Always His

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Always His Page 8

by James, J. P.

  “Um no, I have to go,” I say in rush. “See you!”

  But before I can leave, he grabs my sleeve insistently. I stare down at his bronzed hand. What’s going on?

  “No, I insist,” Vance says in a low voice. “Come on. Right over here.”

  Should I jerk my arm away and make a getaway? Then the fat guy would see me for sure, so instead, I nod.

  “Um yeah. Okay.”

  Vance leads the way to the booth, and I slink behind him, hoping not to be seen. Oddly, the fat guy looks right at me while slurping his soda, and there’s no recognition whatsoever. Weird. Maybe he’s too absorbed with getting as many calories as possible.

  As I take a seat, Vance lowers his big frame across from me. He stares across the table into my eyes, and my breath freezes in my lungs.

  “Jake, as soon as you walked through the door, I knew it was you,” he says in a low voice. What is he talking about? Of course he did; who wouldn’t recognize their own neighbor?

  Feeling hot under the collar, I clear my throat. “Um, are you waiting here for somebody?” I ask, glancing over at the man with the pregnant-like belly again. Nope, now he’s shoveling fries into his mouth like there’s no tomorrow. What’s going on?

  “Yeah,” Vance replies, his eyes locked onto my frame.

  I nod, still casting furtive glances around the restaurant. Of course a hot guy like Vance has a date tonight. I’m sure he doesn’t have to meet people online. Women probably throw themselves at him right and left.

  I turn towards him.

  “Um, I should probably get out of your hair then. You probably don’t want me hanging around when your date shows up,” I say abruptly, but before I can stand, he seizes my arm.

  “I’ve been waiting for you, Jake,” he says simply.

  “What?” I ask, still looking around with a distracted expression.

  Vance is patient.

  “Jake, I’m HotandHung,” he says, “and you’re NeighborBoy. It’s kind of poetic, don’t you think? You really are my neighbor.”

  I stare at him, not believing my ears. What? Is he serious right now? Vance has been HotandHung this whole time? The guy that I literally masturbated to a few months ago? The man with the incredible body and piercing blue eyes? Holy shit!

  Feeling overwhelmed, I sit back down. I’m still trying to wrap my head around all of this. Vance is so macho and muscled that I never guessed that he’s gay. What are the chances?

  Blinking, I belatedly realize he’s wearing a gray sweater. Holy shit. He really is HotandHung. What do we do now? After all, we are neighbors. Do we continue to text, or do we end things? My mother would have a shit fit if she found out because it’s so wrong – not only am I gay, but I’m having an on-line affair with our neighbor. It’s like a soap opera.

  “Um, so what do we do?” I say nervously, twisting my hands in my lap.

  Vance is one hundred percent pure confidence.

  “Whatever you want, NeighborBoy. Things have been going great between us, but I would never try to force you into anything. Whatever makes you feel comfortable works for me,” he replies.

  God, I can’t even think straight right now. What were the chances of this happening? One in a million? I should get up and walk out, but he’s too gorgeous. Those blue eyes make my heart flutter, and that huge, muscular build calls to me. Oh my god, I have to go for it.

  “I like you a lot too,” I say, a little shy. He grins.

  “Alright then. How about we get to know each other in real life and leave ChatAttack behind?” he asks.

  “Um, sure,” I say, still feeling nervous. “So what do we do next?”

  Vance leans back, stretching one muscled arm casually across the back of the booth. Oh my god, he’s so hot. A male animal, relaxed and yet ready to play.

  “So have you lived in Milford your entire life?” he asks conversationally.

  I nod. “Yeah, we’ve been here since I was born. My mom went to high school here, and met my dad at Milford High. Where did you used to live before you moved to town?” I ask.

  He shrugs.

  “Some place out of state. It was a small town, so you’ve probably never heard of it before.”

  “Did you like it there?” I ask. Shit, I sound so dumb. I wonder if he can tell how nervous I am right now. I’m just lucky I’m not sweating bullets and becoming a walking waterfall. On ChatAttack I knew exactly what to say, but now that we’re here in person, the cat’s got my tongue and my mind is drawing a blank. He probably thinks I’m a huge dork. Quickly, my mind zooms to the first possible conclusion. Our first date is possibly going to be our last.

