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Smith, Faith V. - Presidential Heat [Vampire Government Protectors] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 25

by Faith V. Smith

  Gareth felt like he was in a dream. One day mortal, the next a leader in the vampire world.

  “Since this is your first meeting, if you would allow me, I’ll conduct the business part, and all you’ll have to do is cast your vote on any of the issues.”

  “That’s fine with me. I do have a question. How do I address each of you?”

  A combination of laughter erupted from all the members.

  “To be sure, that would be helpful for you to know. When we’re just by ourselves, first names are used. When a vampire is brought before us for any issue or sentencing, we address one another as Leader and use our last names.”

  “I think I can do that. Thank you.” Gareth was truly grateful the Council didn’t take his ignorance as an insult. He wanted to do the best he could, not just for his sake, but Kira’s.

  “Tonight, we have only one item on our agenda. The trial of Caleb Dalton.” Ames motioned to Malachi, who left the room and returned with a silver-handcuffed Caleb.

  Once Caleb stood directly in front of the dais, his gaze on the floor, Ames spoke again. “Caleb Dalton, you have been convicted of the crimes of terrorism against the United States of America, and attempted murder of one of our own agents, Kira Jackson.”

  As Gareth watched, Caleb raised his head. The vampire looked stunned when his gaze rested on Gareth. It had to be quite a shock to see the newest member of the Council.

  “I thought you were dead. You should have died when the limo exploded.”

  Gareth jerked to his feet. “You knew about the explosives?”

  Caleb looked taken back by Gareth’s rage, but then he flashed what Kira thought could only be considered an insolent smile.

  “Yes, I knew. I put them in the wheel-well. You and Kira should be dead. Instead, you’re now a vampire. I wonder how the world will feel about that?”

  “Gareth, please don’t let him anger you any more. We’re fine, and he’s not going to hurt us again.”

  Gareth heard her thoughts, but other than glancing at her and then quickly looking away, he did not acknowledge her.

  He did, however, sit back down. Lord, she was so proud of him. He would be an asset to the Council.

  “Am I to understand that as the chairman, I can pronounce sentence on this man?”

  Caleb’s smile fled from lips gone a bit pale.

  “You are correct, Leader Hayes. It’s your right, since you are chairman and you and your wife were the victims.”

  “Thank you, Leader Ames.” Gareth stood once again.

  “Caleb Dalton, you have admitted your own guilt in trying to assassinate the president of the United States and the First Lady. That offense alone would warrant the death penalty. By your actions in taking part in planting explosive devices within the landmarks of our country, and endangering innocent lives, you have committed treason. It, too, is punishable by death. What say the Council? Yea or nay to a death sentence?”

  Gareth’s eyes glowed red. A sure sign his wrath was in full force. Yet he commanded himself like a true leader.

  Five ayes preceded Gareth’s firm one. “Your sentence, Caleb Dalton, is death, the method to be determined by this Council and carried out within a week. I want you to sit and wonder how you’ll meet your Maker.”

  The rest of the meeting was mild. Afterward, the members all conversed while scoffing down an awesome buffet of international cuisine. Gareth was made welcome by claps on his back, and Kira received her own accolades for serving her country. She wondered what position she would hold, since Gareth no longer needed a protector.

  “You will always stand by my side, protecting, nourishing me with your love, as I’ll stand by yours.”

  “I love you, Gareth Hayes.”

  “You better, we have a lot more days and nights together, my love, and starting with tonight, I’ll keep you so busy you won’t have the energy for doing much more than breathing.”

  Kira felt the heat of his words stain her cheeks. A look around the room garnered a host of gazes all turned on her and Gareth. Although all the members were smiling, Malachi’s grin outstripped the rest. Thank God they kept their comments to themselves, or else she’d have to teleport back to DC.

  “Nope, you’re not going anywhere without me from now on, Mrs. Hayes.”

  “Well, since some of you have plans for tonight, I think we can adjourn this meeting until the sentencing takes place. Gareth, will you trust us to choose a suitable death for Caleb?”

