KNOTTED: The Manhattan Bound Series, Book Three

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KNOTTED: The Manhattan Bound Series, Book Three Page 27

by Juliet Braddock

  “Then you start your own business locally,” she suggested. “A television show isn’t the beginning or the end of the world, Tom. It’s a great opportunity, but it’s not a reflection of who you are as a person.”

  “So…you’ll still like me,” he began, “even if I get canceled?”

  “Maybe even a little more than like…”

  Kicking his feet at the grass, Tom shrugged. “Vicki…I’m thinking we…well…maybe we could be getting a little more serious here…”

  “Oh, yeah?” she looked up at him with her warm brown eyes.

  A slow smile curled upon his lips. “Yeah…”

  “Well, I like that thought,” she grinned, “but it’s Max and Drew’s weekend. Why don’t we talk about that when we get home?”

  His own smile, Tom felt, was a silly and stupid one, but dammit if he didn’t just love Vicki a little more every day. She knew when to absorb every second with him, and she understood when she needed to take a step back and allow for his family time. Vicki always made sure that Maxine came first. They had plenty of time to discuss and plan their own lives together.

  “That we can,” Tom said as he looked just over his shoulder to find Ben with his hand shielding his eyes from the sun as he looked out toward the horizon.

  Sometimes, Benjamin Worthington just needed the calm that Thomas Kirk brought to his world.

  “Vick, I hate to do this…but I think the other kid needs me,” he explained. “Do you mind if I step away for a sec?”

  “Not at all!” Vicki said. “He had a rough night, and he looks up to you, Tom. He’s a part of the Kirk family, too.”

  “Every second, I appreciate you more and more,” Tom said and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Thank you, Doc.”

  “Anytime,” she winked.

  Strolling over, Tom could sense the tension and sadness weighing between himself and Ben. Unfortunately, by the time the party finally shut down around two in the morning, everyone knew that Michael Worthington had cheated on his wife. It wasn’t the first time, but it was the unwritten rule that his indiscretions not be discussed openly in their circles of society.

  Now, their only child suffered the consequences of his parents’ failed marriage, and Tom had to try to pick up those pieces for Ben as best he could. Taking a seat on the steps, he patted the concrete beside him.

  “Wanna talk, pal?” Tom finally asked to break the silence.

  Solemnly, Ben turned around and nodded. He didn’t know what to say, but the comfort of Tom was always welcome.

  “I’m sorry, Ben,” Tom said. “I wish we could go back in time and just erase all that from your memory…”

  “Not a surprise, Tom,” Ben insisted sluggishly. “Just didn’t expect the shit to go down at the Captain’s wedding in front of all of our friends…”

  “Hey—it’s better that it happened like this,” Tom reasoned. “You’ve got all of us behind you. I know Maxie supports you. And I’m sure Jeffrey does, too…”

  At that moment, Tom saw the tears in Ben’s eyes. “Jeff sat up all night with Mandy and me, trying to talk her down and sober her up. She’s sleeping in our room upstairs right now. And…well, quite frankly, I have no idea where Mike is…”

  “Alright,” Tom said and patted Ben on the back. “You’re allowed to keep Jeffrey.”

  Ben suddenly gripped Tom’s forearm as if he were holding on to dear life itself. “Thank you, Tom. Thank you for just understanding me—without question—and for giving me the love that they have trouble showing…”

  “Hey, now, Ben, they’re your parents,” Tom reminded him. “Regardless, they did give you life. And I know this is a mess for you to have to clean up, but don’t think you’re doing this alone. His behavior is no reflection on you…”

  Releasing his hold on Tom, Ben returned his gaze toward the scene of the reception, where cleanup crews hauled away the trash and dismantled the tents and décor inside. The wedding was suddenly over for Ben. He needed to return home and head back to his ugly reality.

  “I really miss Judy right now…”

  “There’s always love for you at the Kirk house, Ben. Just remember that.”

  “Here, too, Tom,” Ben said. “You know, a part of me just wants to turn my back on the whole thing. But my mother’s talking divorce. I don’t know if that was the booze, or if she’s serious about pursuing it.”

