Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 4

by Faith V. Smith

  Whoa—slow down, boy.

  He shouldn’t even be thinking about dating Kira. She was his agent, on the government payroll, just like he was. Even a friendly outing would start the press on a frenzied feed for scandal. Gareth couldn’t afford a scandal, not with the peace talks almost wrapped up, and certainly not in the middle of picking a list of men to interview for replacing the vice president—who’d resigned after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. Besides, he didn’t want to put Kira in a negative limelight, either.

  Gareth walked into the bathroom, scrubbed a hand across his morning bristle, and stared at his visage in the mirror. Slightly-puffy lids emphasized the frown between his brows. He wasn’t happy with the idea of never kissing Kira again, never taking her to his bed, and never getting the chance to explore a possible relationship with her. A pulse-throbbing erection surged to life as he thought about having Kira in all the ways he wanted her. Skin to skin, deep kisses, caressing her breasts before moving down to taste her female essence. He forced the thoughts away. Duty was a bitch at times, but one he’d sworn to uphold.

  * * * *

  “Well, that’s the last of them. I put the prime minister on the plane myself. Looks like you have a few days of grace before you have to fly to Camp David.”

  “Thanks, Malachi. It’s been a long few days for all of us. Any chance you can take some time for yourself?”

  Malachi stretched his arms over his head before clapping a hand on Gareth’s back. “You know there’s no rest for the weary, so probably not. I need to get with Kira and go over the details of your trip, but then I might go fishing. You want to come with me?”

  Gareth grinned, although the mention of Kira had ripped off the invisible bandage he’d put over his sexual needs, and he felt his groin stir. “I would love to, but I doubt we could sneak off without someone finding us out. You go, my friend, and catch one for me.”

  Two staccato raps on the door of the Oval Office interrupted Malachi’s deep chuckle.

  “Come in.”

  A fall of chestnut hair fondled Kira’s shoulders when she entered the room. “Uh, sorry to disturb you, Mr. President, but Malachi asked me to meet him.”

  “Not a problem, Agent Jackson. I’ll just leave you two alone for your talk. Malachi, I’ll get with you later.”

  Malachi saluted Gareth with a smirk on his face, and the president acknowledged it with one of his own. For Kira, he only had a brief nod before he left the room.

  Oh Lord, he must regret the kiss. Or he could be wondering about her quick arrival and exit from the night before. Which reminded her, she still had to come up with a good excuse. Although, with his present attitude, they might not even have another personal chat.


  Lord, what was she going to do?


  Malachi’s bark pulled her from her thoughts. “Yeah, sorry.”

  “You seem to be saying ‘sorry’ a lot lately. Is there anything I need to know?”

  Kira forced herself to look Malachi straight in the eyes. The vampire could spot a lie a mile off. Maybe she should just tell him what happened. Or, God forbid, maybe Gareth had already done just that. Surely not. If he had, Malachi would be chewing a strip off her ass.

  “That depends. Did you talk to Gareth?”


  “The president…I meant the president, Malachi.”

  “Yeah, I talked to him, but he didn’t say anything about you. What’s up?”

  Kira’s breath exploded with such force it blew the bangs off her forehead.

  “That bad, huh?”

  “Do you mind if we sit down, or better yet, what if we go out for something to eat, and we can talk then?”

  Malachi’s brows pulled together in a V-shape. She could almost see the wheels turning inside his excellent brain. Anytime now, he’d realize she was stalling.

  “I take it you would be more comfortable off grounds for this chat?”

  “Yes, I really would. I know it sounds strange coming from me—you know, the vamp who never lets anything get to her—but there’s something I need to tell you, and I really don’t want to do it here.”

  “All right, I’ll meet you in the parking area in five minutes.”

  * * * *

  Kira took a bite of her medium-rare steak, swallowed, grabbed her iced tea glass, and guzzled the refreshing drink. Although the spring temps were chilly, her inside temperature was high. Sexual stress had a way of doing that to a woman or vamp.

