Angel Among Sinners (The Garden Book 1)

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Angel Among Sinners (The Garden Book 1) Page 10

by Rachel Blake

  “Then what do you suggest we do?” James asked as he stood and started pacing the room.

  “Give him what he wants.” Embry pulled her chin from his grasp and turned to face the room once more. “It’s the only way we can buy some time.”

  “Just let you waltz into whatever venue he wants and hope you come back out the front door? I don’t think so.” Maverick crossed his arms over his chest as he sat back against the couch.

  “There’s no need to pout.” Eden rolled her eyes as she headed back to her vacated seat.

  Maverick’s eyes moved to the snickering woman in his lap. “Are you laughing at me, Angel?”

  “I only ever laugh with you, sir.”

  “You’re not allowed to use my words against me.” Maverick’s smile dashed his scolding tone to shreds.

  “Don’t listen to him.” Prim waved her hand through the air. “Using their words against them is one of the few joys we as subbies have.”

  “Brat.” Eden gave Prim’s hair a sharp tug. “As much as I hate to admit it, I have to agree with Embry.”

  “What?” both men demanded at the same time.

  “For the love of God.” Eden rolled her eyes. “I’m not suggesting we feed her to the wolves.”

  “No, just that we give her father access to her again.” Maverick felt the anger rising within him.

  “Let her talk, George,” Embry scolded lightly, not bothering to look back at him.

  “She would be protected,” Eden reassured.

  It was Prim’s turn to pipe in. “If you set it up for a couple of weeks from now, I can teach her some basic self-defense moves.”

  “She damn well better not need any self-defense moves,” Maverick growled.

  “It’s better for her to go in prepared and not need them than to not have the skill and end up needing them,” Prim argued.

  “It’s better for her not to do it at all,” he shot back.

  “There’s the problem,” Eden said, her voice weirdly calm for the heated conversation. “You’re looking out for her and her alone. There is nothing wrong with that, you’re not as invested in the safety of the other girls as you are Embry’s.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  Embry didn’t get any further in her protest before Maverick was silencing her, “No, she’s right, Angel. I’m selfishly only thinking of how this is going to affect you and not how this will possibly affect anyone else. Everyone has to be taken into account.”

  “If we push it out a couple of weeks, spring the date and location on him, so he doesn’t have time to scope it out, and get other precautions in place, we can keep her safe.” Eden turned to James, “What do you think? Public place during a busy time of day?”

  “If we send Prim with her, we’ll have that element of surprise if we need it.” James’ pacing slowed. “It can’t be too busy a place, or we run the risk of losing her in the crowd.”

  “So, a restaurant in the middle of the afternoon.” Maverick shifted in his seat. “I may know the perfect place, actually.”


  “Are you sure about this?” James’ voice was low as the two of them again gathered in the kitchen.

  Maverick shook his head, “No, I’m not sure about this at all, but I’m not being left with any choice here.”

  “You have a choice.”

  “No, I don’t. This is real life, man. I can’t just claim her and lock her in an ivory tower.”

  “Fuck, you’ve got it bad.”

  He spun on his friend. “Says the man in love with two women who refuse to confess their feelings for each other.”

  “Yeah, we all know I’m a mess, old news is old. But you being a mess over a girl is a new development.”

  “I know, and I don’t fucking like it.”

  James laughed. “Welcome to the club, man.”

  “I haven’t seen her in years. I shouldn’t have these feelings for her.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s not normal. You’re not supposed to harbor love for someone for that long.”

  “Says who?”

  Looking at his friend as if he had grown another head, Maverick shook his, “I’m pretty sure those women of yours have fucked with your mind.”

  “I know they have. Loving two women, neither of which want to be the first to confess love for the other, is daunting as fuck, but when they let their guards down, it’s the most beautiful thing in the world.”

  “Yeah, they’ve totally turned you into a girl.” James’ fist collided with his shoulder. “Son of a bitch.”

  “Still think they’ve turned me into a girl?”

  “I don’t know, I hear Prim has a pretty mean right hook.” He could do nothing to hold in the chuckle.

  “You think changing the subject is going to work on me?” James questioned. “Part of having two subs is learning the tricks of the trade, and let me tell you, them changing the subject on me was the first habit I nipped in the bud. So, why can’t you still love her?”

  “We’ve both changed. Hell, we grew the fuck up.”

  “Something tells me she was grown up long before you met her, man.”

  “Yeah, and by no choice of her own.” His hands went to his hair, raking through the locks roughly. “How in the hell did I not see it?”

  “That’s what this is about? The fact that your teenage self didn’t see what was so well hidden from the world? You’re going to have to forgive yourself.”

  “I should have known!” Maverick’s fist bounced off the counter.

  “You were a kid.”

  “So was she! I was her boyfriend. Fuck, do you know how many times I put my hands on her and she flinched, how many times I hurt her with a brush of my hand? She always just gave some lame excuse, but I should have known better.”

  “Why do you call her Angel?”


  James rolled his eyes. “I know you heard me. Why do you call her Angel?”

  “I always have.”

