Marked (Tattoos and Leather)

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Marked (Tattoos and Leather) Page 2

by Jaymie Holland

  When the plane was almost completely boarded, Tracie looked at the manifest to see who should be in the two empty seats in first class. Kane Allen and Lucas Connor. Yeah, she could see the two men of her dreams with the names Kane and Lucas. Kane would be a playboy, as in raising cane, and Lucas would be a great name for someone dangerous. Wasn’t Lucas short for Lucifer?

  She mentally shook her head. Ugh. Crazy thoughts.

  The door was almost ready to close. Just as Tracie looked up from the manifest, the two men who’d been the objects of her deviant thoughts walked onto the plane.

  Chapter 3

  Both men focused on Tracie. Playboy with his sexy smile and Dangerous with his intense soul-reading gaze. It was a wonder she didn’t melt into a puddle on the floor.

  She tried to look businesslike as she lowered the manifest “Mr. Connor and Mr. Allen?”

  Playboy glanced at her nametag. “You can call us by our first names, Tracie.” He had the kind of sexy voice that made a woman’s knees weak. “I’m Kane.” He inclined his head in the direction of Dangerous. “This is Lucas.”

  Of course they were.

  “We’re just about to close the door.” She gave them each a polite smile and hoped her lips weren’t trembling and her face wasn’t red. She gestured to the two empty and roomy first class seats. “Please take your seats and buckle up.”

  Kane winked and Tracie felt herself grow pink again. Damn, damn, damn!

  The men put two small pieces of carryon luggage into the overhead compartment and each pushed a briefcase beneath the seat in front of them.

  While they were settling in, Tracie busied herself with taking care of the other first class passengers. When it was time for the plane to depart, she checked to see that everyone had their belts snugly over their laps.

  When she reached Kane and Lucas, Tracie swallowed as she looked at their laps to check their belts. A quick thought passed through her mind of how well endowed these men probably were—at least in her fantasies.

  And since Glenn moved, she’d become really, really good at fantasies.

  She tried not to meet their eyes and move on, but she couldn’t help herself and raised her gaze to meet theirs. Kane gave her a look that said he knew exactly what she’d been thinking. Lucas’s dark eyes were deep and intense, and held onto hers longer than necessary. She turned her gaze away and returned to her spot at the front of first class.

  The safety demonstration gave her some relief as David gave the instructions. She avoided looking at Kane and Lucas as she went through the motions. Most of the flight attendants loved it when David gave the demonstration because he was amusing and fun, and made most passengers laugh and relax.

  This time, however, Tracie had a hard time relaxing into her job. She was so hyper aware of the two men that she could barely concentrate on what she was supposed to be doing. She’d never had this kind of reaction when it came to men and she’d been around a lot of the male species.

  Countless men had flirted with her and had asked her out over her past six years as a flight attendant. One time, just one time, she’d given in to a man named Paul and had met him in a hotel lounge. A cold chill traveled up her spine at the thought.

  At first she’d enjoyed talking with Paul. But as the drinks flowed, he moved closer and closer to her, first placing his hand on her thigh and moving it up almost to her panties before she’d had the chance to stop him. He’d caught her off guard and crushed her mouth with a kiss so hard she’d tasted blood.

  When she’d managed to push him away, she scrambled out of the seat. “Get away from me or I’ll scream.”

  “You owe me for the drinks, babe.” He’d narrowed his gaze. “Come on up to my room with me.”

  Completely mortified and with her hands shaking, Tracie had hurried to jerk a fifty-dollar bill out of her wallet. She tossed it on the table and backed away as he got out of his seat. “That will cover yours and mine. Don’t ever come near me again.”

  She’d turned and fled.

  He’d gone after her.

  She’d headed straight to the hotel’s concierge and asked him for help. He’d had security look for Paul but the man had apparently left. Still shaking, she’d caught a taxi to her apartment. She’d continually looked out the back window, trying to make sure they weren’t being followed. She’d watched plenty of spy movies and suspense thrillers, so she knew she should watch. As far as she’d been able to tell she’d been home free.

