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Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 15

by Faith V. Smith

  “That’s just one of the things I think we could call him. The man is a complete ass, and I wish I’d never met him.”

  The laughter was gone from her tone and mood. If she’d never met him, then she wouldn’t be going through a farce of a wedding, or have her heart lying in shards at her feet. Kira blinked back tears. Then again, she’d never have known what it felt like to love a soul mate.

  “My dear, you can’t mean that. I know us mere mortals are trying at times, but consider this. Gareth’s had quite a few shocks in the last days, just like you have.”

  “So that’s supposed to make it okay for him to act like I’m kin to a weapon of mass destruction?”

  “Oh, Kira, honey, he just feels threatened. Being a man, he thinks, or they all think, they are supposed to take care of the little woman. You, however, can take care of yourself. Gareth, as long as I’ve known him, has always been a champion for women. His motto is to protect the weaker sex. You’re not weaker, and it puts him at a disadvantage.

  “Also, I think learning about soul mates is controlling his actions. I know what’s involved, and one day I’ll be more than happy to be Leland’s in every way. Gareth doesn’t even know that much. Maybe if you talk to him, it would help.”

  “I can see where he might feel a bit insecure, but, Eve, if he loves me, he’d accept me as I am.”

  “And if you love him, you’ll accept the man he is. Face it, when it comes to relationships, we have to give more than they do. If we didn’t, there’d never be any peace.”

  “Well, it’s too late now. The wedding’s scheduled in the morning, and a last-minute crisis has Gareth stuck in the Oval Office. Malachi said no one is to disturb him.”

  Kira shook her head to dislodge the previous night’s events. She’d not been able to talk to him. The wedding was at 11:00 a.m. sharp in the Rose Garden. Her gown hung where the boutique placed it the day before, and her new shoes, stuffed with tissue, were in the closet. Her mother was due to arrive anytime from South Carolina. Grandpa Jackson had convinced her mother he would be fine with a mortal nurse until she returned. She wished her brothers could be here, or maybe not…They would not be pleased with Gareth’s attitude.

  “Kira, darling, are you up?” Her mom’s voice traveled through the closed bedroom door, inciting Kira to jump out of bed. Before she could open the door, her mom was inside and hugging Kira for all she was worth.

  “Mom, I’m so glad you’re here.” Kira’s words ended on a sob, and then another and another followed.

  “Shh, sweetie, it’s going to be all right. I promise.”

  Several minutes later, Kira raised her head from her mom’s shoulder and tried a slight smile. Maybe it would be enough to fool her.

  “Kira, it’ll take more than a bit of a smile to reassure me you’re okay. Malachi has kept us up on what’s been going on since you took this assignment, but I’m sure there’s more to be told. So, sit right there, I’ll get you some breakfast, and then we’ll hash this out.”

  Before she could respond, her mom teleported out of the room. Lord, she hoped when she popped into the kitchen no one saw her. A moment later, she was back with a tray laden with bacon, eggs, grits, and pancakes. A vase with a long-stemmed rose sat on one corner, and a glass of juice on the other.

  “Here you go, honey. Claude said you better eat every bite. And that reminds me, Grandpa Jackson sends his love. He also said to tell you he’s so proud he could pop one of his fangs.”

  Kira genuinely smiled then. Grandpa had always been loving, but never too effusive with compliments. This would be one to cherish forever.

  “Dig in, child. You have a wedding in less than four hours. I, for one, want to look stunning as the mother of the bride, so eat up. We have a facial, and a manicure, before it’s time to get dressed.”

  “Mom, you know I hate those things.” Kira couldn’t prevent the grimace attacking her lips.

  “Yes, I know, but believe me, you’ll be happy with the results, and so will Gareth.”

  “Mom, did Malachi not tell you this is not going to be a real marriage?”

  Her mom picked up a slice of bacon and nibbled it delicately. “Yes, he told me, but you’ll still want to look your best. If you hope to get Gareth in a mood to listen to reason, you want to dazzle him, darling.”

  “Dazzle, my ass.”

