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Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 14

by Faith V. Smith

  The vampire jumped up from the chair he’d been seated in. “I should have known. It had to be a vampire. That’s the only way he could have gotten inside without being stopped. And that’s probably why he got the jump on Kira. Her instincts for trouble would have been on high alert. No way would she have allowed a mortal to cut her. She would have taken him out. Especially after what happened at the press conference.”

  Gareth watched Malachi pace until it made his head dizzy. “So, I take it this is someone you don’t know?”

  “That’s it. I have no idea if he’s a vampire I’ve come across before or not. I was so upset finding Kira, I didn’t even scope out the room.”

  “Can you do it now?”

  Malachi nodded his head. “I could, but I’m sure all scent of the vampire is gone by now. He wouldn’t leave behind any way to trace him. Our only hope is if Kira got a glimpse of his face.” He moved to the fabric-covered settee and scooped up a plate from the coffee table. He forwent the niceties and picked up the steak with his fingers and bit into the meat.

  Gareth’s appetite was gone. He could only judge vampires on what he knew of Malachi and now Claude. Finding out the man he’d served with had fangs threw him for a loop. Both men had always behaved in a non-threatening manner.

  Gareth’s gut feeling told him the vampire who hurt Kira was bad news all the way round. If not found and controlled, or even killed, he could prove even more dangerous.

  “Is the prime minister safe?”

  “Yes, why do you ask?”

  “Well, with this rogue vampire running loose, he could be part of a plot to take out any government officials.”

  Malachi wiped his fingers on a linen napkin, picked up the glass of wine Claude had brought up with dinner, and sipped before answering.

  “Good point, but Alex is up Leland and his wife’s butt like you wouldn’t believe. I think someone wants you dead, and they tried to take Kira out so they could get to you.”

  “That makes no sense. Heaven forbid, if Kira dies, someone else would be assigned to me.” A shudder touched his shoulders at the thought of Kira’s uncertain future. As to other agents, he would refuse them.

  “Knowing you, Gareth, you’d fight me and everyone else to prevent another agent getting killed. That’s why I think whoever’s targeting you knows you pretty well. They’d know you would go back to your old ways of no agents within a certain distance.”

  “I never thought of that. So, what you’re saying is, I’m the one responsible for Kira almost dying twice.”

  “Dammit! No, that’s not what I’m saying. The man, or whoever is responsible for this, is deranged. He has to be. Sooner or later, we’ll catch him, and then he’ll die.”

  “Don’t you mean be imprisoned?”

  “No, die. You kill one of us in malice, then it’s war, my friend. We don’t harm others unless it’s absolutely necessary. But I can tell you this. If Kira dies, there won’t be an inch of this earth her brothers and I won’t canvass to find the son of a—”

  “Malachi, who are you planning on killing?”

  Kira’s question galvanized the men into action. Gareth and Malachi, as well as Claude, congregated on the bed.

  “Kira, you’re okay.” Gareth’s voice sounded just as shaky as he felt.

  “Well, yes, I think I am. Malachi, what happened?”

  “Kira, darling, you scared me out of about a century of living. When you went AWOL from the dinner, Gareth and I tried to find you. By the time we did, you were almost dead from a slashed throat.”

  * * * *

  Kira’s hand crept to her throat. A slightly uneven section of skin drove home their words.

  “Thanks, both of you. The vampire who did it probably didn’t think anyone would find me before it was too late.”

  “You saw your attacker?” Malachi’s tone rumbled, and his silver gaze glowed with a promise of something Kira was sure she didn’t want to know.

  “Yes, I went to the library after I got the note. Whoever wrote it said they knew who was behind the attacks. I take it y’all know about that?”

  “Yes, the waiter told us after we couldn’t find you. If not for that…”

  “Okay, so it was that close, huh?” Kira’s voice shook as much as her hand did when she replaced it in her lap.

  “Way too close, baby girl. I had to give you some of my blood to get the wound to close up.”

