Dirty Little Secret: Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains (Book 2)

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Dirty Little Secret: Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains (Book 2) Page 1

by Janae Keyes

  Dirty Little Secret

  Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains (Book 2)

  Janae Keyes

  Edited by

  Courtney Cannon


  1. ONE

  2. TWO

  3. THREE

  4. FOUR

  5. FIVE

  6. SIX

  7. SEVEN

  8. EIGHT

  9. NINE

  10. TEN

  11. ELEVEN

  12. TWELVE








  Call to Action

  The story continues…


  About the Author

  Also by Janae Keyes

  Dirty Little Secret: Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains

  Copyright © 2017, Janae Keyes

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. References to real people, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely fictional and not meant to be considered real.

  Cover Design: Courtney Cannon

  I dedicate this book to everyone who has supported me,

  fans, friends, and family.

  I love you!



  A RELATIVE SILENCE held my existence hostage. I fought to escape the box of heartbreak, but it kept me sealed in, fighting for air. Every single second, minute, hour, and day that passed didn’t do as promised; heal. Instead, it smashed the pieces of my heart into smaller unrepairable bits.

  The day I learned of his fiancée, that day was the last time I heard from him. It had been three weeks. A silence stood still between us. I figured he would try to reach out to me, but there was nothing. Was I waiting for his call? I wasn’t exactly sure. I ached to hate him, though, through it all, I only loved him more. I loved that man so much it burned a hole through my soul.

  I was in love with a man that was completely unavailable. Lord Nathaniel Branagan and I started out on the wrong foot, but it didn’t take much time before he had me. I’d given him my heart, soul, and body. He’d made me feel things I never thought I could feel. Waking up in his bed and then meeting his fiancée wasn’t how I’d ever expected things to go, but that was the direction it went.

  That day his driver, Langston, took me to Manchester Airport, I managed to get a flight to London relatively quick. I was lucky to still have possession of the Black Card I’d been given to buy my art supplies. It took a day of hanging out in Heathrow Airport, but I managed to get on a flight to San Francisco, and back home.

  Returning home, I no longer had an apartment and was forced to move into my old bedroom at my parent’s house. They didn’t know what happened to me and I thought they could see my fragile state and didn’t ask. Mom brought me food every day and tried to start a bit of small talk, but that never lasted long. I appreciated that she tried.

  I peered up at the ceiling. I spent my days staring at the four lime green walls of my childhood bedroom. I’d been wrapped in my own sorrow. It was as if the moment I’d left Nate, I had been stripped of my joy.

  Trying to navigate my funk was difficult. I’d never been in this state before. My previous relationship lasted four years, and when it ended, I was sad, but never like this. I’d only been with Nate for barely two months, and I found myself barely functioning. When I looked in the mirror now, I didn’t know the woman who looked back at me.

  A knock came at my door, three delicate taps, it was my mom. I didn’t say anything, she tapped again, three times once more. I didn’t respond. She was only trying to get me out of bed, as she did every day.

  “Taylor Lynnesha Walker, I need you to get out of bed. You need to take a shower and get down to the salon,” my mom’s voice growled as she barged into my bedroom. Typically, she would come in demanding I take a shower and eat, but the salon was a new one.

  “Salon?” I questioned as I sat up in bed. This bed had become my sanctuary since I’d returned. I spent all day in bed. Most of my time was spent staring off into space, while at others, I watched TV. Then there were the times I could physically feel my broken heart, and I cried.

  “It is Saturday, August 27th, your sister’s wedding day,” she reminded me, sounding annoyed. Fuck, I’d forgotten, and I knew there was no getting out of it. I had to be there at my sister’s side as she said, I do. There was no slacking, though, for most of my maid of honor duties, I’d skipped out on them. “I know you are in your depressed funk or whatever, but this is important.”

  “I know,” I snapped as I threw my blankets off my legs. “Sorry,” I mumbled my apology at my sudden outburst.

  “Taylor, I don’t know what happened when you were over there, but I want my little girl back. You had so much life, and art was your everything, now you are a shell of my artistic genius of a child.” I looked up at her. She’d never expressed so much admiration for my art—ever. This was a first.

  “I thought you hated my art career?” I inquired as I swung my legs over the side of my bed and sat peering up at my mother.

  “I didn’t hate it. Don’t ever think I hated it. I knew it made you happy. If you are happy, I am more than happy. I never thought it was the best career choice, but you made it into your career. I just want to see that girl again, the one who didn’t care what your dad and I thought. The one who chased after her dreams. I miss her,” my mom explained as she came next to me and sat down. She put her arm around me and pulled me close.

  There was something about being held by your mother that could bring out every emotion possible, strong emotions. I choked out a sob onto her arm. I’d kept the raw emotions away from anyone. I didn’t allow anyone to know what was behind my return nor my depression. Mom would try and get me to talk, but I never would. I still wasn’t ready, not now; the wounds still felt too fresh.