  “Yes, Nelson, I trust you and the Council to do what’s best.”

  “Very well then, meeting adjourned.”

  Before Kira could draw a breath, Gareth’s arms were around her, and her body began to dissolve into molecules. She heard laughter coming from afar, but forgot about it when Gareth’s lips captured hers.

  Chapter Thirty

  Kira slept late the day after the Council meeting. No wonder. Gareth had made good on his promise. When he’d finished making love to her, she had barely been able to breathe, and at times, she wasn’t even sure of that.

  A quick glance at the clock and she tossed back the sheets. 11:00 a.m. She should have been up hours ago. Her body groaned in protest, and reminded her of Gareth’s tortured groans the night before. Loving vampire-style was something she definitely could get used to.

  She locked the bathroom door, but feared it wouldn’t keep Gareth out if he was determined. The man had honed his teleporting skills, inside and outside, before taking her to bed and turning her insides into a quagmire of lust.

  After a quick shower, she got dressed, and for the first time in a long time, she pulled on jeans and a T-shirt. Probably not the garb of a First Lady, but it ranked right up there with her comfortable uniform.

  She’d been ordered by Malachi and Gareth to take the day and night off, as if she hadn’t been derelict in her duty for the past few weeks. After thinking further on the subject of guarding Gareth, they decided he needed to maintain the visual appearance of needing a guard, yet for the moment she was a lady of leisure.

  Maybe she’d pop into the Oval Office and see if he wanted to do an early lunch? Or better yet, they could teleport to Scotland. It was beautiful, with its glens and heather-filled countryside, this time of the year.

  Or she might just save that jaunt for whenever Gareth could take a few days off. He had yet to appoint a new vice president. Cognizant of his responsibilities, he would have to fulfill his duties before they could go anywhere. Oh well, she’d just have to be patient. After all, she had Gareth, and that was enough.

  Instead of popping in, Kira hit the extension for the Oval Office. Gareth’s brusque but sexy “Hayes here” did strange things to her body.

  “First Lady here, you wanna do lunch?”

  “Hi, sleepyhead, I wish I could, but I’ve got a meeting with one of the candidates for VP.”

  She was disappointed, of course, but understood. “That’s okay, I understand. I’ll just grab something from the kitchen and hang out here.”

  “Don’t eat too much. I’m taking you to dinner tonight.”

  A slow thrill of anticipation skirted Kira’s spine. “Just the two of us?”

  “Yes, and put on something sexy. We’re going to do some dancing.”

  Kira definitely loved that idea. She loved to dance and would welcome a chance to dance with Gareth.

  “All right, and you can dress sexy, too. Just come naked.”

  His voice dropped low as she heard his whispered answer through the line. “I always come naked.”

  “Gareth Hayes, you know that’s not what I meant.”

  “I know, but I can feel your blush down here.”

  “Oh hush, now get ready for your meeting. And what time is dinner?”

  “Eight o’clock.”

  “Great, love you.”

  Kira took the mortal way to the kitchen and searched out Claude, who hid in the pastry room. “What are you making?”


  She could tell he lied. The ma
n wouldn’t even look her in the eyes.

  “Come clean, Claude. Don’t make me hurt you.”

  “It’s not you I’m afraid of. Gareth made me promise not to let you see this until tonight.”

  “Oh. So what happens if I do?” Kira’s teasing tone earned her a scowl.

  “He will be very displeased, and I don’t want that. I plan on asking him if his offer to stick around and cook for y’all is still on the table.”

  “I’m sure it is. You know we both want you to stay. Tell you what.” Kira clapped a hand over her eyes. “You can truthfully tell him I know nothing. I don’t. You were so fast with that cloth, I just saw a blur.”

  “Good, now, what did you need?”

  “Lunch, I’m starving, but Gareth said not to eat too much.”

  “I think I have just the thing. What about a nice layered salad with vinaigrette dressing? I have some homemade croutons also.” Claude literally preened.