  The memory of that awful night gave her new resolve. She wasn’t going to fall for a man’s charms on one of her flights again, much less two men.

  If she didn’t have a strict personal policy against fraternizing with passengers, she wondered which man she’d choose. Kane or Lucas? Then she wondered what it would be like to be with both men at the same time.

  The thought of being with two men caused her to grow wet between her thighs and her clit ached. The mere idea of both men pleasuring her made her nipples tight.

  Two men. At the same time.

  Oh, God.

  She swallowed down her lust and gave her elite passengers their hot meals along with alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. She smiled at each person as she went through the motions. When it was Kane and Lucas’s turn, she did her best to give the same warm smile she’d given each of her other passengers.

  Before she could ask the two men if they would like something to drink, the plane hit rough turbulence. Her fingers grazed Kane’s head as she moved her hand to the back of his seat to steady herself. It was a wonder his hair didn’t stand on end from the lightning-like sensation that zinged from that light touch.

  He looked at her as if he’d felt it, too, and he liked it.

  “I’m sorry.” She stumbled over the words. “What would you like to drink?”

  “Ice water and a Blue Moon, Tracie.” Kane’s eyes smoldered with sensuality, and the way he said her name made her shiver. “And don’t be sorry.”

  She cleared her throat and looked at Lucas who unnerved her just as much as Kane did. “What will you have?”

  “A Sky Breeze.” He didn’t smile but he looked at her as if he liked what he saw. “And ice water as well.”

  She nodded and left to retrieve their drinks. When she returned, she carried the water and alcoholic beverages on a small tray. Her pulse fluttered as she leaned slightly over Kane to hand Lucas his vodka and cranberry juice. It hadn’t been necessary to lean in as close as she had, and she couldn’t believe she’d done it…almost as if her body had taken control of her actions.

  Trying to act completely nonchalant, she set the beer on Kane’s tray. She started to give Lucas his ice water when the plane hit a pocket of turbulence so hard that it caused her to pitch forward with a small cry.

  Kane caught her by her waist to steady her, but not before the damage was done. The ice water she’d been handing to Lucas was now in his lap. The one for Kane that had been on the tray had tumbled off to land on his shirt and down to his own lap.

  “Oh, my God.” Her eyes were wide. “I am so sorry.”

  She tried to step away but Kane still had a grip on her waist. The heat that traveled through his fingers to her skin had her feeling like her body was on fire and her nipples hardened to tight peaks.

  The plane hit another hard patch of turbulence as she tried to regain her balance but fell across Kane’s lap. His hands were still clasped around her waist and she had the fleeting thought that he’d pulled her down intentionally when intentionally. The plane bounced a second time, a great number of the passengers crying out when she did.

  A ding sounded followed by David’s voice over the speakers. “Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned on the fasten seatbelt sign. We are now crossing a zone of turbulence. Please return to your seats and keep your seatbelts fastened.”

  Tracie braced her hand on Kane’s thigh as she tried to regain her feet, and felt his wet jeans beneath her palm. To her horror she saw that her hand was dangerously close to his
impressive package that didn’t look any worse for the wear behind his soaked jeans.

  If she’d been red before, she knew she was even more so now.

  The plane hit more turbulence, but she managed to regain her footing and grip the back of the seat in front of Kane. He let his palms slide from her waist, just scooting across her hips before he let his hands drop away. Her skin felt like it was on fire everywhere he’d touched in that brief amount of time.

  It reminded her of the way her dream lover touched her. She swallowed.

  “Flight attendants, please be seated,” came the captain’s voice this time.

  “I’m so sorry,” she repeated to Kane and Lucas as she held onto the seatbacks while the plane bucked. “I’ll get you some towels.”

  “We’ll be fine.” Lucas’s voice was smooth and deep. “Sit down like your captain instructed you to.”

