United (Book Three of the Silver Wood Coven Series): A Witch and Warlock Romance Novel

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United (Book Three of the Silver Wood Coven Series): A Witch and Warlock Romance Novel Page 6

by Hunter, Hazel

  “Give it all to her, Brother,” Troy told him as he guided Summer’s mouth to his straining cockhead. “As deep and hard as she needs it.” He watched her touch her lips to the smooth dome, and smiled. “Take it, lady. Open for me. Suck my hard cock while my brother fucks you from behind.”

  Summer’s heart hammered in her chest as she parted her lips to take the tip of Troy’s penis in her mouth, and felt Michael pushing as he lodged his heavy cockhead inside her. The sensations of being penetrated by both of her men at once made something dark and luscious streak through her. It curled in her breasts and pooled in her lower belly. She moaned around the girth gliding against her tongue, as Michael forged deeper inside her.

  “So beautiful,” Troy murmured as he gathered her hair with his hands and held it away from her face so he could watch her. “And so hungry for us.”

  Michael grunted as he worked another inch into her clenching opening. “We have made her wait too long. She will need us for the rest of the night.”

  “Is that your desire, sweet lady?” Troy crooned as he reached down to fondle her breast. “To be fucked by us until dawn? To have us ravish you over and over until none of us can move?”

  Michael bent over and kissed her neck as he pushed into her to his root. “It will be our pleasure, Beauty.”

  Summer’s eyelids fluttered as the men got down to business and began thrusting into her mouth and pussy with smooth, firm strokes. As she bobbed her head up and down, working her mouth over Troy’s thickness, Michael pumped in and out of her in the same rhythm. Her slick tissues fluttered as the need to climax swelled inside her. It grew so huge that she wrenched her mouth away from Troy’s penis and cried out, driving herself back against Michael to lodge him as deeply as she could inside her body.

  “She needs release.” Troy clamped his hands over her breasts, massaging them roughly as he nodded to Michael. “Make her come, Brother.”

  Michael’s big hand pressed between Summer’s legs from the front, the pad of his thumb on her erect clit, stroking it as he thrust even deeper.

  Summer exploded with ecstasy, her whole body shaking uncontrollably as the pleasure poured through her. She clutched at Troy, and saw his hand tightening around his penis. She dropped down to take him with her lips, sucking him as his shaft swelled and then pumped jet after jet of his seed into her mouth. At the exact same moment Michael uttered a rumbling growl and shoved deep, his big frame shuddering as he came.

  Mine, Summer thought, and surrendered to a second orgasm that tore through her mind and body. Even as she writhed and quaked, the blinding climax whisked her off to a place where everything was warm, and lovely, and safe, where she lay cradled between her two loves like the most beautiful thing in the world.

  That is what you are to them, a sweet voice murmured. The most rare, and beautiful, and precious of all things they will ever know.

  They fell together onto the bed in a tangle of legs and arms, Michael against her back, and Troy pressed to her front. The two men stroked her with their hands and murmured nonsense to her as she slowly floated back down from that strange Elysium to the reality they shared.

  “This is how it’s supposed to be,” she whispered, too tired now to do anything but cuddle with her lovers. “I just wish it could be forever.”

  A hard hand gently caressed her cheek, and one of them said, “For us, it is.”

  Summer slipped away, but she didn’t dream, and she didn’t remember anything. In the darkness she found only herself, enveloped in the warmth and smell of her men. For the first time in her life, she had finally found the place where she could lay her head. She could rest without fear, and know that the burdens she carried would never again be hers alone.

  Birdsong stirred her from sleep, and when Summer opened her eyes she saw Troy’s brilliant blue gaze, clear of the green light. Dark whiskers shadowed his jaw, and when she glanced down she saw he was naked and aroused.

  “So that didn’t go according to plan.” She waited for the disgust to show in his face, and when it didn’t she wondered if she had ruined them instead of bringing them together. “I didn’t do this on purpose, Troy. I tried to stop you.”

