Demonicus (Overworld Underground Book 2)

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Demonicus (Overworld Underground Book 2) Page 19

by John Corwin

  He simply nodded to each of us and said, "I'll be in touch." With that, he climbed into his car and drove away.

  Tyler took my hand, opened the pedestrian gate, and led me into the lift and upstairs. "You and your mother are like oil and fire, aren't you?"

  "Whatever made you think that?"

  He chuckled. "I didn't really see it until tonight."

  "Yes, well, I suppose we're too much alike." I tugged off my clothes and slipped into one of Tyler's T-shirts.

  He pressed me to him and kissed the top of my head. "Do you feel like you have to make her proud of you?"

  I drew in his scent and snuggled my head against his chest. "Sometimes, I just want her to tell me that I did something right. Instead, she always points out what I did wrong."

  "I don't think that's true." Tyler lifted my chin and kissed me. "I'm pretty sure she complimented you at least once today. Maybe you tune into the negative too much."

  "Maybe." I was willing to concede that small point. I really couldn't remember if Victoria had given me praise today or not. "On the bright side, we caught two of your tormentors."

  A broad grin stretched his lovely lips. "Now we just have figure out when Barboar finds another host."

  "I wish I hadn't killed him." I sighed. "Now it'll be doubly difficult to track find him again."

  "Maybe." He traced a finger down my cheek. "Maybe Barboar will be compelled to join Karak's army when he finds another host."

  I hadn't really considered that, but it made perfect sense. "What do you suppose Karak and Abaddon intend to do?"

  Tyler bit his lip. "I'm not sure. Even with all those souls sustaining them, the mortal plane still holds a lot of risk for a demon lord. Domathus must have some ultimate goal in mind, but whatever it is, I don't know."

  "Would he be after wealth or power?"

  "Demon lords are always after power, but not the kind of earthly power men enjoy." He kissed my cheek and let me go so he could remove his shirt.

  "The lesser demons like Barboar do enjoy earthly power, though," I said.

  He nodded.

  "Could a lesser demon become a demon lord?"

  Tyler ran a hand down his chiseled abs. "You know, I'm not that familiar with how it works. Some demons have an insatiable lust for spiritual power, while others like myself don't care so much."

  I couldn't stop staring at his lovely muscles. "Are the lustful ones caustic spirits?"

  "As far as I know, yes." He tossed his shirt into the hamper. "Until Zuba classified the different types of spirits, I didn't even realize there was much variety. I just figured we were all identical except for the amount of power we accrued. I thought our colors had to do with power and not compatibility with mortals." His lips curled up. "I feel like I've got a new perspective on life, you know? I feel like I belong."

  I ran a hand along his chest. "Maybe you're not really a demon but something else."

  Tyler pulled me against him. "The only thing that matters to me is you."

  "Aww." I kissed him. "You're such a sweet talker."

  "Thank you, Em."

  I leaned back. "For what?"

  "After Barboar, I couldn't stop questioning myself." He ran a hand through my hair and gazed at me adoringly. "I thought maybe I was just as bad, that maybe my good phase was something temporary." His jade eyes locked onto mine. "You made me realize how wrong I was."

  "I believe in you, Tyler." I pressed his hand to my cheek. "I love you."

  "Without you, I wouldn't be the person I am now." He leaned down and hugged me. "You make me feel complete."

  I felt tears burning my eyes and knew with all my heart he made me feel the same way. I never wanted us to be apart.

  The next day at work seemed surreal. I had to sneak through a back door with the help of Jack to avoid the media lurking in the front of the building. Investigating who might be trying to destroy Tyler's business issues seemed trivial in comparison to the demonic menaces lurking in the city.

  But it's still important.

  "I planted more fake programs on my computer," Jack said. "Including a virus that will infect any computers used to open it." He took a sip of coffee and leaned back in the chair across from my desk.

  "Mhm," I said absent-mindedly.

  Jack raised an eyebrow. "Something on your mind?"

  I shook myself from my musings and leaned forward. "I'm sorry. Late night. What were you saying about a virus?"