  Her breath swooshed out at his words. Lord, she must have really been almost dead. Poor Malachi. Oh heavens, poor Gareth.


  He had to know by now she was a vampire. What did he think of her? Kira quieted her erratic heartbeat. She had to find out.

  “I take it you know what I am, Gareth?”

  “Yes, Malachi told me before he transported you to this room.”

  “So, how do you feel about me being a vampire?”

  So intent on his forthcoming response, Kira barely registered Malachi and Claude leaving the room.

  Gareth took her hand in his. “I’m not sure. I have to tell you, on the heels of seeing you with your throat cut, finding out you’re a vampire knocked the wind out of me.”

  “Well, if it helps, we’re called immortals too.”

  His smile waffled a bit on the weak side. “Not much. You should have told me.”

  “Yeah, and I’d be getting the same attitude you’re giving me now.”

  “What attitude?” His question conveyed the confusion in his gaze.

  “The hangdog face, the hurt look. Gareth, do you remember the interview before you finally said you’d hire me? If you don’t, I do. You didn’t want me anywhere near you as an agent. Do you think I could have told you I was a member of the fang-toting club?”

  “You could have told me since then.”

  “Yes, I could have, but things have been a bit crazy since we met.”

  “I don’t need you to tell me that. I’m fully aware you’ve almost died three times because of me.”

  “It’s my job, Gareth. What part of that don’t you understand?”

  “I guess all of it. I just don’t see how you could keep that big of a secret from a man you claim to love.”

  Kira’s strength was returning quickly, and so was the kernel of temper she needed to tamp down. “I didn’t just claim to love you. I do.”

  Gareth released her hand and stood up. “I don’t see it that way at all. If you did love me, you would not have kept this from me.” His movements as he prowled the room were agitated. “If we were being married for real, were you planning on divulging the fact you are a vampi—”


  “Whatever you call yourself, the fact remains you were probably not going to tell me at all. I expected a bit of trust from you. Didn’t you think I’d understand?”

  Kira knew he was hurt, but he was busting her heart wide open, not to mention that spark of temper was beginning to flame higher.

  “Yes and no.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Yes, I was going to tell you, and no, I wasn’t sure if you’d understand. Look, I’m sorry. I never expected to find anyone I cared about, especially not my soul mate.”

  Gareth’s features relaxed just a bit, to immediately tighten up again. His brows arched so high, they almost crawled into his hairline. “What’s a soul mate? I mean, I know what I’d call a soul mate, but what importance is it to you as a vampire?”

  Kira gave up trying to get him to say immortal. Stubborn man. “Well, with us, we only mate once. That means no divorces. Once we find the other half of our soul, it’s like a bonding ceremony.”

  “So you what…exchange rings like mortals do?”

  “We do that and other things.” Kira closed her eyes. She needed to see what Gareth was thinking, feeling.

  So many emotions assaulted her senses. Hurt the size of a mountain and disbelief vied with thoughts of whether or not he’d lost his mind. Above all of these rose the dark specter of distrust. Gareth couldn�
��t seem to get past her not telling him. Lord, she hoped he would in time. Maybe…

  “Look, you’ve had a lot of things thrown at you in a short amount of time, and let’s not forget someone is trying to kill you.” Kira reached for his hand, but instead of grasping her fingers, he clenched his fist. Yep, he was so not in the mood for more tonight. In fact, he might never be ready for what she could tell him about soul mates.

  “Listen, why don’t you go? It’s been a long day, and we have the wedding in the next few days. I’ll work with Malachi about finding out who the vampire is.”

  Gareth wasted no time in doing what she suggested. In fact, he moved so fast, he was in danger of tripping on his way to the door. So much for a glad-you’re-alive, love-you kiss. Kira shored up her heart. So be it. If this is what he wanted, then it wouldn’t be the first time she’d been hurt. It probably wouldn’t be the last either.

  “Yeah, uh, you get some rest. I’m sure we’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “Right, good night, Gareth.”