  “I know those tears. You’ve had your heart broken. I knew the moment you came home. Katie told me there was a guy and that something may have happened. I know you must love him because there is nothing worse than having your heart broken by someone you truly love. You don’t have to go into it, but please know that I’m here. I’ve always been here.” I’d never felt so close and connected to my mother as I did at that moment.

  “Thanks, Mom,” I sniffed as I wiped my tears away. “It’s-- difficult. I love him so much.”

  “You’ll survive, I promise you. Whoever this guy is, he screwed up and lost the most incredible woman he could ever have,” she said as she pulled me away from her and gave me a soft smile. I knew her words were true and I found myself giving her a smile in return. I knew I was good enough. That he was somehow unable to see that, was his loss. I tried to tell myself this every day, but my heart held onto him so tight.

  “Now, you can take my car. The other girls and your sister are already at the salon.” I gave her a nod. I would be okay, and today my sister was going to marry her true love, one day I would be doing the same.

  After at least making myself presentable. I grabbed my purse and the keys to my mom’s car. I went outside for the first time since arriving home. It was strange, the feeling of the breeze hitting my face, the brightness of the sun beating down on me. Digging into my purse, I yanked out my sunglasses and slipped them onto my burning eyes. I’d become a vampire.

  Unlocking the d
oor to my mom’s silver BMW, I slipped into the driver’s seat. I always admired my parents for earning their keep. It wasn’t easy, but they raised my sister and me in a beautiful home that they bought, and they were able to drive in luxury. This was all due to them working hard, day in and day out.

  I could now afford those luxuries in life. A week after I returned home, my bank called me about some suspicious activity. It seemed two million dollars had been deposited into my account. It alarmed the bank because having over a thousand was rare for me. Nate had paid me what he promised, plus a half million more. He didn’t have the balls to reach out to me, but he paid me in full plus some.

  That extra half million, that had to be hush money. It was to keep me quiet; I knew it. He could never afford me going to the tabloids and selling my story of how I became the mistress of an engaged royal billionaire. Clearly, Nate didn’t know me too well. I was raised better than to seek that type of revenge. I wasn’t giving anyone my story, and as of late, I hadn’t spent a dime. I didn’t need his money.

  A moment didn’t pass by that I didn’t think of Nate. He was a hard drug to quit. During the quietest of moments, I’d think of the way he’d whisper in my ear, the way he would tell me he loved me, the way his hands touched my skin, and the way he gave me the most passion I think I’d ever feel in my life.

  While driving, tears trickled down my face. He was supposed to be with me today. Nate had made plans to come to my sister’s wedding with me. I was going to show him off to my family. Knowing that would never be, it nearly crippled my heart. I wondered how a pain like this one could ever go away as it seemed to stick to me like glue, reminding me of my not so distant past.

  Pulling in front of the salon, I quickly wiped away my tears and took a deep breath. I had to put on my happy face. It was my sister’s wedding day after all. I checked my puffy eyes in the mirror. There was a good chance my eyes were in a permanent state of puffiness thanks to all the tears I’d shed. Yanking my sunglasses back over my eyes, I got out of the car.

  Walking into the busy salon, I could already hear my sister and her friends laughing away. I spotted my sister’s best friend Annette walking past the entrance with a glass of champagne in her hand. She turned to face me, a smile, taking its place on her lips as she rushed to me and pulled me into a hug.

  “The maid of honor is finally here!” she cheered in a slurred voice. She was either already drunk or still lit from the bachelorette party I’d missed last night. She pulled away, and I noted her Bridesmaid jeweled tank top. I’d forgotten mine at home. Katie would have to forgive me for not being in formation.

  “Is my sister there?” Katie called out.

  “Yep!” Annette yelled toward the back of the salon as she took me by the hand. “Come on,” Annette slurred as she pulled me along past the receptionist desk and to where the rest of the bridal party was.

  The salon was bright and full of life. Stylists were rushing around tending to the bridesmaids, doing their hair, nails, and makeup. I spotted my sister right away with a glass of champagne in her hand. She jumped up from her seat and came to me.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked me, she was concerned, and I knew it. Though she was busy with her wedding preparations, she would come by to check on me, and like mom, coax me out of bed and force some food down my throat.

  “Okay, I guess,” I shrugged. Somewhere inside of me was the excited little sister, I could feel her. After my cry in the car, I was hung up on Nate. He needed to get out of my head and my heart, today I was going to celebrate the love my sister had found. “I’ll be fine. I’m ready to be your maid of honor.”

  “Good, Christie is getting her hair done, and once she’s finished, you will be up,” Katie informed me. I nodded as she pulled me into a hug. I wasn’t going to stink up my sister’s big day with my broken heart. I was going to rise above it one day, why not start today.

  I sat down on a couch in the area. The girls giggled and chatted away. I’d always dreamed about what my wedding day would be like, getting ready with my best friends and my sister. There was the dress I saw in my head and the flowers. I’d dreamed of that day more than I should have while with Nate. Apparently, dreams change.

