Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition

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Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition Page 17

by Jurgen von Stuka

  Her breasts were another matter. Dr. Graham, at the request of her new owners, had enhanced her already large mammaries and firmed them up a bit at the same time. The nipples were pierced and fitted with sizable stainless steel rings, horizontal bolts and the same detachable extenders as were installed on other students. The most significant addition was a device for placing considerable pulling force on the breasts and chest. Using a new surgical technique, the noted doctor had run thin, telescoping, but very strong stainless steel shafts down through the center axis of each breast, entering at the nipple and extending through the breast tissue to the breast bone, where a small hole was drilled in the bone and a flat metal plate of surgical steel was held on the end of the shaft by a locking nut and washer. The nipple end of the shaft was connected to the stainless steel ring that penetrated the base of the nipple horizontally and the additional penetrating bolt went behind the ring. The purpose of this hardware was to allow considerable strain to be put on the nipple rings without tearing them out or destroying the breast itself. The uses were many. For example, Dori was often left in her stall with just her nipple rings connected by chains to a ring on the wall. The longer the chins, the more freedom she had within the stall. The shorter they were the more tension was placed on the rings and connected bone and tissue. When not on reins handled by a trainer or owner, her four feet were often chained directly to the nipple rings, creating an extremely efficient form of hobble. In this position, she could barely walk, let alone run, and she was often turned out in the paddocks with the four taunt chains coupled to her nipples; left feet to left nipple, right feet to right nipple. Her basic harness encapsulated both of her enlarged female mounds in tight leather cups fitted with a variety of devices ranging from simple security locks restricting access to the nipples to complex milking and electronic disciplinary devices that were beyond uncomfortable. The horse body capsule she wore accommodated her breasts and the harness, so that from the outside she looked like a pony with normal accoutrements. In her stall, Dori was often chained by all four of her hooves as well as by a stainless steel stock that kept her head in place.

  The key to Dori’s new appearance was her beautiful horse head. The steel hard points that Graham mounted in her neck, head and shoulders provided ideal connection points for the unique horse’s neck and head Dori now wore. The adaptation was far from simply putting a fake horse head over the girl’s human head. The neck had to mate up properly with the rest of her body capsule. Thus, in preparation, her metal hardware was adjusted to fit exactly into the frame and mounting points on the head. The short, hollowed out, blunt, rounded pins on either side of her neck, just below and slightly hidden by her ears, slipped into matching open slots inside the horse head. The similarly constructed pins on her shoulders locked into their mates in the lower section of the head/neck, snapping locked as the clamshell headpiece closed. Two smaller pins at either temple, hidden by her hair, connected to those in the inside front of the head.

  Over her head, and before it was enclosed in the horse head structure, a bridle of thin, custom-fitted leather bands was put on. The primary band wrapped around the crown of her head, from forehead to the back. Across the top of her head, twin bands held the first in place. From the prime band, another went over the top, down the sides in front of her ears, crossed under her jaw and locked behind her neck. From these side bands, flat metal clips locked into the metal chain leads from the bits that led to her ear piercings. Dori’s stretched mouth was filled with a combination snaffle and working bit that served three purposes:

  (1) It combined with the working bridles to restrict her speech to mostly grunts, whimpers and muted cries. No words could be formed because of the pressure of the bit on her tongue and palette.

  (2) In concert with the working bridles and reins, it was an excellent controlling management tool that allowed grooms and trainers to easily get her to do as they wanted. Any resistance brought waves of pain to her jaw, tongue, mouth and nose.

  (3) It functioned as a constant reminder, along with her other equine equipment, that she was no longer human and would for the rest of her life be treated as a horse.

  The bit was fitted at the sides of her mouth with heavy rings that connected short chains leading to her widely pierced earlobes and to a single large ring through the septum of her nose. The control provided by this arrangement left no doubt in anyone’s mind about why horses respond easily and quickly to a bit of rein here and there. It was easy to see why such an arrangement worked on these ponies, considering that horses didn’t have rings in their noses. The bit also had a hollow extension tube that allowed the pony to suck water and other liquids from the buckets that were provided. Solid food was introduced through the hinged jaws and put directly in the pony’s bitted mouth. The heavy head was then lowered over Dori’s head, the clamshell sides brought together and secured with hidden locks and seals. Inside, the human head was tightly enclosed, the bits fitting into additional fixtures to hold them in place. With the head on, Dori’s vision was limited to what she could see forward and slightly to the sides since the horse’s eyes were not aimed forward, but rather to cover a wider field of vision to the sides. Once the horse head was in place, she was tightly and perfectly enclosed inside the carbon fiber and latex construction that looked and felt like a real horse’s head and neck. Her hair was cut and trimmed so that the top and center hair continued to grow and was led out through several openings on the neck and back of the horse’s head fixture, providing a real and authentic mane. When it was long enough, the mane was trimmed and fit perfectly into the horse image. The rest of her body was similarly fitted into the pony capsule that had, for all purposes, become a second skin. The outer coat was light gray with flecks of black around the hind legs and belly. The fabric was a combination of durable synthetic materials, woven to resemble an actual pony’s hide and fitted exactly to her new shape. Her hoofs and head matched so well that only a very close examination would disclose the attachment points. Only her sex and her breasts remained exposed and these latter organs were usually minimized by the leather harness and bra cups.