  Kira waited until the door softly thudded closed before she succumbed to the aftermath of the nightmare she’d lived through. She told herself, as she watched bloodred tears stain her pillowcase, she was crying about almost being killed. Never would she admit the pain of Gareth’s actions caused her tears, and that he’d hurt her worse than the slice to her jugular.

  * * * *

  Gareth felt lower than a dog’s belly as he went to his suite. He’d sent word to Leland to meet him, but now he wished he’d put it off. Watching Kira’s face as he made his excuse to leave had felt like a kick in the gut. It wasn’t his intention to hurt her, but he needed time.

  Everything he’d found out tonight about vampires, soul mates, and other things was way too much for him to handle in a single sitting. He had no idea what a soul mate was unless it was the other part of your heart. If so, then Kira was his, but he just couldn’t face dealing with her being a vampire.

  Lord knew he’d had enough trouble getting adjusted to her being an agent. To find out she really had fangs and claws was not something he’d ever dreamed he’d have to face. Sooner or later, he’d deal with his feelings for her and decide if he could have a relationship with a vampire.

  “Gareth?” Leland’s question broke off his thoughts like a light switch. He’d think about this later. Hopefully by morning he’d be able to put everything in perspective.

  “I’m here. Come on in.” Gareth made his way to the bar, poured two snifters of Tennessee whiskey, and held one out to Leland.

  “That bad?”

  “You have no idea.”

  Leland took a sip from his glass, grimaced, and then smiled. “You always have the best stock. Now, let’s see if we can figure out what you’re stewing about.”

  Gareth wondered if the liquor had gone to the PM’s head. His clipped English accent was gone. He sounded like someone born in Gareth’s neck of the woods. Was he losing his mind?

  “Nope, you’re as sane as you can be in the situation you’re in, old boy. What you hear is the real me.”

  He resisted the urge to shake his head in an effort to dislodge the bizarre words Leland spouted. Somehow, he’d find a logical way to explain how the man could read his mind.

  “Okay, care to expand on what’s going on?”

  Leland laughed. “It’s simple, really. You already know Alex is a VGP. I’m sure you also know Kira is by now, but there are a lot of us who are of the fanged persuasion.”

  The whiskey he’d just swallowed went down the wrong way. Leland jumped up and pounded him on the back so hard, Gareth feared he’d break a rib or at least a few vertebrae.

  “I’m fine. Thank you!”

  After gulping in some air, he responded to Leland. “I take it you’ve known Malachi long?”

  “Oh yes, a few decades at least. We met while you were in service. The man, even then, wheeled and dealed to get things turned around in our political system. He felt if more of the key figures and their agents were vamp or protectors, then the world would be a safer place.”

  “I’m surprised Malachi didn’t run for office.”

  “He didn’t want it. Said he’d rather be on the sidelines.”

  “Okay, so you’re a vampire with a vampire protector. Why, and what about Eve?”

  Leland’s smile was positively wicked. “My wife is mortal, so she needs someone to protect her besides myself. She’s planning on being turned after I retire. For the moment, she’s enjoying the benefits of being married to a vamp.”

  “Benefits? You’ve lost me. And should I be afraid of you now?”

  “No, but I’d carry a big piece of pointed wood if you upset Malachi, and a good way to do that is upset Kira. The benefits are something she can acquaint you with once you’re married. Being a soul mate can be extremely enjoyable, or so my wife tells me.” The PM laughed.

  Leland’s entire attitude boggled Gareth’s mind. Sex with a vampire? Sex with Kira? Both were one and the same. As much as he wanted her succulent body, he wasn’t sure about anything else.

  “You might want to reel in your thoughts. Malachi’s on his way, and he can read minds also. I’m surprised Kira didn’t tell you she could read yours. That happens when you find your soul mate.”

  God above, that made him gulp more whiskey. All these years and he’d had no clue Malachi could read his mind. And Kira? What she must have read in his head.

