Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 24

by Faith V. Smith

  Kira exchanged a look with Malachi. Gareth didn’t remember telling them to change him. Lord, she hated what she had to do.

  “Okay, well, we can fill in the blanks for you.” She raked a hand through her hair before starting the story.

  “I was hoping you’d remember, but here goes. You were dying. The blood loss was tremendous from your wound. I pray you believe me, Gareth, but you gave us permission to turn you.”

  Gareth’s eyes widened. “I thought that was a dream. I saw you crying and begging me not to die.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  Gareth’s grip when he tightened his hand around hers was stronger. “You did what you had to do. With no vice president, there would be total panic in the country. Not to mention, I’d already made my decision to have you turn me.”

  “You did?” Kira felt tears form in her eyes again.

  “Yes, I decided I’d rather have fangs than lose you.”

  “And just when did you realize this?” Kira couldn’t decide to be mad at him or kiss him for causing her hours of stress.

  “I think I knew the first time you brought it up, but I couldn’t get my head to stop ruling my heart. Bottom line, when it came down to it, I just loved you too much to let you go.”

  She placed her lips over his and kissed him. Gareth returned it, and once she drew back, he spoke again.

  “So, what happens next?”

  “We’ll give you some bagged blood and then a shot of serum. The serum will allow your image to be photographed and let you withstand being outside when you need to be in daylight.”

  “Ah good, he’s awake!” Claude hustled into the room the mortal way and walked to the bed.

  “Do not scare everyone like this anymore, Gareth.” The smile he bestowed on Gareth was one of delight.

  “Don’t worry, I don’t think I ever want to repeat this experience. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m tired again.”

  “No problem, you sleep, and I’ll get this IV started. Did you give him the injection yet?”

  “Not yet, Claude, you do it.” Kira hoped he would. She hated giving the shots to herself, and didn’t think she could stand sticking Gareth. Go figure, she could help pull out metal, but inserting a needle was something else.

  Claude took the needle from Kira and said, “Will do, now why don’t you get some rest? Gareth will probably sleep for hours. I expect him to wake around sunset. What do you think, Malachi?”

  “I think you’re right. And if nothing else happens, he should be himself again, well, except for having incisors and a few other useful traits.”

  Kira’s sigh of relief echoed around the room. With Gareth supposedly out of danger, exhaustion set up in the marrow of her bones. There was so much to sort out, so much to tell him and settle in the next few days.

  Something reminded her to ask, “What about Leland and Eve? Are they still leaving?”

  “Yes, we thought it would give more credence to Gareth being all right. And just so you know, the barbeque went off without a hitch. Leland and Eve were more than happy to play hosts to the staff who were told you and Gareth were resting from your ordeal.”

  “Oops, guess I lost my title as Agent Extraordinaire.”

  “Well, I think they also told them y’all wanted some private time.” Malachi chuckled.

  “Great.” Kira felt her cheeks heating. “Guess now I get to be the oversexed wife.”

  Malachi’s, as well as Claude’s, cheeks flushed a bright red.

  “Sorry, forgot you two had sensitive ears.”

  “Kira, if I wasn’t so happy at the moment, I’d teach you not to taunt your boss.”

  “And I would withhold the wonderful chocolate cake I made to celebrate Gareth’s entry into the GVP.”

  “What? I didn’t know this.”

  “What did you think, Kira? He’s your husband. He won’t always be president. One day he will become an agent, and within the next few days, he’ll be required to sit on the Vampire Council.”

  “Why?” To sit on the Council was a big deal.

  “Because the Council will make a ruling about Caleb. I think Gareth’s position as our country’s leader and the newest VGP should have an input.”


  “Kira, it’s nothing personal. With your granddaddy not up to par, there’s one seat vacant.” Malachi’s tone was cajoling as he picked at the cuff on his clean suit jacket. He must have changed his clothes sometime, but she’d failed to notice.

