Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 19

by Faith V. Smith

  “Now, I’m fixing to get off the elevator. If I see you anywhere near me in the near future, I’m going to Malachi and telling him to cut you from any White House detail.”

  Caleb’s face turned a mottled red. “You can’t do that!”

  “Oh yes I can. I’m the First Lady. If I don’t like someone, they’re gone. Now, I’m giving you a chance to straighten up and act like an agent should. Don’t make me regret it, Caleb. You won’t like the consequences.”

  Kira pushed the door-open button, waited for them to part, and stepped out. She walked briskly forward and pinched herself to keep from looking back. Caleb was pond scum, and didn’t deserve a second glance. Besides, she didn’t trust herself not to rip his head off.

  “Kira, darling. Oops, I mean Mrs. Hayes.”

  Hearing her married name from Claude’s lips sent waves of hornets buzzing in her stomach. Knowing and hearing were two different things. Whew, she just hoped she could get used to her new status.

  “Afternoon, Claude, darling. I’m hungry. Do you think you can fix me up with something I can take back to the PQ?”

  “For you, anything, my dear…I mean…”

  “Stop that. Call me Kira, please. You’re a friend, and unless we’re out in the public’s eye, I want you to address me that way. Okay?”

  “Of course, Kira. Now, come this way. Lunch is over, but I’ve got some nice chicken salad with baguettes and some lovely fruit.”

  “The chicken salad sounds great, but just because I’m the First Lady doesn’t mean I’m going to eat like a bird. Can you find me some potato chips and chocolate too? Oh yeah, how about a nice glass of iced tea?”

  “Coming right up. Now, you just go back and rest. I’ll bring up the tray myself.”

  Kira felt her mouth drop open. “Claude, I can certainly carry the tray into the elevator and down the hall to the PQ’s den.”

  “I know, but it wouldn’t look right. Now, run along, and when I get upstairs, we’ll have a nice talk.”

  She didn’t like it, but Claude was right, she supposed. Her way of doing things would need a bit of an overhaul if she wanted to act the part of First Lady. She didn’t plan on ever leaving Gareth, and if the man tried to leave her, she’d just have to kill him. So, she’d need to be more circumspect.

  “Okay, you win. I’ll be upstairs.”

  A brief ten minutes later, Claude came bearing gifts.

  “Oooh, this looks yummy. If I wasn’t already married, I’d propose, Claude.”

  “That’s the story of my life. All the ladies that love me are already taken.”

  “Well, the female population is crazy, vampire and mortal alike. You’re a jewel of the first order.”

  Claude blinked rapidly for a moment before responding. “I thank you, my dear, but you are the jewel. Now, tell me what had you so upset when you arrived in the kitchen?”

  How on earth…Never mind, he’d probably read her thoughts.

  “Did you read my mind, Claude?”

  His laughter helped settle down nerves still tweaked tight over Caleb. “No, I didn’t have to and probably wouldn’t without your permission.”

  Claude set the tray on the table in front of the couch. “I confess, I just looked at your eyes. They were the tiniest bit red. Nothing noticeable to a mortal, but I know the signs.”

  “Damn, I thought I’d gotten that under control before I left the elevator.” Kira took a quick bite of the baguette filled with chicken salad, chewed slowly, and then moaned.

  “Please say you’ll marry me. I’ll divorce Gareth, and we can live anywhere you want to.”

  Claude’s eyes twinkled. “No, Gareth would hunt me down like a dog. It might be worth it, though, to see him sweat. Now, back to you.”

  Kira took a sip of tea. “What do you know about Caleb Dalton? I mean, how long has he been with the Secret Service, and why hire him as an agent when he’s totally wracked about not being a protector?”

  “I don’t know a lot about the vampire, but he’s a bit arrogant for my taste.”

  “Yeah, just a tad. I wanted to rip his head off. He said some pretty nasty things to me and butted into business not his own.”

  Claude sat down on the couch beside Kira, his expression one of venom. His brown eyes glowed red for a moment before he seemed to pull himself together.

