19 Revenge for the Scorpion

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19 Revenge for the Scorpion Page 6

by Cindy Combs

  "I can't handle having both of them in danger," Mac softly stated. "Especially considering Ian."

  "Your boys are close, Mac. Sam's not going to get left behind with Blair in trouble."


  Jack studied him. "This isn't something to do on your own, either. You've got to let us help."


  Back up front, Cory felt his own blood pressure rise at his mentor's unconvinced voice. He quietly reached for his laptop case.

  * * *

  It was hot and dark in the back of the van. With his hands and feet chained to a hook in the floor, there wasn't much Blair could do. He braced himself the best he could in order to weather the bumps and turns, but his mind was not focused on the ride. As his nausea diminished, his anger increased.

  He had been abducted again. AGAIN. Good grief, he wasn't some wimpy little college student anymore. He was a full fledged police detective who had taken down some of the biggest, baddest criminals in the city. He even carried a gun now. How in the hell did he get abducted again?

  Okay, he was a sucker for a pretty face. Guess Jim was right about his love life. Man, he really liked this one, too. Why did she have to be a psycho? Okay, that was probably too harsh. The sophistication of the bugs indicated that she wasn't any crazy person. Her intelligence was one of the things he'd liked about her. Surely the sweet woman he had been falling in love with wasn't all an act. Perhaps if he had a chance to talk with her, he could settle it without anyone getting hurt.

  That was the one thing that did not make any sense. His father didn't just kill people. MacGyver hated guns, hated violence, hated killing even more than Blair with his flower child upbringing. Mac wouldn't just kill someone, especially a woman, in cold blood. There were only two possibilities that came to mind. Blair didn't know the details of what his father did for the DXS, but he did know that Mac was a legendary bomb expert. Could the sister have been 'collateral damage'? Yet even that seemed hard to believe, since Mac was the very definition of careful. That left the possibility that the sister wasn't so innocent. It wasn't that much of a reach, considering Diana had just kidnapped him. However, he still had a hard time believing that MacGyver would ever deliberately kill someone, even if she was evil. To be responsible for any death would tear up his father.

  Had she contacted him yet? There was no doubt in his mind that MacGyver would come for him, no matter what the danger. Did Jim know? Jim would at least keep Mac from doing something stupid, probably by doing something stupid himself. Which meant Blair had to escape and contact them before either could do something stupid. He just had to force down his anger and wait for his opportunity.

  After all, it could have been worse. She could have gone after Sam.

  * * *

  Jack was signing the paperwork for the car, Sam was helping Ian with the drinking fountain and Cory was conversing over his cell phone. While everyone was occupied, MacGyver's cell phone rang. Not recognizing the number, Mac stepped back into a corner and answered.

  "So, do you remember Deborah?" A snide voice with a strong New Jersey accent sneered.

  "I've never forgotten Deborah," Mac replied honestly. "How's my son?"

  "Well, I think he's still mad at me, but he's contained."

  Mac barely held back his relief. Present tense and his emotional state hinted that Blair was alive. He could hear grinding engine noises in the background. Must be on a back road. "What do you want?"

  "You. Alone. You will find directions in the Yellow Pages of the pay phone behind a Kum 'N Go at the intersection of Highway 5 and Sounder Road. Be there in two hours." The phone call ended.

  Mac leaned his head against the nearby wall. It would take them an hour to drive to Cascade, perhaps twenty minutes for him to slip out of the police station, leaving forty to drive to the remote intersection. It would be tight, but he could do it.

  "You okay, Mac?"

  MacGyver straightened to stare into Cory's worried eyes. "I'm hanging."

  "Who was on the phone? Jim?"

  Inwardly breathing a sigh of relief that the sentinel didn't suspect, Mac waved it off. "Nothing important. We ready to book?"

  Cory studied him a moment, then reached over to squeeze his mentor's shoulder, near the collar of his jacket. "Yeah, we're ready.

