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Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 16

by Faith V. Smith

  “Yeah, I’m good. What about you?”

  “I’m okay, too. I’ll be glad when all the hoopla is finished. I could use a stiff drink.”

  Kira actually giggled. “I know what you mean, but I don’t think there’s any way to speed up the proceedings.”

  “I agree, so guess we’ll just go with the flow.”

  “Yep, let’s just hope the water’s not too deep.”

  Gareth squeezed the hand resting on his sleeve. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.”

  Hope blossomed inside her like a flower touched by the sunlight. Was it possible he could forgive her for not telling him her dark secret? Could he overlook her vampire nature?

  At the moment, with the warmth of his touch and smile, Kira felt anything was possible.

  “Thank you, and I’ve got yours.”

  Gareth leaned down, his lips a whisper away. She wanted his kiss, ached for it with a passion she didn’t know she was capable of feeling. She closed her eyes and waited. Instead of the soft seduction she expected, she felt a cool breeze where she expected his lips to be.

  “Come on, you two. The photographer wants pictures before the reception.”

  Kira and Gareth grimaced at the same time. Evidently, they were on the same note in regards to having their pictures taken.

  “We’re coming.” Gareth tucked her arm under his before tugging her forward. “Just remember, it’s like taking medicine. The faster we get it over with, the better we’ll feel.”

  “Sure, whatever you say.”

  Gareth chuckled at her comment before they both struck a “love forever” pose.

  * * * *

  “Just one more and we’re finished.”

  Gareth resisted the urge to rip the camera out of the photographer’s hands. They’d heard the same statement numerous times in the last hour. Lord, how many photographs did the man need?

  “Please, oh please, let me bite him.” Kira sounded as exasperated as he felt.

  He was more than a bit tempted to tell her to go ahead and take a plug out of the man. Maybe he could get used to her having fangs.

  “As much as I’d like for you to do just that, Malachi is giving us the evil eye. Guess we need to straighten up, huh?”

  “Malachi can bite himself.”

  Gareth’s laughter erupted before he could put a muzzle on his humor. He agreed wholeheartedly with Kira.

  A flash of light and then Gareth looped an arm around Kira’s waist and pulled her closer. “We’re out of here.”

  “What about the reception?”

  “They can wait a few minutes. I want to talk to you.”

  Gareth had no idea what he was going to say to Kira, but he knew he had to make things right. He’d missed her laughter, her wit, the way her eyes glowed when happy or aroused. He wanted to show her he loved her, to sink his body inside hers and claim her for his, but like a snake of the first order, he’d put his back up and caused Kira to do the same. Somehow, he would show her that it didn’t matter she was a vampire.

  He shook his head, not at all sure when he’d arrived at that conclusion, but arrived he had. Now, he wanted to tell her.

  Away from the crush of bodies, Kira held her breath as she waited for Gareth to speak. The noise of celebrating guests was giving her a massive headache, which meant she should probably have something to eat or drink. Since she’d lost so much blood only a few days earlier, she needed to tank up to be at top strength.

  “So, what did you want to talk about?”


  “There is no us, remember? We’re parting ways after we catch the assassin.” Kira knew she sounded petulant, but vampire or not, agent or not, she was also a woman.

  “Kira, I know things have been crazy. I’ve been crazy. Seeing you bleed out with a slashed throat, finding out you have fangs, well, let’s just say it’s been a bit unsettling.”

  Unsettling sounded like he spoke of the weather instead of a possible future.

  “I don’t think unsettling describes what’s happened. Why not look at it from my point of view? I almost died twice, three times if you count Air Force One, and I can put that all in perspective. It’s part of my job. What isn’t part of my employee curriculum is falling in love with my boss, and I don’t mean Malachi.”

  “Do you think I planned to fall in love with you? I didn’t. Love was never something I planned for, but I never planned on you, Kira. You were a driving force from the first time you ordered me to move my ass. Never has anyone outside of my military career, not even Malachi, dared to give me orders.”

