Texas Lonestar (Texas Heroes Book 4)

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Texas Lonestar (Texas Heroes Book 4) Page 6

by Sable Hunter

  Dallas shook off his melancholy and looked out across the horizon. There was nothing more vast than the West Texas sky. A veritable blanket of stars hung above him. In the distance, a coyote howled, a few cows lowed, and the wind lazily moved through the brush. Everything seemed so peaceful, but something wasn’t right. For all extents and purposes, Lennon was being targeted and he intended to figure out why.

  Using the key, Dallas let himself in and turned on the light. A smile came to his face. This was as close to a Roman spa as he’d ever get. Yes, it was rundown. Yes, it needed some repair work, but the tile was beautiful and the bubbling waters looked inviting. He moved closer, watching the steam rise from the pools. They were each about four-foot wide and about twelve-foot long. He remembered what Lennon had said about it being a resort for the rich and famous. Well, he was neither, but he sure could use a good hot soak.

  Coming up to the side, he found the steps and moved down them. He didn’t hiss, but he did smile. God, this was going to feel good. As he settled his tired body into the healing waters, he wondered why Lennon didn’t try to develop this place. She could put together a proposal, invite investors… Even as he mentally fabricated a plan, he knew why she hadn’t. Lennon’s days were completely packed with surviving–taking care of the ranch, George, and Sally. She’d need a full-time partner if she were to tackle a project such as the one he envisioned.

  As the warm bubbles broke against his skin, his mind traversed from business to pleasure. What would it be like to share a time such as this with a woman. He tried to imagine Sonia here with him, her shapely body pressed against his–her hand soothing down his chest, stroking his cock. His own hand followed that same path, cupping his balls, fisting his swelling dick. “God, yes.” He missed this. Over and over again–he stroked, pumping, giving himself relief. But as he shut his eyes, it wasn’t Sonia’s face he saw–it was Lennon’s. Dallas groaned as he gained his release.

  Across the way, Lennon sat on the floor of her bedroom, legs tucked under her, her arm resting on the window sill, her forehead to the glass. She stared down into the yard, wishing she possessed the feminine wiles to tempt a man like Dallas McClain. He’d joked about tossing pebbles at her window and she dreamed of throwing open the shutters and inviting him inside. And then…her fantasy fizzled out. Even though she knew biology, she’d witnessed animals procreating–the thought of her doing something like that with a man was totally out of her realm of imagination. No man had ever come on to her, not seriously. Some had teased her in high school, but it had been in jest. She just wasn’t enough somehow. Tonight, she’d studied her body in the mirror, cupped her breasts, then let her hands slide down to touch her secret, guarded place. She didn’t try to play with herself, until now the thought had never really entered her head. Sex, men, and marriage had always seemed so removed from her reality that they simply didn’t enter her thoughts. Usually when she went to bed Lennon was so tired she couldn’t do anything but sleep anyway.

  But now…now was different. Just like she’d dreamed so long ago, a man had entered her life to slay the dragons that threatened her world. No, he wasn’t interested in her as a woman, or even as a person. She couldn’t blame him for that. Heck, there was no way he didn’t have someone–a wife, a girlfriend. So, she wouldn’t be traipsing over to the lodge with seduction on her mind. Just the thought made her laugh. Lennon Haley could do most anything she set her mind to–except ask someone to love her. That she could not do. She could give to people all day long, but she couldn’t ask for something for herself. What she could offer others had to be defined in terms of value–a home and security for Sally and George, tending the ranch and caring for the animals. On her own, the sum total of Lennon Haley–body and soul–wasn’t enough to interest anyone.

  A movement outside caught her eye and Lennon held her breath as she watched Dallas leave the bathhouse, a towel slung over his shoulder, pants made of some soft material hugging low on his hips. Her heart raced. He was such a beautiful man. She smiled, glad he’d taken advantage of what she’d offered. He’d never know she was attracted to him or that she fantasized about him. She wouldn’t insult him by asking for more than he could give. He was here to help her, and for that, she’d be grateful. The only thing that bothered her was the fact that he seemed so unhappy. Lennon wondered if he was lonely.