  But Vance is completely unfazed, and merely smiles lazily.

  “Let’s just say I couldn’t wait to get out of there,” he replies.

  I nod furiously.

  “I totally get what you mean. That’s how I feel. I get really good grades, but school’s a drag, which is probably why I don’t want to go to college. I’d rather live somewhere in a big city versus a small town, and definitely somewhere that’s at least an hour away from my mother,” I blurt out. Oh shit, now I’m rambling. I don’t think this date could get any worse. Feeling defeated, I sink into the booth cushion.

  “I’m glad to see your friend finally showed up,” a waitress says in a peppy voice by our side. “Can I start you two off with something to drink?”

  “Sure. I’ll have a Sprite,” Vance answers.

  “And you?” she asks as she turns toward me.

  “I’ll have the same,” I reply.

  “Great, two Sprites coming right up!” she says cheerfully while walking away.

  “Were you waiting long before I showed up?” I ask, suddenly curious.

  Vance shrugs.

  “Not that long. I probably waited about ten minutes. I was starting to think you weren’t going to show, to be honest. I’ve never met anyone on a dating app before.”

  The first genuine smile lights my face.

  “Me neither, but I wouldn’t have stood you up. That’s bad manners,” I say playfully.

  Vance grins too.

  “Well that’s good to hear,” he says while making eye contact. “You don’t have to be afraid around me, Jake. I want you to feel safe when you’re with me,” he says.

  My breath hitches in my throat. Is he for real? But his words wash over me in a comforting wave. Somehow, I know this man will always look out for me. He’s offering to be my anchor, and I know it’s a genuine gesture. Vance is a strong yet caring alpha male, and an amazing source of comfort … not to mention steam.

  Suddenly, the waitress appears again.

  “Here are your Sprites,” she says, placing two glasses onto the table. “Are you ready to order?”

  Vance chuckles.

  “Honestly sweetheart, I don’t think either of us have looked at the menu yet.” Even his laugh makes me feel warm inside.

  “Alright, I’ll give you two a moment to look it over,” she chirps. “Be quick!” With that, she disappears again.

  But once she’s out of earshot, our conversation catches fire.

  “It’s hard to take my eyes off you, sweetheart. God, you’re handsome,” Vance says as those piercing blue eyes lance through my heart. Instantly I turn crimson from his compliment. I look away. This is insane. I still can’t believe the man I’ve been crushing on for the last several months is the same exact guy I’ve been chatting online with. I don’t know much about fate, but it almost feels like we’re meant to be together. Finally, I turn back to him.

  “Thank you, Vance. I really appreciate that. I have to admit, this is insane though.”

  He shrugs, with a smile dancing about his lips.

  “What’s insane? The fact that I think you’re handsome? Or the fact that we met online?”

  My cheeks go red again.

  “Well, kind of both,” I stammer. “But I’m glad this has happened.”

  He chuckles.

  “Yeah, me too. You didn’t realize I was g
ay, did you?”

  I shake my head.

  “No, never in a million years. I mean, I saw all those women coming by your house and just kind of figured ….” My voice trails off.

  “That I’m straight?” he says with a lifted eyebrow.

  I laugh a little and grow red again.

  “Well, yeah. I mean, there were so many of them, and even my mom was part of the pack. Holy shit, that’s really embarrassing to admit.”

  Vance throws his head back and laughs, revealing a strong, bronzed throat. My heart thumps even as my cock stiffens.

  “Yeah, Elena’s really something, isn’t she?” he says humorously. “But I swear to you, Jake. I haven’t slept with any of them. I’m gay, so it’s not even an issue.”

  “Oh yeah, I didn’t mean to imply that you had,” I say quickly. “It’s just … you know, that’s part of the reason why this is all so surprising.”

  He nods, reflecting for a moment.

