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WhiskeyBottleLover Page 23

by Robin Leigh Miller

  The clock had stopped ticking. It was now or never. Hayes opened his mouth to shout for Chance but all he could manage was a pathetic, mousy squeak. If she didn’t come soon there would be no hope.

  * * * * *

  Chance woke, sat up and stretched. It took a few moments for her to realize she was still in the bed Hayes created. Not only that, he put it in their room. The next shocking moment came when she slid from the bed and didn’t have to scoot around it. He’d actually expanded the house. She quickly tugged on a shirt that barely covered her butt and ran around, giggling at how much space she had.

  “Hayes? I can’t believe what you did. Hayes?” When he didn’t answer she stepped out into the hall and heard a noise. “Hayes?”

  Another noise from outside caught her attention. Thinking he’d gone out, she ran to the front door, unlocked it and found Bill Day standing on her porch. A pungent smell assaulted her nose. The bastard was dousing it with gasoline. Shock and fear froze her. Instead of slamming the door and locking it, she stood there.

  He suddenly felt her presence, turned and let his slimy gaze roam up and down her body. Bile rose in her throat, mixed with the scent of gas. She nearly vomited. He moved toward her. She snapped out of her stupor but it was too late. Before she could get the door shut his shoulder slammed into it.

  The force sent her flying backward, crashing to the floor. Firing on all cylinders now, she scrambled to get up but her feet wouldn’t adhere to the wood floor. Bill stalked toward her with a sick, psycho look in his eyes. She scrambled backward, her mind racing. Where was Hayes?

  “I don’t know how you did it,” he snarled as spittle flew from his mouth. “I made sure that fire was good and hot before I left. It should have burned that piece of shit barn to the ground.”

  He reached for her, his harsh, meaty hand almost shackling her wrist. Pure terror had her flailing, making it hard for him to get a grip. If she could get to the fireplace she could use the poker as a weapon.

  “That freak monster you’re fucking had something to do with it, didn’t he? You couldn’t give me a courtesy fuck for the help I’ve given you, but you’ll do that inhuman demon. Where is the bastard?” He spared a moment to glance around. “Don’t matter. He can burn with the house while we watch.”

  With her heart hammering so hard, she could barely catch her breath. Finally she pulled herself to her feet. “The police know about you. They know you attacked me once before and now you’re in trouble for calling in a fake fire.”

  “It wasn’t fake!” he shouted. “It was real and I don’t give a damn what the police think they know. They can’t prove anything. It’s my word against yours. They believe me every time.”

  That was a lie. She knew it. The officer at the station and the one last night knew what kind of man they were dealing with. “That’s not what the officer told me last night.”

  She made a run for the fireplace but her foot slipped on the throw rug, giving Bill the chance to snag her. His fingers bit into her upper arm as he snatched her against his body. She turned to make sure her back was against his chest. Pain and fear had her screaming at the top of her lungs.

  “Scream all ya like,” he snarled in her ear. “I like it.” His disgusting hand slid down her side, over her hip and when it touched her bare thigh her stomach heaved. Hayes, where the hell was he?

  As if hearing her plea for help, he stumbled out of the hall, fell against the wall and glared at Bill. Fear for herself evaporated, replaced by rioting terror for Hayes. He looked ill. His extremely pale flesh looked nearly translucent. His eyes were sunk back in his head and the usual flaring green was barely visible. Dear God, they’d run out of time.

  “Let her go, Day.”

  Her heart sank at the puny sound of his voice.

  “Not lookin’ so good there, demon. Not at all. Guess you’ll get to watch me take my payment from your bitch girlfriend after all.”

  She needed to get to him, wanted to hold him in her arms and make the wish that would save his life. Chance brought her knee up, kicking back as hard as she could, drilling her heel against Bill’s shin. The impact vibrated up her leg and into her hip. Bill bucked forward, yelping as his body gave slightly. She jerked, trying to break his hold.

