Taming a Duke's Wild Rose: Taming the Heart Series Book 2

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Taming a Duke's Wild Rose: Taming the Heart Series Book 2 Page 10

by Tammy Andresen

  She arched at the contact, pressing further into his hand as he moved rhythmically against her. Her eyes glazed over as she pressed harder into him becoming frantic. Stilling his movement, he reached between them to unlace his breeches. Dimly, he was aware that he should stop. But reason had left the room and all he could feel was Rose’s soft body pressed against his, the evidence of her desire making him dizzy with wanting. He gave his head a shake to clear it. Never would he hurt Rose, his beautiful Rose. “We can stop. It’s not too late.” His teeth clenched and he squeezed his eyes shut. It would take everything he had to get off this settee.

  “I don’t want to stop.” Her lips whispered over his, her delicate pink tongue, darting into his mouth. Using both hands, he picked her up, twisting around so he was on top of her. No more encouragement was needed as he parted her folds and pressed his member against them. He was glad the dim light and the fact they hadn’t bothered to get undressed hid his size and girth. It would only frighten her.

  The contact of their flesh had her writhing underneath him as she pressed closer. “Rose, I am trying to go slow, I don’t want to hurt you.” The cords in his neck were bulging out at the strain.

  Feathering kisses on his neck and chest, she wrapped her arms tightly around him. “Stop trying to protect me. Give me all of you.”

  With a groan, he sank deep inside of her, feeling the moment she broke open for him. She whimpered and he gathered her closer. “My love, are you well?”

  “I’m fine,” she gasped. His lips found hers again and ever so slowly, he pulled back out and then sank in. His lips caressed hers as his hand slid along her body. She seemed to adjust and after a few strokes, she rose to meet him. The action made him surge even higher with need and they were both carried along the wave of desire until he could feel himself about to break.

  Her hands dug into his back, her breathing shallow. “Alex, oh Alex,” she cried and he could see that she was tumbling over the edge. With a loud groan, he joined her.

  They both lay panting and Alex shifted to the side to snuggle her close. “Sweetheart.” His lips found hers again as he gathered her closer. Even after their lovemaking, he wanted to take off her nightgown and explore her body further. Rose was his, no one was taking her away from him. He could only pray she did not change her mind about him because he had the sinking feeling that he would never love another for the rest of his days the way he loved her. He had completely and utterly fallen for this woman.

  She returned his kiss, curling around him. “That was heavenly. I didn’t know.”

  He chuckled, “I meant to wait until we were married but―“

  “It’s only a few days.” She gave a satisfied smile. “I wish you could stay with me tonight,” she murmured sleepily. “This is the most comfortable I have ever been in my life.”

  “As soon as we are married, we can spend every night together in bed but, for tonight, I really should return you to your room. I still have to go out…”

  “Why?” She sat up, staring daggers at him with her eyes.

  “You’ve seen what Lundberg is willing to do, Rose. He sent a man to your house tonight. Nothing is more important to me than keeping you safe. You are…” he paused searching for the right word. “…everything to me. I need to keep you safe.”

  With those words, she softened. Lying back down she melted against him. “Be careful. If anything happens to you, I don’t know that I could―“

  “I will be very careful. After what we have done, I have no choice but to live until the wedding. You need to have the protection of my title and name.” He kissed her hair, drawing her closer.

  “I need to have my husband.” She arched her eyebrows.

  Those may have been the sweetest words he had ever heard. “You will.” He would have to handle tonight with the utmost care. If something were to happen to him, it would mean disaster for them both.

  With that in mind, he headed to the Cock and Bull. It had taken over an hour for the constable to arrive and take Alex’s statement about the intruder. The constable had assured him he would share any information he acquired from the solider who had broken in. Now, it was near closing time for the pub and he hoped he wasn’t too late.