  “What did he say?”

  “I probably shouldn’t have brought him up at all. Forget it. I don’t want the creature to ruin your mood like he ruined mine.”

  “I want to know what he said. Or, if you won’t tell me, tell Malachi.”

  Kira almost choked on another bite of sandwich. “No way can I tell Malachi. He’ll tell Gareth, and then there’d be war.”

  “Okay, so spit it out.”

  Kira swallowed another inch of tea in her glass before complying. “Fine, but you have to promise not to tell anyone else. Caleb accused me of seducing Gareth into marrying me. He also got really irate, wanting to know if I was going to change him into a vampire.”

  “So what did you say or do?”

  “I told him it wasn’t any of his damn business and if he came anywhere near me, in the future, I’d rip his head off.”

  Claude’s rumble of laughter didn’t quite hide the concern in his eyes. “Good for you, Kira. I wish I could have seen his face. A word of caution, though, Caleb is meaner than a snake wanting food. You stay away from him. Now, to answer your question about why he’s an agent. All I know is Malachi knew his father. From the get-go, Caleb’s been a problem. You were already in the military, and for some reason I think that made him even more unstable.”

  “Probably. I turned down his marriage proposal right before I enlisted. He didn’t want me. He wanted the right to take Grandpa’s serum and become a protector.”

  Claude rubbed his chin with his hand. “That makes sense. For a while, even Malachi wanted to kick his ass. After a few weeks of training, Caleb seemed to settle down, and we all chalked it up to just getting used to the program. I’ve not been around him much, but he tends to sneer at me because I’m just a cook, as he calls me.”

  “Cook? You are way more than that, my friend.”

  “Thank you, darling. What Caleb doesn’t know is, as a cook, I also have eyes and ears on the people I guard. I’m not always the congenial person I present to the world. I can kill a man or vampire if need be, and not lose any sleep over it—as long as the person is targeting one of my people.”

  Kira did believe it. The brief glimpse of Claude’s eyes and face a few moments ago had given her cause to believe no one should make him mad.

  “I believe you. So, you think if I just stay away from him, he’ll behave? Of course, my saying I could have his job as the First Lady didn’t go over very well.”

  “Tsk, tsk. Using your power already?”

  “Well, he made me mad.”

  Claude stood, picked up the now empty tray, and walked to the door. “I’ll keep this to myself, for now, but you let me know if that son of a bit—”

  “Claude, I promise I’ll let you know if Caleb says the least derogatory thing to me. Now go and create something fantastic for dinner. I know you’re only here until we catch the killer, but I wish I could convince you to stay on.”

  “I’ll give it some thought. I’ve grown quite fond of you. I think you and Gareth are going to do more than survive this little bump in the road.”

  “Thank you. I’m fond of you too, and not just because you are the best chef in the world, but because you are one of the kindest men I know.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “Good. I’ll see you later. I think I’m going to take a nap.”

  Kira forced her stiff limbs to move and walked to the bedroom. She should probably soak in a hot tub, but her eyelids rebelled. Like a cat, let her get her stomach full, and she needed to curl up. A quick glance at the clock proved she could sneak in a good couple of hours of rest before she needed to get ready for dinner. She curled up
on top of the freshly made bed and closed her eyes.

  * * * *

  Gareth gently closed the bedroom door. He didn’t want to wake Kira. When she’d missed dinner, he’d checked on her and found her curled up like an angel. Probably not a term she would relish, but one he liked.

  Now, he padded softly to the bed and smiled. His vampire bride continued to sleep. Hands curled under her chin, she resembled an innocent child. Another title Kira would despise. She who had fought and killed for their nation and almost died to save him would never see herself as anything more than a hardened soldier who couldn’t believe he loved her.

  Gareth unknotted and yanked off his tie, shrugged out of his jacket and shirt before toeing off his shoes. He then stripped to the buff. He loved holding Kira in his arms, her skin touching his, her breath caressing his face.