  * * *

  Police Headquarters, Cascade, WA

  Jim could feel the headache growing behind his eyes. His guide was in danger, and his instincts demanded that he leave the building and search his territory. Unfortunately, the Cascade PD didn't see it that way. Simon had pointed out that he was too close to the situation. Rafe and Brown were coordinating the search while Joel was checking out Blair's abandoned car. All Jim was allowed to do was sit in his chair and stare across at Blair's desk.

  Lifting his head, he could see Simon in his office, arguing with the new Chief of Police. The chief wanted to pull not just Jim but the entire Major Crime off the case. He already had several members on his newly formed 'Victim's Unit' going through Jim and Blair's old case files.

  Jim snorted to himself. The VU was an effort to appear more politically correct to the community. It was bad enough that the Chief ignored the highly effective Major Crimes department in favor of his new unit. Add in that the VU members were chosen according to appearance and connections rather than actual talent, it became a recipe for disaster. Major Crime not only felt slighted, but rolled their eyes at the ineptness of the investigators. Even Blair claimed they were so full of pop psychology they couldn't tell the difference between the victim and the criminal. Just the fact that they were searching through the partners' ever growing list of enemies and ignoring the obvious lead to Blair's father was poor detective work, in Jim's considerable opinion. On the other hand, Jim was willing to let them continue their wild goose chase. It kept the idiots out of his way.

  Glancing at the clock, he watched as Rhonda got a phone call. After she had left the room, he quietly walked over to the fax machine behind her desk. Right on time, it started to spit out Phoenix documents. Nikki Carpenter was still as efficient as ever. Jim was grimly satisfied beneath his hard face. He tucked the pages into an empty file folder from Rhonda's desk. Quietly picking up another folder from his desk, he walked to the break room.

  Thirty minutes later, Jim was seething. Nikki had been thorough, including not only the Phoenix personnel's reports on Deborah's attempt to 'negotiate' with MacGyver the first time, but also included the police reports and Pete's notes of Deborah's second attempt at Mac. It angered Jim to see how Deborah had utilized Mac's character to manipulate him. Reading between the lines, he could easily guess how much the woman's betrayal and death had hurt his friend. It chilled him to realize that similar tactics had been employed by the new woman to get close to Blair. While Mac's scientific mind and loner status had been the key to getting close to the father, Blair's love of other cultures and eye for pretty women had been the foothold to the son.

  He glanced at the last page, listing Deborah's parents as deceased, but indicating that she had a much younger sister who would be in her late twenties now. Nikki noted that they were looking for background into the sister, but she seemed to have disappeared soon after Deborah's death. "Probably plotting revenge," Jim muttered to himself.

  "Got something?"

  Jim looked up to see Joel gazing at him sympathetically. Jim quietly pointed out, "I'm off the case."

  Joel snorted. "Yeah, right, like you're just going to sit here while Blair's missing. You're waiting for Mac and the others to get here from Colorado." He pulled another chair out to sit next to him. "What have you got?"

  Jim pushed the folder and its contents to Joel. Joel quickly read, frowning. "This is the woman Mac ticked off?"

  "Yeah. Sounds like a real piece of work."

  "And the kid sister disappeared? You wanna bet she took up the family line of work?"

  "No bet." Jim pulled out a picture from the New York folder and laid it next to the picture Nikki had sent of D
eborah. The resemblance between the two was unmistakable. "Same long face and slightly square chin. Facial structure around the eyes and nose is very similar. Hair and eye color don't match, but--"

  "She could have changed those for each job," Joel commented.

  "What did you find out with the Cobra?"

  Joel sighed. "Not much. Forensics is going over it now, but Serena guessed she'd wiped it down thoroughly. It did look like someone had been sick next to it. Serena's running the samples through now."

  "Any blood?"


  Jim breathed out. "That's something."

  "So this is where you disappeared to," Henri commented as he walked into the break room.

  Jim tilted his head back towards their bull pen. "The Mod Squad having any luck?"

  Henri rolled his eyes. "Right now they think maybe Lash came back. Rafe and I keep waiting for them to hit the part where you blew him away when you caught him, but they can't seem to read that far."

  Joel shook his head. "While they're chasing after ghosts, Blair's being held by a mad woman." He looked at Jim. "When's Mac due in?"

  Jim glanced at his watch. "About twenty minutes."