  “Well, you stood there like you were frozen in cement.”

  “No, I didn’t. I wanted my people safe.”

  “Yes, of course, but Gareth, if something happens to you, how safe will they be? That’s why I do what I do. And that’s why I kept my vampire nature a secret.”

  “I know. I think part of my problem was disappointment. I felt you didn’t trust me to keep your secret.”

  Kira didn’t know if it was shouting time or not. Gareth might be weakening a bit from his former stance, but her heart still stung from last time.

  “I had my orders, but we’ve been over this ground before. What are you really trying to say?”

  “Simply, I may have been a bit out of line when I said you needed to stop being an agent.”

  Kira saw red, not a putrid pinkish red, but a brilliant, deep, fiery color. “You think? Well let me clue you in, sir. Out of line doesn’t even touch how you were. And if you think a simple apology covers it, then you’re an even bigger ass than I thought you were.” Her words were low, but the vehemence she’d been toting around for the last several days tossed each syllable out like bullets.

  Gareth’s face turned an interesting shade of crimson. “Look, Kira, that wasn’t what I meant.”

  “Really, I suppose you thought I—”

  “Kira! Gareth! You need to chill out for a few. You’re drawing the attention of every press hog here.”

  Malachi’s admonition halted Kira’s temper storm. All she needed was to be front-page news again. “Fine, I’m finished with this chat anyway.”

  “I’m not, but we’ll continue this later.”

  “Sure, whatever you say, darling.” The endearment fell off her lips as a nosy reporter got too close.

  “Shall we cut the cake, my sweet?” Gareth’s words were just as sugary, making Kira want to weep with sadness and self-pity. Damn, the only wedding she would probably ever have and it was turning into a nightmare.

  “Certainly, Gareth.”

  Together they moved under the tent awning and to the table holding the wedding and the groom’s cake. A quick slice of the knife and they both held a tiny wedge of cake. Almost on cue, their mouths opened, and each accepted a bite. The white layer cake, drenched in buttercream frosting, tantalized Kira’s taste buds. Next, they accepted fluted glasses filled with champagne. A brief clink of crystal and Kira watched Gareth drain his glass. The strong column of his throat as he swallowed drew her gaze. Even angry, she couldn’t put away the physical attraction she felt for Gareth Hayes.

  He returned her look with a smoldering gaze of his own. She wondered how much was temper and how much was lust or the love he’d declared.

  They repeated the gestures with the groom’s cake and another quick sip of champagne. Next, they stood in line and accepted multitudes of congratulations from press and guests alike. By the time the last well-wisher passed them, Kira’s teeth ached from smiling. No, make that her entire face hurt.

  What next? Lord, she should have paid more attention to the protocol for weddings. Kira heard the soft rustling of clothing and brought her gaze up from studying the tips of her shoes. Malachi and her mom stood in front of her and Gareth. The last she’d seen of her mom was when they had pictures taken.

  “Congratulations, my darling girl.” Isabelle bussed her cheek with lips painted a soft shade of coral, then wiped off the lipstick with a hankie she produced from her c
lutch bag.

  “Almost finished. You just have to throw the bridal bouquet, and you and Gareth can get the hell out of this melee.”

  Kira wanted to shout! Yes, soon she could rest her toes, have a stiff drink of something stronger than champagne, stuff something into her stomach, and then hit the sheets.

  Wait! Back up the jet. Surely, she wouldn’t be expected to sleep in Gareth’s room. It was a fake marriage, so certainly she could sleep in her room and not in the massive bed in his quarters. The beautiful sleigh bed could hold a small troop of men. No, she didn’t want to go there, not physically or in her fantasies. It would just pave the way for more hurt.

  “Great, I can’t wait to be finished. So, where do I go to toss these flowers?”

  “Uh, at the top of the main staircase.” Gareth looked like he’d swallowed a bug.

  “Good, shall we?”

  “Yes, let’s get it over with.”