  A low hat was slung on his head and a shapeless cape covered his body. Hunching his shoulders to hide his height, he made his way toward Chris. As he walked that way, he noticed Lundberg sitting in the corner with one other man. He looked irritated.

  His companion’s voice floated towards Alex, “I’m sure he’ll be here.”

  “I’m tired of waiting. None of us get paid without her.” Lundberg’s voice was hard as flint.

  Alex hid his face further. Lundberg wasn’t giving up. These men clearly had a scheme to extract money from Rose. Alex wondered if Lundberg understood that Rose didn’t inherit the estate. The man she married would only get her dowry, whether her father lived or died. He sat at an empty table closer to Lundberg, but with his back to him. He could see Chris in the corner but the other man was too far away.

  “I seen her. Can’t believe you’re worried about gettin’ paid,” the other man added.

  “That will be fun, but she is spoiled, and will have to be brought to heel. So will the father. Blast, that we didn’t kill him.” Lundberg banged the table as he spoke. “Thought he could buy me off with a few hundred pounds and I skulk away quietly. I’ll have the whole of the estate.”

  The foolish man had no idea that Rose wouldn’t inherit. Alex signaled for an ale. He had no intention of drinking it, it was purely for show. His fingers itched to close around the other man’s throat but this was his opportunity to finally turn the tables on Lundberg.

  “You mean we’ll share it,” his compatriot corrected. “You don’t think he suspects you, do you? That could make for some awkward family reunions.”

  “It doesn’t matter. As long as he can’t prove anything,” Lundberg gritted out.

  Alex had been on the defensive all this time. Every time Lundberg attempted to take her, the carriage shooting. Now was his opportunity. Chris moved but not to Alex’s table. Instead, he sat at the end of the bar, right next to the two men. They both stopped talking and stared at his friend. Chris didn’t look at them. Instead, he swayed on his stool. “I’ll take an ale. Service is schlow.” He slurred as he let out a belch.

  Alex turned his head away again and the two men continued their conversation.

  “Rose will be mine no matter how I get her. I’ll kill her father, and then she will beg me to stop by the time I am done with that little chit.”

  White hot fury course through over his skin. It was a confession and they had both heard it. He briefly wondered how Lundberg knew Lord Wentworth lived, but he dismissed it. It didn’t matter, he would go to the authorities tonight and have the man arrested for attempted murder and kidnapping.

  “What will we do if Tom doesn’t come back? That duke has proven pesky.”

  “We’ll talk later. I’ve said too much already.”

  Alex heard the scraping of chairs and then the sound of the door. Turning to Chris he signaled for his friend to follow him. He’d be seeing the constable again tonight.



  Rose lie in bed half asleep. After what she had done this evening, she couldn’t quite settle herself to bed, and, if she were honest, she wanted to see Alex one more time before she fell asleep. The need to touch him was strong as was her desire to see that he made it safely home. Probably impossible with her guard back in place but she always held out hope. It would be an agonizing night if she had to go until morning.

  Drifting more deeply into sleep, she startled awake at a noise outside her door. Had Alex returned? Did he want to see her too? She jumped out of bed and made for the door but a groan came from the other side of the paneled wood that stopped her in her tracks.

  Turning her head to the side, she trained her ears to the other side of the door. The distinct sound of fle
sh meeting flesh filtered through the door. Fear coursed through her body making her skin tingle. This was not Alex.

  Searching the room frantically, she headed for the connecting door to other room. Wrenching it open she stepped through and then took a deep breath. Calm down, she told herself. Forcing her actions to be soft and quiet, she closed the door behind her. Just as it clicked closed, she heard her bedroom door wrench open, slamming against the frame.

  Tiptoeing across the room, she opened the door to the hall and began moving as quickly as she could towards the servants’ stairs without making any noise. She could hide in any number of places. This was her house. As Rose made her way down the stairs, it occurred to her that she could hide in the locked room by the kitchen. Moving swiftly to the lowest level of the house, she crept by the kitchen. A sudden movement from the doorway startled her. Jumping, she turned to see Bates coming out of the kitchen. “Oh thank goodness, Bates. There are intruders in my room. I was going to hide in the―“

  “I know,” he calmly answered.