  Stirring his coffee, Henri promised, "We'll find him, Jim."

  "The key is Mac," Jim pointed out. "She's bound to contact him sooner or later." He suddenly stood up.

  Rafe stepped in, Amanda following in his wake. The younger man gave her a sad smile. "Our conference room away from official channels."

  Amanda threw him a 'thank you' as she stepped into Jim's arms. Knowing when to make an exit, the other three detectives slipped out, Joel taking the folders Jim had been studying.

  After a long hug, Amanda pulled back. "Any word?"

  Jim shook his head carefully. While his headache had gradually retreated into the background during the hug, he could tell it was still ready to pounce back.

  Amanda must have read something of his pain in his face. She gently ran the back of her hand along his cheek. "Oh Love, I'm so sorry. Anything I can do?"

  Jim gave her a weak smile. "Agreeing to take Ian is a big help. Things could get rough, and I'd like to keep the little guy out of the line of fire."

  "No problem. I love children." Amanda sighed. "And I am sorry for not taking your concerns about Blair's girlfriend seriously. Next one, I'll bring the chair and bright light if you bring the whips and chains."

  A slight smirk crossed Jim's face as he pulled her in for another hug. "Deal."

  * * *

  Cascade National Forest

  The van finally pulled to a stop. Blair heard the engine shut off. It was show time. Diana swung the back door of the van wide open. Blair just glared at her. She shook her head mockingly. "Still mad at me?"

  Blair took a deep breath to keep from exploding. "Let's see, you drug me, abduct me, chain me up in the back of a van so I get to slide around with each bump and curve? Oh yeah, I'm still mad."

  After a dramatic shrug, Diana pointed a gun at him. "My first plan was much better." She leaned forward to unlock the cuffs around his ankles, still holding the gun at his chest. "We were going to make long, delicious love while your father worried himself sick, wondering where you were. But you had to find the bugs." She stood back. "Now you're just going to have make due with plan B." She waved for him to get out of the van.

  "And what exactly is plan B?" Blair inquired as he scooted across the metal. He slid out, thankful his legs were steady enough to hold him.

  "Why, you get to be my prisoner while we wait for your father." Blair held himself still as she ran a hand down his cheek. "I haven't decided what to do with you yet."

  "And Mac?"

  "Oh, that's going to be much more fun for me than him. A couple of bits of poetic justice, in fact. Now follow the path down there."

  Blair walked down the path, studying as much of the forest surrounding him as possible. The trail was overgrown and difficult to follow in spots, indicating it was little used. He couldn't hear any noises associated with other humans. Feelings of isolation grew from his gut. He was also well aware of the gun aimed at the small of his back. He estimated they had hiked over a mile before a cabin appeared through the trees and brush.

  As he stepped across the threshold, he had to admit it was a nice cabin. There was a small kitchen near a large fireplace. Comfortable couch and chairs faced the fireplace, while a small desk and chair faced a wall near a door. Diana pushed him towards the door. Blair stumbled, briefly bumping into the desk and rattling the pencil holder. Diana only rolled her eyes and shoved him again. A large bed broke his fall. Blair rolled over so he could face her.

  "Best get comfy. You're going to be here for a while," she told him as she closed the door.

  Blair held his breath as he listened to her lock the door and walk through the cabin. The room only contained the bed, an unlit candle, and a small dresser. The single window had a heavy shutter over it, limiting the light. Slipping over to the window, Blair could barely see Diana exit the cabin and walk back down the path. Once she was out of sight, Blair smiled. "I wouldn't bet on that." In his hands was a large paper clip he had grabbed from the desk.

  * * *

  Police Headquarters, Cascade, WA

  The group from Colorado entered Major Crime in mass. Sam glanced around before spotting Jim and Amanda by his desk. "Jim, have you found Blair yet?"

  Before Jim could reply, a man of Asian descent stepped forward. "Who are you?"

  As Henri rolled his eyes in the background, Joel stepped forward to shake Mac's hand. "Captain Woo, this is MacGyver, Sandburg's father. Sam Malloy, Blair's brother. Cory Buchanan here is a family friend, and..." Joel paused when he reached the man who looked like a duplicate of MacGyver with shorter hair.