  “Well, let things settle, and leave the decisions up to your parents,” Tom suggested. “Not like you’re going to be involved in a custody battle here…”

  “Oh, Tom…” Ben clutched his stomach while he laughed. “I needed that right now…”

  “Although if Jude and I ever thought of divorce, she’d have probably taken you and given me Maxie in the deal,” Tom continued on, delighted to see Ben smile. “That’s my boy!”

  However, Ben took every one of Tom’s words to heart. “You’re right, though, Tom,” Ben began. “There’s nothing I can do at the moment. I just have to wait it out and see what they decide to do. But it still hurts.”

  Tom’s arm reached around Ben’s shoulders, and he pulled him close. “I know, Ben. But there’s no reason to take all of this on yourself.”

  “She wants to stay at my place!” Ben shouted and threw his arms in the air. “What the hell can I say? No, you can’t stay in your own townhouse?”

  “So, you go and spend some extra time at Jeffrey’s while she’s there,” Tom suggested. “Give her Maxie’s old room, and she’ll have some privacy.”

  “Listen, Tom…in the coming weeks…I know Max is away in France, and I don’t want to bog her down,” Ben rambled. “But…can I call you if I need an ear?”

  “Of course, you can—always, Ben,” Tom said. “And do you think Maxie would turn you away? Even on her honeymoon?”

  “No, she wouldn’t,” Ben agreed. “That’s why she’s the Captain. And…do you feel like having a beer with me?”

  “Go get ‘em, Ben. I’ll wait right here. Nothing like having a drink with my son on the stoop. Maxie should be here soon…”

  “Think so?” Ben mumbled as he stood up to go and fetch Papa Kirk a beer.


  # # #

  “Why do I feel like I reek of Preparation-H?” Maxine wondered, her hand in Drew's as they sauntered up the hill. They were in no rush. They were the guests of honor, and it was damn fine to be fashionably late. There was no point in wasting a gorgeous afternoon by driving from the cottage to the main house.

  “Oh, for crissakes, Maxine—it doesn't smell!”

  Wiggling her bottom, she challenged him. “I believe you shoved a whole tube up there between last night and this morning, Mack.”

  “I don’t want you suffering from hemorrhoids on our honeymoon—which could indeed happen, given that I took your virginity last night.”

  In truth, Maxine was hardly in a state of distress. He'd carried out that task of taking her virginity with such thought and planning that she was able to seek exquisite pleasure from the entire experience...and with all that, she rediscovered her love for him all over again.

  “Uh-oh...” Drew's finger slowly pointed onward, in the direction of the house. “Looks like Papa Kirk and Uncle Benjy are having a little tête-a-tête on the terrace...”

  “Oh, shit,” Maxine covered her mouth. “Do we pretend we don’t know?”

  “Jeffrey texted me,” Drew reminded her. “And you can’t lie to your own best friend, Maxine. Ben needs you right now.”

  “I’ll make sure he has my ear this afternoon,” she said. “Paris can wait a little while longer, if necessary.”

  “Family always comes first,” Drew said, “and Ben’s a Kirk, if I ever met one!”

  “You are just so damn wonderful that I just want to kiss you again…” She leaned up on her tip-toes, hankering for a quick peck.

  “Mrs. Kirk-McKenzie...” he said, those blue eyes dazzling in the spring sunshine. “Your father, his girlfriend and your best friend are all wat
ching...I can't kiss you...”

  “What did you do with my husband, Shy Boy?” she snickered. “We were all over each other yesterday...”

  “Oh, fuckballs, Mrs. Mack…” he snatched her mouth in his but for only a hot second. And oh, those lips were scorching.

  However, their attention diverted from each other to the two little blonde children running down the hill, squealing Maxine's name the entire way.

  “Where's your dwess?” Lara had to know.

  “Oh, I had to change, sweet pea...” Maxine said, taking the little girl's chin in her hands.

  “Did Adam pay you?” Drew was quick to ask Lyle. “For helping him scoop the litterbox?”

  That fat, pouty lip quivered for a second as Lyle pondered Drew's inquiry. “Yes, Cousin Dweew.”

  “You like me now?” Drew asked, hopeful.

  Lyle shrugged and shook his head. “Nawt weely.”