  “Sounds yummy. I’ll just take a tray upstairs if you have time to fix it, or I can do it.”

  “No way I’m letting you do it. You’ll make a mess.”

  She punched Claude in the arm. “You’re so bad. I don’t know why I love you.”

  “Right back at you, Kira. Now come along. By the looks of those bags under your eyes, you need a nap after lunch.”

  “Bags? I don’t have bags!”

  “You don’t have fangs either, do you?”

  Kira snarled, but nothing dampened Claude’s spirits as he hummed while fixing her tray.

  “Here you go. Now run along. I have work to do.”

  Kira didn’t even glance his way as she teleported to the den. Dang men and their secrets.

  Half an hour later, replete, and as much as she hated to admit it, drowsy, she decided to have a nap. Not because she had bags under her eyes, no way did she have bags, but because they might be out late, and she wanted to be alert.

  Yeah, keep telling yourself that, girlfriend, and you might believe it.

  * * * *

  Gareth checked on Kira after his meeting. He found her curled up and asleep on the bed. He so wanted to join her, but couldn’t. Not if he wanted to get through another round of meetings with candidates before dressing for their evening out. And what an evening he had planned. This would be almost like a first date for him and Kira.

  Claude was already at the restaurant they had booked for a private party. The roses he wanted to give Kira were in place on the elegantly set table for two. The champagne would go on ice in just a bit, and the small band he’d hired would be setting up in a room off of the main dining area. He wanted to hear them, not see them. He would have eyes for only Kira tonight.

  Their relationship had escalated from the beginning. Going from employer and guard, to fiancé and fiancée, before becoming husband and wife. Tonight would be a celebration of all three, plus their recent entry into soul mates.

  “Mr. President, the next candidate is waiting.”

  “Right, give me a moment, and then send him in.” Gareth’s secretary nodded his head and backed out the door.

  Only two more candidates, and he could give Kira his undivided attention.

  * * * *

  Kira awoke just as the sun began to descend. Lord, she’d slept like a rock. Now, if she wasn’t mistaken, she’d have to hoof it to be ready on time.

  She ran for the shower, sluiced soap and water on and off, and then toweled dry. It had to be some type of new record for the shortest shower in history. Next she brushed her teeth, applied makeup, and ran a brush through her hair.

  Should she pin it up? No, she knew Gareth would take it down later, so why bother? The dress she planned to wear was a vibrant red. She shimmied into the dress and left off her undies. The dress fit so tight, she’d probably have lines if she wore them.

  She glanced at the clock in the bedroom. The minutes ticked away. Almost eight. She crammed her feet into red high heels and applied a light coating of lotion on her legs.

  After checking her makeup, she grabbed the clutch bag she’d used for her almost first and last press conference and ran for the elevator. Without knowing what time Gareth’s meetings would be over, it would be best not to teleport to the office.

  The stilettos made a tip-tapping noise as she flew down the main hallway. Almost there. She turned the corner to the Oval Office and pulled up short. Gareth stood in the doorway shaking hands with a man in his mid-fifties or so. He must have been the last of the candidates.

  The man turned in the opposite direction from where Kira stood. Gareth remained in the doorway. The sight of his six-foot-plus frame, muscular body, and gorgeous butt made her wet with desire.

  As she watched, he lifted his head, sniffed the air, and then mind-thought her.

  “Stop hiding. It’s time to leave.”

  “For your information, I wasn’t hiding. I just didn’t want to interrupt the end of your meeting.”

  “Meeting’s over, so come on out.”

  “You asked for it, buddy!”

  Gareth’s first look at Kira blew his mind. The red dress she wore stopped about four inches above her knees. The material clung to curves he’d caressed the night before and made him want to do so again—right here and now. The low-cut neckline showcased breasts threatening to overflow their boundary. His look as Kira’s legs went on and on, until he got to her shoes. The sight of those red stilettos caused all the blood to drop to his groin and rise in his shaft. He had no idea how he’d get through dinner, dancing, and the rest of the evening without throwing her on the table or floor and taking her over and over again.

