn’t get a chance to protest as my lips devour hers. She stiffens but doesn’t attempt to push me away, her arms lying limp on either side of her.

  Like me, she can’t ignore the synergy that blossoms out of nowhere whenever our bodies are close to one another.


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