  * * *

  Early the next morning, Dallas rose with a renewed determination to get things done. He was planning on making some phone calls to check area auction barns for the missing cattle–just nose around and ask questions. As he walked with hands stuffed in his pockets, he noticed Lennon carrying a sack of feed almost as big as she was toward a group of patiently waiting sheep. Shaking his head, he admitted that the woman amazed him.

  He was just about to go offer her a hand when his phone buzzed. Checking the read-out, he saw it was Hiram. “McClain.”

  “Well, how are things going? What did you find?”

  Dallas turned back to the lodge, not wanting what he had to say to be overheard. “I found what you told me I’d find. Something’s going on here, something more than just cattle being stolen. I have no idea what their motivation is or who’s doing it, but I’m going to find out.”

  “Good. I knew I’d asked the right person to help me. How about Lennon? How is she?”

  “Strong.” He realized the word applied to the woman in spades.

  “Good. That should make things easier for you. There’s nothing more frustrating than having a woman fall apart on you when there’s a job to be done.”

  Dallas realized Hiram was speaking from years of experience. He had to laugh. “I don’t think you’re speaking about Marge.”

  “No, thank God.” He chuckled. “But I’ve had cases where I’ve spent more time cajoling the woman involved than getting the job done.”

  “That won’t be the case here. Lennon is used to relying on herself. She’s not the kind to make demands.” As soon as he voiced his thoughts, he had the distinctive image of her making some sensual demands on him. Dallas shook his head. Where was this coming from?

  “Keep me informed and if there’s anything you need, just let me know. I’m located halfway between you and the capital, I can facilitate any requests you might have.”

  “I appreciate that. I’ve got some ideas, but I need to do a little checking locally first. How about if I give you a call tonight?”

  “Sounds good. I’ll look forward to hearing from you.”

  Upon finishing the call, he took a shower, dressed and headed over to the house to find that breakfast Lennon promised him. He could smell bacon frying and his stomach growled in anticipation.

  Seeing a light in the kitchen, he went around to the side door and tapped. Sally welcomed him at the door. “Come in, Dallas. Eat wiff us.”

  “I thought you were supposed to sleep in.” He patted her on the head, realizing his son would’ve been about the same age–if he’d been allowed to live.

  “Come in, Dallas. Good morning.” Lennon called to him from the stove. “I’ve made French Toast and bacon.”

  “Smells good.” He stepped in, turning toward her voice, only to find her on her hands and knees cleaning up spilled orange juice. “Can I help?”

  “Nope. Got it. Have some coffee.” She got to her feet and gave him a big smile. She didn’t have a speck of makeup on, yet her eyes sparkled, her cheeks were rosy and her lips were plump, pink and…kissable. To his surprise, he had to admit how wrong he’d been. There was no way he should’ve ever thought her plain.

  As he was stirring in the sugar and cream, he felt a tug on his shirt. “I needs a daddy. Will you be my daddy?”

  Dallas was paralyzed by the small girl’s question.

  “Sally!” Lennon chided her. “Ranger McClain is here doing a job. He’s helping us. I’m sure he has his own family.”

  “Do you haff kids?”

  Sally was nothing if not persistent. “No.” The word stuck in his throat. “I don’t.”

  “See. He needs me!”

  “Sorry.” Lennon handed him his tray with a platter of golden brown French Toast and bacon. “I’ll be out in about a half hour to go feed the livestock.”

  Dallas took the tray from her hand and Lennon thought he’d make a new door through the wall as he ran away from them so fast. She watched him go, a deep sense of loss enveloping her.

  “What’s wrong, Lenny? You look so sad.” Sally wrapped herself around Lennon’s leg.

  Bending down to hug her, Lennon sighed. “Not a thing, baby girl. I’m good.” She had so much. Was it wrong to long for more?

  About forty-five minutes later, Dallas backed his truck under the outside second story opening of the hay loft and waited while Lennon pushed bale after bale of hay onto the bed. He knew he owed her an apology for running out of the kitchen without a word of explanation. Honestly, the little girl’s question had knocked him for a loop. It was the first time he’d shed a tear since the funeral. He sat there in a daze until the cab of the truck opened and she joined him. Her spring fresh meadow scent washed over him. She might dress like a boy, but she certainly didn’t smell like one.