  “Well, what do you think about this?” he asks, gesturing to the air between us. I bite my lip. What do I say? Suddenly, I realize that the truth is the only way forwards.

  “Vance,” are my slow words. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you on-line. I mean, I think we really have a lot in common.”

  He nods.

  “I agree. We both love to read, and have seen just about every Marvel movie,” he says.

  “Yep, there’s the superhero thing,” I smile.

  He chuckles.

  “Yeah, I was pretty impressed by your Marvel Universe knowledge. I didn’t think guys your age were into comics seeing how your generation is full of social media addicts,” he jokes.

  I laugh too, more at ease now.

  “I’ll admit, I have spent hours mindlessly scrolling down my timeline and liking random photos.”

  He nods and smiles, revealing even white teeth. God, this man is so handsome that my heart flips over.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t judge,” he says. “We all have our guilty pleasures. I’ll admit something to you now, in fact. Don’t laugh, but I didn’t know what the hell I was doing when I created a profile on ChatAttack. I felt like an old geezer because I couldn’t figure the damn thing out,” he says with a bashful grin.

  Holy shit! This guy is so charming.

  “See, if you were more social media savvy you wouldn’t have had any trouble,” I giggle.

  “Very true, but for a guy who had no idea what he was doing, I sure did get lucky by finding you on there,” he says, suddenly serious. The butterflies in my stomach take flight again. Damn, this man sure does have a way with words. But I have to be honest.

  “Vance, I feel like I’m the lucky one,” I say in a low voice. After all, this man is insanely sexy, and although I’m good-looking, I’m far from being a model. Not only that, but I’m still a kid in high school, whereas he’s a desirable, gorgeous alpha male.

  But it seems that Vance sees things differently.

  “Trust me Jake, you’re one hell of a catch. The guys I used to date were all losers. They didn’t have the pure heart that you do, and they weren’t half as good looking,” he assures me.

  “You’re just saying that,” I utter while lowering my head. He reaches across the table and gently places a sculpted hand underneath my chin, raising it slightly.

  “No, I’m not. I mean every word of it,” he says in a serious tone. Suddenly, our waitress pops up again, breaking the spell.

  “Okay fellas, ready to order now?” she chirps. We both burst into laughter realizing that neither of us has looked at the menu once.

  “I’ll just take a regular cheeseburger with a side of fries,” Vance orders.

  “Yeah, me too,” I add.

  “Anything else?” she inquires while jotting down our order.

  “Nope, I think we’re good,” Vance says.

  “Okay, coming right up! I’ll be back with your order in just a few,” she says cheerfully.

  We both nod, and then she’s off again. Once we’re alone, Vance looks at me with those cerulean blue eyes, and my heart contracts. Oh my god. It feels like we’re the only two people in the restaurant, and that everyone else has faded into a fuzzy blur. All I can see is him, and he can’t take his eyes off me either. I’d give anything for one simple kiss right now, but we can’t. Not in front of this packed restaurant.

  Instead, we continue gazing at one another, unable to get enough. Is this really happening? Is the man of my dreams my neighbor next door? Is HotandHung truly the gorgeous Vance Raider? Because if this is really my life, then call me the happiest man on the planet.



  Vance pushes the exit door open as I trail behind his massive back. I can’t help but notice how all the women in the diner turn to look at my hunky neighbor as he strides through the restaurant. Hell, he looks better than the Double Cheeseburger Slam Deluxe, and ten times more tasty. But I have a secret. This man and I have an incredible connection, and not just that, but there’s a massive bulge in his pants and it’s all for me. He’s just as aroused as I am, so why hasn’t he tried to kiss me yet?

  The imprint in his jeans reminds me of the night I watched him stroke himself by the pool. I can still see his fully erect shaft whenever I close my eyes. Its size intimidates me, but I know he’d go slow. Just imagining my first time with him gets me hot and shaky. My knees literally weaken as I think of myself bent over in supplication to this man as he takes my back hole.

  But it’s important to stay real. Vance is a man of experience, and I’m a naïve virgin who’s not even out of the closet. I doubt we’ll be making love until the sun rises tonight. As a matter of fact, now that we’re in the parking lot, this is where we say goodbye for the evening.

