Reclaimed [Shifter Sanctuary 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Reclaimed [Shifter Sanctuary 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Scarlet Day

  Paige took a gulp of the amber liquid and braced herself, sure now that Matt was planning to end things between them.

  Matt took a long drink and then leveled a serious stare at Paige. She felt as though he were trying to look into her mind. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, his nostrils flaring. “We know you’re Tucker’s niece.”

  Paige stared at Matt and held her breath, waiting for him to say the words that she knew would send her into a tailspin.

  Matt swirled the liquid in his glass. “And we’re okay with it.” He glanced at Dylan with raised eyebrows. “Well, I’m okay with it. I’ll let Dylan speak for himself.”

  Dylan didn’t hesitate. “Hell, yeah, I’m good.”

  One corner of Matt’s mouth twitched up in a semi-grin. “I thought so.”

  Paige wasn’t sure whether she was more confused or elated. What she was certain about, though, was that this conversation definitely wasn’t going the way she feared it would.

  Matt exchanged another glance with Dylan, and his expression turned worried again. “Paige, this is our life,” he waved his hand around the room. “For me to have any type of relationship, it’s going to be heavily entrenched in this lifestyle. It’s not for everyone, and I feel like an ass for even thinking about asking if you might be able or willing to consider something like this without even knowing much about it.”

  Paige stood stunned, her mind having a difficult time processing Matt’s words. He raked his hand through his hair and took another drink. “Oh, hell, this isn’t coming out the way I meant it to.”

  Matt cast a glance at Dylan and then looked back at Paige. “Truth is, I never expected to meet anyone again who I would want to share more than a few nights with. And then you walked into the club and turned everything on its head.” He took her glass and set it and his now empty glass on a nearby table. Then he took her hands in his. The strokes of his thumbs on the backs of her hands sent shivers through her, but she knew they were from anticipation, rather than fear.

  “Paige, I’m a Dom. A very dominant kind of Dom. I can’t turn that part of myself off and, to be honest, I don’t want to. But I need you. As surely as I’ve never needed anything before. I know we hardly know each other, but I know enough. I know I want to teach you about this lifestyle and show you the pleasure being a submissive can bring. That is, if you’ll have me.”

  Paige stared at Matt, not sure of what to say. She felt Dylan’s presence behind her and said the only thing that came to mind. “What about Dylan?”

  Matt glanced behind her and then turned his gaze back down to her, a lopsided grin spreading across his face. “I think you’d have to consider us a package deal at this point. Although I have to warn you, Dylan likes to be dominated every now and then.”

  “I–I don’t even think I know how that works.” Paige’s very limited knowledge of the BDSM lifestyle made her feel way out of her depth. “How do I even know if I’m capable of learning?”

  She felt Dylan move close behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “We’ll teach you.”

  “But what—what does it mean to be a submissive? Do you just boss me around?” Paige frowned. She’d been bossed around enough all her life.

  Matt shook his head. “It’s not like that. I mean, yes, we would expect you to follow our instructions, but it’s from a standpoint of trust. You need to understand that we would never tell you to do something that was dangerous or that was not in your best interests. We would never do anything cruel or meant to harm you emotionally. Submission is about willfully giving us your trust and depending on us to know what’s best. We would always consider your input, though, and would want to know if you feel strongly about something, so we could take that into consideration.” Matt cupped her face in one of her hands. “But submission also means letting us take care of you, letting us be the ones you can lean on and forget about whatever worries you might have. It means knowing we will do everything in our power to make you happy.”

  Paige thought about that, letting the idea soak in of having someone she could lean on and depend on. Someone she could trust to not hurt her. Her gaze flickered to the wall of whips and floggers on the far wall. “What about those? Isn’t BDSM about pain?” She’d suffered enough at the hands of her father.

