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Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 20

by Faith V. Smith

“I don’t think I could move if I had to.” Her words came out in soft but rapid breaths.

  “Well don’t, I’m not up to chasing after you.”

  “Are you too tired for a good-night kiss?” Her lids were closing before she got the words out.

  “Never too tired for a kiss from you.”

  Gareth pulled her closer into his embrace and brushed his lips gently against hers. A moment later, Kira fell asleep, only to jar awake when someone banged on the door.

  Gareth slept on, so she got up, pulled on a robe, and went to the door.

  “Malachi! What are you doing here? Is something wrong?” She motioned him into the room.

  “Sorry, little one, but we’ve got an emergency. I need to talk to you and Gareth. Wake him up, please.”

  “I’m awake. What’s wrong?”

  “Another death threat came in. The assassin wants you, Kira, and myself to meet him in less than an hour at a warehouse on the outskirts of DC. He says he’s got bombs planted at several landmarks, as well as the Capitol building. If we don’t show up, he’ll start blowing them up, one by one.”

  Malachi paced in his agitation. “There’s always a skeletal crew working at the Capitol, and tonight several senators are working late. If we don’t meet with this monster, someone’s going to get killed.”

  “Close your eyes, Malachi.” Kira started pulling on her clothes.

  Gareth did the same. Once dressed, they moved as one to exit the room.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Once in the Oval Office, Kira bit back a curse when she saw Caleb seated on the couch. She shot Malachi a questioning look, but he ignored her. Gareth moved to his chair, and she chose to stand by him. Malachi also stayed on his feet.

  “Okay, give it to me straight. Start from the beginning, please.”

  “The threat came in less than half an hour ago on a telefax in my office. An agent on duty found it, contacted me, and I came directly to you.”

  “Is there any reason to think he could be playing us? Trying to get me out in the open? Could the threat be just a ruse?”

  “I hope so, but I’ve got a feeling deep in my bones this is not going to end pretty, one way or the other.” Malachi’s gaze remained troubled.

  “Okay, so what if we do what he wants?” Kira’s question fell into the minute silence.

  “You mean actually take Gareth to the warehouse?”

  “I’m with Kira. At this point we don’t have much of a choice. If he does have explosives planted, this guy or person is a whack job. No telling what he’ll do if we don’t show up.” Gareth stood, his stance military to the bone. “We can’t let him get away with this.”

  “We won’t, but to take you, the president, into a perpetually dangerous, if not killing, zone is crazy.” Malachi began his usual habit of pacing when agitated.

  “Malachi, I love Gareth, you know I’d die for him, but there’s something the killer doesn’t know. You, I, and Caleb”—she shot a quick glance to the vampire who remained silent—“are all vampires. We could teleport to the warehouse. I could wait with Gareth, while you two go in first and make sure the guy’s alone.” Kira flipped her hand in the air. “If he is, then surely y’all can disarm him.”

  “That might work, but I still don’t like having Gareth there. Whoever this maniac is, he’s going to want to see him.” Malachi’s lips pulled into a straight line.

  “Okay, then if he insists on seeing Gareth first, there are three of us, hopefully to his one.”

  “Kira, you forget I can protect myself if we go in armed.”

  “Of course you should be armed, right, Malachi?” Kira prayed he’d say yes, or Gareth was going to be hard to handle. Her husband did not like sitting on the sidelines.

  “Yes. I don’t like it, but yes.”

  “Okay, so we’re agreed? You and Caleb go in, and then I’ll bring Gareth in only if absolutely necessary. You can keep me informed by mind thoughts as to the situation, so we know what we’re walking into.”

  “Yes, Kira, but I’m hoping to take this guy by surprise if we teleport in.”

  “I hope so also. So I guess we should get started?”

  “Yeah, no telling what he’ll do if we’re late.”

  “Okay, I’ll take Gareth with me.” Kira looked at Gareth, whose mouth was slightly open. “Don’t worry darling, just hold on tight. You’ll be just fine.”

  * * * *

  Almost to the second of their deadline, Kira, Gareth, Malachi, and Caleb all rematerialized outside the warehouse.