  Laying her head back on the seat, she caught her breath. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  He didn’t put the truck in gear. Instead, he cut his eyes toward her. “I shouldn’t have walked out of the kitchen without even a thank-you.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Lennon assured him, so conscious of his masculinity, she trembled. For years, she’d assumed she was practically asexual. She’d pushed any thoughts of dating, sex, or love so far from her thoughts, it was almost as if they didn’t exist for her. And now, Ranger Dallas McClain had come into her world and reminded her of everything she didn’t/couldn’t have. “Sally watches a lot of TV and she wants a normal sitcom style family.”

  This made Dallas laugh. “Nowadays families on TV sitcoms are rarely normal.” He pointed toward the fields. “Which way?”

  “Go around by the road. The cattle will be down by the pond. I’ll open the gate when we come to it.” She tried to keep her eyes on the road, she really did. But his shirt was rolled up and his strong forearms dusted with dark hair made her want to stare. “Are you married?” The question popped out of her mouth before she could stop it.

  “No,” he said softly. “Not anymore.” Dallas had never felt the need to talk about it before. “My wife was killed in a car wreck several years ago.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Unbidden she placed her hand on his arm, offering comfort.

  Dallas shook his head. “She…she was out late…coming home from having an abortion. She killed my baby boy.” He swallowed hard. “I didn’t know anything about her plans. God, I wanted him.” He pressed his lips together, knowing he could tell her no more without revealing his own private hell.

  Lennon couldn’t help it; tears began to stream down her cheeks. “Pull over,” she directed, pointing to the gate. But when he did, she didn’t get out, she unbuckled her seat belt and went to her knees in the seat, boldly putting her arms around his neck. “I am so, so sorry.”

  Her gesture of empathy touched him. He didn’t cry this time, he held Lennon while she cried for him. She was soft and warm, molding to him, wetting his neck with her tears. And when her sobs stilled, she petted his neck and shoulder. “I can’t imagine such sorrow. I wish I could take the pain for you.”

  He still said nothing and Lennon pulled back, suddenly aware she’d taken a liberty he might not appreciate. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he said hoarsely. He’d hadn’t felt such caring in a woman’s arms since his own mother had held him tight.

  Lennon wiped her eyes and opened the door, going to the gate and holding it open for him to drive through. Once he had, she jumped into the back of his truck and called out. “Drive down toward the pond and I’ll put out the hay.”

  He did, watching her in his rearview mirror. When he’d gone far enough, she held up her hand, stood and went to work. For a few seconds, he sat there and then it hit him what she was doing–struggling with bales of hay bigger than she was. “Dammit!” he whispered, climbing from the truck. Where was his manners? “Here, let me do that for you.”

  “I’ve got it,” she informed him with a smile. “I do this all the time, it’s not hard.”

  “Not while I’m here, you don’t.” He took over and she let him, jumping to the ground and scattering what he threw over. “Thank-you. This will go much faster.”

  He marveled at the woman. Was there anything she wouldn’t tackle? All of the females he’d ever been close to–dating, married, sleeping with or otherwise–had always expected to be taken care of. They would stand back and wait for a man to take the lead, fully anticipating their every need would be met. Even his mother had expected men to get her out of jams. Lennon just jumped in headfirst and tackled whatever job needed doing.

  They didn’t stop until all the hay was spread and the cattle were munching contentedly. Lennon climbed up beside him and began to count, looking in all directions. “Let’s drive over the hill.” She pointed to a gentle rise covered in ocotillo and yucca.

  Dallas jumped from the truck bed and joined her in the cab, following her directions. “Are there some cattle missing?”

  She let out a frustrated breath. “Yea, I think so.” Once they’d driven up the ridge and saw nothing, he headed back to the gap. In a few minutes, they confirmed their suspicions–fresh tracks covered the ground.

  “Son-of-a-bitch!” he muttered. “I should have camped out down here.”