  “Besides, you know one day Eliza March and Sandra Morris will step down. By then, you, as former First Lady, I’m sure will be a shoo-in for one of their spots.”

  “I know. I’m just a bit surprised. What happens when Grandpa gets better?”

  “He’s confided in me and the Council that he won’t return as chairman.”

  Kira was doubly confused, and it showed in her look at Malachi.

  “Surely, you don’t mean for Gareth to become chairman? That’s unheard of for a newly turned vampire.”

  “Yes, but again, circumstances are different. I spent time on a conference call with the Council and your granddaddy. Your husband is the most powerful man in the world, and now as a vampire…they know it’s unprecedented, but think it’ll be a good move for the future.” Malachi held her gaze.

  “What about you? I would have thought you would be next in line since you do what you do.”

  “I turned it down years ago, Kira. I’m happy heading up the VGP for agents and running the Secret Service. Now get some rest.”

  “Okay. Wow. I guess being a Council member’s wife will take a bit of getting used to.”

  She just prayed it wouldn’t be any worse than being the First Lady. Her eyelids begged to close, and Kira stretched out on the bed. Her last thought before falling asleep was, What will Gareth think of life as a vampire?

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Two nights later, Kira stood under the shower jets. Gareth was downstairs in his office for the first time since the bombing and changing. He’d recovered at a much faster rate than she or Malachi thought possible.

  Once all the bagged blood was consumed, his color had gone back to the seductive bronze she loved to touch. His eyes regained their vibrant green shading, and his mind seemed sharp as ever, maybe a bit more.

  He’d begun to eat mortal food again, with no side effects, and before sunset last night, they had strolled in the Rose Garden. Malachi was positive Gareth was completely recovered.

  She soaped her body and then allowed all the tension of the last few days to wash down the drain. She should be dancing on the moon, but with Aron at large, she wouldn’t, or couldn’t, rest until he was back behind bars. The man would be a thorn in her and Gareth’s side until that blessed day.

  The first inkling she had she wasn’t alone was when the shower door slid open. Two familiar arms slid around her waist as Gareth stepped inside the spacious cubicle.

  “I missed you.” His words were a bare whisper, but had the power to make her knees go weak.

  She turned toward him, and he captured her lips with his own. Desire like she’d never felt before exploded as their tongues tangled and mated in an erotic dance.

  His hands cupped her breasts and teased her nipples with his forefingers. Kira dug her toes into the tile floor to keep from falling.

  Gareth tore his lips from hers. “God, how I love loving you. I can’t get enough of your passion, your love, Kira.”

  “Same here. I want to lose myself inside your love, to become one with you. Never let you go.” She didn’t know why, unless it was his new blood and chemistry, but his touches were wild with passion. One hand slid to cup her sex and then slide a finger deep inside her core. She bucked against it, wanting more, needing more.

  Her hand taunted his flat nipples before she captured his arousal in her hands. Holding his sleek, hot length shifted her passion to full-blown lust and love. She caressed his thick, hard erection from hilt to head, loving
the way he moaned into her ear.

  “Kira, I want you, now. I need to be inside you.”

  “Stop talking, and do it.” Kira’s lips caressed a path to his neck, where she licked and suckled.

  “Kira…” Gareth caught her closer, turned her until her back pressed against the shower wall. No matter how many times they made love this way, it was fast becoming one of her favorites.

  One quick lift and one hard thrust and he was inside. His width touched the sides of her sex, searching for and finding the one spot that could turn her into a heated pile of mush. Kira rode his hardness like a woman possessed. This was not just making love, but a fierce bonding of destined soul mates.

  She bit down hard on his neck, breaking the skin, tasting the nectar beneath. Gareth cried out as their passions moved between them, thrown back and forth through their joined minds and bodies. She felt his sac tighten, his shaft engorge with more blood, and the first spirals of fulfillment.

  * * * *

  Gareth didn’t understand what was happening to him. Never had he taken a woman so hard, so uncaring of hurting her. All he knew was he had to have Kira, right then, or burn in the flames of his lust.