  Bill recovered quickly, wrapping his hand in her shirt. Instinct, self-preservation, total hatred, it all broke loose inside, bursting free with a vengeance. Balling her fist tight, Chance whirled around, snarling as she drove it right into his nose. He stumbled back, cursed and came at her again.

  “I’m gonna have so much fun making you pay for that.”

  Chance didn’t move fast enough. He slapped her hard across the face. A burning sting exploded across her flesh as her teeth rattled. The force knocked her to the floor and before she could register what happened, he was on her. His hand closed over her throat, squeezing, shutting down her air flow. She kicked, dug her nails into his flesh and flailed as her lungs burned for oxygen.

  At first she thought the roar she heard was in her own ears, the sound of her life being crushed from her body. A sense of calm settled over her. She would die. No big deal, but her biggest regret, one that would follow her into the afterlife, was she never freed Hayes.

  Bill’s enraged, crazy eyes widened, he turned his head and in a frantic heartbeat something crashed into him. The man’s nails dragged across her flesh, peeling it away, but she gasped in air one huge gulp at a time. She heard him shout, looked toward the living room and found Hayes in a fierce struggle. In his weak state, he was taking most of the beating.

  Ignoring the searing pain in her throat, Chance got to her feet and ran to the kitchen. Panicked, she thought little about what she grabbed, only caring that it was heavy. Bill’s powerful fist hammered on Hayes’ face, jabbing into his stomach and chest.

  “Not so tough now are ya?” Bill sneered. “As weak as a pathetic woman.” He beat Hayes down to the floor and started kicking.

  In that moment, that baby’s breath of a second, Chance knew how to end all of this. No regrets. She’d be doing the world a favor. Rushing forward with purpose, she raised the heavy glass sugar container, bringing it down on the back of Bill’s head. The sickening thud reverberated up her arm but she didn’t care. As she lifted it again he backhanded her.

  It hurt, God, it hurt, but she used that pain, steadied herself and smashed the container across his face. This time a crack sounded, followed by Bill’s agonized cry. He crumpled to the floor with horrid sounds emanating from his throat. Chance ran to Hayes. Blood smeared his face, his eyes were swollen and he struggled to breathe.

  Not only was he suffering from the process of vanishing, but he had to be experiencing the punishment of interfering. It made her want to scream, curse the world. “Hayes, hang in there. It’s almost over.”

  “Run,” he wheezed. “Can’t stop him.”

  “No, but I can.”

  Bill got to his hands and knees, whimpering as blood dripped from his grotesquely twisted jaw. He now resembled the monster he truly was.

  “Hayes, listen to me. Can you hear me?”

  He gave a timid nod. “Go. Police.”

  “Listen to me, honey. Stay with me. I wish—”

  Bill grabbed a handful of her hair, jerked her head back and knocked her off balance. Hayes reached for her but she gazed over at him with calm, sure eyes. Ignoring Bill’s groping hands, Chance smiled.

  “I wish you were free, Hayes,” she spoke calmly as Bill gripped her throat once again.

  Terror filled Hayes’ eyes. His mouth formed the word no, but she heard nothing but the beat of her heart. Bill squeezed tighter.

  “I wish Bill Day would replace you in your role as genie.” She hoped like hell it worked because she barely got the words out as Bill crushed her larynx.

  Bill froze like a statue, his eyes wide and confused. Chance struggled, yanking and prying until she peeled his fingers from her neck. Fueled with adrenaline, she scooted out from beneath him and scrambled over to
Hayes. Green mist already rose from his body. Heavy metal shackles appeared on his wrists and unlocked. Chance slapped her hand over her mouth, watching through tear-filled eyes. God, let this work.

  A huge cloud formed above Hayes, hung there for a moment and then moved. Chance ducked back out of its way, not wanting to take any chances that it might confuse her with Bill. It drifted by, surrounded the man still frozen in that hunched-over pose with his hand curled as if still around her throat. The only movement he could make was with his eyes, and they looked terrified.