  “What?” she responded, attempting to understand.

  But he didn’t respond. Before she could even react, he raised his arm and knocked her on the head. She barely had time to cry out before the world went dark.


  Alex saw the house come into view, just as the sun was rising. What a long night it had been and yet a highly satisfying one. His Rose was everything he could have ever dreamed of and their time together tonight had been beyond compare.

  Lundberg would soon be apprehended by the constable and then he could breathe more easily about her safety. Once married, he could set about the task of keeping her affection for his own. If only he could curl in bed with her for a few hours. He yearned to hold her body close.

  A rider sped towards him from the house and Alex squinted his eyes to see what was happening. That just wasn’t right. Fear twisted in his gut as he kicked his horse towards the house.

  “Lady Rose is gone!” one of the stablemen gasped from on top of his mount.

  “Gone?” Alex repeated, drawing his animal up. Panic was rising, rolling over him in waves. For a moment, he wanted to deny it but then he drew himself up. The only way to get her back was action. Like in battle, a calm settled over him. He would fight for his Rose.

  “Bates too and the guard knocked out cold.” The man’s eyes were wide with fear.

  “Head to the Mayware Inn and deliver this message to Mr. Masters.”

  Kicking his horse again, Alex raced up the steps. Mrs. Jacobs, the housekeeper, met him at the door, wringing her hands.

  “Tell me,” Alex said by way of greeting.

  Her faced paled. “There’s blood by the kitchen and Miss Rose’s chamber is in shambles.”

  “The stableman mentioned that Bates is also missing.” Alex glanced back, Isla and her brother joined them on the steps.

  Straightening up, the other woman pursed her lips. “Up to no good, that one is. I wouldn’t be surprised…” She stopped talking.

  “Please continue, Mrs. Jacobs.” His voice was soothing, though inside he was near ready to jump out of his skin.

  “Always talking about how he was going to do better than service. Plain foolish if you ask me. And lately, he’s been saying he would start a new life in Scotland. Said some money was coming his way. I asked if a relative had passed but he didn’t answer.” Her arms crossed over chest. “I’d wager he’s involved somehow.”

  “Please show me everything.” Alex gestured for her to lead the way, his heart pounding in his chest.

  It didn’t take long for Mrs. Jacobs to show him the scene. Alex could see exactly what had happened. She slipped away through the connecting room as they searched and was then captured by the kitchen. She was most likely going to hide in her room by the kitchen where she picked locks as a child. What scared him most was the blood by the kitchen. How hurt was she?

  The groom returned within the hour, only to tell him that Chris couldn’t be located. It was Alex himself who rode out to Lundberg’s battalion.

  After two hours the general was able to declare Lundberg a deserter. Alex returned to the house, exhausted and defeated.

  William stood silently by the window while Isla paced by the shelves. Wentworth sat next to him, looking like death himself. The man had aged twenty years in the past few days. While his heart went out to the earl, what Alex could best do to help was get Rose safely back home.

  Alex walked through the library door. “What took so long?” The earl’s voice held barely concealed anguish.

  “I went to his army camp first. He was seen by the docks purchasing passage on a merchant ship. Unfortunately no one knew where the ship was going.” Alex threw himself in a chair. “The butler may have aided them. He mentioned starting a new life in Scotland.” Alex rubbed his hands over his face and through his hair.

  “Where would they be going in Scotland?” William scratched his chin.

  “Gretna Green,” the earl whispered.

  “Of course. His goal always has been to marry her.” Alex stood, a surge of hope filling his chest. She was most likely not seriously wounded if the goal was marriage.

  “Even Gretna Green won’t wed an unwilling bride.” William frowned.