  Matt’s gaze followed hers, and then he pulled her chin up so that she was forced to look into his eyes. “Some people thrive on the endorphin release they get from pain, but it’s not something everyone does.” His mouth curved up in a grin. “I have to admit, though, I’d like to spank that beautiful ass of yours. I’d like to see it turn red from my palm.” His eyes darkened and his voice lowered. “And then I’d like to run my fingers through your cunt, to see if my spanking made you wet and ready for me.”

  Paige forgot to breathe, fairly certain that Matt’s words alone had just made her wet. She trembled and her pussy clenched. “I–I might not mind that.”

  Dylan’s breath teased her right ear. “You’ll find that pain and pleasure are very closely linked. Sometimes the highest levels of pleasure can only be reached if there’s a little pain mixed in.”

  Matt stroked her cheek. “We’ll push your limits, Paige. We’ll see how far we can take you. Your safe word will be ‘red,’ but I expect you to only use it for pain. If you use the safe word we will stop whatever we’re doing immediately. I’ll warn you now, though, there will be no safe-wording because of pleasure. If you decide you want to try some of those”—he jerked his head toward the wall of floggers—“we’ll start slow and ease you into it. You would be so fucking gorgeous stripped naked and tied to the St. Andrews cross over there, so I hope you’ll consider it.” A momentary look of anger clouded his features. “I know you’ve had a rough time at home, though, so I won’t push you on that. It will have to be your call, when and if you’re ready.”

  Paige gulped. The smoothness of Matt’s voice could just about convince her to do anything he wanted. “I’ll, um, think about it.”

  “And the rest of it?” Matt’s gaze bore into hers. “Are you willing to be our submissive?”

  Paige gulped again, trying to buy herself a minute to think, but she realized she already knew her answer. “Yes. I’d like to try. What do I have to do?”

  “Only what we tell you to do.” Matt dropped her hand and backed away from her, putting a few feet between them. He clasped his hands behind him, his feet spread a little wider apart, and stared at her. “Exactly what we tell you to do.” His voice dropped an octave, a deepness resonating through it that Paige hadn’t heard before. Paige’s cat perked up in her head and purred. “When we give you an instruction, you will follow it immediately and without argument. If it’s something you feel particularly strongly against, tell us why, and we’ll consider your feelings. But we still have the final say as to whether you comply. If you disobey us, there will be consequences. Can you agree to that?”

  Paige wondered what those consequences might entail, but Matt’s voice smoothed over any concerns she might have had. “Okay.” She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Yes, what?” Matt’s stare increased the amount of wetness between her legs.

  Paige’s mind scrambled to understand. “Um, yes…Sir?”

  Matt grinned the grin that made her melt inside. “Good girl. Now strip.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Dylan stepped back from Paige and then circled around behind Matt, watching the expression on Paige’s face. He’d been pretty certain Paige would say yes, even before Matt had dropped into his Dom stance. But once Matt used his Dom voice, he’d known Paige hadn’t stood a chance. She had practically melted into a puddle right in front of him.

  Matt was just that good. He was the best Dom Dylan had ever seen in action, which was why Dylan had asked Matt to be his mentor. Matt had assured him that Tucker was the best, but since Dylan had never seen his pride leader in a scene, he’d just have to take Matt’s word for it. Dylan had to admit that just being in the same room with Tucker sometimes s
cared him, though, so he didn’t have any doubt in Matt’s assessment.

  Paige’s cheeks flushed a delicious shade of pink when Matt gave her the order to strip. It sent a thrill through Dylan to know that a simple order could pull a blush out of Paige, even after the adventurous sex the three of them had already shared together. It made him look forward to the reactions they would get from her as they introduced her to their lifestyle.

  Paige’s fingers fumbled with the belt on her robe. Dylan thought for just a second that he might have to help her undo the knot, but she finally got it untied. She shrugged out of it, letting the terry cloth garment pool on the floor around her feet. Dylan watched as her body trembled. The heated expression in her eyes and the fresh wave of pheromones told him she was shaking in anticipation and desire, rather than fear.

  Her black bikini stood out against her skin in the room’s dim light. Her gaze flicked to his, and her tongue darted out to wet her lips. The thought of what that tongue could do to him caused Dylan’s dick to throb.