  Dori stood on all four of her hoofed feet, her head upright and attentive to the light pressure on her reins. She knew in her head that she was now the pony she had once only vaguely understood. She knew in her body, with all of its new and specialized alterations, that she would never be a human rider again. And now she knew a great deal more, more than anyone else, about how horses felt and why they did what they did. It was not going to be a luxury life, but for Dori, it was a new and exciting life. Being a pony wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

  End Notes:

  1. The foam light bulb gag is an ingenious creation. It consists of a closed cell foam gag about the same shape and size as a common 100-watt light bulb. At the screw end a length of cord is passed through the base and was used to hold the gag in place. It is simple, effective and disposable.

  2. Artificial joints having been developed and proven effective for humans and animals, it was a simple matter to design and install a reversed knee or elbow to resemble that of the horse instead of those on humans. The real breakthroughs were in getting the muscles and connective tissue to operate differently.

  After School


  Jurgen von Stuka

  Author’s Note:

  This book began as a sequel to SUMMER SCHOOL, but the new reader can easily slip into this plot without worrying about knowing who did what to whom before. Since there were some loose ends at the end of the previous book, it seemed useful to provide a continuation. However, to get the whole story, reading SUMMER SCHOOL first might be helpful.


  Being denied the affections of a loved one can bring about the strongest human emotions. The young woman in this story saw nothing wrong with taking and using all of the material things that her wealthy boyfriend offered, but constantly resisted any intimacy, which, of course, he sought. I heard parts of this story several year
s ago from German law enforcement associates and then, quite accidentally, got the rest of the story while dining with an old friend in a Prague restaurant not long ago.

  Lucy von Holt is a fictitious character, but the story is not far from what actually happened. Anyone who doubts that these things do take place is either very naive or blissfully ignorant of how things work in today’s BDSM world.

  Jurgen von Stuka

  Prague, Czech Republic, July 2011

  Chapter One


  Excerpt translation from Frankfurter Allegemeine, a major German daily newspaper:



  Frankfurt, 3July -- Authorities indicated today that they have called off the extended search for missing socialite / heiress, Lucy von Holt, who disappeared last month while traveling from Munich to Amsterdam.

  Frankfurt police say that the young celebrity heiress and part time fashion model vanished without any clues when she was supposed to have boarded a train in Rosenheim and changed trains in Munich.

  “All efforts to locate the missing girl have been exhausted,” said Bavarian state police Director, Helmut Kimmell at a short press meeting yesterday in Munich.

  “We have no leads and no information about her at this time,” Kimmell said. “The case will remain open, but until we have something concrete to go on, we have called off the search.”

  Attorney Markus v.j. Lubach, representing the girl’s father, Ernst von Holt, told the press today that although there were some indications of foul play, law enforcement officials throughout Europe have found no evidence that a crime was committed, since the woman was twenty years old and no longer considered a minor. The von Holt family has continued to refuse interviews or make any public comments about the case.

  Lucy von Holt’s parents, when they finally discovered that their number one daughter had somehow managed to disappear and thus avoid their control of her somewhat less than perfect young life, launched a major search and recovery operation throughout Europe, sparing no expense. In the end, after several months, their efforts resulted in next to nothing. Their erstwhile and footloose daughter had simply disappeared when she boarded the regional train from Rosenheim, Germany to Munich. Although they did not rule out foul play, they could not have possibly imagined that Lucy had been aggressively and forcibly abducted from the train under orders from her frustrated and sexually deprived Dutch boyfriend.

  They could also not have begun to imagine that Lucy was transported from The Continent to the United States, first to a distribution facility in New York state and then to the prestigious Vermont Riding School. There she expanded her already significant knowledge of the Kink World and became the subject of somewhat unpleasant and esoteric instruction and training in the equestrian arts, with the typically measurable discomfort and emotional distress at being forced to learn new things. Systematically tormented and abused as a part of her curriculum, she was subjected to a wide variety of S&M activities and used for the pleasure of the men and women on the faculty. For a girl who some thought had effectively defended her virginity until she was nearly twenty, this sudden reversal of her sexual fortunes was both mentally and physically challenging.