  Lights from streetlamps highlighted the area. No cars were in close proximity to the building, so their nemesis must have parked elsewhere.

  “You okay, Gareth?” Kira kept her arms locked around Gareth’s waist, and he continued to grip her tightly.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Guess I should get used to this way of traveling.”

  If circumstances were different, Kira would have laughed at Gareth’s slightly bemused expression, but as she watched, he turned into the commander in chief with just a blink of an eye.

  “Malachi, you and Caleb go in. If you’re not back in five minutes, or you don’t call us sooner, Kira and I will come in.”

  “All right, but try to wait the entire five minutes, Gareth. You’ve never been a patient man, but impatience could be a matter of your life or death.” Malachi frowned at Gareth and Kira.

  “Don’t worry, boss, I’ll make sure we wait. Now, go get the bad guy.”

  Less than a minute later, she got her signal.

  “We’re in, Kira. One man only. I don’t see anyone else. Caleb and I are going to split up and see if we can get behind him. You and Gareth stay put until I call you.”

  “Will do, and Malachi, be careful.”

  “Same goes for you. Keep Coonskin controlled and safe.”

  “You got it.” Kira felt Malachi cut off his inner connection with her. Now, she had to get through the next five minutes.

  “What did Malachi tell you?”

  “How did you know he mind-spoke to me?”

  “I read your face. Your eyes glowed red for a second, and you seemed to be concentrating on something inside you.”

  “You’re right. It was Malachi. He says so far they only see one man. He and Caleb are spitting up to get a jump on him. He says we’re to stay put.” Kira walked back and forth in a circle.

  “Dammit, I hate this.” Gareth’s gaze took on the stormy look that always turned his eyes to an emerald sheen.

  “I know, I do, too, but even as commanders or soldiers, we have to follow orders and be patient.”

  “Yeah, and that sucks big-time.”

  She moved to her husband’s side and slid her hand into his. His frame remained tense for a moment before he relaxed slightly. The area outside remained deserted, so hopefully there were no reinforcements hiding anywhere near.

  “What time is it?” Gareth’s brusque tone didn’t faze Kira. She knew how he felt. Waiting was hell.

  “We have about two minutes before time’s up. I’m sure Malachi and Caleb have everything under control.”

  She prayed she was right. She tried to contact Malachi, but he’d blocked her entry into his thoughts. She was surprised he’d even allowed her access in the first place. The man was secretive about what stayed on his mind, and only dire circumstances would prompt him to share mind thoughts.


  “No. You know, you’re getting good at knowing when I’m trying to send thoughts.”

  Gareth’s grin, although out of place under the circumstances, warmed her heart. Lord, she’d be glad when this was over. She just wanted to get Gareth safely back to the White House and make love to him like there was no tomorrow. For right now, she wasn’t sure what was going to happen.

  Her sigh seemed to be the catalyst for her cell phone to ring. A quick glance showed Malachi’s number. Something was off. Why didn’t he just mind-think her? Unless they had everything covered and safe.

  “Kira?”r />
  “Yeah, what’s going on?”

  “Everything’s fine. You and Gareth come on in. Soon, you’ll be back at the White House eating some of Jacques’s home cooking.” Malachi’s voice sounded strained.

  “Sounds good. So you were right, just one assassin?”

  “You think you could be in here in two minutes?”

  Malachi’s statement about Jacques was definitely a red flag.

  “Two not one?”


  “Okay, we’ll be there in a moment. Hang in there, Malachi.”

  “Can’t do anything else.”

  “Roger that.” Kira closed her cell and turned to Gareth.

  “Something’s wrong. Malachi should have contacted me using mind thoughts. He also called Claude ‘Jacques’ and wants us in there in two minutes, not one, and something about tying up loose ends.” A deep, churning fear began to eat at her stomach.

  “I don’t like it. I think there’s more than one assassin. He apparently got the jump on Malachi. Nothing was mentioned about Caleb. I assume he’s unharmed, since we didn’t hear any gunshots. Of course, he could have been knifed.”

  Gareth placed a hand on Kira’s arm. “So, do I take point, or do you?”