  Paige turned her gaze back to Matt and then reached behind her and untied the bikini top. She let it drop onto the robe on the floor, revealing breasts that Dylan swore he could stare at all day and not get bored. He didn’t think it would be possible for him to get more engrossed, but then he forgot to breathe when she slipped her fingers under the fabric of her bikini bottoms and then slid them down her legs.

  “Good girl.” Matt walked over to the padded bench in the center of the room. “Come here and kneel.” He pointed to the floor next to the bench.

  Paige stepped out of the pile of clothing and followed Matt’s instructions, kneeling in the exact spot Matt indicated. He looked over to Dylan and nodded toward the cabinet along one wall.

  Dylan knew from experience what Matt had in mind, and he couldn’t suppress the grin that slid across his face. He crossed the room to the cabinet and pulled out a pair of small leather wrist cuffs, two vibrators—one large and one small—and a bottle of lube, before joining Matt and Paige at the bench. He strapped the cuffs onto Paige’s wrists, impressed that she didn’t question him or protest. When he finished, Matt put his hand against the middle of her back and bent her forward at the waist, pressing her down against the bench. Dylan fastened each wrist cuff to the legs on the bench. “Comfortable?”

  Paige nodded. Matt reached down and placed his open palm against her bare ass cheek. “I didn’t hear you. Do you need a spanking already?”

  Paige let out a little squeak. “Yes. Wait! No, I mean—” She huffed. “I mean yes, I’m comfortable. No, I don’t need a spanking.” She hesitated barely a heartbeat. “Sir.”

  “Pity.” Matt rubbed his hand in a circle on her ass. “I would love to turn this ass a lovely shade of pink.”

  Paige let out a little squeak. Dylan noticed the gleam in Matt’s eyes and the barely contained grin. It had been a while since Matt had broken in a new sub, and Dylan could tell he was really enjoying himself.

  Matt continued to smooth his hand across Paige’s ass in steady circles. “You will always address us as Sir or Master when we’re alone. If you don’t, there will be punishment. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Paige’s voice trembled.

  Dylan leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Trust us, Paige. If you lean on us, I swear we won’t let you fall.”

  Paige took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yes, Sir. I trust you.”

  “Very good girl.” Matt’s approval oozed through his voice.

  Paige jumped as Matt’s fingers probed her pussy. “She’s already wet.”

  Matt grabbed the larger vibrator and slathered it with lube, before switching it on. He pressed into her and she cried out, arching her back, but Matt pressed her back down onto the bench. He worked the dildo into her until she was pushing pack against it, trying to get more.

  Seeing her so aroused so quickly caused Dylan’s dick to throb even harder. He put his growing discomfort aside and knelt on the floor next to her, the smaller vibrator in his hand. “Here comes the fun part.”

  He turned the vibrator on and pressed it against her clit, holding it there while Matt worked the other dildo in and out of her. She writhed on the bench, but her secured wrists and Matt’s hand pressing against her back kept her firmly in place.

  Dylan watched her body tense and knew her first orgasm would take her hard and fast. He wasn’t wrong. She cried out as the orgasm took her, but he and Matt didn’t give her a chance to recover. Instead, they kept up the vibrators pressed into her pussy and clit, forcing her to stay in a heightened state of arousal.

  “I–I can’t”. She gasped for breath.

  “You will take it.” Matt leaned over her. “You will take all the pleasure we give you. Understood?”

  Paige gasped again, her voice almost a sob. “Ye–yes, Sir.”

  They were relentless with the dual vibrators. Matt worked the dildo in and out of her, while Dylan alternated the pressure on her clit. They would bring her to the brink over and over again, only allowing her to go over the edge when she cried out with desperate pleas to let her come. Her body shook and writhed, her cries turning to whimpers and pants.