  “I know it wasn’t you,” he said softly. “I remember everything that happened.”

  His gaze shifted past her for a moment before he kissed her brow and rose from the bed.

  Summer wanted to call him back as she watched him gather his clothes and walk out, but nothing she could say would change what had happened. She turned to see Michael watching Troy leave as well, and caught her breath as he climbed off the bed.

  “Michael, please don’t be angry with me. I am so sorry.”

  The big man gave her an odd look before he bent over to kiss her in the same spot that Troy had.

  “Go back to sleep, Beauty. There is nothing to forgive.”


  MICHAEL LEANED BACK against the barn to watch Troy, who was chopping wood with such ferocity the chips flew through the air like wooden shrapnel. The warlock paused to wipe away the sweat dripping from his brow.

  “I thought you said you’d already stocked the woodpile,” Michael said.

  Troy surveyed the amount of short logs he’d split.

  “Haven’t you learned yet not to piss off a man using an axe?”

  “Is that what I’m doing?” Michael pushed away from the barn and walked over to pick up a length of oak and set it upright on the chopping stump. “She’s blaming herself. I saw tears in her eyes before I left her.”

  Troy nodded and handed him the hatchet.

  “Like she said last night, it’s not what she wanted.”

  “I wanted it.” Michael hefted the blade and brought it down, splitting the oak with such force the two pieces soared away from the stump to land in the grass several feet away. “And so did you.”

  They took turns chopping away until an enormous pile of split wood surrounded them and there were no more logs left. Troy buried the blade of the hatchet in the stump and turned his head to glance back at the house.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Michael warned him. “I have since last night.”

  “Same here.” The warlock dragged his hand through his disheveled dark hair. “But I still can’t pick up on what’s in her head.”

  “I don’t think we’re meant to.” Michael shared his frustration for a moment before he added, “She wouldn’t keep us out. It’s the power. It is somehow independent of her, like its own entity. We should be wary of it.”

  “You don’t feel wary of anything,” Troy told him. “Your head is like a kid in a candy shop.” His mouth hitched. “Okay, so is mine.”

  “I thought the night I saved her from Gideon was the happiest of my life,” Michael told him. “Then I took her to my bed, and knew true bliss. In all this time I have never known anything that was half so fine and beautiful and joyful. I thought nothing would ever again make me that happy.”

  “Until last night,” Troy said.

  Michael nodded. “It’s the same for you. No matter how many forests you chop down.” He felt his cock harden as he recalled seeing Summer’s mouth gliding along the warlock’s shaft. “I could feel her tongue rubbing against you as she sucked you.”

  Troy nodded slowly. “When you plowed into her, I felt her tighten around you. She was so hot and wet I nearly came.”

  “We shared the sex as well as her,” Michael said. “Do you think it will it be that way every time we take her?”

  “I don’t know,” the warlock admitted. “Maybe we should test it again, see what happens. Right now.”

  Michael grinned. “After we bathe her together.”

  As soon as they entered the house, however, Troy frowned.

  “She’s not here.” He turned around until he spotted a scrap of paper on the table, which he picked up and read. “She’s gone for a walk. Hopefully not off the edge of a cliff.”

  “We can track her,” Michael assured him. “Everything she touches gr
ows green again.”

  Outside the house he was proven correct. A subtle path of frost melting into patches of tiny green grass shoots wound through the trees. They followed it until Michael picked up the sound of a rushing stream.

  “She’s up there,” Troy told him, nodded in the direction of the northern tree line.

  Michael had seen countless beautiful places during the many centuries he had walked the earth, but Troy’s waterfall was one of the most spectacular. Partially frozen by the cold, the water pouring over the green and black rocks sparkled in the sunlight, and fell like a perpetual cascade of tiny diamonds to froth in the ice-edged pool below. There too sat Summer, her arms around her knees as she watched the water dance and ripple across the pond toward her, her long hair curtaining each side of her face. One of Troy’s flannel shirts covered her body, but her legs were bare and Michael suspected she wore nothing under it.