  Kira ignored the way her heart hurt with his words. Sure, she should be the one ready for this to end, but it was his fault it wasn’t a real ceremony. If he wasn’t so pigheaded about her being a vampire and an agent, then they could have wed for real and then enjoyed the wedding night she’d dreamed of in her girlish fancies. Now, she would just hug her pillow and dream of a prince with fangs.

  * * * *

  A scant fifteen minutes later, Kira shrugged out of her gown, pulled on a pair of sweats, and grabbed the platter of food her mom had whiffed up from the reception, along with a large goblet filled with the delectable blend of a margarita.

  She took a bite of the succulent roast beef and chased it down with a taste of seasoned red potatoes before inhaling half the goblet of liquor. Lord, she deserved a reward for being such a consummate actress. Even Ryan Simmons had been fooled by the tear she’d squeezed out after tossing the bouquet. She should get a medal for the lingering kiss she’d shared with Gareth before they both begged to be excused.

  Yes, she’d aced her first trial by fire as the First Lady, so she was entitled to a stuff her gut session. She couldn’t wait to sink her fangs into the huge piece of chocolate cake awaiting her pleasure.

  The last of the meat and potatoes passed her lips, and Kira almost moaned in bliss. Whoever said you had to have a man to be satisfied missed the mark. Her first bite of cake reinforced that belief. She’d match chocolate to sex anytime. An insidious little voice buzzed in her head. That’s because you’ve never had sex. You can’t compare something you haven’t tried. The cake turned to dirt on her tongue.

  Kira blinked back tears. She was a hell of an agent, a former special ops, and no way was she going to feel sorry for herself. She’d achieved a lifetime goal, so she should be ecstatic, not sad. Yeah, tell it to someone who believed it.


  Great, Malachi. What on earth could he want now? She didn’t have to be on duty until dark, and then only in undercover status. It wouldn’t do to have anyone, especially the press, find out she spent her wedding night scaling the outside of the White House and patrolling the perimeters.

  “Come in, Malachi.”

  Her boss barreled through the door. His gaze took in the almost demolished tray of food and the inch or so of liquor left in her glass. His eyes turned an iridescent silver, and she’d swear he was biting back laughter.

  “What’s up, boss?”

  “I hate to interrupt your feast, but I need to speak to you and Gareth in the PQ.”

  “Is anything wrong?”

  Malachi refused to meet her gaze, nor did he answer her question. “Just follow me, please.”

  “Sure, right behind you.” Kira removed the tray from her lap and slid it to side of the bed before easing off the mattress. She followed his example and kept her mouth shut as she trailed him to the PQ’s den, where Malachi knocked once and then opened the door.

  “Sorry to bother you, Gareth, but we three need to have a chat.”

  Gareth’s green eyes held curiosity before he settled his gaze on Kira. His gaze went bleak. The fiery green orbs lost their luster, and the smile he sent her way was just a mock attempt at courtesy.

  “Okay, why don’t you both have a seat?” Gareth got up from the sofa he reclined on and moved to the bar. “From the look on your face, I suppose I’ll need something to wash down your words.”

  “Yeah, you probably will. Pour me one too, please.”

  Kira’s defense system went on red alert. Whatever Malachi had to tell them couldn’t be good.


  Gareth waggled the bottle of brandy at her, and she nodded her head. It might not be a good idea to chase tequila with brandy, but she had an awful premonition she would be wishing for more before the night ended.

  With glass in hand, Kira tried to keep her body from jerking when Gareth sat down beside her. She should never have gone for the couch. Too close to the object of her lust.

  “Okay, there’s not really an easy way to say this, so I guess I’ll just spit it out.”

  “Oh Lord, please tell me no one else has been killed.”

  Kira’s question coincided with Gareth’s agitated “Well, get it out, man!”

  “The preacher who married you wasn’t my friend. I didn’t find this out until right before the ceremony. I tried to tell you, but Alex dropped the bomb about the headless vamp, and then the minister said it was time.”

  Malachi actually looked a bit pale. Kira wondered why he was sweating. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know why.