  "I said, it will infect the host computer and send me information."

  This piqued my interest. "We can spy on their computers?"

  "Yep." Jack looked pretty pleased with himself.

  I couldn't blame him. "Brilliant! Maybe we can track down the source of the cretins." Tyler's original assertion that Barboar and his gang were the culprits seemed less likely after witnessing how Karak ordered them about. They likely had little time for corporate espionage. That meant our instincts about someone like Brandon or Arianna seemed spot on.

  Jack stood and stretched. "I'll let you know if anything happens. In the meantime, I've been doing the real work on my personal laptop."

  "Excellent. Just don't let Hinkle or Jones see you doing it."

  "I know." He grinned. "I've been using your old office as a hideout." He left and closed the door behind him, leaving me with my thoughts and little else to do.

  Kevin and the other salespeople were out making the rounds, trying to woo new clients. I tried to focus on something productive, but a series of jaw-cracking yawns made me want to do nothing more than take a nap.

  The day passed slowly, but I managed to make a few calls and set up some sales meetings for Kevin. I even tried my hand at espionage by keeping an eye on Jones and Hinkle. They seemed nervous, but didn't engage in another secret rendezvous.

  George sent me a text as I prepared to leave the office. Our guests are in the Templar holding facility. Zuba tells me the most efficient way to banish them is with the aid of a Daemos.

  The thought of using the services of a demon spawn intrigued and sent a twinge of anxiety spiraling into my stomach. When can we do it?

  George replied a moment later. I spoke with one who is willing. Will send you more information when I have it.

  I sneaked out of the building the way I'd come in and Joe delivered me safely back to Tyler's condo. While I waited for Tyler, I read the news on my phone. The investigation into the massacre at my apartment was still top news, and Tyler's name was on the lips of every reporter. Detective Long was quoted as saying, "We have mounting evidence pointing to a perpetrator and will make an announcement soon."

  That sent a cold chill through my heart.

  Tyler seemed to be his sole focus if my interrogation was anything to go by. I wondered if soon we might have police knocking on our door.

  Chapter 21

  When Tyler arrived, we had a quick bite to eat and returned to the Grotto for orientation, this time in a conventional car—though nothing else about the mystical place was the least bit conventional.

  "Today we will learn about the Overworld Conclave and how it affects you," Desmond informed us once everyone was seated in the auditorium. He proceeded to show us an educational movie entitled, "The Overworld and You."

  It was a long boring affair, explaining how vampires, Daemos, Arcanes, and other supers came together to protect the common good and keep their presence secret from the noms, as they repeatedly called our normal kin.

  I found myself nodding off as a vampire in the movie explained how they were careful to keep their prey healthy, happy, and most importantly, clueless.

  "I don't suspect they ever met Stephen," I whispered to Tyler. That vampire had wanted me dead.

  Tyler chuckled. "I'm sure there are plenty of others like him."

  "Desmond hasn't mentioned the vampire war in Colombia." I pursed my lips and looked at our robed teacher. "I wonder if he even knows."

  Desmond concluded the class with instructions to meet the next day—as if we didn't know
—and departed before I could corner him and ask him about the mysterious person with similar powers to mine he'd met in the Fairy Garden.

  Angela and her friends, however, quickly surrounded us before we could leave, and I remembered my promise to her.

  Once again, they gazed adoringly at Tyler and I had to take Angela by the arm and lead her away. I took her into the hallway and put a hand on her shoulder.

  "Are you certain you don't want to be a vampire?" Never in my life had I thought I'd ask someone such a question.

  She nodded rapidly. "Oh, yes, very certain. It really sucks when I look at my friends and can't think about anything but drinking their blood."

  Already, I felt the parasitic cold inside her and couldn't help but grimace in disgust. "Okay. This will take a moment."

  She tensed. "Will it hurt?"

  "I don't think so, but you might feel weak afterward."

  A tear pooled in her eye. "I'm ready."