  He slid onto the mattress, but his intent not to wake her went awry.


  “Who else were you expecting?” He allowed a bit of smugness into his tone.

  “I was hoping it was Claude. I think I slept through dinner.” Kira’s teasing answer elicited a chuckle from him.

  “Should I be jealous?”

  “Only if he looks as good naked as you do.”

  Gareth had purposely left the light off when he entered the room. “You can see that good in the dark?”

  “Oh yes, even without night-vision goggles, I might add. Another perk of being a vampire.”

  “Kira, honey, I know you’re trying your best to convince me to take the plunge, to get some fangs of my own, but could we table this for now?”

  His bride pulled herself into a sitting position. “What’s wrong? Did something happen while I napped?”

  “Not the way you mean. It’s been a long day, and sometimes I wonder if I’m the right man for this job.”

  Kira’s hand cupped his chin and forced him to look at her. “Gareth Hayes, I can’t believe you’d doubt yourself. You’ve done so much to help our country. You’ve been a defender of right and wrong. So, why would you think any such thing?”

  He couldn’t hold his sigh back. If he and Kira were really going to make a go of their marriage, he needed to talk to her like his parents used to talk to one another. Every night when he laid in bed, he’d hear their soft murmurings of the day’s activities. It lulled him to sleep at night, the security of knowing his parents were the buffers against anything coming against him. Their death had been a blow he didn’t think he could stand, but duty called and with it, he’d tried to bury his grief. Now, he stood as a buffer to millions who counted on him.


  “Sorry. I just wished I could do more to ease the suffering of the backbone of this country. The people who give their all to see food on America’s tables. The ones who keep the utilities running, the laborers who work long hours just to make a living.”

  Kira caressed his cheek. “You’ve done more than many of the presidents before you. It’ll take time to fix some of the problems, but you’ve accomplished so much in the way of health care, protection for our nation, and the general morale of the people. Give yourself a break, hon.”

  “I know. Sorry, didn’t mean to unload on you.”

  Kira’s lips turned up in a mock snarl. “Quit saying you’re sorry. I’m your wife, remember? Or do you need a reminder?”

  Gareth welcomed the laughter lightening his mood and heart. “You know something? I’m so blessed to have found you.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know, Mr. President.”

  “How about, I’m going to make love to you until you can’t walk.”

  Kira giggled. “You’ve almost done that already.”

  “Okay, then what if I tell you I’m going to run you a bath and let you soak until you turn into a fanged prune.”

  “I’d say bring it on!”

  “Stay right there. I’ll be back for you in a few minutes.”

  * * * *

  Kira’s thoughts as she waited for Gareth to return were of blessings, wonderment, and amazement. She still couldn’t believe she actually had a soul mate who loved her in return.

  “Ready?” Gareth’s soft baritone teased her senses. She loved his voice, loved his soft rumblings when he grumbled, and loved the guttural tone he growled when he climaxed. Good thing he couldn’t read her mind, or she’d probably be in trouble. She highly doubted his macho personality would like her referencing his groans.

  “Yes. More than ready, thank you.”

  “Come on, woman. Your bath awaits.”

  Kira started to move off the bed, but Gareth scooped her up in his arms. Her head fit right over his heart, and she loved it.

  “Tonight you’re going to be pampered. Forget you’re a former Marine or a Protector. I want you to be just a woman—my woman.”

  “I want that too, more than you know.”

  His stride was slow, his hold gentle as he walked into the bathroom. The large, deep tub sitting next to the shower they’d played in that morning was filled with bubbles. The air smelled like Gareth—musky and male. The man must have sacrificed half his bottle of shower gel.

  “It smells lovely.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t have anything else.”

  “Don’t be. I love it.”

  Gareth set her gently on her feet and proceeded to strip off her clothes. His hands caressed her breasts, and then he eased her tank over her head. As his hands touched the waistband of her leggings, he softly kissed her nipples. By the time he pulled them down her legs and helped lift her feet out, Kira’s bones had liquefied.