  She cut another piece of meat and prepared to pop it in her mouth when Malachi interrupted. “Enough stalling, Kira. What’s going on?” His hand gently guided her fork back to her plate.

  “I kissed Gareth! Not only that, I think he saw me dissolve into particles.”

  Her boss and mentor released her wrist, sat back in his chair, and opened his mouth—only to close it immediately.

  Kira waited—she knew it would only take him a moment to compose his thoughts and words. Then she would know if she still had her job. Something she should have been thinking about all day instead of mooning over that kiss.

  “What type of kiss? A gentle peck on the cheek, a friendly good-night kiss, what? And who initiated it?”

  “Uh, I would say it was a kiss to die for, and before you ask anything else, I think you should know I heard his thoughts in my head while it was happening. Oh…and I sorta initiated it.”

  Malachi’s breath gushed out with such force it stirred the candle flame on their table.

  “Kira, you know what that means.”

  “That I’m about to find myself unemployed?”

  Malachi’s chuckle reminded Kira of a slow-moving freight train.

  “No, unless Gareth wants you fired, I’m content allowing you to stay on as his guard.”

  Kira’s shock must have shown on her face.

  “What? Did you think I would axe you for finding your mate? I’ve known for way over a decade Judith wasn’t the right woman for Gareth. He did too, but that’s his story to tell. What we need to do now is minimize the damage your disappearing act may have caused.”

  “I don’t understand. I thought you would be angry.”

  “No, baby girl. I love you and always have. Of course, as your boss, I should be reading you the riot act, but you have always done what you needed to do for your family and your country. You’ve stayed out of trouble, were never afraid to take on new duties, and you did it all pretty much by yourself. Still, and your dad knew the same thing, you’ve always had a speck of loneliness in your eyes.”

  Tears stung the back of those same organs. She’d always wanted Malachi’s respect. She’d always felt like they had been closer than cousins, but to have him admit freely he was proud of her and loved her was enough to unman her, if she’d been a man.

  “Malachi, I don’t know what to say. You know you’re like one of my brothers. That’s always been my thinking when it came to you. When Dad died, you were the one keeping me going—not just me, but Mom, Granddaddy, and the boys as well. You know we could never have done it without you.”

  Her gaze, when it met his, saw a bit of moisture in his silver eyes. Yep, he knew.

  “Thank you, Kira. Without your granddaddy and dad, I would never have made it past my own parents’ deaths.” He cleared his throat. “Now, enough of this teary-eyed crap. We need to talk about what you’re going to do about Gareth, and how to fix what you did last night.”

  Kira’s laughter sounded hollow. “What to do about Gareth? I really don’t think he’ll be an issue. I think he regrets what happened already. If he brings up anything else, I’ll just tell him he was mistaken.”

  “Honey, I wish it were that easy. Gareth looked like hell warmed over this morning. Whether he admits it or not, your kiss got to him. And knowing him, he won’t rest until he knows all about you. It’s going to be up to you to decide how much you tell him, and how soon.”

  “I can’t tell him I’m a vampire. He’ll hate me f
or hiding it and fire me in a heartbeat.”

  “Kira, he didn’t fire me. In fact, as you heard from his own lips, he’s known what I was for years. Why do think he would react any differently with you?”

  “I don’t know. I’m scared, Malachi. I’m frightened to death of having a mate, especially one like Gareth. For pity’s sake, he’s the president!”

  “Shh! Keep your voice down.”

  “Sorry. I am so not used to this.”

  “No, you’re not, but I will help you get through it. For the moment, we need to just figure out what to tell him about last night and then talk about the upcoming trip to Camp David.”

  Kira slapped her nerves back inside her innermost soul. Malachi was right. There was nothing to be done at the moment. She needed to think about if she would tell Gareth the truth now or wait. Wait for what? She’d see if he felt the same way as she did, and if things became serious between them. Just because he was her mate by vampire creed did not mean he would feel the same way.