  Chance scooted back over to Hayes, lifted his head into her lap and sobbed as the mist devoured Bill. The man made some grunts, scary shrieks and horrid groans as the shackles circled his wrists, clamped shut and then disappeared.

  “You’re going to pay for your cruelty,” she told the man in a raspy voice. “You have centuries ahead of you of being the weaker man and I hope you suffer for all the pain you’ve caused people.”

  Hayes lifted his hand, settled it over hers and gave a weak squeeze. Chance gasped when the old whiskey bottle floated from the kitchen, drifted next to Bill and hung there. She and Hayes watched as Bill evaporated into mist and siphoned into the bottle. The cork slammed down into the neck and with a loud pop, the bottle disappeared.

  A ragged sob wrenched from her throat. She would not regret this. He would have killed Hayes and her.

  “You did it.” Hayes smiled up at her. Even through the blood and bruises she could see his complexion returning to normal.

  “Are you okay? Is everything the way it should be?” She feared they’d been too late, that he would still vanish, leaving her alone.

  “I’m sore, but who wouldn’t be after takin’ a beatin’ like that? I’m proud of you, Chance. So damn proud of you and I promise you won’t be sorry for doin’ this.” He pushed himself up, grunted and held his stomach.

  “Sure, you say that now, but wait until my PMS kicks in and I’m all bitchy. You’ll wish for your bottle back.”

  He chuckled and then groaned. “I don’t know what that is but I think I know how to ease you through it.” His gaze drifted over her face, stopping on her neck. “You’re bleeding.”

  “I am?” She reached up, touching her sticky, sore flesh. “Yeah, he took off a layer or two when you knocked him off me. I’ll heal. I’m more concerned about you. Hayes, you looked like death. I swear I could see through you.”

  “You probably could. I was on my way out. I tried callin’ for you but I didn’t have the strength.”

  The realization of how close she came to losing him weighed heavily, bringing fresh tears. If Bill hadn’t shown up this could have all ended differently.

  “Hey, don’t cry, darlin’. You did it. You said you would free me and you did. We have a life together now, an honest-to-God life.”

  She gave a jerky nod. She understood all that. “I think I just need to cry for a while.”

  He scooted to her side, pulled her against him and kissed the top of her head. “Cry all you want. I’m here for you. I always will be.”

  Hearing those words broke open the dam. Hayes held onto her as she shook, emptying herself of all the leftover fear and pain. They both had some healing to do but they’d take care of each other. The road ahead would be bumpy and smooth. Obstacles were a given in real life but having someone she truly loved meant she could accomplish anything.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Six Months Later

  Chance stepped out of her barn, lifted her face toward the sun and stretched. She’d been working for hours on a new project, lost in creativity, and now her muscles were chastising her for it. After a few more stretches she looked out into her yard and found Hayes hard at work.

  They’d had some rough patches since his release from the bottle but nothing they couldn’t get through with understanding and old-fashioned talk. She still couldn’t believe how easily she’d adjusted to having him in her life. The loner now depended on his presence for comfort, friendship and love. Not so long ago she would have scoffed at that. Not now.

  She leaned against the barn and watched as Hayes turned the patch of ground he chose to plant his garden. Over the winter they’d discussed what he would do. He confided that he’d always wanted a farm. Their property wasn’t big but she figured he could use every inch he needed to make that dream come true. Standing here watching him take the first step was amazing.

  The smile never left his face as he worked. He truly was a man made for hard labor. Hopefully one day Bill Day’s property would be released by the bank and they could make an offer on it. That would give Hayes all the room he needed to plant, and possibly raise horses.

  Yeah, Bill Day. Funny how when she thought about him, there was never any hint of remorse for her part in his sudden disappearance. The police stopped once to ask if she’d seen him. A little white lie later and his name never came up again.

  He didn’t deserve her worry. Not after what he tried to do. It wasn’t as if she killed him or anything. He was alive, maybe not well but breathing somewhere in the world. How many times did he try to bully a master, receiving harsh punishment for it before he understood his way of life needed to change? Hopefully several.