  The way he said it, a clear order, made her think of how a Dom spoke to a sub. She had the sudden instinct to lower her gaze and say, “Yes, Sir,” but she managed not to show the submissive side of her that she’d been hiding for so long. She hadn’t been in touch with that side of her since Master Glenn had moved.

  When she met Lucas’s gaze, she saw the power in his expression, the dominance. He was a Dom. Her gaze cut to meet Kane’s and saw the same rock-hard presence in his eyes that told her these two men were definitely Doms—and they’d recognized the submissive in her.

  In that moment she saw them taking her, using her for their pleasure in a way that would make her beg for more. Because that’s exactly what she would want them to do at that moment. Submit to them to give them pleasure.

  Her throat worked as she tried to regain her senses. “Sorry,” she said again before leaving to strap herself into the jump seat and ride out the rest of the turbulence.

  As she sat, strapped in tight, she closed her eyes for a moment and pictured herself tied up to where she couldn’t move. She’d be at Kane and Lucas’s mercy.

  The desire to be dominated had been shoved deep down after Master Glenn had left. She had been sad—more than sad—at their parting. He’d asked her to move to Arizona with him, but her home was in New York and she couldn’t—wouldn’t—leave. She’d loved him, but she’d never been in love with him.

  Almost a year she’d gone without submitting to a Master.

  She’d wanted it, and if she wasn’t mistaken, it could be hers for the taking. Rather she would be theirs for the taking.

  But no. They were strangers and passengers on one of her flights. They probably lived in Los Angeles, so that would be a no-brainer. She didn’t do one-night stands.

  She opened her eyes and met Kane’s gaze. Without a doubt, he knew what she was feeling and the turmoil raging inside her as her submissive side struggled against the desire to be with these two men. She looked down and away before she realized what she was doing was an automatic response to his dominance.

  When she forced her gaze up again, Lucas and Kane held her in their gazes, helpless to do anything but stare back at them.

  Chapter 4

  “What do you know.” Kane couldn’t help a grin when he turned his gaze toward Lucas. “She’s a submissive.”

  Lucas looked intrigued as he watched the woman while the plane jostled them. “Could have told you that the moment we laid eyes on her.”

  “That was easy to see.” Kane nodded. “But I didn’t guess she’s into the lifestyle, or at least has played.”

  His gaze returned to Tracie, who had her eyes open now but was looking anywhere but at them. In the case of this woman, he found he was inclined to be even more optimistic. He wanted to get to know her better, to see what made her tick, and to see if she was a fit for him and Lucas.

  Kane shifted in his seat, trying to alleviate the growing ache in his cock, despite the cold wet jeans. “Damn it, but I want her.”

  Lucas shook his head as his eyes met Kane’s. “It’s too soon.”

  The teasing left Kane’s voice, and he heard his tone grow tighter. “Tiffany’s been gone fifteen months now. I don’t think she’d want us to grieve for so long. She had a big heart and she believed there was enough love to go around for everyone. She’d hate it if she knew we haven’t moved on. You know I’m right.”

  Lucas’s features hardened, which was a feat considering his expression was almost always hard. “It’s too soon,” he repeated.

  “No.” Kane spoke with quiet authority, making each word clear and definite. “It’s not.”

  Without replying, Lucas turned his gaze on Tracie. She was still strapped into the jump seat, her eyelids closed tight as if trying to rein her thoughts in so that no one could see in her eyes what she was truly feeling.

  With her white-blonde hair, porcelain-doll blue eyes, soft pale skin, full red lips, and delicate features, Tracie was beyond beautiful. So soft, so desirable. Against his will he could picture his larger, tanned body sliding between her pale thighs and inside her wet core as Kane filled her ass with his cock.

  If she was into the lifestyle—and he was inclined to agree with Kane on that matter—she’d no doubt had butt plugs in her ass, maybe even a cock in her ass, which would make her more than ready to take both of them at the same time. Kane liked the tightness of an ass around his cock while Lucas preferred the wet, warm heat of a woman’s pussy.

