Little Bethany & The Warden (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 1)

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Little Bethany & The Warden (A Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 1) Page 3

by Becca Little

  “Okay.” I shrugged. “Whatever you want, whenever you want it.”

  “Excellent.” He picked up the strap. “Come, I think it is time you saw your new cell.”

  “My new cell?” He stood up and motioned for me to follow.

  “I take care of what is mine, and believe me, you are mine for the next two years. I think you’ll find this version of prison a little more to your liking, even if it does come with a little bit of pain from time to time.” He walked to his door and I followed.

  The elevator at the end of the hall appeared to be our destination. My heart skipped a beat and I wondered if he was going to release me. Was it some sort of strange test where I agreed to the worst-case scenario and then I got out of prison? No, that was ludicrous. I followed him into the elevator and he used his key to turn the crank.

  Instead of going down towards the exit, the elevator started to move upwards. Some of the other inmates and mentioned the upstairs, but said the state ran out of funding before they finished it. It was ironic that he talked about overcrowding when they had an entire floor they didn’t use. It wasn’t overcrowding, it was driven by the fact they didn’t want to build and pay for more prisoners. When the elevator opened, I felt like I was stepping into another world. I had to look back at the elevator and make sure I didn’t just walk through some sort of portal into another world.

  “What is this?” I asked as I looked around the floor.

  “It’s your new cell. Like it?” He motioned to it with his hand.

  What was in front of me looked nothing like a prison—it looked like a house. The bars on the windows and the lingering remnants of cells confirmed it was once intended to be another level of the prison, but it had never been finished. The rooms which were basic stone had been covered over with paint and some areas even had wallpaper. There was a big bed pushed into one cell and another cell had a small bed that could have been a child’s bed based on the color scheme, but it was large enough for an adult.

  The main area was open with a couch, a coffee table, and a large television. The numerous cigars stubbed out in an ashtray on the coffee table suggested he spent quite a bit of time there. There was even a full kitchen, with a bathroom and a large oval tub. I couldn’t imagine how he managed to get all those items into the prison to begin with, much less in his private home looking dungeon. I turned to him and I’m sure he could see the look of absolutely confusion etched on my face.

  “I don’t understand…” I took another look around and blinked a few times to make sure it was real.

  “I told you. I take care of what is mine. This will be your new cell for the next two years if you agree with the terms—and the terms are pretty simple—anything I want.” He propped himself against the edge of the wall and allowed me to walk around.

  “Okay, this is nuts…” I said as I approached a large table that had several confusing things. It looked like a baby changing station, but it was definitely too large for a baby.

  “An important part of this arrangement, and your rehabilitation, is that you experience some of the things you should have experienced as a child. Having your bottom spanked is just part of it. I’m going to turn you into a little girl, and for the next two years you will live your life that way. When you walk out the front doors of this prison, you will have another chance to begin your adult life again.” He walked over to the changing station. “It all begins here, the way it originally began for you, in diapers.”

  As strange and confusing as the upstairs was, the downstairs was a lot scarier. It appeared that I would live a life with some relatively small degree of luxury, at least for the next two years, and although the idea of being put in diapers was humiliating, it sure beat a cold bed that was barely more than a cot. It also felt a lot safer than constantly parading around his dogs until one of them broke their leash and did something to me. I had no doubt that if I did not agree to this; my life would be hell for the next five years.

  I walked around the room and went into the kitchen area. I opened the refrigerator and found real food, sodas, milk, and even some beer. I hadn’t had real food since I walked in the front door, and I instantly felt a gnawing in my stomach as I stared at cheese, eggs and hamburger patties. The cupboard had single serving cereal boxes, and several different dessert treats. My taste buds practically watered when I saw a Twinkie. There was a coffee pot, and I certainly missed coffee. When I walked into the childlike bedroom area, I found toys like dolls and stuffed animals. I was sold. I didn’t want to spend the next five years in the dungeon downstairs, so I would be his little prisoner.

  “Okay. How does this work?” I asked.

  “Remove your uniform and give yourself to me.” He said flatly.

  I did as he requested. I had already been forced to change and shower in front of the guards, so stripping down to my naked flesh in front of him was not as humiliating as it would have been when I first arrived at the prison. It felt a little liberating as I removed the prison uniform, knowing I would not have to put it on again. I saw that the room with the bed had a dresser which I assumed was full of clothes I could wear—if he let me wear anything at all. If I did get to wear clothes, I had no doubt that he could manage to get some into the prison since he had built what I was seeing to begin with.

  I walked over to him and he smiled. I was his. Every bit of independence and freedom I may have experienced while within the prison was stripped away as he stared at me. I closed my eyes and swallowed all of my nervousness. The only thing that mattered was survival, and this was my best chance at it. Serving him for two years would be worth it when I walked out the doors of the prison as a free woman with a new lease on life.

  “Tell me what you did wrong. I don’t want to hear the bullshit from your file. I want the truth.” He walked over and pulled a cigar from a humidor, lighting it up as I contemplated his words.