  “Oh Lord, Gareth, you should be home safe, not here.”

  “Well, I am here, and we need to get our men out of there and take down the assassin.”

  Gareth’s eyes glinted in the streetlights. The almost feral look on his face made the hair stand up on Kira’s arms. She’d seen him in Ranger mode, but never this intense.

  “All right, I go in as point man. You follow me.”

  “I think—”

  Kira held up a hand. “No, we do this my way. If this guy’s taken out Caleb and incapacitated Malachi, then no offense, I need to go first. I can take a bullet, and I’m not sure I trust your vest.”

  “We’re wasting time.” Gareth’s tone smacked of frustration. She’d give him kudos for not snarling his answer.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  Kira eased the metal door open slowly, waited half a heartbeat, and slid through the twelve-inch space she allowed. Gareth caught the doorframe with his hand and then moved in behind her.

  The warehouse was pitch-black as they moved cautiously forward through a narrow hallway ending in a large, equally dark room. She could make out one or two figures but couldn’t tell whom they were. There should have been three. Her inner alarm pinged loudly. A hand placed on Gareth’s chest prevented him from entering the room before her.

  “We go in together. Please stay behind me. Something’s not right, and I don’t want you in the line of fire.”

  Gareth’s grunt wasn’t reassuring, but nothing more than she expected. She prepared to move forward, listening as she crept into the room. Both she and Gareth had probably taken no more than ten steps when the lights overhead clicked on.

  Kira’s eyes adjusted immediately. Gareth placed a hand over his for a moment and then turned. They both stared at the scene in front of them.

  Malachi lay prone on the floor—motionless. Caleb stood at the other end of the room, grinning like a jackanapes. Sorry ass. As she prepared to kill Caleb, another man stepped into view. He must have been the one who had flicked on the lights. Short brown hair framed an almost gaunt face. At one time, he might have been heavier, but age and probably excess living had taken their toll. Slightly broad shoulders narrowed into a narrower waist. The man’s camouflage attire drew attention to stick-thin legs.

  “Well, Gareth, I dreamed of this day, but wasn’t sure it would ever happen.”

  “Aron, what in God’s heaven are you doing? Surely you aren’t behind—”

  “All the attempts on your life and your new wife’s? Yes, guilty. I also masterminded the assassination endeavor on you and Judith. Poor, dear Judith. She should have married me.” Aron moved farther into the room. “I guess you didn’t know she and I dated for a bit, but she fixed her greedy eyes on you and the coveted White House prize right before she dumped me.”

  The man’s eyes glowed a spooky blue. Kira didn’t need a psych evaluation to know this man was a loaded cannon. With Malachi out of action, she prayed he wasn’t dead—she stood too far away to see his chest rise. And with Caleb turning traitor, she and Gareth were pretty much screwed.

  Although, she’d told Caleb she could kick his ass, part of her mind would be on Gareth during the fight, and the distraction wouldn’t be a good thing. She needed to even the odds a bit more.

  “What do you want, Aron?” Gareth’s question seemed to galvanize the assassin.

  “What I’ve wanted for years, since your rash actions caused David’s death and I was passed over for promotion. It was always about you, Gareth. You were the best, the most even-tempered, the one all the COs went to if they needed a man for a special assignment. Well, one of those jobs cost my brother his life, and I want yours in return.”

  Gareth, instead of staying back like any sane man, moved forward. Kira put her hand out to stop him, but drew it back. She didn’t want to call attention to herself. Maybe if Aron and Caleb’s interests were on Gareth, she could get close enough to see if Malachi was dead or alive. If the son of a…had killed him, then hell would be a vacation spot before she finished with them. Lord knew there wouldn’t even be a scrap of bone or tissue to bury if they touched Gareth.

  “David disobeyed orders. That’s what got him killed. We were pinned down behind enemy lines. He should have stayed put, but he wouldn’t listen. He ran headlong into a mortar shell.”

  Aron shortened the distance between him and Gareth. “And what was your reason for not pulling him back to our lines? He was alive when you pulled back.”