  Tracie’s body would be ready and willing when they took her.

  He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. Where the hell had “when they took her” replaced “if they took her”?

  “We’re here on business, not to pick up women.” Lucas lowered his hand from his face and looked at Kane. “Chaney International is a big account and we need to focus on landing their case for our firm.”

  “We will get the case.” Kane possessed an almost overabundance of confidence, even when a given situation might look too tough to solve.

  Lucas, on the other hand, was cautious and deliberate. He took nothing for granted.

  Kane’s ceaseless confidence added to his ability to win over women easily. At least that had been the case before and up until Tiffany. After she was brutally murdered, it had been far too painful for Kane and Lucas to even consider being with another woman. They had given Tiffany a ring and had been making wedding plans before a serial rapist and murderer had taken her from them.

  The fact that Kane was attracted to Tracie after their long period of mourning, spoke volumes. Maybe he was right and it was time to move on.

  Lucas mentally shook his head as he fought the voice inside him that said over and over, “It’s too soon.”

  He blew out his breath as he focused on Tracie. She glanced at him then seemed to freeze, their gazes locked. A few long moments later, she looked down and away, her submissive half clearly taking control. She undoubtedly recognized the Dom in him. His gaze lingered on her breasts and her nipples pushed against the soft fabric of her blouse. He shifted again in his seat, trying to talk down his raging hard-on for the sweet little submissive. The cold wet jeans constricted him far too much.

  “Admit it.” Kane looked as uncomfortable in his jeans as Lucas was in his own. “You’d like to get to know her better, too, Luc. You want to see if she’s a good fit as much as I want to.”

  Lucas had the feeling that Tracie was the perfect fit for both of them. She radiated a genuine kindness and caring that called to Lucas. She had an intelligent spark to her eyes and he could tell she had spunk, too. He’d enjoy taming that spunk and making her softer and more pliant than he already believed she was.

  “I have to admit,” Kane said as he gave Lucas a quick grin, “that I’m glad Erika didn’t make this trip. She’s an incredible asset, but I don’t think we’d have the same opportunity that we do now with Tracie.”

  Lucas couldn’t help but agree. Their VP, Erika DuBois, was a ball busting bitch—her words—and damned good corporate attorney. She could flatten a man three times her size not only with her sharp tongu
e, but she could also lay him out with her martial arts skills. The woman was a third degree black belt and had given both Kane and Lucas more than a run for their money when they’d each had a turn at trying to take her down on the mat.

  The right man—or men—might just come along and tame Erika. She’d be one hell of a submissive if she could accept that part of herself in the bedroom. There was a softer, vulnerable side to Erika, but she’d be pissed if either Kane or Lucas even suggested it.

  The “fasten seat belt” sign went off as the captain announced that they were free to move about the cabin. Lucas watched Tracie remove her restraints and pictured her bound in a way that she would be unable to get out.

  Damn. He did want her as badly as Kane did.

  A part of him wanted to reject being interested in another woman. But he and Kane might not get another chance to find a woman in a million like Tracie. And he knew that was exactly what she was—one in a million.

  “She’s the kind of woman you keep and not just play with,” Lucas said aloud without meaning to. “The kind of woman you want to come home to after a hard day’s work.”

  Kane looked at Lucas with surprise. Kane had seen the wheels turning in Lucas’s expression, but he hadn’t expected him to be thinking of something permanent.

  It had been a good eleven years since Kane and Lucas had met at an exclusive BDSM club in New York. Despite the wide differences in their personalities, they’d come to be good friends and had gone on to form their law practice together.

  They also found they had something in common—they liked the idea of sharing a woman and treating her like a princess, pleasuring her in ways that only two men could do at one time.

  The idea of orgies didn’t appeal to either of them, nor did fucking random women. However, finding and pleasuring one special woman had been something both ached to do.


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