  “Let me see what I have to work with,” said a voice not far from me. I looked up to see the stylist that had been working on Christie’s hair. The stylist yanked the hat I’d worn off my head. I knew from the look in her eyes that my hair was an absolute mess. I sulked into my seat. “Girl, what happened?”

  “My little sis has been going through a difficult time,” Katie spoke up. I gave my older sister a weak smile. Difficult was an understatement. I had my heart ripped away from my soul by a man I thought loved me.

  “Difficult?” questioned the stylist as she attempted to run her comb through my matted curls. I winced at the pain of her styling tool as it pulled my hair violently with each stroke.

  Katie took the stylist by the arm and pulled her away into a corner. I glanced down at the floor as I felt the eyes of everyone in the room on me. Normally, I didn’t mind being the center of attention, but at the moment, I’d rather hide and never be seen.

  “Tay went through a terrible breakup. She’s depressed and fragile. Take it easy on her. I feel like today, getting her hair and makeup done might help bring her out of her funk.” I could hear Katie trying to whisper to the stylist. I appreciated her efforts, but I didn’t think a little pampering was going to help my shattered heart.

  “Hey, Tay, do you want a drink?” called out the voice of one of the bridesmaids. I glanced up to see Katie’s college roommate, Vicky, holding up a bottle of champagne and a glass. I nodded in response to her question. Maybe some alcohol could at least help me get through the day without feeling like I was ruining my sister’s day. “Come on.”

  I stood from my seat on the couch and made my way over to Vicky where I spotted the champagne bottle. I knew that label, it wasn’t something you’d see every day and they didn’t sell it in any stores around here. I snatched the bottle from her hand and stared down at the golden label.

  “Château de Verre,” I read out loud. “Where did you get this?”

  “It was delivered as a gift,” came Katie’s voice. I sharply turned to my sister. She approached the table and picked up a note card. It was written on Branagan family stationery. “Not long after we got here it was delivered.” I snatched the card from Katie’s hand and read over the scribbled handwriting as tears began to fall from my eyes.

  Best wishes on your wedding day.


  The card was only signed with his initials, though if anyone was to know those initials, it was me. It was a signal that the silence had ended and everything was now loud and filled with noise. I ran my fingers over Nate’s handwriting as I began to sob. The silence that had been holding my life hostage for weeks broke in a single moment. The champagne was from Nate’s winery in France, Château de Verre.

  “Tay, what’s wrong?” Katie asked in a panic, throwing her arms around me and pulling me close.

  “It’s him,” I cried out holding up the note. “He sent the champagne.” I glanced at one of the used glasses on the table. The champagne still bubbled away, and a simple lipstick smudge lingered on the glass.

  THERE HADN’T BEEN a single day where I had seen my sister happier than the moment she said, I do. There was not a dry eye in the church, including my own, as Katie became Mrs. Jordan Jackson. The entire ceremony was beautiful, and it did give me a smidge of hope for my future, though I was still in shock from the gift of champagne Nate had delivered to my sister.

  As soon as the ceremony finished, the wedding party and guests all headed in the direction of the Palace Hotel for the reception. Everything was as elegant as possible, and I understood why my dad has been working overtime, this wedding had put a nice dent in my parent’s bank account.

  I watched the happy couple share their first dance. Katie looked gorgeous in her whimsical wedding gown. The coral color of t
he bridesmaid dresses had grown on me during the day, and I didn’t hate the strapless chiffon gown as much as I originally did.

  “There’s my sweet niece!” screeched out a voice I knew to be one of the relatives I’d been avoiding all day, but it appeared that I’d failed.

  Reluctantly, I turned to see my great aunt, Wanda. I gave her a timid smile, and before I could react any other way, the short and plump woman yanked me into a hug and planted a large wet kiss on my cheek. I tried not to inhale the scent of her strong perfume that she wore every day without fail. That woman bathed in Elizabeth Arden Red Door.

  “Hi, Auntie Wanda,” I panted as I’d failed to hold my breath much longer. She pulled away and looked me over.

  “Still got that behind and dem titties,” she murmured as she turned me around sharply, keeping a tight grip on my arm as she checked out my body. “And still ain’t got a man.”

  “No, Auntie Wanda, I’m single,” I hissed out trying to contain my annoyance with the old woman.

  “Need to show them titties more, they will get you a man,” she informed me as if it was a law that showing off my breasts was a sure-fire way to get me a decent guy.

  My morning was already exhausting as the girls asked me every question they could think of about Nate once they learned the champagne was a gift from him. I dodged the questions as best I could. I was only trying to enjoy my sister’s big day for her. I didn’t have time to deal with my relatives and their unsolicited advice and comments.

  “I will keep that in mind Auntie Wanda, excuse me for a sec.” I hurried away from my aunt and found myself at the bar. I needed something a little stronger than champagne to hold me over.

  “What can I get for you?” the bartender asked me right away. Apparently, my face gave away how I felt at the moment.

  “Lemon Drop, please,” I asked the bartender who gave me a nod and went to making my drink. I appreciated my parents more at the moment as they were paying for the open bar that was going to supply my numbing agents for the day.


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