Park, Anne
Parker, “Colonel” Tom
Parr, Catherine
Parsons, Louella
Pastor, Tony
Paton, Elizabeth
Patridge, Emily Dow
Patterson, Daniel
Patti, Adelina
Paul, Clara
Payne, Walter
Paynter, Elizabeth
Paz, Octavio
Peace Mission cult
Pearl, Cora
Pearl, The
Pearson, Drew
Pearson, William Earl
Peary, Robert
Pegge, Catherine
Peking University
People’s Republic of China
Pepitone, Lena
Pepsi-Cola Company
Pepys, Samuel
Percy, Henry
Perkins, Maxwell
Permon, Mme.
Perón, Eva “Evita,”
Perón, Juan
Perry, Bruce
Pershing, John J.
Perugini, Giovanni
Petacci, Clara
Peter Pan
Peters, Jean
Pfeiffer, Pauline
Pfitzner, Hans
Phallic Poems, The
Philips, Antoinette
Phillips, Carrie
Phillips, Sam
Photoplay magazine
Piaf, Édith
Picasso, Pablo
Piccolomini, Girolama
Pickford, Mary
Pickwick Papers
Picture of Dorian Gray, The
Pierce, Margaret
Pietragrua, Angela
Pignatelli, Juan
Pills, Jacques
Pineau, Irene Marie
Pinkett, Jada
Pitts, Agie
Pius II, Pope
Place Pigalle
Planche, Gustave
Planer, Christiane “Minna,”
Plaster Casters
“platinum blond,” term
Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect
Poetic Justice
Poisson, Jeanne. See Pompadour, Marquise de
Polina. See Suslova, Apollinariya
Pompadour, Marquise de
Poniatowski, Stanislas
Poole, Bessie
Popper, Amalia
Posner, David
Potato Eaters, The
Potëmkin, Grigori
Potocka, Anna
Potocka, Delfina
Pougy, Liane de
Pound, Ezra
Powell, Dick
Powell, George
Powell, William
Power, Tyrone
Powers, Tessie
Prabhavananda, Swami
President’s Daughter, The
Presley, Elvis
Presley, Gladys
Presley, Lisa Marie
Pretious, Ivy
Principia Mathematica
Private Life of Henry VIII, The
Prohibition Amendment
“prostitution, legalized,”
“Protestant whore, the,”
Proust, Marcel
Prowse, Juliet
Ptolemy XIII
Ptolemy XIV
“Public Lover Number One,”
Pulitzer Prize
Pulszky, Romola de
Purviance, Edna
Pushkin, Aleksandr
Quezon, Manuel
Quimby, Phineas P.
Qu’ran, The
Raleigh, Walter
Ramacca, Maria di
Rambova, Natacha
Raré, Chevalier de
Rashid Family
Rasputin, Grigori
Rasputin, Maria
Raubal, Angela “Geli,”
Rauschenbach, Emma
Ray, Man
Rebel Without a Cause
Rebuffel, Adèle
Red Dust
Red Vine, The
Reeves, Amber
Reformation, Protestant
Reign of Terror
Reiter, Maria “Mimi,”
Reitman, Ben L.
relativity, theory of
Remy, Marie
Renelle, Marie-Constance
Reventlow, Francesca von
Revue Nègre, La
Rhapsody in Blue
Rhinelander, Jeanne
Rice, Ella
Rice, Tim
Richards, Vyvyan Warren
Richardson, Hadley
Richman, Harry
Riddell, Maria
Rijn, Rembrandt van
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Rimbaud, Arthur
Rimski-Korsakov, Ivan
Ring of the Nibelung, The
Rinieri, Giulia
Ritchings, Edna Rose
Rivera, Diego
Rivoli, Duc de
Roaring Twenties
Robbins, Amy “Jane,”
Roberts, Ralph
Robsart, Amy
Roddenberry, Seaborn A.
Rodin, François Auguste
Rodin, Odile
Roe, Humphrey V.