  When they had pulled multiple orgasms from her, and Dylan could see her eyes glazing over, he nodded at Matt. Both of them turned the vibrators off and Matt withdrew his from her. Dylan unfastened the wrist cuffs and rolled her off the bench, scooping her into his arms. He carried her to the room’s only sofa and then settled onto the couch with Paige cuddled in his lap. His dick ached, but they needed to take care of her before they moved on to anything else.

  Matt brought over a blanket and a bottle of water. He draped the blanket around Paige and then opened the bottle and handed it to her. She gulped half the bottle down before she came up for air. She stared straight ahead for a moment, and then she burst into tears, burying her face against Dylan’s chest.

  Dylan had expected something like this to happen. This was Paige’s first time to experience forced prolonged orgasm, and it wasn’t an unusual reaction. It sometimes brought out a very primal and emotional response.

  “Did you see when she hit subspace?” Dylan glanced up at Matt.

  “Yeah, I did.” Matt sank down onto the sofa. He ran his hand up and down Paige’s back in soothing motions. “It’s okay, baby. Just breathe.”

  Paige cried for another few minutes, until her sobs turned to sniffles. She lifted her head from Dylan’s chest. “I’m so—sorry. I don’t know what happened. I just—”

  “It’s normal.” Matt continued stroking her back. “How do you feel right now?”

  Paige took a couple of deep breaths. “I feel…like a huge weight has been lifted off me. What happened to me?”

  “Subspace.” Dylan stroked her hair out of her face and dried her cheeks with the sleeve of his robe. “It’s when the endorphins take over and it wipes everything out of your mind.”

  She looked up at Dylan and then to Matt. “I liked it.” A shy grin slid across her face. “Can we do it again?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Matt couldn’t believe his luck. Or maybe it wasn’t luck, but some type of cosmic balancing for all the pain and loneliness he’d endured over the years since his mate had been killed. Whatever it was, Matt couldn’t help but be grateful as he stared down into Paige’s beautiful flushed face. He’d spent so many years alone, sating the needs of his body but never his heart. Paige could satisfy both.

  He stroked her soft cheek with the back of his fingers. “So you want more, do you?”

  She dropped her gaze and nodded. She still sat cuddled against Dylan’s chest, Dylan’s arms wrapped around her. “Please. Um, Sir.”

  Matt tried not to smile. It would take her some time to get used to calling him and Dylan “Sir,” but he had no doubts she would acclimate quickly to their chosen lifestyle. He could see it in the way her body responded to his touch, to his voice.

  He put his hand under her chin and lifted her face so that she had to meet his
gaze. He wanted to see her eyes when she told him what she wanted. “Tell me what you want.”

  She trembled again under his fingers, but she met his gaze this time. “I want you, Sir.”

  His lips twitched. “You’ll have to be more specific. Tell me exactly what you want.”

  Paige’s breathing sped up. “I want—I want your dick in my pussy, Sir.”

  Matt grinned and his dick throbbed, answering her desire with his own. “That’s my kitten.”

  He wanted so badly to see how far he could push her, but he would take Tucker’s advice and tread carefully. They would test her boundaries slowly, considering all the physical and emotional abuse she had taken at the hands of her father.

  The thought of Paige’s father sent a dark anger surging through Matt, but he pushed it away, refusing to allow it to taint this time together. One way or another, he would deal with her father and make him pay for all she had been through, but today was not that day.

  Matt stood up and pulled Paige up with him. “Undress me.”

  Paige complied immediately, her fingers searching out each button on his shirt. The touch of her fingertips as she slid her hands under the material sent heat flooding to his groin. His dick swelled, and he gritted his teeth against the maddening pressure. He wanted to be inside her, wanted to take her hard, but he would be patient. At least for a few more minutes.

  Paige slid his shirt off him and let it fall to the floor. She dropped her hands to his jeans and unfastened them, before pushing them down over his hips. He sighed in relief as his hard dick sprang free from the confining material. While Paige pushed his jeans down his legs, Matt toed his shoes off. He stepped out of his jeans and kicked them to the side.

  Matt walked over to the bed and lay on his back. “Get a condom out of the side table and roll it on me.”


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