  “But why?”

  “Because she’s my ‘Angel.’ She saw past the skinny, pimply-faced kid.”

  “She saw the pain?”

  Maverick sat in silence for a few seconds, letting the memories flood his system. “She did. She figured out how much I was struggling, that I had actually thought of suicide, and she did everything in her power to stop me.” He allowed the smile playing on his lips to shine through. “For hours that night, she talked to me, listed off all the things she would miss about me and our friendship if I were to follow through with it. She even snuck out of her house and spent the night with me. Fuck, do you know how hard it is to think about how shitty your life is when you have a soft, warm ass nestled against your dick? That was the night she became ‘Angel,’ and we started dating a week later.”

  “She saved you.”


  “And you expect the love you had for her to just disappear?”

  “Fifteen years, man.”

  “Yeah, I get that, but I’ve seen the way you look at her. The love is there, even if the guilt has tried to overpower it.”

  “Guilt is what I should be feeling.”

  Prim’s voice sounded from the kitchen island, “Maybe you’re right, but make sure you don’t waste your time with the guilt. Feel it, deal with it, and move on. Don’t give it the power to exceed the love.”

  Chapter Eight

  “You have to bring the leg up higher.” Prim’s order was sharp and slightly irritated.

  “I’m trying,” Embry growled, annoyed and sore. “Shit! Do you know how hard it is to bring your leg up when it’s screaming at you to stop moving all together?”

  “I do actually, which is why I’m telling you to do it, anyway. Move. Your. Ass.”

  “My need to swear at you is getting stronger by the minute.”

  “Good, use that frustration to hit the damn pad.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Use the frustration.”

’m done.” Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Embry took a step back.

  “You’re not done. We’ve only been at it twenty minutes.”

  “In this session, yeah, but what about the round this morning before work? Or the one last night? I’m tired.”

  “You agreed to this, Em. You told them you would learn the basics, learn how to throw a damn punch.”

  “I can throw a punch. I just spent the last twenty minutes showing you exactly that.”

  “You only have a week left before you have the meetup with your father. We can’t dick around. You need all the advantages you can get in that small amount of time.”

  “I’ll have no advantage if I can’t move.”

  “Continuing to move will help you with the muscle pain.”

  “So, torturing myself further will make the torture less painful. Sounds like something they came up with to torture people.”

  “Fuck, I hope your smart-ass mouth gets you some attention soon because you’re sure as hell asking for it.”

  “I’m not asking for anything other than to be given a breather.”

  “I gave you breaks on the second day when you were the sorest. We can’t afford any more breaks.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to learn to compromise.”

  “I will not compromise on this.” Prim threw the pads down, frustration clear in every part of her body as she crouched next to her friend. “You’re asking me to take it easy on you, and I learned a long time ago, going easy on someone is never a good idea. So, I’ll tell you what, you can sit there for as long as you want, but for every minute you sit there, I’m tacking more time on to your workout.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “And neither is wasting my time. When you’re ready to go again, I’ll be in the back.”

  Embry looked at Prim’s retreating back, happy she was too tired to move, or she’d be tempted to throw something at her head. Mumbling to herself, she pounded the side of her gloved fist against the mat covered floor. “All I wanted was a fucking break. Is that so goddamned hard to understand?”

  “For her, it is.”

  “Shit, Nala, you scared the hell out of me.” Embry looked at the gorgeous woman in front of her, she was a few years younger than herself with long blonde hair tied up into a messy bun at the top of her head. “If you’re the session after me, I’m sorry in advance for the mood I’ve put her in.”

  “No, I was actually looking for Parker, but I’ve come up empty-handed again.” She fidgeted for a few moments before squaring her shoulders and facing Embry, “She won’t go easy on you, Em. She learned the hard way, doing so does no one any favors.”

  “My muscles disagree with you.”

  “And her experience disagrees with that statement. Look, this isn’t my place, but if it gets you to lay off her a little, I’m willing to take the chance she’ll kick my ass.”

  “What are you talking about??”

  Waving her off, Nala continued, “The last time she went easy on training someone, they were attacked. Wound up in the hospital and nearly died.”

  “Shit.” Finally convincing her legs to do as they were told, Embry stood.

  “She doesn’t take it easy on anyone because she has seen the consequences of doing just that.”

  “Thank you, Nala, you can go now.”

  The sound of Eden’s voice had the two of them spinning to face the door, Embry’s hand going to her chest. “Shit, does everyone have super ninja sneak powers around here?”

  “If you’re on the streets long enough, it becomes a requirement.” Eden nodded toward the door. “Thank you, Nala, and if you see Parker, tell him he’s late for his shift.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Giving a short wave to Embry, Nala slipped through the door and headed down the street.

  “Did Prim call you?”

  Eden arched a brow, her face set in a grim line. “It looks like she should have. Want to tell me what’s going on?”

  “Not really.”

  “I’m getting tired of you not answering my questions, Em. I have obviously not made it clear enough to you, answering my questions is not optional, so let me rephrase. Tell me what’s going on.”