  “You couldn’t know,” she said. “There’s no way we can watch this fence all the time.”

  “Yea, we can if I set up cameras.” He started making mental notes.

  “I don’t think I can afford to buy cameras right now,” she murmured softly.

  “You won’t have to. I have a budget for these things. Let’s go back and I’ll drive into El Paso to get the equipment we need and some of those instant alarms. Soon, we’ll have everything we need to make you feel safer and more secure. While I’m out, I’m going to visit a couple of auction barns and ask some questions, let them know what we’re looking for. When I get back, we’ll set our trap and see what we catch.”

  They returned to the truck and headed back to the ranch house. Lennon felt a sense of peace encompass her. Having someone else to help shoulder the burden of worry was something she could get used to.

  * * *

  No two ways about it, Lennon wasted most of the day watching the road and waiting for Dallas to return. She’d managed to get her chores done, but her mind wasn’t on them. Even George and Sally knew she wasn’t herself. Would this be what it’d be like when this was all over and he was gone? No, it would be worse–because she’d know there was no hope of him ever returning.

  Finally, about three o’clock, she heard his truck as he pulled through the gate. It was all she could do not to run out to meet him. Lennon controlled her impulse, there was no use scaring the man. She waited until he parked before leaving the house. He certainly didn’t go without a greeting committee, Sally met him with Tilly under her arm. “Do you want to play tea party wiff me, Mr. Man?”

  Her hopeful little face touched Dallas. “How about we do that tomorrow? Could you fix some special tea for me then?”

  “Oh, yes.” She patted his arm. “It’s a date.”

  Lennon stood on the porch, admiring Sally’s self-confidence. Lennon wouldn’t have the courage to invite Dallas on a date in a million years. “Did you find what you needed?”

  “Yes.” The temperature was about ten degrees warmer than normal for this time of year and he’d shed his jacket. Dallas was a bit shocked to see that Lennon had also. Her shirt and pants still overwhelmed her frame, but there was no hiding the gentle swell of her breasts. “Is George available to watch Sally or does she need to ride with us?”

  Lennon was touched that he thought of Sally. “George is inside watching the Game Show network.” S
he bent to speak to Sally. “Go inside, sweetie. We’ll be back in a bit and have Chicken and Dumplings.”

  Hearing the menu, Dallas felt his appetite rise. The hamburger he’d grabbed for lunch was long gone. “Come on, let’s take my truck so I won’t have to unload the gear.” He held the door for her, then closed it after she climbed in.

  Lennon’s hands trembled as she fastened her seatbelt. She’d never had a man open a car door for her before. There was no way this excursion into the pasture could be considered a date, but it was still nice.

  When Dallas was beside her, he cranked up and started off. “I visited three auction barns and talked to the DPS unit in El Paso. They’re going to watch for cattle being transported, maybe stop a few for a routine license check so they can look at the brands. The likelihood of finding them that way is small, but it won’t hurt.”

  “Thank-you. Just knowing we’re trying something makes me feel better.” They went to the gap and affixed a camera on a big cactus fairly close to the opening, then moved to several other places to plant cameras where they would have a good view of the fence and the road.

  “There. And we have one left.” Dallas surveyed the area. “I just wish there was a big oak we could use for a panoramic view.”

  “I know!” Lennon grabbed his hand. “The windmill! Come on. It’s old, but I’ve been up it dozens of times. You show me what to do and I’ll put it up. We’ll have a view of the whole road.”

  Dallas let her pull him to the truck. He wasn’t so sure. By the time they drove over, he was convinced this was a bad idea. “It doesn’t look safe, Lennon.”

  “Oh, sure. I went up there not too long ago when I had a calf missing. You can see forever from up there.” She waited while he showed her how to attach the bracket.

  “Okay.” She put the small hammer and the screws in her pockets. “I’ll be right back.”

  Before he could blink, she was climbing the rickety windmill. “Be careful!” He cautioned her. Dallas held on to one of the legs, as if he were bracing the huge structure. Holding his breath, he waited while she found an appropriate place, affixed the camera and made sure it was working.


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