  The first glimpse of what was happening inside her body startled him, but then his body went wild. His shaft grew longer, harder, aching to reach the pinnacle of desire. Kira’s fangs in his throat made him even hotter. “Lord, I love this woman.”

  “Love you right back.”

  Gareth wasn’t sure if Kira’s words were spoken out loud or if he’d imagined them.

  “Neither, we are soul mates, and with the binding, you can hear my thoughts as I can hear yours.”

  Gareth decided to try it on his own. “Do you know what you do to me?”

  “Yes, another perk of being mated. I can feel the lust rise in your body, and it’s magnified by my own desire.”

  Kira’s fangs slipped free, and he felt the soft touch of her tongue. Could he do that, taste her blood?

  “You already have, silly! I gave you my blood during the turning. That’s why we’re so bonded.”

  Gareth shook his head slightly. Bits and pieces of that night came back. He’d not only taken Kira’s blood, but Malachi’s. Lord, he hoped the other vamp couldn’t read his mind at the moment.

  He felt and then heard the vibration of Kira’s laughter. It was music to his ears. Locked together, still thrusting inside her, he leaned his head down and placed his lips on her neck.

  “What now?”

  “Just allow the scent of our love to tempt your fangs. They’ll slide down.” Or she hoped they would. So far, Gareth had not even shown a bit of fang.

  “I heard that, all of it. So, I might be slow out of the gate, but let’s see if I can get this right.”

  The first nip of Gareth’s fangs almost sent Kira into a swoon. Old-fashioned word, but right on the mark. No one had ever bitten her neck. It was an aphrodisiac, and she wanted more. The first draw of her blood sent her into a wave of lust. She had wanted him to take her in all ways, and now he had.


  “That’s right, moan for me, baby. I want to know you’re feeling what I’m feeling.”

  Kira could only lift her hips in response. His thrusts, if possible, went even deeper, almost hitting her womb.

  “Trust me, I’m more than feeling. If I felt any more, I’d pass out.”

  Gareth was a fast learner. He suckled just a bit more before instinctively closing the pinpricks on her neck. He then caught her lips with his, and she tasted her blood on his tongue.

  “Gareth!” Her moan was guttural, her need overwhelming. “Please, I need to…”

  “I know what you need, and we’re getting there, my love.” Gareth tongued and lightly bit her nipples as his hand reached down between her legs and touched her nub. A flick, a pinch, and Kira flew off the edge of passion’s cliff.

  “Kira!” Gareth followed her a second later, pumping his essence into her. Their bodies bound together, they finally sank to the tile floor.

  Water cascaded down, striking her in the face. The now cool stream was more than welcomed. Gareth cradled her head on his arm as they lay there, until their bodies began to recover.

  “Come on, I don’t know about you, but the water’s too damn cold for my liking.” Gareth’s grumble teased laughter from her throat. Lord, if soul mates did this every night, she would have to start taking vitamins.

  “I heard that, and I agree.” He grinned as he helped her up, turned off the water, and then led her back to their bed, where they both collapsed, naked and exhausted.

  “Well, just remember, if you ever decide to leave me, you’ll never have it this good again.”

  “Not to worry, darling, I’m not going anywhere.”

  * * * *

  Gareth didn’t know what to wear to the Vampire Council. Malachi explained the importance of this first meeting over a late dinner he shared with Gareth and Kira.

  Being president carried a lot of duties. Being a chairman for the VGP Council, as Malachi and Kira called it, would be ten times worse. He’d be responsible for sentencing vamps gone astray, seeing justice was carried out, and keeping in touch with the various agencies around the world. These agencies protected officials in government and their families. Although he and Kira had not talked about her brothers often, he knew they were stationed in different agencies. Malachi also mentioned none of the six wanted the title of chairman.

  “They’re not ready to settle down, and this job needs someone who’s ready for more responsibility.”

  “Do you think I can do it?”