  Troy motioned for him to make a flanking approach, but before they reached her she said, “Stop with the stealth. I heard you as soon as you came out of the trees.”

  Michael walked down and crouched beside her, while Troy did the same on her other side.

  “We came to apologize,” Michael said.

  She picked up a stone and tossed it into the froth. “You mean, you ran out of wood to chop.”

  “We’re sorry,” Troy said, as he reached out and sent a surge of his power into the waterfall, freezing it solid and silencing it. “We know last night was due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control.”

  She stood up and began unbuttoning the shirt.

  “Would you make the water in the pool a little warmer, please?”

  “Why are you still angry?” Troy asked as the ice around the edges of the pond melted away, and steam began to rise from the water’s surface. “Michael and I are fine with last night. We’ll just write it off to a random magic surge.”

  “Random. Right.” She took off his shirt and tossed it in his face. “You’re an ass, do you know that? And the same goes for you,” she told Michael before she dove naked into the water.

  Michael frowned as he watched her swim away from them. “That went well.”

  “I like your idea of bathing her better.” Troy stood and began unbuckling his belt. “First one who reaches her gets to kiss her senseless.”

  Michael didn’t bother to undress but dove in, and heard a shouted protest and a splash behind him as he swam out to Summer, who turned around and scowled at him.

  “We’ve made our peace with what happened,” he told her as he touched bottom and held out his arms. “But because we’re men we don’t know how to put that in the words you want to hear.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I love you as much as I do,” Summer said, and swam to him, and curled her arms around his neck as she kissed him, her lips wet and faintly swollen and as sweet as honey.

  Troy surfaced beside them. “You cheated.”

  Michael ended the kiss to reply with, “You didn’t say I had to be naked.”

  Summer released him and moved to the warlock, giving him a heartfelt kiss before she glanced at Michael.

  “I want to make love with both of you again, and I think we can without the magic interfering. I want you to know how it can be when it’s just the three of us. But if you still don’t want it, then go back to the house and leave me alone.”

  “She’s still pretty pissed off,” Troy told Michael.

  He shrugged. “She had no wood to chop.” He gazed down into his Beauty’s furious eyes. “We came here for the same reason. We want to make love to you.”

  “As opposed to calling it incest, or reminding me of your vow of celibacy?” she asked. “Why the change of heart now?”

  “We love you.” Michael kissed her cheek, the tip of her nose and the space between her brows. “And now we know that we also belong to you. Together.”

  “Always,” Troy told her as he kissed her other cheek, and the lobe of her ear, and her temple.

  Summer slid her hand around Michael’s neck, took a deep breath, and did the same to Troy with her other hand. She watched their eyes and then sighed.

  “No green light this time, guys.”

  “Oh, we can still make magic happen, my lovely one,” Michael assured her, slipping around her and pulling her back to his broad chest. He lifted her out of the water and cupped her breasts as Troy moved in to latch onto one beaded nipple.

  Michael lazily caressed her other breast as he watched the warlock suckle her. She shivered as her bottom moved against the bulge of his thickened shaft. He reached down, opened his trousers and freed it. He pressed the throbbing length into the tight cleft of her buttocks, stroking his shaft over the tight pucker between them. He imagined how it would feel as Troy worked his big cock in her from the front.

  The warlock lifted his head. “We don’t have any condoms,” he reminded Michael.

  “Later, then.” He picked up on Troy’s thoughts and nodded toward the frozen waterfall. “Behind there.”

  As Troy melted the waterfall, which began noisily rushing down to splash them, Michael felt power stir within him as well. It flowed from Beauty and from Troy, but also from him as well. Though for a moment it occurred to him he ought to be alarmed, it felt as natural as being with the two of them.

  He channeled the power through the pool and into the rocks behind the cascade. A warm golden light blended with the silvery blue of Troy’s magic, turning the water a brilliant green before it faded away.