  “Glad you like the dress.”

  Gareth refused to blush. For a moment, he’d forgotten she could read him like a well-read book.

  “You ready to go?” His question a hoarse imitation of his usual baritone.

  “Ready and willing.” Kira’s teasing words caused the embers of heat he’d tried to extinguish to flare again. He didn’t need to be sporting a hard-on when they left for the restaurant.

  “I don’t know, I think you look hot that way.”

  “Stop reading my mind,” Gareth growled at her.

  “I like to do it. You look so cute when you wrinkle your nose up and concentrate so hard.” Kira giggled.

  “I do not wrinkle my nose, and I certainly don’t ever look cute.”

  His wife caught his hand. “Have it your way, but no matter what you say, I think you’re cute. Now, if we were talking hot, that would be a different story.”

  “So, you think I’m hot?”

  Kira giggled again. “So the big, bad president wants a compliment?”

  “Yes, I think I deserve it after the cute remark.” Gareth’s growl this time caressed her ear.

  “Fine, I’ll give you one, and you can give me one.”

  “No fair, I’ve already given you several, or rather, you read them.”

  “You’re so not in my good books. Still, I’ll give you something to think about. You’re the hottest man I’ve ever seen, and when you get all wild with lust, I want to crawl your bones.”

  Gareth’s refusal to blush didn’t work this time. He listened to Kira’s hoots of laughter as they made their way to the limo.

  “Evening y’all. Ready for your hot night on the town?” Malachi’s grin was positively evil.

  “Shut up, Malachi.”

  Kira didn’t try to control the laughter threatening to punch a hole in her ribs. Gareth was in a lust-filled-knowing-he-had-to-wait mood. Maybe she’d taunt him a bit more to see what happened.

  “I wouldn’t if I were you. It’s neither nice nor safe to bait me.”

  Damn, she needed to guard her own thoughts.

  For the first time since their sexual cat-and-mouse game, Gareth smiled and continued to smile until they arrived at the restaurant.

  The Washington Nights Italian décor was beautiful. Linen cloths covered the tables, and one lone table sat in the middle of a dance floor. It was to that table Gareth led Kir
a. He picked up the gorgeous bouquet of roses resting on top and presented them with a flourish.

  “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”

  “No more beautiful than you are.”

  Her astonishment at his gift of purple roses, her favorite, kept her mute as he pulled out one of the two chairs and played gentleman. After placing a linen napkin in her lap with a very unsubtle caress between her thighs, Gareth took his seat.

  As they waited for the first course to arrive, he uncorked a bottle of champagne resting in an ice bucket on the table. Again with a flourish, he filled both crystal flutes.

  “To my wife, the woman I’ll always love and cherish.”

  His toast brought tears to Kira’s eyes. She hated tears, but for this occasion, they seemed appropriate.

  “And to my husband, the man who captured my heart and will hold it until the day I die.”

  Their glasses clinked with a joyful sound. Before either one of them could take a sip of the golden liquid, a man emerged from a room off of the dining room.

  “Well, well, well. Isn’t this sweet?”

  Kira’s head jerked up and away from Gareth. That voice—Aron Stewart! But how? The last they heard, he’d been spotted in California.

  “I figured you’d show up sooner or later. Not like you to leave any loose ends.” Gareth’s complacent tone stirred shock inside Kira. How could he be so calm?

  “Easy, darling, remember, I’m no longer mortal.”

  “Correct, but you could still get hurt. Have a care.”

  “Trust me, I will. I have plans for this evening.”

  “Oh yes, you should know me. You used all my skills to leap ahead in promotions.” Aron spit the words at Gareth. A spot of spittle dotted the corner of his mouth.

  “Aron, I told you, it was your own greed that pulled you down. Now, why not turn yourself in quietly? You can’t expect to get away.”

  “Why not? I only see your wife as a guard. Even your second shadow doesn’t seem to be on the premises. Don’t you think it’s rather dim-witted of you to come out without a guard? Or do you think your wife’s able to take me out on her own?


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