  "Colonel Jack O'Neill, Sandburg's cousin," Jim inserted, shaking Jack's hand in greeting.

  Glancing around, the Captain blinked, but continued, "I'm sorry, we have nothing as yet. Why don't you go home, and we'll contact you when we do."

  "What?" Sam inquired forcefully. "The woman already mentioned my father by name. You're going to need him."

  The man waved him off. "We are following several leads. We can't find the current address for David Lash, and we suspect this may be him."

  Sam's eyes grew in disbelief. "Lash? Have you checked the cemetery?"

  "Cemetery?" Woo asked, surprised.

  Sam looked at Jim. "Lash was the serial killer who abducted Blair, right? Didn't you empty your gun on him?"

  Joel, Henri and Rafe couldn't hold back their smirks as Jim grimly nodded.

  Woo blinked, but continued, "Be that as it may, you will only get in our way here. Go home."

  Sam folded his arms and glared. "We live in L.A. We won't 'go home' until my brother is safe, so get used to it."

  As much as Jim enjoyed Sam employing his tough journalist tactics on the man, there were other considerations. "Sam, why don't you get Ian settled with Amanda, and then we'll get to work."

  Sam blinked, then glanced down to the toddler. Ian was standing close and slightly behind his father's legs, staring up at all the huge men with big, scared eyes. Pausing a moment, Sam forced back his anger. Then he gently took Ian's hand as he smiled at Amanda. "Lead the way."

  After the elevator doors closed behind the trio, Jack was only too willing to step in for Sam. "What kind of asinine operation are you folks running here? One of your own's in trouble, the bogey told you who they wanted, and you're chasing dead ends? Why aren't you out there tracking down that woman?"

  "I assure you, Mr. Neal--" the captain attempted to calm him.

  "That's Colonel O'Neill... with two Ls," Jack corrected, stabbing two fingers at the man.

  Simon had walked into the bullpen, lifting an eyebrow at Jim. Jim only smirked. He was enjoying the show.

  "Colonel O'Neill, we are doing everything we can..."

  "Has ANYONE looked up where the gal lives?"

  "We're working that," Rafe quietly inserted. "She apparently shut of
f Blair's cell phone after she talked with Jim, so we can't track her that way. But we've determined the range of the listening devices left in Jim and Blair's place, and officers are canvassing the area with the picture we got from New York."

  Woo glared at the junior detective. "We have this case; the police chief took Major Crime off."

  "Oh, for crying out loud, this isn't the time for petty politics," Jack declared. He stabbed a finger at Rafe. "He at least is looking for her. I want him and his people on this case."

  Woo glared at Rafe, who had a 'deer in the headlights' look. Simon stepped forward, but before he could defend his man, a quiet voice from the rear stated, "Sounds like the Colonel has the right idea."

  Police Commissioner Craig Mathews smoothly stepped into the center of the crowd. "I think Banks and Major Crimes can handle it from here, Captain."

  "But sir..."

  "The victim's family in this case has requested them," Craig pointed out. "I suggest your unit clear out."

  After the VU shuffled out, Craig held out his hand to O'Neill. "Craig Mathews. Are you Blair's father?"

  Jack shook the hand warmly. "No, I'm his cousin. MacGyver's his..." Jack glanced around. "Mac?"

  Jim searched the room with several of his senses. "He's not here." He met Jack's eyes, sudden realization hitting them both.

  Joel, too, looked worried. "You don't suppose he'd go after her by himself, do you?"

  "Ah, hell." Jack briefly rubbed his face. "Let's find him, quick."

  Jim then glanced around again. "Where's Buchanan?"

  * * *

  "I appreciate you doing this," Sam told Amanda as he set the booster seat next to her SUV.

  Amanda smiled sadly. "Just concentrate on finding Blair. Ian and I'll be fine, right, Ian?"

  The little boy glanced between the woman and his daddy, uncertain. Sam knelt down. "It's okay, Ian. Miss Amanda is Uncle Jim's girlfriend. She'll take good care of you."


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