  “Kira! Try to remember you’re no longer on a military patrol.”

  “Sorry, Mom, I’ll try to do better.”

  “That’s my girl. Now hurry.”

  * * * *

  “Damn!” Gareth applied a piece of tissue against the cut on his jaw. His hands were none too steady, even after he’d abstained after one drink with the guys the night before. After grabbing two full bottles of whiskey, some sandwiches, and a few select cigars, Malachi, Claude, and Leland had shanghaied him.

  The evening had grown late before the vampires had drunk sufficient liquor to broach the subject of Kira being a vampire.

  “You know, my friend, if you love her, it doesn’t matter she has fangs.”

  “Claude’s right. Kira is the salt of the earth, a veritable icon of loveliness and skill.”

  “Leland speaks the truth, Coonskin. You have what most men never find. A woman who loves you more than she loves herself.”

  Gareth had watched as all three vamps raised their glasses in the air. “To Kira!”

  “To Kira.” His toast sounded less exuberant, but he’d meant it all the same. All they said about Kira was true. He knew she would die for him, but that wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted a woman he could take care of. A woman who would look up to him. Not because he was the president, but because he deserved it by his actions. Gareth knew none of his arguments made sense, but nothing since he’d first laid eyes on Kira had made sense.

  “Come on, Gareth. Why not give Kira a chance?”

  “Malachi, we’ve been through this. I need more time.”

  “Well, shit, man, you’re getting married tomorrow. Time’s running out.”

  Undoubtedly, Malachi had kept the details of their marriage to himself. So, what did he say?

  “I know, but I’m not sure I want to take on all that a soul mate entails. In fact, I don’t know what that means anyway.”

  “Oh man, you have no idea of the benefits you would reap.”

  “And just what would those be, Leland?”

  “Always being connected by thoughts, able to experience making love through each other’s feelings. Just knowing your other half completes your heart.” Leland’s words had given him fodder for thought, but he’d still had questions.

  “And would that mean I would have to become a vampire?”

  “Not if you don’t want to. Evelyn decided to wait until after the children were grown and I retired from political office. But she’s eager to be turned. It would mean our lives would not end in a few decades, but go on for centuries.”

  Gareth had been flabbergasted. “Wait a minute. I didn’t know about centuries.”

  “Well, uh, taking the serum prevents us from wanting blood, but with a soul mate, we’re allowed to take blood from one another. It’s that blood, freely given, that prolongs our lives. And of course, you know you would continue to age, but not as fast.”

  “You’re kidding, that’s unbelievable. But then again, this entire conversation is a bit of a fantasy, or is it a nightmare?”

  “Gareth, it doesn’t have to be that way. You and Kira can stay as you are, mortal and vampire, and she’ll age, but not as fast as you will. Eventually, you’ll die first, unless something happens to Kira. Do you want to leave her a grieving widow? You should know, once mated, when one of the mates dies, a soul mate seldom ever finds another soul mate.”

  “Look, I know you’re all trying to help, but I don’t know what I’m going to do. Right now, I’m calling it a night. Feel free to stay and drink until your fangs fall out, but give me some peace.”

  The mutterings had not been pretty, but after saying so,
Gareth had done just that, gone to bed.

  Now, he wished he’d been a bit heavier-handed with the brandy. His sleep had been restless, and his thoughts weren’t any more settled now than they had been before he went to bed.

  He gingerly lifted the tissue off his face, slapped on a bit of aftershave, and cussed a blue streak when it burned like fire. He needed to get dressed. The tuxedo, specially made, lay on the bed. All he had to do was pull on the wedding regalia and make his way downstairs and outside. So why didn’t he?

  Pictures of Kira slammed through his head. From their first meeting, the crash of AF1, her being stabbed and left for dead. Her throat cut and her being left for dead. All of these views of Kira wanting to and then protecting him vied for room next to the images of her flashing fangs and turning him into a vampire against his will.

  The clatter out on the lawn grew louder. He needed to get a move on if he wasn’t going to be late for the wedding. A few moments later, dressed in a cutaway morning tux, he left to meet Malachi.