  “I was at a bar. I drank a lot more than I should have, and I drove home. I couldn’t even see straight that night, but common sense eluded me. I swerved to avoid hitting a family in the cross walk, and instead I hit the young man you read about. I got lost in a panic and I drove away, hoping I could just erase what happened. The next day I was arrested, and then I ended up here.” It felt good to confess.

  “So, you were convicted?” He asked.

  “I plead guilty. My attorney said I should plead it out and there was a good chance the judge would go easy on me, but he didn’t…” I felt a tear in my eye as I related my tale.

  “So, you thought you would just walk away without being punished?” He let some smoke roll out of his lips as he glared at me.

  “No! I mean, I thought I would get community service or something…” I shook my head quickly.

  “Do you know what happened to the young man you hit?” He folded his arms and tilted his head.

  “I know he was in the hospital… I couldn’t find out anything else before I got locked up.” I had tried, but the only news stories I was able to find were of the accident, and my arrest. My attorney had said I shouldn’t contact him, so all I had was what I read.

  “I checked up on him recently, just to get an idea of what kind of barbarian you really are. He suffered a broken arm, a broken leg, and he had bleeding around his brain. He’ll be fine—one day, but when you walk out of here in two years, he will still have a limp and scars from the night you made a really bad decision.” I felt sickened to hear the story of the man I struck with my car. I had no idea it was that severe.

  “Oh my God…” I brought my hand to my mouth in shock.

  “So…” He picked up a leather strap from a small table next to the couch. I had been so enamored by the sight of the prison that I didn’t even notice it there. “Don’t you think you deserve to be punished for that?”

  My eyes were glued to the strap. I felt my heart beating in my ears again. The realization of my impending punishment tangled my thoughts. “I…”

  “The correct answer is yes.” He said harshl
y. “I want to hear you say that you deserve to be punished, and I want you to ask me to punish your flesh for what you did to that young man.”

  “I… I…” I felt tears in my eyes, but I pushed past them. “I deserve to be punished…” My words came as sobs formed in my throat. “Please… Please punish me.” The waterfall began as my fear escalated.

  “Good girl. Maybe there is hope for you yet.” He took me by the arm and placed me over the edge of the couch. I felt my palms touch the seat and my bottom was pushed into the air.

  The leather strap felt like it was made of hot, stinging coals as it wrapped around my bottom with the first agonizing lash. I instantly screamed and grabbed the cushion of the sofa, just trying to control my body. I wanted to leap up and run straight to the elevator, but I fought an internal battle against myself to remain in position.

  “You were a bad little girl.” He said as he swung the long piece of thick leather. “Bad little girls get the strap.”

  “Oww!” I squealed as it landed across my bare bottom. “Yes sir.”

  As much pain as the leather strap brought each time it came down hard on my unprotected bare bottom, I knew I deserved it. My suffering would be nowhere near as bad as what happened to the poor man I ran over. The strap continued to rain down across my bottom as I cried. The tears were almost cleansing. There was so much pent up frustration and fear from everything that had happened since that night, and it started to flow out of me as he whipped me. He was releasing me from my guilt, one hard lash at a time.

  I don’t know how many times the strap landed on my bottom, but it felt like an eternity of suffering. I was a ball of tears and screaming by the time it was over and my whole bottom was sore and burning. The strap was placed next to me and I stayed across the back of the couch, sobbing my eyes out until I felt his hand on my bottom. He rubbed and caressed it a little bit, removing some of the stinging before he smacked it hard and pulled me to my feet.

  “That is enough of the strap for one day, Ms. Wilson, but you will receive it once per week until you leave here.” He picked the strap back up and placed it on the table where it was when I walked in.

  “Once a week?” I felt myself hyperventilating.

  “It will be a constant reminder of why you’re here, and the pain you inflicted on another human being.” He said as he took me by the arm to the changing station. “Now, Ms. Wilson. It is time for you to put aside this adult life you have failed at and become my Little Bethany.”

  Nobody had called me Bethany since I was a little girl. Everyone just resorted to Beth as I got older. He placed me face down on the table and put some lotion on his hands. The moment the lotion touched my bottom was almost orgasmic. It instantly soothed the burning, seared flesh he had left behind with his strap. He moved his hands all over the punished area, letting the lotion sink in and release some of the sting.

  “That feels really good.” I said with a groan.

  It was almost worth the punishment, just to feel the relief his hands brought to me. After it was done, he rolled me over and went to work on my pubic area with a razor and some shaving cream. I had never had a bald pussy before, but he removed the hair like a surgeon. He was as skilled with the blade as he was with the strap.

  “As bald as the day you were born.” He said as he rubbed my pussy lightly, bringing a bit of wetness to surface.

  Once it was bare, he worked his way down my legs and then used the lotion on all of that to prevent the razor burn I normally lived with. The next step was the diaper, which went around my waist and underneath my punished bottom. He wrapped the plastic and cotton around me and fastened the adhesive quickly. I sat up with his guidance and felt every bit the little girl he had turned me into.

  “There we go. Now you can start over. Would you like some dinner?” He asked.

  “Yes, oh my goodness, yes I would!” I said quickly.

  “I believe you should start addressing me with a little bit of respect. Daddy should suffice.” He turned and walked towards the kitchen.