  "Okay. Let me concentrate." I opened my senses and touched her waist with both hands. Before long, the squirming cold became palpable. Gripping the invisible thing with my hands, I slowly slid it out of her.

  She shrieked at the sight of the glowing white creature in my hands, stumbled, and fell as if her knees had grown too weak to support her. A rasping breath rattled from her throat and she clutched her stomach. Face so pale it had an almost greenish cast, she retched up a puddle of saliva.

  The parasite thing dissolved in my hands, vanishing into the ether, leaving a cold wet feeling on my palms. I wiped them on my jeans and knelt next to her.

  "Are you okay, Angela?"

  She didn't speak for several seconds then finally nodded. "I felt terrible at first, but now I feel better." She touched her teeth, as if expecting to find fangs then smiled. "It's gone! I'm normal again!" Angela gripped me in a tight hug and squealed. "Thank you so much, Emily." Tears ran down her cheeks.

  I helped her stand and brushed a bit of dust from her dress. "Remember, don't tell anyone. This is our secret."

  Her eyes widened. "How will I explain to my friends that I'm not a vampire anymore?"

  I shrugged. "Tell them an Arcane fixed you. I don't care, just don't tell them about me."

  Angela hugged me again and whispered in my ear. "I won't. We're BFFs forever, now."

  "Of course." I doubted I'd ever see her again after the class and hoped she could keep my secret.

  We returned into the auditorium to find her friends swooning over Tyler as he regaled them with a story about running a business. It was a dry subject, but the girls didn't seem to care, so long as they could watch him talk. He stopped talking midsentence when he saw me walking toward him. The girls looked back at me, jealousy plain on their faces. Knowing this gorgeous man had eyes only for me made me feel special indeed.

  The girls suddenly noticed Angela and seemed confused.

  "Where did you go?" one asked.

  "Just talked to Emily for a little bit about how to tell my parents I'm a vampire." Angela sighed. "I'm going to see an Arcane doctor soon. I heard it might be possible to fix me."

  "Oh, really?" The other girl clapped her hands with delight. "That would be so awesome."

  The other one chimed in. "Yeah, and you won't try to suck our blood anymore."

  Tyler took my arm and led me away after I wished the girls a good evening.

  "Enjoying the adoration of the ladies?" I asked.

  His wolfish grin made an appearance. "Your adoration is all that matters to me." Tyler pecked a kiss on my nose. "Speaking of which, how did it go?"

  "Rather well, if I do say so myself." We climbed into his car, an ordinary sedan the reporters hopefully wouldn't notice, and left.

  "I just want you to know I admire you for helping that girl." Tyler stopped at a traffic light and rubbed a hand on my thigh. "You're a good person, Em."

  I felt a blush creeping up my neck. "I try to be."

  "I could tell from the look in her eyes, you just saved her life." He accelerated and turned onto the street to the condo. "I can't imagine how different my life would be without you."

  "Yes, well, hopefully she learned a valuable life lesson." Tyler's praise made me feel giddy. I wondered if it was because of all the negativity from my mother, or perhaps I was simply an attention whore.

  The media still stood watch over the entrance of the Gregorian, though there were fewer than earlier. Some of them tried to peer into the windows of the car but were thwarted by the dark tint.

  I sniffed. "I wish they'd bugger off and bother someone else."

  "They'll get tired of it sooner or later," he assured me.

  I noticed two official-looking sedans parked in front, and put a hand on Tyler's wrist. "Those look like unmarked police cars."

  He stopped the car at the corner of the building where the driveway curled around to the rear parking deck. "I saw the news. Detective Long seemed convinced he was close to an arrest."

  "What if he's after you?"

  "He doesn't have any hard evidence." Tyler pressed his lips together. "Then again, he seemed ready to railroad me no matter what."

  "We shouldn't go in. What if they're waiting for you?"

  Tyler drove around the back of the building where two more similar cars waited. He slapped the steering wheel. "Son of a—we need to get out of here." He made a right turn into the guest parking lot and stopped. "I don't understand what this Detective Long means to do. Unless he fabricated evidence, he doesn't have a case."