  Well, no more thought about that man. She needed to concentrate on her sexy, loving future working in the yard. Oh yes, he was loving. Even when they argued Hayes never stopped touching her or giving her kisses. He made it impossible to stay angry.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are when you’re smilin’?”

  Chance jolted at the sound of his voice. Apparently she’d been lost in thought as he approached. “You already have me, Hayes. No need for flattery.” She reached out, laying her hand on his chest over his heart.

  “It’s not flattery, darlin’. It’s the truth.” His hand settled over hers, holding it there.

  She could feel his heart rate escalate. It always did that when she touched him.

  “What are you grinnin’ about? Should I be worried?” Hayes used his free hand, hooked his fingers under the strap of her tank top and tugged her against his body.

  “I was thinking how sometimes you have to walk through hell to find heaven. I made a long trip but the reward is phenomenal.”

  Hayes nodded. “I know what you mean.”

  “More so than me,” she whispered. Her life might not have been a bed of roses but he truly lived a kind of hell she couldn’t imagine. “How’s that garden coming?”

  “The ground is incredible,” he answered with a glow in his eyes. “I shouldn’t have any trouble growing whatever I want in it. What do you say about getting a few animals? Maybe some goats or something?”

  Chance laughed, she couldn’t help it. His childlike enthusiasm transferred into her with every new discovery. “Slow down, farmer man. One step at a time. Get your garden growing, then we’ll see about animals. Besides, eventually they have to free up that land.” She nodded toward the strip of woods behind the barn. “Once it’s ours, you will have all the room in the world to raise animals.”

  Hayes wrapped his arm around her, rested his chin on top of her head and gazed out at the tree line. “We haven’t talked much about him. Are you dealin’ with it okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she answered quickly. “Stop worrying about it.”

  “You have a tender heart, Chance. I can’t help worryin’.”

  She tilted her head back and gazed up at him. “I’ll say this once and then the discussion is closed, so listen carefully. The way I see it, if I hadn’t wished him into that bottle, you’d be dead. He would have done horrid things to me before killing me so I couldn’t press charges. Neither of us would be here. This way, no one died. You have your freedom, I have you and he’s learning some awesome life lessons.”

  Hayes gazed at her a bit and then nodded.

  “Are we good?”

  “No,” he replied, leaning down and kissing the tip of her nose. “We’re great. How about giving me a hand with the garden?”

�Sure, my muscles could use some stretching.”

  They walked hand in hand toward the patch of ground he dug. “I can stretch those muscles for ya,” he growled.

  Her stomach fluttered in anticipation. “I know you can and I look forward to it.” The man had delicious ways of working her over. Good thing they didn’t live close to any neighbors. The cops would be called nonstop because of screaming. “You are running out of time to get crops planted so it needs to wait.”

  “I’m good at multitasking,” he teased.

  Before she knew what happened, Hayes gripped her hips, lifting her up. She shrieked, kicked and then wrapped her legs around him, sending them both tumbling down into the fresh, moist dirt. She landed on top, straddling his groin with her hands buried in the earth.

  “See, I told ya I could multitask,” he laughed.

  Suddenly he rolled, pinning her back to the ground and pressing his erection between her legs. “You’re getting me all dirty,” she chuckled.

  Hayes shrugged. “I live to bathe you. Nothin’ better than slidin’ my hands all over your wet, soapy body.”

  She couldn’t stop the groan that rolled up out of her throat. He did like doing that and she loved feeling it. His hands were phenomenal, skilled and sinful. Every woman should be pampered the way he indulged her. Of course, there was something to be said for bathing him as well. She considered herself incredibly lucky to be allowed to touch his chiseled body.

  “Maybe we could cut work a little short today,” she offered. All work, no play and such.

  Hayes grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. He knew he had her wrapped tight around his finger. The playful look slipped away as his gaze fixed on something next to her head.

  “What?” Oh God, was something crawling around, slithering through the dirt? “Hayes, what the hell is it?”


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