  “I have no doubt. The courage, determination, and zeal you have for the presidential office is more than enough to make you a top-notch chairman, once you learn the ropes.”

  Kira hadn’t said a whole lot during the meeting, but she offered him encouragement with her smiles. It had to be hard knowing her granddaddy, who had founded the Council, wouldn’t be serving again. Although, you would think after a hundred years of being head of an organization, the man deserved a rest. Both she and Malachi had explained Grandpa Jackson had already been close to fifty when he’d developed the serum.

  “Hi, love, aren’t you ready?” Kira’s teleportation into the room didn’t startle him as much as it would have before. She’d been utilizing that talent off and on for the last couple of days.

  “I want to do that.”

  “What, teleport?” Kira put back the black suit laid out on the bed and grabbed a sport jacket and short-sleeve dress shirt.

  “Wear these. Malachi said it was semiformal. And we’ll be teleporting to the meeting.”

  Gareth stripped to the buff, appreciating the gleam of lust in Kira’s blue eyes. He would satisfy that look tonight.

  “And I’ll be satisfying yours.” Kira giggled as Gareth felt his face flush with heat. You’d think being his age, he could keep the lust out of his gaze.

  “Don’t worry about it. I love it when you want me. It makes me want you even more.” Kira patted his naked buttocks and then popped out of the room.

  Brazen hussy.

  You’ll be glad of my wanton ways tonight, when I make you groan with pleasure.

  Gareth didn’t have to look in the mirror to know his face was as red as the sinking sunset.

  * * * *

  Gareth wasn’t exactly sure where the meeting was being held. They’d teleported in, like Kira said they would, but the surrounding countryside was vacant of cars or any other worldly goods.

  The structure, what bit he saw before being hustled inside, resembled a castle. It made him wonder if they were no longer in the States.

  “This way.” Malachi led him and Kira to a set of double doors. He knocked and then entered.

  “Malachi King of the United States GVP with Kira Jackson and Gareth Hayes.”

  “Welcome, Malachi. We’re honored to see you again, and your guests.”

  Gareth assumed, by the older man who was seated next to an empty chair on th
e raised dais, that this was Kira’s first meeting also.

  “Come forward, and be seated.” The vampire motioned all three of them to chairs sitting next to the dais.

  Once they took their seats, the other vampires introduced themselves.

  “Joseph Campbell, head of the South American Council.” This came from a slightly younger but equally gray-haired man.

  “Eliza March, head of the European Council.” The woman who nodded her head was petite and blonde. He wondered about her age.

  “Watch what you think. All of them can read our minds.”

  Gareth felt his face blanch with horror. How could he have forgotten that tidbit?

  “Adam Jefferson, I head up the Australian Council.” The man stood almost as tall as Gareth and looked like he worked out.

  “Sandra Morris, I oversee the Asian Council.” The woman gave them a slight smile.

  “Talbot Jameson, I take care of the African Council.” The African member of the Council grinned.

  The older man who had greeted them now stood to his feet. “Nelson Ames. I have the privilege of being in charge of the Antarctica Council.” His smile was slight but welcoming.

  “Now that we all know who is who, we’ll bring up the first order of business, installing Gareth as our North American Council leader.”

  All of the members remained standing, but at a nod from Nelson, Talbot placed a box on the table. He opened it and took out an antique-looking ring. Nelson again looked at each of the Council members before asking, “All those in favor of Gareth Hayes, current president of the United Stated taking over the position resigned by our good friend Zachary Jackson?”

  A series of ayes resounded, and then Nelson motioned for Gareth to come forward. Talbot placed the ring on his right ring finger before motioning for him to take the empty seat. His gaze found Kira’s. She looked as enthralled with the proceedings as he felt.

  Once they were all seated, Nelson spoke again. “Our meetings are normally once a month, usually at this location. For the most part, they’re informal, a time to take care of business and then relax with food and drink. We know with your job as the president of the United States, there might be times you can’t make the monthly meeting, but if possible, we’ll reschedule to make it work.”


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