  “I feel like you already know what’s happening.”

  “It’s my job to know, but I am asking you, anyway.”

  “I need a break. She’s working me too hard.”

  “Too hard? Is she causing damage, harming you in any way? Do I need to have a conversation with her on how we treat people?”

  “Of course not.” Embry shook her head vigorously. “I just needed a break.”

  “Were you feeling ill, having difficulty breathing?”

  “Those aren’t the only reasons people need breaks.”

  “Why did you need a break, Em?”

  “I’m tired, and my muscles are screaming at me every time I move.”

  Eden arched her brow. “You’re training your body, that’s all part of the process.”

  “I just needed a few minutes, okay? Just enough time to catch my breath and wipe the sweat from my brow. I didn’t even take my gloves off. Shit, I needed her to slow down a little.”

  “You are meeting up with the man who abused you for years of your life in less than a week, and you want her to take it easy on you? That’s not going to happen.”

  “We’ll be in a public place. He won’t attack me where anyone can see; his image is far too important for that.”

  “And if he somehow manages to make it, so it’s just the two of you in the dining room? Then what? Are you going to be thankful for those breaks in your training then?”

  “Prim is coming with me, there’s no way in hell she’s going to leave my side. You know that.” Embry undid and pulled her hands from her gloves, the sweat-dampened skin chilling in the air-conditioned room.

  “And if the choice is taken out of her hands?”

  “Eden.” Prim’s scold was sharp. “You’re not going to make my job any easier by scaring her.”

  “And you’re not making it any easier by allowing her to ‘take it easy,’” Eden shot back.

  Prim stood tall against their boss. “This is my part of the business, remember? You don’t get to question my choices here.”

  “This is still my business, Primly. I’m still the person responsible for every single person in my employ,” Eden calmly pointed out.

  “You’re right,” Prim conceded. “But this is mine. I’m the one trained in all things self-defense. I’m the certified personal trainer. It’s my decision on how I handle the way people behave in my studio.”

  “By letting them do as they please, despite the consequences?” Eden questioned.

  “Guys—” Embry tried to cut in, but it did no good.

  “You don’t have to remind me what happens when I’m not good enough at my job, trust me, it’s a fact I’m well aware of.” Prim shot back.

  Softening, Eden took a step toward her lover, reaching out for her, only to be rejected when she stepped back. “That’s not what I meant, Primly. I swear it.”

  “Well, it sure as hell felt like it.” Prim swung her arm out to gesture to Embry. “She knew the longer she sat there, the longer she was going to be working with me. I didn’t need you to interfere. I had it handled and was giving her the time she needed to make the right decision.”

  “You’re right, I should have trusted in your abilities. I’m sorry I questioned you.”

  Did Eden actually look sheepish? Shaking the thought from her head, Embry spoke again, “Guys, there’s a cop here.” She pointed to the door and the officer adorned in blue.

  “Ladies.” The solemn-looking officer took off his headcover and looked at his feet for a second before looking at the three of them once again. “I’m looking for an Eden Lancaster and Primly Hall.”

  Eden was the first to speak. “Anything you have to say to those women, you can take up with our attorney.”

  “No, ma’am, it’s nothing like that. I…” The of
ficer fumbled with his words before taking a deep breath. “Am I to assume the two of you are who I’m looking for?”

  Eden and Prim looked at each other for a second before Eden spoke again, “I’m Eden Lancaster.”

  Nodding, the officer continued, “The emergency contact to one, Violet Wedge?”

  “Secondary emergency contact, yes. Is she in trouble? If that’s the case, I demand to know why she hasn’t been given her one phone call, and why you didn’t contact her husband.”

  Somehow unphased by Eden’s outburst, the cop turned to Prim. “Primly Hall?”


  Embry stepped up to the other women. She wasn’t sure what made her do it, but something told her they would be needing her support.

  “There was an assault. I need the two of you to come with me, please.”

  “Why the two of us?” Eden questioned, not moving an inch.

  “Ms. Wedge and Mr. Hall were assaulted this evening.”

  At his words, Prim went still. It didn’t even look like she was breathing.

  “Prim?” Embry took her roommate’s hand.

  “What do you mean an assault? Are they okay?” Eden demanded, not moving from where she stood, even though the officer had started to turn toward the door.

  “Ma’am, I don’t have any of that information. I’m simply here to take you to the hospital.” The officer gestured to the door. “If you would follow me, my car is right outside. We need to hurry.”

  When Prim took a step, her legs gave out from under her, forcing her to land hard on her knees.

  Embry wasn’t sure if the tears started before she fell or as a result of the fall, but either way, her roommate was now a sobbing heap on the floor. “Prim? Primly, you need to get up. Your son needs you right now. You have to get up and get into the car.”

  “I can’t lose him.” Prim looked right past Embry to the woman standing behind her. “I can’t lose him, E.”

  In an instant, Eden was on the floor next to them, taking Prim’s hands in her own. “You are not going to lose him. He’s too strong for that shit, and you know it. We raised that boy, if he can survive the two of us raising him, he can survive anything.”


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