  What no one knew was that much earlier in her life, before the young Dutchman entered the picture, Lucy, thanks to her sister, gained considerable insight into this same world. Her grieving parents never imagined the trials she experienced at the Vermont Riding School and they certainly didn’t even consider that after that long and painful education in things equine, she would be once again transported across the Atlantic to attend a special finishing school for young women of the pony persuasion. The trip was made under some duress, as she traveled in something less than first class fashion, consigned to a trans-Atlantic airfreight company that specialized in transporting valuable four legged animals. Her traveling companions were zoo animals, high-end personal pets of royalty and a family of orangutans. Strapped and hooded inside the freight crate, Lucy silently wondered what would become of her. Off-loaded at a less than modern airfreight terminal in Sofia, Bulgaria, she then got a private ride in a delivery truck to her new home.

  Chapter Two


  The Valania School for Young Women was nearly the antithesis of the Vermont Riding School where Lucy learned a few things about bondage, sex, submission and the art of being a ponygirl. Where the Vermont Institution was well known for its riding instruction and combined training of horse and rider, Valania totally focused on training and adapting the pony. The school’s charter contained nothing that even recognized the rider or riding skills. Therefore, Lucy’s transition from riding school to a pony school was more or less the perfect compliment, or so at least that’s what some people thought.

  The Cloister at Valania had been operating for centuries as a retreat for an obscure, closely sequestered order of sisters devoted not only to modest restraint, chastity and silence, but also to a diet of unusual vegetables and fruits. The sole source of income for the order, known as The Valanian Sisters of Restraint, (VSR), was supposedly from the sale of a potent liquor made from the crops the nuns grew on the adjacent hillside and processed in an ancient distillery inside the triple-walled keep.

  Over the centuries, priests, bishops, cardinals and more than one Pope, supposedly concerned about the alcoholic preoccupations of the order, conducted secret reviews of the Valanians after hearing hushed complaints from several influential quarters. The complaints always seemed to turn out to be unsubstantiated and the church’s blessed resources devoted to such esoteric matters moved on to other topics.

  Not surprisingly, no records ever mention that a significant portion of the church’s clergy still seemed to frequent the cloister, partaking of the sacred liquor and of other more earthly distractions. Oddly enough, no one complained about the non-sectarian sporting events held inside the cloister’s ancient fortress and vast, walled compounds. It was said, (only in hushed whispers), in the nearest village that naked women had been seen pulling carts and running foot races while the members of the order and visitors looked on; in silence, of course.

  It was also rumored that dreadful punishments were frequently meted out to the nuns and their subjects. The details were for some reason always sketchy, but more than once, a village maiden suddenly disappeared from the fields or from her home and later was found to have been “acquired” by the order in the cloister. The usual answer as to why these unsuspecting young women suddenly and at times unwillingly found themselves locked away in cells and cages in the old castle was that they were suspected of harboring unhealthy thoughts. The beauty of this system was that even if the young women harbored no unclean thoughts before they were taken, their experiences in the cloistered enclave soon changed that. They quickly gained firsthand knowledge and experience in all manner of human perversions. They also learned that to gain acceptance into the holy order, they had to learn and accept concepts that were initially foreign to them. The nuns were helpful in this regard and usually convinced even the most reluctant women that if they suffered enough, they would find not only salvation, but also acceptance among their peers and their betters. What was needed was education and training and the nuns excelled at both.

  While hanging nearly nude in heavy chains, suspended by their thin wrists, usually with leather and iron devices locked to their heads and sex, the novice women absorbed a broad range of knowledge about things which most of them had never even dreamed about. Those who were overweight soon discovered that the diets they suddenly experienced drastically reduced their perhaps too well rounded figure to a far more attractive and seductive level. Those who were too thin were slowly rounded out to present a more appealing figure as well. The cloister’s vegetarian diet and hard work, coupled with daily and nightly sessions in the dark and frightening “Question Rooms” of the ancient fortress were the church’s solution to such heresy. There was nothing really new or unusual about any of this. For cent
uries, the church encouraged and supported what some might consider to be radical practices as it solidified the faith and understanding of its millions of followers. The Inquisition and similar fact-finding procedures carried out at local levels were nothing more than bumps in the highway for true believers and similar undertakings were still condoned and accepted.

  Few citizens or officials challenged this divine work. Those who did so often met with unfortunate changes in their lives. Some simply disappeared. Others, if they were young and attractive females, were absorbed either into the order or, after a short visit and intensive “cleansing” interrogations and interviews with the Mother Superior, returned home somewhat dazed, assuring everyone that all was well and that God was watching over the order and its deeds. History indicated that some who disappeared were later discovered in distant cities as missionaries or prostitutes or wandering, deranged creatures bearing terrible scars on their bodies and a total loss of all mental faculties. Given this reputation, the order was usually left to its holy work and few outsiders interfered.


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