  “Gareth?” Malachi stuck his head around the threshold. “Thought I’d let you know there were no fingerprints other than Kira’s and the waiter’s on that note. First thing in the morning, I’ll bring in a sketch artist to see if we can come up with a composite.”

  “What good will that do if he’s a vampire?”

  “Well, with a face, we can check out places mortals can’t get into. Of course, if he was paid to kill Kira, he could be long gone from DC.”

  “So, in that case, we’re right back where we started—with nothing.”

  “No, Gareth, we have people all over the world. Eventually, we will find him. Now, what have you decided to do about Kira being a vampire? I know all of this is a shock.”

  Gareth hoped to hide his doubts from Malachi, but if what Leland said was true, they both already knew his mind.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I need some time.”

  “I understand, but the wedding is only a few days off. You have to make up your mind soon. I thought after what happened tonight, you and Kira would want to tie the knot for real.”

  “Oh, the wedding will take place, but I don’t plan on changing my mind about the minister. There are too many issues at stake that we need to address before we make that type of decision. I think both Kira and I need to have a way out of the marriage.”

  “I can’t believe you’re saying that. You love her. I know you do.”

  “Yes, but being friends with you and Leland as vampires is different than being married to one. This entire immortal process is not something I’m sure I want a lifetime commitment with. I’m not happy Kira didn’t tell me herself.”

  “Blame that on me. I ordered her not to.”

  Malachi’s words were like shards of glass inside Gareth’s heart. She had been following orders, something he would have done in her place, wouldn’t he?


  “Because I thought you’d give her more of a chance as an agent if you didn’t know. Kira loves you. You know that, too. It’s gone way beyond an agent-and-employer relationship. Can’t you find it in your heart to forgive her?”

  “It’s not a question of forgiveness. I need to know I can trust her with something besides my life. My heart has to trust her, too, and at the moment…I’m not sure of anything.”

  “Why you little—”

  “Malachi, hang on. Gareth’s been hit with a lot. Being in love is hard enough without having the complications he’s got. Let’s go. He needs some time to sort things out.” Leland stood up and moved to the door.

  Gareth knew Mal
achi wouldn’t wait long until he poked his ass back into something that wasn’t his business. Yes, the man loved Kira, but whatever he decided to do would affect both of them for the rest of their lives, however long that could be for Kira.

  He wanted to do the right thing. He wanted to love her until she came unglued with pleasure, but there was truth in the saying the past can color the future. Judith had been unfaithful to him. It was a covered-up secret not even Malachi knew, and although Kira not trusting him enough to tell him she was a vampire could be considered a kettle of different fish, it all boiled down to trust. If she didn’t trust him, then their marriage would not last.

  Did he want it to? God above, yes, but at the moment, he wasn’t sure he could face life with or without Kira. With the wedding coming up fast, most of his appointments had been moved ahead or postponed. Tomorrow the only person he would be entertaining would be Leland.

  Gareth picked up the decanter of whiskey, grabbed his empty glass, and headed for the bedroom. He had some serious thinking to do, and if he couldn’t come to a resolution, he just might drown his problems. No, wait, he couldn’t. Being president of the United States meant he couldn’t behave like normal men. The decanter crashed against the bedroom wall. The glass followed.

  Chapter Twenty

  Kira awoke at dawn on her wedding day. The sun danced up from the horizon and made its way slowly toward the clouds. The old saying about the sun shining brightly blesses a bride was a load of crap, in her opinion. Nothing about this day was blessed. The groom was an ass and the bride a vampire. Oh yeah, a match made in heaven.

  Gareth barely spoke to her at the rehearsal dinner, or the day before, for that matter. She’d recovered from her injury and then spent some time with Eve. The woman was truly an angel to put up with her bad mood. The conversation they had right after the rehearsal dinner had been candid, to say the least.

  “So, I hear Gareth’s being obnoxious.” Eve’s statement startled Kira for just a moment before she laughed.


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