  For some reason, it suddenly made perfect sense to me. "This must be related to the problems with your companies. What if this public relations nightmare is all some ploy to destroy your reputation? I remember seeing an unmarked police car in the guest parking lot even before the first time we met Detective Long. Remember how he went out of his way to investigate the gunshot?"

  It didn't take Tyler long to connect the dots. "This must be their end game."

  I took out my phone and browsed to a news site. Officials Close to an Arrest read the headline of the top story. I read it aloud. "Though no official announcement has been made, the lead investigator, Detective Long, appeared at the residence of Tyler Rock this evening. Reliable sources believe he is the target of this investigation." Anger swelled inside me. "This man is out to ruin you."

  Tyler shook his head. "No, he's only a pawn. I'm sure if he arrests me, they'd hold me as long as they could before announcing a lack of evidence."

  "He's already damaged your reputation."

  "Seeing me arrested on live television would put a nail in the coffin." He growled deep in his throat. "Even if I was vindicated, it would take months to recover from the fallout."

  "What do we do?"

  "We go where they can't find us." He backed the car out of the parking lot and slowly drove back around the building and to the street.

  Tension knotted my stomach. I waited for someone to shout at us, or for police cars to surround us at any moment. Thankfully, a sporty red Bentley pulled into the drive at that moment and drew away the gazes of the reporters.

  We pulled into the street and drove away.

  "Where won't they find us?" I asked. "The Grotto?"

  "Seems like the best place."

  An idea brightened in my mind. "I know who to ask." I called George.

  "Yes, Miss Glass?" His voice sounded calm as ever.

  I explained our troubles with the law and finished with a question. "Where can we stay?"

  "This is very troubling," he said, not sounding the least bit troubled. "Who do you think is targeting you?"

  "At first I thought it might be my former associates," Tyler said. "Now I think it might be unrelated to our demon problems."

  "Well, we certainly can't have the mortal authorities arresting citizens of the Overworld."

  George's statement surprised me. "We're citizens of the Overworld now?"

  "Of course, Miss Glass." He sounded certain. "You both have supernatural attributes, and thus are subject to our laws.

  "So the Custodians can help us?" I asked.

  "Our main purpose is to cover up scandals perpetrated by supernaturals, though in this case, it sounds as though you are the victims." He paused. "Unfortunately, with resources spread so thin, we can't afford to do much at the moment."

  "Lovely." I sighed. "Considering that hell is literally being unleashed on Earth right now, I'd say it's high time you hired more people, Agent Walker."

  "Agreed, but that takes time. In the meantime, I will find you suitable accommodations to conceal you from the authorities." He said nothing for a moment and then continued. "Come to the Templar compound. I'll meet you there and discuss the options."

  "Address?" Tyler asked.

  "I will text it to you." He ended the call and forwarded the address. I entered it into the navigation system and pulled up directions.

  Tyler laughed. "Fugitives again, huh, Em?"

  I groaned. "When does it ever stop?"

  "Sometimes being rich and powerful is a real pain in the ass." He shook his head. "Maybe we should just sell everything and travel the world."

  I leaned against his shoulder. "That sounds pretty wonderful. No more demons, no more corporate worries. Just you, me, and wherever we find ourselves."

  Tyler glanced at me. "Would you be happy living like that?"

  "Are you kidding?" I giggled. "It sounds heavenly."

  "Hmm." He stared at the road ahead. Nodded. "I'll talk to the accountants at my holdings company and see what they think we could squeeze out of everything."

  "Do you think it's safe to go to work with the police looking for you?"

  He shrugged. "I'll just call my people. I think we could get a few hundred million out of my enterprises. It might take some time to sell everything, but that shouldn't be a problem."

  I thought of Jack and the others. "Could you keep OnTech? I really think your business model there will work, and I'd hate to see them soaked up by another big corporation."

  "Sure. Maybe they can turn things around." Tyler looked at the car's navigation screen and took a left.

  I studied him for a moment. "Are you certain you won't miss being a big-time businessman?"


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