  The head of his Secret Service had informed him the night before he would be walking Kira down the aisle before sitting next to Mrs. Jackson. He’d yet to meet the woman, but Claude told him effusively Elizabeth was a perfect lady, beautiful and smart.

  That tidbit of information did not surprise him. Kira had those same traits. Maybe he was making more out of this fang thing than he needed to. The choice, if they ever really married, would be left up to him. So, if he said no, then Kira would abide by his decision.

  Gareth spotted Malachi alone with Leland near the decked-out garden arbor. Someone had been busy. The entire lawn looked like a fantasyland.


  “Morning, Gareth.” Leland’s tone resembled someone who’d swallowed sour milk. Something definitely seemed off with the PM.

  “Gareth, we need to talk.” Malachi sounded worse than Leland.

  “What about? The wedding’s due to start any moment. Aren’t you supposed to be with Kira?”

  “Yes, well, there’s a bit of a—”

  “Mr. King, could I have a word with you?”

  Gareth looked toward the man hailing Malachi. Alex, Leland’s protector, looked disgruntled. His dark hair, pulled back into a ponytail, looked disheveled, and his green eyes looked hard as an emerald-cut diamond.

  “Yes, what is it, Alex?”

  “I think it’d be better if I talked to you alone.”

  “You can speak freely here. Gareth knows as much as I do about most things at the moment.”

  “Okay. When I was doing some flybys around the White House and the adjacent streets, I found a body. It was a vampire. His head was missing.”

  Shock and a bit of horror juggernauted through Gareth’s system. He’d seen a lot of things as a Ranger, but a decapitated body was one he’d just as soon forget.

  “So, is this the vampire who attacked Kira?”

  Alex turned to Gareth. “I believe so.”

  “Your reason for assuming he’s the one?”

  “I found this blade in his pocket before I buried him.”

  “You just buried him? You didn’t contact the authorities?”

  Alex looked at Malachi before answering Gareth. “Malachi is my authority in the States.”

  Bewilderment mingled with relief that Kira’s attacker was dead. The former emotion must have shown on his face.

  “Gareth, think about it. What would the DC police say about a vampire?”

  Reasoning poured into his thoughts. Of course, Malachi was right. No one would believe it. “Okay, I see what you’re saying. So, is he the one after me or just a flunky?”

  “A flunky, I’m sure. What bothers me is the someone who hired him could know he is a vampire.” Malachi’s beginning frown became ferocious. “Which means they may know about Kira.”

  “Will she be safe?” Gareth’s question drew the stares of the other two vampires, who, after meeting his gaze, looked away.

  “Until this madman is caught, I’m not sure Kira or you are safe. I want security tightened up even more. Whoever killed that vampire knows something about us, I’d bet on it. If so, he’ll know how to circumvent us to get to you and Kira.”

  “Gentlemen, take your places. It’s almost time for the ‘Wedding March.’” The minister, Duncan something or other, waved them toward the wedding platform. Malachi’s friend seemed to be taking on his ex-persona. He sounded like a man with a mission to get two people married.

  “We’ll be there in a moment, Reverend. Malachi, listen to me. If something goes down, get Kira out of here.”


  “I mean it. She’ll fight to the death to protect me, and I won’t have her hurt again. Yes, yes, I know what she is, but we’ve already seen a vampire isn’t invincible, right? Next time, she could die.” Gareth caught Malachi’s arm in a hard grip. “I mean it. Get her out first. Promise me.”

  “Dammit, Gareth, I’m not going to lose either one of you, so stop talking, and start walking. You need to be on the platform. I have to get Kira. Trust me, I’ll be watching like a hawk, as will the rest of the men here.”

  Gareth didn’t like leaving it this way, but their conversation was drawing stares from guests taking their seats.

  “All right. Just one other thing, you wanted to talk to me about something. What is it?”

  Strains of music stirred the air.