  Digging into my pocket, I reach in and pull out my cell phone. “I’m gonna call a cab, so I guess this is goodnight,” is my mutter.

  “What? No, you don’t need to take a cab,” he replies. “I’ll just take you home. My car’s right over here.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I say, squirming a bit.

  “Why not?” he asks with a confused expression. “I think it’d be weirder if I didn’t give you a ride. You do live right next door.”

  But I continue to shake my head.

  “What if someone sees? Especially my mom. You know, she doesn’t know I’m gay, and us being together could raise suspicions,” I say.

  My gorgeous neighbor raises his eyebrow as he stares at me with his head tilted to the side. Vance seems to be unbothered by my worries. I hope he doesn’t think I’m ashamed of our relationship because it’s not that at all. Heck, we don’t even have a relationship when it comes down to it. It’s just that I’m not exactly ready to come out yet and I don’t think my mom is ready for it either. After all, Elena still thinks I’m chasing Sarah, that random girl I made up.

  “Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. It’s just a ride home, no biggie,” Vance says with a wry smile. “Besides, it makes sense that I would drive you home. You live right next door to me and it’s not like you have a car. I don’t think anyone will think twice about it.”

  He sounds so sure, but I’m still on the fence about riding home with him. I may not be out of the closet yet, but I can tell that some of my classmates already suspect. I mean, I’m not hiding my sexuality either. It’s more that I come off asexual, as opposed to a teenage boy who’s girl-crazy.

  Nor am I ashamed of being gay. It’s just I’m not ready to come out, and it’s hard to explain my hesitation. Dammit. What should I do? But then, as I stare up into Vance’s eyes, they make me go weak all over again, demolishing my hesitations.

  “Okay,” is my soft murmur. He grins.

  “Atta boy, let’s go then,” he says.

  Side by side, we walk to his car. I guess it’s harmless enough. I mean, I’m just catching a ride from my neighbor, so hopefully it doesn’t set off warning bells.

  As we reach his vehicle, he unlocks it and a chirp sounds out.
Like a gentleman, he pulls open the car door for me. “Thank you,” I say graciously. Wow, it’s like being a prince.

  “You’re welcome,” he replies with a knowing smile. Closing my door, Vance walks over to the driver side and gets in. He starts the car, and then pauses with his hands on the wheel, merely looking at me. That blue gaze consumes my heart, and immediately my temperature spikes.

  “Is it okay if I hold your hand?” he asks gently.

  My cheeks flare. I look around the parking lot but then nod slightly. No one can see us as we’re driving.

  “Yeah, I think I’d like that,” I say.

  Slowly, Vance reaches over before taking my hand in his large, square one. Oh wow, the connection feels really intimate even though it’s nothing more than holding hands. Somehow, the privacy of the car and that piercing blue gaze turns everything up about ten notches, and my breath’s taken away by his gentle caress.

  “Everything’s going to be fine, Jake,” he says. “Trust me on that, okay? Now let’s get you back home.”

  I squeeze his hand as we take off down the freeway. It’s a quiet drive, but still really comfortable. Vance flicks on some music, and we look at each other and smile, with our palms still interlocked. Is this the beginning of love? It definitely feels like it.

  But as we pull into our neighborhood, my anxiety level goes up and I release his grasp. I can’t let anyone see us being romantic with one another. It’s too soon and I’m literally hyperventilating a bit. I just hope Vance isn’t offended, and that I don’t seem like a moron.

  I glance over at my house as he pulls into his driveway. Fuck. My mother’s bedroom light is on, which means Elena’s home. Hopefully she doesn’t look out of the window and see me getting out of Vance’s car. She’ll definitely have a shitfit, even if I explain that we just met by chance at Burger Bistro. Elena’s like that.

  The rest of the neighborhood is dark and silent, thankfully. As he parks and turns the car off, I open the car door and leap out. I guess a goodnight kiss is out of the question. After all, I have to hurry and make it over to my lawn before my mom notices that I rode home with Vance.


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