  “Okay… Daddy…” It felt nice on my lips, even though it soared through my brain with a mixture of confusion and concern.

  He cooked us some cheeseburgers, and it was one of the most amazing pieces of food I had put in my mouth. Being deprived and fed slop for days was certainly taking a toll on me. I already felt lighter and weaker than I did when I walked through the doors. My family couldn’t afford to stock my commissary, so the only thing I had was what they served me.

  By the time the cheeseburger was finished, I felt like I had ingested a feast. The soda he gave me tasted like sugary heaven. Once it was over, he suggested a Disney movie, which were some of my favorites. He went downstairs to tend to things and close up shop for the night, and then came back upstairs. I had already picked one out and put it in.

  It was almost surreal to sit on the couch in his arms and have my hair caressed while we watched a movie I hadn’t seen since I was a child. When the movie was over, I was already feeling drowsy. Leaning against him was much more comfortable than the hard steel cots downstairs with barely a piece of fabric over them to serve as a bed. He roused me from my sleep and I looked at him with groggy eyes.

  “Thank you for this, Daddy.” I said with a smile.

  “Are you ready for bed?” He ran his fingers through my hair.

  “Yes sir.” I nodded.

  “You’re going to need to do something for Daddy first.” His hand went to his crotch and he started to unfasten his belt. “You need to spend some time sucking on your pacifier.”

  I knew it was only a matter of time before he asked for something in return. I had already accepted my fate and I knew I would spend two years being an object of his sexual desire. He pulled his cock out and I was a little amazed by the size. It stretched out until it was one of the largest cocks I had ever seen in my life.

  He pushed his pants down slight and started to unbutton his shirt. He was well built for someone who seemed to spend all his time in a prison. I leaned over and started to kiss and work on the head of his cock. After rolling it around in my mouth for a little bit, I slipped to the floor between his legs. He pushed himself forward so that I had full access to what labeled as my pacifier—it was a massive pacifier. I started working it in and out of my mouth until I had coated the entire cock with my saliva.

  Once I started moving it into my throat, I found that it was a difficult to get it all the way in. His well-endowed member was a new experience, and I wasn’t sure if I could actually do it. I stretched my mouth and forced him further and further until I finally felt him slip in.

  “There you go. Good girl.” He stroked my hair and let out a satisfied groan as I started to work his cock in and out of my mouth faster.

  As I worked on it, he pushed my hair out of my face so he could get a clear view of me bobbing up and down on his cock.

  I moved my mouth around the outside of the head and then kissed down to his balls. They were enormous and when my tongue touched them, I could tell that it brought him a lot of pleasure. I moved back and forth across them with my tongue, rolling each one around in my mouth for a few seconds. I licked down the sensitive crease in the middle and then brought my tongue across his perineum a few times before moving up the center crease again.

  I kissed up the entire underside while holding his cock in my hand. I could feel it getting harder with each touch. When I got to the head of his cock again, I rolled it around in my mouth several times and then went straight from the head to the hilt with one motion. He let out a gasp of pleasure.

  I started moving up and down his cock as fast as I could and his grunting suggested he was really close to ejaculation. I furiously sucked his cock until he was throbbing and pulsating in my mouth and then I tasted the first drops of his salty pre-cum on the tip of my tongue.

  “You’re going to make Daddy cum. You’re such a good little girl.” He said quickly and I felt the spurts begin.

  The first drop of cum hit my tong
ue and I pushed his cock all the way into my throat. I used my fingers to stimulate his balls and rub around the base where they connected to his shaft as he started to explode in my mouth. I could feel it surging through his balls a second before it landed in my mouth. Waves of knotted cum shot into my throat and I quickly worked to swallow it all.

  He clenched his fingers around my head and held me there while he reached the point of no return and his cock was drained of cum. As I pulled his head to the edge of my lips and sucked off the last bit of his lust, I shifted my weight and realized that the whole experience had made me wet.

  The spot between my legs where the diaper was tightest felt wet and sticky against my movement. He helped me back to the couch and cuddled me in his arms. The soda was also running through me and I needed to use the bathroom. I looked over at the toilet and up at him.

  “Daddy, I need to go to the bathroom.” I said quickly.

  “You haven’t earned that privilege yet. Until you do, you will be expected to use your diaper.” He held me close.

  I struggled to hold it in as long as I could, but I realized there was no way I could hold it forever. I’m certain that I used a diaper when I was a child, but there was no real thought process behind it. Willing my body to just release right there on the spot was quite difficult. I closed my eyes and let it run out of me finally with a shudder.

  He smiled and looked down at me. I didn’t know how to admit that I had just peed in my diaper, but I finally sighed and told him. He took me back to the changing station and removed it, then took me to the bathroom. He ran a hot bath in the oval tub and placed me in it.

  Instead of letting me wash myself, he used a rag and a brush to clean me up. He put a lot of attention my pussy and I was almost to the point of an orgasm myself when was done cleaning it. Once everything was done, he dried me off and ran a comb through my hair, followed by a blow dryer. Once I was completely dry, he tied my hair in ribbons and once again applied lotion to my sore bottom and the spots he had shaved.


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