  “Mommy says you're a bad boy, Lyle...” Lara accused with a shove to her brother.

  “Yorrr mean, Yara!”

  And suddenly, in the heights of brother-sister angst, Maxine and Drew were completely forgotten as the two children battled it out in the grass.

  “You're going to stain those damn...darn clothes, you two!” Zoe bellowed, clunking down the hill with a cigarette dangling from her mouth. “That's it—no Dylan's Candy Bar! Ever again!”

  Drew tried so hard to mask the humor he found in Zoe’s parenting, but he was tired and transparent that afternoon.

  “Stop that snicker, Mack,” Zoe snapped, pointing her cigarette at him.

  “Stawp smokin' dat cigo-wette, Mommy!” her son cried out.

  “When you're in college, Lyle...”

  “Oh, Zoe, don’t ever change…” Drew hugged her tight.

  “Well, let’s hope you do a better job of being an uncle than you do as a cousin,” Zoe teased.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me—Uncle Dweew!” she shot back with a wicked grin. “I can’t wait to remind Adam that twins run in the family…give him a little scare…”

  Maxine gulped, hoping that her own fear remained unnoticed. “Now, now, let’s all behave…”

  However, before anyone had the chance to add their own personal snark to the conversation, Lyle tugged at the hem of Maxine’s blouse.

  Looking up at her with those amazing blue eyes that almost mirrored Drew’s, the little boy said confidently, “I wuv you, Maxine…”

  “And I love you, Lyle,” Maxine said and took his hand. “You were the best ring bearer ever!”

  “Zoe?” Drew began. “You’re a mess…but dammit, I wuv you, too…”

  A snort left Zoe as she considered her cousin’s sentiment. “Yeah…well…Mack?”


  Leaning close so that the children didn’t hear, she whispered, “Go fuck yourself.”

  All trash talk, however, silenced with Tom, Vicki and Ben stepping up behind them. “There’s the happiest couple in the world,” Tom said, wrapping his arm around Maxine’s waist as she continued to hold on to Lyle. “How’s my Princess this morning, um, I mean…afternoon…”

  Leave it to Tom to tease the newlyweds on their tardiness. “I’m sad!” Maxine said. “My daddy’s about to leave me…”

  “We’ll be visiting soon,” Vicki said with a reassuring squeeze to Tom’s arm. “In between Tom’s film schedule, that is…”

  “And we’ll be back home to Pittsburgh soon!” Ben chimed in. “Captain will need a weekend away from Broadway Boy after gallivanting all over France with him.”

  “You’re a shit, Ben,” Drew said. “But I love you like a brother…”

  And Drew’s sixth sense kicked in once again as he diverted Tom and Vicki with chatter on the children and the wedding, allowing Maxine a moment to steal Ben away for a bit. “Come with me, bestie.”

  “You have guests…”

  “Yep—and you’re one of them,” she said, pulling him along as she continued up the hill. Maxine refused to budge when it came down to all matters of Ben.

  Taking the seat on the wall next to Ben, Maxine turned away from the gleeful gathering behind them. Nearly everyone had arrived but for Adam and Jillian, and the patio was full—of people, of noise, of joy.

  “Cap…” Ben tossed his hands in the air with a sigh. “I just don’t know what the hell I’m going to do. Mandy wants to move in with me…”

  “You’re going to do what you can for her without stressing yourself out or pretending to be someone you’re not,” Maxine said simply. “You know, Ben, we might be young, but we’re not children. Respect is a two-way street.”

  Maxine could see Ben’s lips quivering as he pulled in a deep breath and willed himself not to cry again. “This is why I love you, Captain. You always shoot straight from the heart, and you’ve never minced words with me.”

  Dropping her hand over his, Maxine gave a squeeze. “Did you ever think this might be the workings of some outside karma that you don’t understand quite yet?” she asked. “This might be your chance to really connect with her—your time to show her how wonderful your life is, regardless of your sexuality.”

  “Jeffrey was so good with her last night,” Ben smiled. “He coddled her. He listened to her. He sacrificed his own damn sleep for her. And never once did he complain.”