  Summer ducked under the water and swam toward it, hoisting herself out onto the rocks. “What is this?”

  Michael went after her, hauling himself out of the water at the same time Troy did. “I think it’s a place where we can play,” Michael said.

  He’d somehow formed a cave in the rock. As they entered she turned around to take in the smooth, sparkling walls.

  “Amethyst.” She reached out to touch the glass-smooth surface and smiled. “Michael, it’s beautiful.”

  A thick carpet of green moss spread out beneath their feet, and covered a raised stretch of rock. Summer went to it, first sitting and then reclining on it as she watched them.

  “I’m cold,” she teased.

  He and Troy quickly stripped out of their wet clothes, and went to lay on either side of her, pressing her between them, their wet bodies growing hot as the three sides of their desires came together into one urgent, aching wanting.

  “We’ll keep you warm,” Troy murmured against the side of her throat.

  Summer clasped her hands around their throbbing shafts as they fondled her and sucked her breasts and played with the little jewel-box of her sex. Michael felt again the wicked delight she gave Troy as well as him, and he couldn’t resist penetrating her with his fingers and pumping them in and out.

  “My turn to play with this pretty pussy, I think,” Troy told him, shifting down to wedge his shoulders between her thighs. He began kissing her belly, his hands sliding under her hips to grip her bottom.

  Michael rose to straddle her upper torso, and rubbed his thumb across her lips as he fisted his own swollen girth. “I want to see your mouth on me this time, Beauty.”

  She smiled up at him, and then began kissing her way up the length of his shaft, licking and nipping at him until he thought he would come just from those playful kisses. He groaned as she engulfed his cockhead with her hot, wet mouth, sucking steadily on him as she wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft and squeezed.

  “Yes,” he breathed, watching her lips tugging on him.

  He shifted to brace himself over her so he could gently thrust in and out of her mouth. The feel of her tongue curling around him made his thighs coil and his balls tighten, but so did tasting the sweetness of her in his own mouth. He could feel Troy’s tongue stroking her little pearl, and the softness of her breasts under the warlock’s hands as he reached up to tease her nipples. He felt her climax rising in her, and his own pleasure racing to keep pace with it, and when she came, he jerk
ed and poured his cream into her, groaning deep and shaking hard until the last pulse left him.

  Michael rolled to one side as Troy knelt between her thighs, and brought her hand to his twitching penis, and used it with his to stroke his length once, twice and then held it as his seed jetted out onto her belly and breasts.

  Summer snuggled between them as they lay down with her, and Michael thought he had never seen her look so content. When he wrapped his arm around her waist, Troy stretched his across her breasts, and the sight of their strong arms on her body made his heart clench.

  This is why I came into being, Michael thought. Not to be a warrior-priest. To be hers, and his.

  When he glanced over at Troy, the warlock nodded slowly.

  • • • • •

  Lachlan watched from the cover of the trees until Troy, his witch, and their Templar retreated behind the waterfall. Seeing both men chase after the little whore should have disgusted him, but instead he had gotten the biggest hard-on he’d had in years. It made him limp away, angry with himself for being aroused by a bunch of perverted breeders, until he had to stop and unzip his jeans and take it out. His cockhead was so engorged it was almost purple. The moment he touched it, he swore and shook, as his semen pumped out of him onto the ground.

  Holding his cock and leaning back against a tree made Lachlan feel ridiculous, but when he heard footsteps crunching through the brush he had to scramble to tuck himself in and zip up before Wilson appeared.

  “Hey,” Lachlan said. “What are you doing out here?”

  “Looking for that witch,” Wilson muttered, his expression dark with resentment. “My father wants to talk to her. What are you doing?”

  “Keeping an eye on them.” He nodded in the direction of the waterfall. “They like to fuck outdoors, apparently, and they’re doing her together now.”

  “I guess that’s why they moved out here.” Wilson turned and headed toward Troy’s house, and glanced at Lachlan when he caught up to him. “I’ll just wait at the old place until they come back.”


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