  “I’m sorry, Aron. I hated it went down that way, but I made a decision to save the ten other men in my patrol. I didn’t like it, but…”

  “Well, like it or not, it’s payback time now. I guess you noticed one of your agents is on my side. He took out the big man over there. Thought he’d waltz right in and take me out, but I’m not a stupid man,” Aron sneered.

  “That’s why”—he motioned to Caleb—“he’ll shoot you first, then your wife, before ridding me of the man on the floor.” Aron preened with what looked like confidence and victory. “I, in turn, will kill Caleb and will become a national hero and, of course, run for your office when it comes open.”

  “You’re freaking crazy! I did everything you wanted. You can’t kill me. I helped you.” Caleb moved closer to Kira.

  “So you did, but you’ve used up your usefulness.” Aron pulled out a gun and fired point-blank at Caleb’s heart. The vampire dropped like a rock.

  Although the shot wouldn’t kill Caleb like a mortal, if they didn’t get him help, he would bleed to death.

  “Now, how about you tell me which one of you dies first, the bitch or the bastard.”

  The contempt in his tone was lethal. The man would kill again and not miss a beat. Kira looked at Gareth. He looked back.

  “If you so much as move, Gareth, I’ll shoot you myself.”

  Her words were low, and she prayed he would listen.

  “How touching. Well, I guess I’ll shoot the little woman, or should I say agent, first, since she seems so intent on dying for you. Maybe the third time will be a charm. Oh, by the way, I don’t count what happened on Air Force One. Although, I did pay out a good bit of money to take it down.”

  “How did you do it, Aron?”

  “I used a vampire to teleport onto the plane, set the charges, and then teleport off before anyone saw him. Now, enough chitchat.” Aron waved his weapon.

  “If you hurt Kira, you won’t live to enjoy it.”

  “Oh, now isn’t that sweet, both of you so willing to die for one another. It’s a shame I can’t shoot you at the same time, but I think just a second in between will work as well.”

  Kira saw the flash of smoke and then the silver cylinder speeding toward Gareth. Before she could fling herself in front of him, a blur of
black knocked them both to the ground.

  Afterward, Kira couldn’t tell which one of them had reacted first. All she knew was Aron went down in a tangle of arms and legs. A fist slammed into her eye, a foot caught her in the ribs, and then it was over. Gareth had Aron stretched out and hog-tied.

  “Malachi!” Kira ran to where he lay in front of them, while Gareth stayed with Aron. “You okay, boss?”

  “Yeah, just mad as hell. Caleb shot me with a tranquilizer gun. I went down like a rock and couldn’t move.”

  “Don’t worry, darling, you saved the day. If you hadn’t knocked us both down, Gareth would probably be dead.”

  “Hmph. My saving y’all was a blessed accident. I’d just gotten my body to work some, and my breath back, when I saw what Aron was doing. My intent was to take him down, but my feet got tangled. And if you tell anyone that story, you’re off the presidential detail.”

  Kira helped Malachi to his feet. “I don’t think so. I’m the First Lady, remember? You made certain of that.”

  “Hey cowboy, how’d you do that?” Kira asked Gareth as she touched her eye gingerly.

  “I’m also a Boy Scout, and we always come prepared.”

  Kira laughed, but stopped on a gasp. Lord, her ribs would be a bit sore in the morning.

  “You okay, my love?”

  “Yes, but I should have been protecting you.”

  “Maybe so, if you were just any agent, but you’re my wife, and nobody takes a crack at or threatens you without me whipping their ass.”

  Gareth tugged Aron to his feet. “We need to find out where the targets are located so we can get the bomb squad to dismantle the bombs.”

  “I think we should torture him and get the information.” Kira’s temper was up, and she knew it. “Blame traitor to his country, him and Caleb.” Speaking of Caleb, she supposed someone needed to check on him.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t I want to screw my country.”

  “Kira, don’t. I truly didn’t think he was going to try to kill any of you.” Caleb’s voice sounded weak.

  “That’s no excuse.”

  “No, it’s not, and Caleb will be brought up on charges not only by his country, but by a board of his peers,” Malachi inserted.


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