  * * * *

  Gareth moved through the den. No sign of Kira. Why he thought she would be there, he didn’t know. He’d barely seen her in almost a week—seven long days since they’d experienced that incredibly seductive kiss. Yet, in the few instances they had met, his attitude was like an arctic blast. Even Malachi had taken him to task for his behavior.

  Nothing like having a vampire flash his fangs in warning to mellow a person’s attitude. Of course, he knew he was wrong, and that was the crux of the matter. He’d taken out his fears for his reputation, and hers, and decided Kira would feel the same way. Then he’d treated her as if the kiss was her fault, when, in fact, Gareth initiated the kiss by his telling he wanted her. Kira was totally blameless.

  He moved to one of the windows and glanced out. The sky was dark, storms had moved through earlier, and as he watched, a shadow moved from the edge of the garden. His inner alarm did not beep, so whoever was making their way toward the balcony doors wasn’t a threat. His time in the military, along with the many life-and-death situations he’d experienced, had more than primed him to know when a threat was imminent.

  Kira, however, was a threat. One he would have to decide what to do about and soon. God knew he wanted someone in his life, but the press would crucify them both. If only…

  The balcony doors eased open, and Kira slid inside. Gareth had not bothered to turn on the lights when he made his way to the den. On the right side of the doors, he waited for her to realize he was there.

  * * * *

  Kira knew she wasn’t alone as soon as she entered the room. One quick sniff and she realized Gareth was the other occupant. His cologne tantalized her senses, and the earthy musk smell of man sent a ripple of desire straight to the V of her thighs. She shook her head to clear her thoughts—there were more important issues that needed to be addressed. She might as well get on with it. She was sure he would grill her about last week. They planned to leave for Camp David tomorrow, and a few of the press corps would accompany them on Marine One. Tonight would be the only time he would have to speak privately to her for another week or so.

  “Good evening, Mr. President.” Kira moved further into the room and went straight to where Gareth stood. “I hope that all is well. We leave quite early for Camp David.”

  “Yes, I know, Agent Jackson. I hope being on duty tonight won’t keep you from being on your toes tomorrow.”

  “No, sir, I will be just fine. Might I suggest you need your sleep also?”

  “You’re right—sleep has been elusive for the last few nights. I’m hoping to make up for it when we get to Camp David. Malachi seems to think I need some relaxation.”

  “Well then, I’ll just do a quick walk-through and allow you to get to it.”

  “Kira, I, uh…I want to apologize for my behavior last week.”

  Kira’s heart did a slow thump, thump.

  Please don’t let him be sorry about the kiss.

  Gareth took her hand and gently raised it to his lips, giving a brief caress to the underside of her palm. Kira’s knees threatened to buckle. How could such a small gesture send her soaring into the beginnings of ecstasy? The man was a lethal weapon, and one that could send her over the edge, or kill her, with the wrong word.

  “Forgive me for being such an ass. My only excuse is the volatility of the kiss we shared took me by surprise. I haven’t felt that way in a very long time.”

  Kira looked up and met his gaze. Inside the depths of green, she saw the truth of his words. “I wasn’t expecting what happened either, but…”

  “I hope you don’t regret—”

  “No, Gareth, I could never regret our kiss. It was beautiful and…”

  “Filled with passion?”

  Her cheeks heated at his words. Passion was an understatement. The explosion of lust and emotion rocked her to her foundation.

  “Yeah, you could say that.”

  His chuckle caused a similar response from her. Laughter was not something she was familiar with, but sharing this moment with him would be something she wanted to do more than once. A lifetime would not be long enough.

  He stepped closer and tugged on a lock of her hair. “Kira, I can’t promise much at the moment. The press hounds me day and night. Always looking for anything to print about my life as the president and a widower. Just having a female agent guarding me is fuel. If they even get wind of our kiss, both our faces will be plastered all over every newspaper, television station, and tabloid in this country and beyond.”