  “Look, Ben, I know having her living in the same space might not be ideal,” Maxine said. “But don’t switch up a damn thing just because she’s there. In fact, take her to school with you—let her see how those kids are struggling just like you did to come to terms with their lives. Let her see how much you give back to lesbian and gay youth. Maybe it’ll be a shock to her system.”

  Ben fidgeted with his own fingers. “Maybe….”

  “I won’t take a maybe, Ben, You have the talent show coming up in a few weeks,” Maxine reminded him. Ben had volunteered to coordinate the entire event for the school, and Drew promised he’d serve as a judge on his one night off from the theater. “Invite her. Let her see what she’s missing in your brave world.”

  “You’re so very right, Cap,” Ben said. “I don’t know what I’d do without you…”

  “Well, you’ll never have to wonder, Uncle Benjy,” she said and circled her arms around his neck. “Because I’m not going away…”

  Apparently, the brunch holdup sat within the hands of Adam and Jillian, who weren’t answering calls or texts. While the delay brought Maxine and Ben time to catch up on the last two days, she worried over what might have been happening on the other side of this Sunday afternoon. She hoped Adam and Jillian weren’t arguing—or worse yet, breaking up. However, they couldn’t stall forever, and Maggie announced that their meal was about to be served.


  “Uncle Benjy?”

  Gazing down upon her, he could see the traces of freckles upon her face. The sun had certainly kissed her pale skin the last couple of days, and for the first time in a long time, she wasn’t wearing make-up.

  “You better love Paris,” he said. “And you better text me with every detail! You hear me?”

  “I hope I love Paris as much as I love you…”

  “And I love you back, Cap. You are the best…”

  # # #

  Only Adam McKenzie could pull off the walk of shame without a shred of mortification as he and Jillian just strolled in ever so casually, nearly a half hour later, and took their seats in the conspicuously empty chairs beside good old Aunt Frannie.

  However, the elephant continued to tower in the room…until Aunt Frannie raised her Sherry glass in a toast.

  “To your baby, Adam and Jessica,” Frannie beamed. “May that little girl live long and prosper and look like someone other than her father with all that damn red hair.”

  “It’s a girl?” Maggie whispered to Declan. “They’re having a girl?”

  “No, it’s my aunt making shit up again,” Declan snapped. “Thank you, Frannie, on behalf of the happy couple. Now how about that honeymoo
n in France, Drew…? Maxine…? Anyone…?”

  Mimosa in hand, Maxine stood from her chair to take one for the team and to render her husband squirming. “I cannot wait to see Paris with you, my love—the Eiffel Tower, the museums, the architecture. In fact, I’m sure that you’ll make every last back alley in the City of Lights…momentous…for both of us…”

  Drew was certain that everyone at that table could see straight through to his dirty, filthy mind, and that Tom now knew that Maxine would be blowing him in the great Gallic outdoors.

  “And I’m certain…” Drew pushed himself up to stand beside his wife “…that Maxine will enjoy every last second of the almost painfully beautiful landscape of France. And thank you all for coming to share with us this glorious event this weekend. Our love to each and every one of you.”

  “Nicely done!” Declan lauded. In truth, he couldn’t wait to have his house—and his peace and quiet—back…at least until Maggie started planning the next wedding.

  As Drew and Maxine hurried around to thank everyone one last time, they both rushed through in a surrealistic whirl. Maxine couldn’t believe that they were about to leave for their honeymoon already. Time had a way of moving far too quickly that weekend, and she clamored to savor every second.

  Saying goodbye to Tom, however, was a different matter, and Maxine was unable to fight her tears. Everyone had gathered in the foyer to bid them a bon voyage, and Thomas Kirk pulled his daughter close for one last hug and kiss.

  And Maxine just didn’t want to let him go.

  “You’ll always be my little girl, Princess,” he whispered in her ear. “Nothing will ever change that.”

  Tom was always the center of her universe, and she looked to him for strength when she felt like nothing was right with the world. On that afternoon, she needed that little boost of reassurance as she headed off into the next phase of her life.

  “And you are the best father a girl could have,” Maxine whispered back. “Safe travels home…and I promise I’ll see you soon.”

  “And you, young man…” he turned to Drew. “You keep a close watch on little Sassypants here in Paris.”


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