Roger, Thérèse
Rogers; Ginger
Roland, Gilbert
Rolling Stone magazine
Romanov dynasty
Rondeaux, Madeleine
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Elliot
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, James
Roosevelt, Sara
Roque, Jacqueline
“Rosa la Rouge,”
Rose, Billy
The Rose That Grew From Concrete
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Ross, Robert
Rosson, Hal
Rothschild, James de
Rousseau, François
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Rousseau, Xavier
Rozerot, Jeanne
Rubempré, Alberthe de
Rubens, Peter Paul
Rubirosa, Porfirio
Rudge, Olga
Rudini Carlotti, Alessandra di
Rudolf, Crown Prince
Rummel, Walter
Runyon, Margaret
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Jane
Russell, Lillian
Ruth, George Herman “Babe,”
Ruthyn, Grey de
Rysselberghe, Elizabeth van
Sackville-West, Vita
Sacre du Printemps, Le
Sade, Alphonse François,
Sade, Donatien de
Sadek, Narriman
Sagan, Françoise
Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, The
Saint-Crieg, Caroline di
Saint-Évremond, Seigneur de
St. Helena
St. Louis Blues
Saint-Michel, Elizabeth Marchant de
Saltykov, Sergei
Samaroff, Olga
San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts (Mexico)
“San Quentin Quail,”
San Simeon
Sand, George
Sandeau, Jules
Sanders, Betty
Sanders, George
Sanger, Margaret
Sanger, William
Sarapo, Theo
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Satie, Erik
Satterlee, Peggy
Saturday Evening Post, The
Saud family
Savonarola, Girolamo
Savorgnan, Marta
Savorgnan, Nanetta
Sawyer, Joan
Saxe-Weimar, Duke of
Sayn-Wittgenstein, Carolyne von
Sayre, Zelda
Scarron, Paul
Scented Garden, The
Schenck, Joe
Schicklgruber, Anna Maria
Schiff, Dorothy
Schlesin, Sonja
Schneider, Hortense
Schönkopf, Käthchen
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Schopenhauer, Johanna
Schreiner, Olive
Schubert, Yvonne
Schumann, Clara
Schumann, Julie
Schumann, Robert
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Schweitzer, Albert
Schweitzer, Anne-Marie
Science and Health
Scott, Jane Elizabeth
Scott, Patrecia Gullison
Sea Beast, The
Seabrook, William
Searle, Alan
Seated Nude
Segati, Marianna
Segret, Fernande
Seingalt, Chevalier de
Selfridge, Gordon
Selincourt, Hugh de
Semple, Robert
Sennett, Mack
Seven Pillars of Wisdom, The
Sévigné, Comte de
Seymour, Jane
Seymour, Thomas
Shakespear, Dorothy
Shakur, Tupac
Shaw, Charlotte
Shaw, George Bernard
She Came to Stay
Shelley, Mary Godwin
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Sherard, Robert
Sheridan, Clare
Sheridan, Elizabeth “Dizzy,”
Shield Society
Shilovsky, Vladimir
Siebold, Agathe von
Sieyès, Abbé
Signoret, Simone
Simon, Simone
Simonds, Herbert
Simpson, Lillian
Simpson, Wallis
Sinclair, Henry F.
Singer, Isaac
Singer, Paris
1601: A Tudor Fireside Conversation
Sixtus IV, Pope
Skelton, Martha Wayles
Skinner, Mary
Skorzeny, Otto
Slade, Madeleine “Mirabehn,”
Slee, J. Noah H.
Smathers, George
Smith, Alys Pearsall
Smith, Anna Nicole
Smith, Barnabas
Smith, Bessie
Smith, Ethyl
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Mamie
Smith, Mneme
Smith, Will
Snitkina, Anna
Snow, Edgar
Sobol, Ken
Social Contract, The
Solari, Louise
Solomon, Edward
Solomon, Simeon
Some Remarks on the Science of Onanism
Song of Bernadette, The
Sons and Lovers
Sorrows of Young Werther, The
Spanish-American War
Spanish Civil War
Spectre de la Rose, Le
Speer, Albert
Speke, John
Spence, Patricia “Peter,”
Spirit of the Dead Is Watching, The
Spreckels, Kay
Stanislas I
Stanislas II
Starr, Blaze
Steele, Alfred
Stein, Charlotte von
Stein, Gertrude
Stephen, Leslie
Sterling, George
Stern, Howard K.
Stirling, Jane
Stisted, Elizabeth
Stoker, Bram
Stokowski, Leopold
Stone, Mike
Stop! Look! Listen!
Stopes, Marie
Storey, Anne
Story of an African Farm, The
Strachey, Lytton
“Strange Fruit,”
Strauss, Johann
Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z.
Strindberg, August
Strunsky, Anna
Stuart, Frances
Studer, Clair
Studies in the Psychology of Sex
Sugiyama, Yoko
Sullivan and Gilbert
Sullivan, John L.
Sullivan, Louis
Sullivan, Virginia
Sun Also Rises, The
Sun King, the
Sun Records
Sunday, Billy
Suslova, Apollinariya
Swenson, Arthur
Swift, Kay
Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Sykes, Francis
Sykes, Henrietta
Systematic Theology
Taliesin West
Talma, François
Tanayev, Sergey
Tang Na
Taylor, Alfred
Tchaikovsky, Pëtr Ilich
Teapot Dome scandal
Teba, Count of
Tellegen, Lou
Tenge, Frau
Teresa (lover of Casanova)
Teresa (lover of Schopenhauer)
Teressa (lover of Chopin)
Ternan, Ellen
Terry, Ellen
Testard, Jeanne
Texier, Rosalie
Thaw, Harry K.
Thérèse Raquin
This Side of Paradise
Thomas, Blanche
Thomas, Lowell
Thompson, Edna
Thompson, Linda
Three Musketeers, The
Thym, Georgia
The Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People Page 78