  “So, who did marry us?”

  “A real minister, with credentials and all. My friend got delayed in the traffic snarl caused by your nuptials, and when Reverend Stewart showed up, as a guest of a guest, an aide who wasn’t involved with the wedding details assumed he was the minister. Since we didn’t have one, I had to do something, or the press would have had a field day.”

  “Cut the bullshit, Malachi. You did this on purpose!”

  Gareth’s accusation slapped Kira in the face. He sounded so incensed. Any hidden hope of ever exploring a relationship, which she’d tamped down so hard and heavy it should not exist, vanished.

  Malachi’s hangdog look transformed into one of determination. “Not entirely. But what difference does it make? I’m sick and tired of you and Kira going at one another like you’re enemies instead of two people who love one another.”

  Kira’s shock hit her insides, causing her to involuntarily jerk. How could this happen? Betrayal of the first degree raised its hackles, as well as anger—not at Malachi, but at Gareth. The man who had all but begged her to forgive him earlier acted as if being married to her was the end of the free world.

  “I can’t believe you did this, Malachi!”

  “So what if he did, Gareth? Is your world going to fall apart being married to me? Oh yeah, I’m a vampire. That smarts, doesn’t it? Well, it’s this vampire who saved your sorry ass, and it’s me who is going to have to act like it doesn’t bother me when we get a divorce. So, if you have a problem, get over it.”

  Gareth’s open-mouth stare did nothing to soothe her emotions. She wanted to weep with desolation, but she wouldn’t—not in front of him.

  “Don’t say another word. A few months from now, hopefully, I’ll be out of your hair for good, and you’ll be free. For the moment, though, I’m going back to my room, take a nap, and then do my job.” Kira stood to her feet as elegantly as she could. Her statue rigid with her hurt. “I’ll talk to you later, Malachi.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Gareth watched the door close softly but firmly behind Kira. He wasn’t sure what he felt at the moment. Malachi’s revelation stunned him. Married, bound by God and law to a vampire. No—to Kira. Yes, they could divorce at a later date, but was that what he truly wanted? No. He wanted Kira, fangs and all. Now, he just had to convince the stubborn woman he loved her, not despite everything, but because of everything she was, and for what she stood for.

  “So, are you just going to let her go?” Malachi’s pensive gaze belied
the grin on his lips.

  “No, I don’t think I am. But I think letting her cool off a bit might be for the best.”

  “You could be right. Kira’s always had an even temper, but around you, she’s lost it more times than I ever remember.”

  “Yeah, well, she hasn’t exactly been easy on my own ego or temperament. The woman could ignite a blaze without having a spark of fire or kindling.”

  “I take it I’m forgiven for making sure y’all officially tied the knot?”

  Gareth was of two minds, to let his friend off the hook quickly or make him suffer for overstepping his bounds.

  “That question is up for debate. It’ll depend on whether or not I convince Kira to forgive me.” He allowed a smirk to touch his lips.

  “Well, then I suggest you get to groveling.” Malachi smirked back. “Convincing Kira to do just that could take you all night.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m a former Ranger, remember? I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to win her over.”

  Malachi stood up and saluted Gareth. “Good luck, my friend. There are first aid supplies in the bathroom if you need them.”

  Before Gareth could respond by knocking Malachi’s grin off his face, the vampire disappeared. He picked up the glass of brandy he’d almost dropped when Malachi had exploded his wedding bomb, and tossed it back. The only supplies he would need, he hoped, were patience and love in his battle with Kira. A battle he planned on winning.

  * * * *

  Kira left her bedroom dressed in her beloved black. Tonight it seemed more than apt for the occasion. She might truly be a bride, but she felt more like a widow. Gareth’s shock—no, make that horror—at finding out they were truly legally bound had hit her where it hurt—in the heart and soul.

  Fine, she didn’t need the heartache of being a wife, anyway. Being a loner suited her. Liar! But why wish for something she couldn’t have? Tonight, her wedding night, she planned on doing what she did best, guard the president.


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