  “No time now.” Malachi threw the words over his shoulder as he strode off. Gareth shook his head, put a groom like smile on his face, and mounted the platform.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The wedding music caused an involuntary reaction in Kira. She wanted to throw up. What on earth had possessed her to agree to this insanity? She should have resigned, moved away, and never looked back. Instead, she was giving Gareth more license to chip away at her heart.

  “Kira, hon, it’s time.” Malachi’s soft tone pitched terror into her bones.

  Stop it, girl. You know this is the only way to get the press off y’all’s backs and to hopefully draw out the maniac targeting us.

  “I guess I’m as ready as I’m gonna be.” Kira placed her hand around the corded muscle of Malachi’s arm and allowed him to lead her to her doom. For the next however long it would be, she would be the First Lady. She might as well get used to having people gawk at her, chart her every move, and speculate on how she had captured the catch of the decade.

  “It’ll be fine, hon. Trust me.” For some reason, Malachi’s words seemed forced. Did he, too, have doubts about what they were doing?

  They moved though the White House to balcony doors opening onto the Rose Garden. Her mother had already been seated on the bride’s side, and Kira wished with all her heart her dad could have been here. All of her brothers were on assignments and couldn’t get leave to come to the wedding, and with Grandpa laid up, she felt a bit deserted. Crazy, with all the guests gathered, in a crowd of people, without them she still felt totally alone.

  A miniscule breeze ruffled the lace veil over her face as she stepped onto the cream-colored carpet runner. People began to turn and stare as she walked slowly toward the platform. She concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other and allowed her gaze to drift toward Gareth.

  The man literally took her breath away. Attired in a black cutaway tuxedo, his shoulders looked broader than in his regular suit coats. The silver-colored vest and matching tie were a foil for the starched white dress shirt he wore. The black pants clung to his muscular calves and thighs as if they were a part of him. The man was drool worthy, even if you didn’t look at his face.

  Ah…his face. A testimony proving he could have been a Greek statue come to life. Bronze skin, green eyes, aristocratic cheekbones all vied for honor with the slightly crooked bend of his nose. His lips turned up in a fraction of a smile, and Kira wondered if she would ever again taste the sensual allure they brought when he kissed her. For surely, in the mood he’d been in, he would never want to touch her again.

“Almost there, buck up, hon.”

  Malachi’s whisper brought her attention back to the immediate present. Her vision blurred with tears she didn’t realize had formed. He was right. Now was not the time to be weak. She straightened her shoulders even more as she took her place at Gareth’s side.

  Opting to omit the part where the minister asks who giveth away this woman, the ceremony moved quickly after the first opening lines. Kira kept her gaze straight ahead, avoiding any gazes from Gareth. She wasn’t ready to look at him, not here, not while they were declaring their love and saying vows. The words they spoke were lies, this was just pretend, and even though in her heart she meant each word, it didn’t matter. To look up at the man at her side, with the love she felt for him flooding her heart during this farce, would be ten times worse.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Gareth lifted her veil, leaned down, and touched his lips to hers. Rockets of light scored a path behind Kira’s closed eyelids. Her knees went weak before she locked them. Her heart skittered like mice on the prowl before she reined in her emotions. Love had nothing to do with this wedding. She needed to remember that and get on with finding who was trying to kill them.

  The kiss ended without being deepened. She felt the loss, but shrugged it off. The next few hours would be chaotic and, if they were lucky, culminate with the assassin trying his tricks once again. Hopefully, this time they would be ahead of whoever had a vendetta against Gareth.

  Kira allowed a slight smile to touch her lips. She looked up at Gareth, and then allowed him to lead her back down the aisle. They had a massive reception to attend, and afterward, a brief chat with the press. Then, thank God, they could retire to the PQ. No honeymoon trip for them. Malachi felt they should remain at the White House instead of going to Camp David with everything up in the air.

  “You okay?” Gareth’s whisper caressed her ear, and the look he gave her melted her bones into fragments. For one second in time, he looked as if everything was okay, that he’d never found out she had fangs. Yes, for a brief space, she could almost believe things were as they’d been before. Just a man in love with a woman.


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