  A caress of her center and her legs almost collapsed. She so wanted this man, but even with the lust turning her insides into a fiery blast, her muscles were not cooperating.

  “Come on, love, let’s get you in the tub.” Gareth escorted her to the steps leading down to the edge. “It’s a bit slippery, so be careful on the steps.”

  “You’re not coming in? This tub is more than big enough for two.”

  Gareth grimaced. “I think for now it’s best if you just bathe alone. I don’t want to cause you more pain.”

  Kira wanted to laugh. The man had just put her in a world of hurt with his caresses. “You already have.”

  The reaction she got stunned her.

  “God in heaven, Kira. Are you okay?”

  “Calm down, Gareth. I only meant you made me ache for you.”

  The almost desperate look on his face disappeared. In its place, a positively wicked grin appeared.

  “Well in that case, I think I need to punish you for scaring me.”

  “So are you all talk or…” Kira’s words trailed off as Gareth stripped naked and jumped into the water. The stream of bubbles went skyward and then settled back down on the rocking surface.

  “Now, my dear, sweet Kira, let’s get down to business.”

  Gareth’s hands were everywhere, roaming to her breasts, then downward to nestle in her curls below. The slick glide of his hand almost shot her straight up out of the tub. A quick flick of his finger, and she almost lost her grip on the tub’s edge and him. Another glide and she felt herself slowly sliding downward. Lust built to a flaming eddy of heat, and she was senseless to all but Gareth’s touch.

  His lips licked and then closed over one of her nipples. The suction of his mouth almost drove her over the edge. “Gareth, wait, I need…”

  “What do you need?”

  “I need you inside me now. I don’t think I can stand much more.”

  Gareth settled on the low seat beside Kira, pulled her up and over his lap, before sealing them together with one upward thrust. Her center wept with desire, her heart sang with joy, and she did her best to follow his rhythm.

  Their movements grew slowly out of control as he lifted and then lowered her to ride him again. His mouth teased the edge of her breasts before moving upward to capture her lips. Her vision went red when he deepened his kiss. She fought to maintain control, not wanting to bite him, but every pore i
n her body cried out for her to take his blood.

  “Gareth, I need more. I need…”

  “Take what you need. I love and trust you.”

  Kira’s fangs extended, and she licked the column of his throat. A second later, she nipped the skin, and her fangs tasted the sweet male essence of her mate. She allowed herself the pleasure of drinking a moment more before pulling away. A swipe of her tongue, and she turned her attention to Gareth’s lips. She nipped, licked, and then took his mouth in a kiss that rocked her to the bottom of her feet.

  Never, ever, could she have imagined loving someone this much. A man who trusted her creature traits. At that moment, she knew without a doubt she’d kill anyone who tried to take him from her.

  Gareth’s groan preceded the slow relaxation of his body. Kira drew him close and held him. She just needed a few more moments with him safe in her arms.

  “Kira, did I hurt you?”

  “No, my love. I feel better than I have in my entire life. Now, why don’t we get out of this tub and go to bed?”

  “As long as all you want to do is sleep. I think you have worn me out, woman.” His low chuckle caused heat to burn her face.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, darling. I’m more than happy to have a wife who wants me to touch her.”

  Gareth’s words puzzled Kira. Why would any woman not want his touch?

  “Judith didn’t want you?”

  His laughter was a harsh sound of bitterness. “No, she didn’t want me anywhere near her in the bedroom. The woman could castrate a man with her words, and I was no exception. If I hadn’t won the presidential race, I planned to ask for a divorce. You have to love someone to want to be with them biblically, as my daddy used to say, and Judith wasn’t an easy person to love or to give love in return.”

  Tears burned her eyes. “I’m sorry, Gareth. You deserved so much more.”

  “You’re right. That’s why I have you. You more than make up for the past.”

  “Thank you.”

  After finally getting to the actual act of bathing, they both rinsed and toweled off, barely making it to the bed before they collapsed, exhausted, on top of the covers.


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