  She knew he was right, but her heart still ached. Any type of relationship they had would have to be kept under wraps like some cheap affair.

  “I know. Being president has some drawbacks, doesn’t it?”

  His laughter sounded hollow as he echoed her earlier words. “Yeah, you could say that.”

  “So, I guess we just agree to be friends, as well as boss and employee?”

  “For the time being. I hate this, Kira, but my hands are tied.”

  She reached up, removed his hand from her hair, and stepped back. “Go to bed, Gareth. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Kira left through the den doors and made her circuit of the PQ before dissolving into mist. She re-formed on top of the White House, making sure only the wind heard her sobs while she cried for what she knew she could never have. No way would Gareth ever be able to rationalize a relationship between them to the press. Not to mention the White House staff, Congress, and the nation. Well, at least he hadn’t brought up her Houdini act.

  She sat cross-legged near the flagpole and waited for the night to pass. They were scheduled to leave for Camp David at 0700 hours. Marine One’s pilot would have the helicopter in the air almost as soon as the seven o’clock hour hit. Kira wouldn’t be able to scrounge any sleep before having to be on the grounds for transport. And none at all on the short flight. Gareth’s daytime guard would be with him, but she would still need to be alert.

  The first rays of sunrise touched the horizon. She stared at the mingled pinks and oranges until the light begin to hurt her eyes. Time to go home. After checking in with John, the day agent, she transported to her apartment. The one-bedroom basement flat was all she needed. Or at least it had been, until she met Gareth.

  Chapter Seven

  Kira arrived on the South Lawn several minutes before takeoff, only to be told by Malachi that they would be doing a short hop to Andrews Air Force Base. From there, they would take Air Force One to Camp Pendleton in California to welcome home returning troops from overseas.

  “This will be your first flight aboard Marine One and Air Force One. I know you’ve read all the stats on both. Do you have any questions?”

  “No, except how long will we be there, and is the president still going to Camp David afterwards?”

  “Yes, afterwards.” Malachi’s brows pulled together. “Kira, will you be okay doing this?”

  “You mean my job or handling Gareth? My job, yes, no problem. Gareth, however, I don’t kn
ow.” Kira curled her hands into fists. “Strike that. Yes, I’ll be fine. Gareth, pretty much, told me last night there could be nothing between us. How did he word it? Oh yeah, for the moment, because of all the hoopla. My word not his, concerning the nation and the press and stuff.”

  Malachi dropped his hand on her shoulder before snarling, “I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.”

  “No! I don’t want you getting into any trouble.”

  “It’s Gareth’s ass that is going to be in trouble. I can’t believe he told you that.”

  “Well, if it helps any, he didn’t act like he liked it any more than I did. Hey, some things are just not meant to be. That doesn’t mean I won’t find another mate out there.” Kira argued but didn’t believe her words for a moment.

  “All right, I’ll grant him a reprieve for the moment, but only because y’all need to be getting on board.”

  “Where’s Gareth? Is he down yet?”

  “Yeah, he boarded about five minutes before you got here. Looked like he didn’t get any sleep either.”

  Kira rubbed her arms against the early morning chill. Although mostly immune to cold weather, the light breeze carried a bit of ice with it. She should have grabbed her leather jacket, but she’d barely had time to brush her fangs before she had to turn around and come back to the White House.

  “That bad, huh?”

  Malachi grinned. “Let’s just say, be glad you can’t look in a mirror.”

  “So funny. You know we can see our reflections and even have pics made. But I’m so not talking to you about how bad I look. You need more sleep yourself.”

  “And I plan on getting some tonight…after I go over some details about our would-be threat.”

  “Anything you can share now?”

  “Not yet, but I will be calling a meeting with you and Gareth after you get back from Camp David.”

  “Okay, see you then, boss.” Kira gave Malachi a cheeky grin before saluting the Marine in dress blues waiting at the steps of the helicopter.


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