  “He could easily threaten her into submission.” Alex shuddered to think of what she might be going through but he might yet be able to stop them. “What we need is a ship. We can overtake them, and―”

  “Even if that is where they are headed, how do we know which route―“ Wentworth’s voice trembled.

  “A merchant ship would most definitely take the southern route through the channel. It wouldn’t chance the north.” William nodded as he spoke, excitement threading his voice.

  “How will we get a ship? With men that will fight for us?” Alex rubbed his face again.

  “There is only one way to find out. Let’s head to the docks and see who we know.” The earl tried to sit up but slumped back down.

  Alex frowned, Wentworth was in no condition to go anywhere.

  “If I may,” William stood as he entered the conversation. “Our cousin, Barrett Maddox, has a ship in the harbor, waiting to escort us back home. No one would understand better than he what you are trying to do.”

  “Maddox.” A grin spread across Alex’s face. They had gone to Oxford together. Acquaintances only. The man had a piercing stare and a growl to match that set most men on edge. But he and Alex had gotten along fine and the man was honorable, loyal, and tough as nails. He would most assuredly help them.

  Alex would catch Lundberg and the others, and then he would rip them to pieces.


  Rose woke slowly, a groan falling from her lips. Her head felt as though it had been split in two. Her lips were cracked and dry and the need to vomit was strong within her. Opening her eyes into mere slits, she could see that she was on a bed in a tiny room. It spun wildly with the effort and she lay back, closing her eyes again. Desperately, she tried to stop the spinning and blessedly the room went to black again.

  She woke again to the sound of the door opening. Her lids were too heavy to prop them open and it didn’t really matter who it was. In this state, Rose could do nothing to help herself.

  “She still ain’t awake,” a voice said.

  “She has to wake soon or she’ll die.” Carl’s voice was tinged with worry. “You hit her too hard. She’s just a small woman.”

  “Excuse me, I’m not used to accosting women, or anyone for that matter. How was I to know?” Bates groused as if that was the largest problem. Him taking the blame. It would have been laughable if not for the condition she was in.

  “I need her coherent by the time we get to Gretna Green. You made this problem, you are fixing it. Understood?”

  Inside, Rose groaned. Carl’s concern, as usual, was for his own needs. Not like Alex, who put himself in danger to keep her safe. If she reached Alex’s side, she would never leave it again. With absolute clarity, she understood th
at no man was more perfect than him. If given the chance, she would prove her undying love for him.

  The door opened and then closed again, and Rose attempted to open her eyes. The room spun again but she could see Bates there. Now came the decision. Did she continue to feign sleep or did she ask for the water she desperately needed. Closing her eyes again, she realized if she were going to make it out of this, she first had to live. “Water,” she croaked, barely above a whisper.

  Footsteps moved towards her and then the pitcher clinked against a glass. “Here,” Bates voice grated out as a glass was shoved in her face. She tried to make her hand work to grab it but it refused to cooperate.

  “Can’t,” she choked.

  With a sigh, Bates grabbed her head and roughly tilted it up. “I did this so I could stop serving you,” he sneered.

  She could little answer. The water initially soothed her throat but as it hit her stomach, it spasmed and all the water promptly heaved back out of her mouth.

  “Gads,” Bates yelled, standing up. It had soaked his pants.

  Rose tried to lift her hand. “Please,” she cried but he stomped out of the room.

  If she had been able, she would have cried. But no tears would come and she didn’t have the energy to sob. She closed her eyes, fearing death would come for her.

  The door opened again but she couldn’t lift the lids. The mattress sank next to her and the sound of the pitcher filled her ears. A much gentler hand came under her head and slowly lifted it, then the glass came to her lips. Had Alex come for her? “Just a tiny sip now, you had a terrible bump to the head.” It was Carl, though his voice was gentle. She could do little but obey. He cradled her head in the crook of his arm and gave her several more sips. While her head still ached, it lessoned and her stomach calmed a little. “How could you have that man in your employ?”


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