Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition

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Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition Page 28

by Jurgen von Stuka

  Fabian stood watching the moving parade of steel bound bodies and again pressed the remote. Suddenly, the first body in line seemed to jump and then descend and move closer to Fabian and Lucy, coming to a stop directly in front of him. He pressed another button and the entire line halted.

  “Lucy,” Fabian said with pride. “This fair wench is Ellie, one of my prize exhibits. And that,” he said, pointing to the next hanging girl in the line, “is Georgette, Frieda, Lisle, Hanale, Glenda, Brenda, (both of whom I’m sure you know), Milly, Carol and Martha. The Hanging Ten. All ten are the very best that I have been growing here. I say ‘growing’ because when they came they were nowhere near as perfect as they are today. It takes care and time and a lot of trouble to get these specimens as they now are.”

  Totally stunned, Lucy stared up, her eyes taking in the strange and highly restrictive posture of the suspended girls, especially the seventh one.

  “You have Brenda and Glenda?” she whispered. “My sister and my best friend?”

  “You are correct,” said Fabian proudly. “I thought it best to have you all and they have turned out to be even more erotically inclined than you. Only a few years difference among you, right?”

  “Yes. Brenda is nineteen. But why take her? What did they ever do to you and why Glenda?”

  “Oh, nothing, but it was great fun. Besides, Glenda was a major pain in the butt when she abducted you for her own purposes. Trip to Kenya, my ass. I found out what was going on pretty quick and now I’m just getting even. As for your sister, your father was being so protective that it was an easy challenge to get her. So many bodyguards around the property that two of my girls quite easily integrated themselves into the work force and then carried her off one night. By the way, she apparently likes being tied up, don’t you, Brenda?” Fabian said, reaching out his hand and tapping the seventh girl on the ass. “But this one is the one you should pay attention to right now. We’ll deal with Sister later on, I promise.”

  Lucy studied the nearest girl, the one hanging directly in front of Fabian.

  “You want, I think,” Fabian said interrupting her thoughts, “to know what this thing is that they are bound to, yes?”

  Lucy nodded.

  “Ah, yes. This is a much more advanced rendition of the bondage tree you recently spent a few painful hours in. Once I developed that one and realized how really uncomfortable and perhaps even damaging to the skeletal structure it was, I came up with this version. It has worked out so well that it is now standard equipment here and in other similar facilities that I operate.

  “Please note, dear Lucy, (because you’ll soon experience it firsthand), the details of my little Iron Prop, or IP as I call it. The girls here probably have other names for it because they spend so much time hanging around in it, but until another term fits my fancy, Iron Prop will do. So here’s how it works. Observe please that it is basically a sturdy center post of flat, cold-rolled alloy steel about seven feet long. At the top and bottom are three inch ID, (inside diameter), welded steel rings which, as you can see, are easily connected to the overhead track and other hard points where they can be hung.”

  “At movable locations on this center post,” Fabian continued, “are four different sizes and types of adjustable cuffs, very much like flat handcuffs except that they have far better locks and can be adjusted for a much greater range of sizes. The two at the bottom of the post easily fit ankles and, you’ll note, are thick and wide enough so that once closed, the captured feet aren’t going to move much. There is a handy foot support under them so that you have something to stand on. That support can be equipped with some interesting accessories, such as a metal shoe that simulates a very high heeled shoe and forces the feet into a more attractive and stressful position.

  “The next set of cuffs is a bit larger because these fit just below the knees and have identical features to the ankle cuffs. As you might be able to see from your disadvantage point down there, each cuff set is essentially welded together, so there is very little slack space between the cuffed limbs. “The next set up is the same, holding the legs at the lower thigh. A bit higher on the post, we find the real sustenance devices for the wearer. If you look carefully, you will note a small array of tubes leading into the crotch band and others going up and into the helmet. These provide for liquid and solid waste removal without the annoyingly time consuming problem of having to remove the subject from the post. Colonic irrigation, vacuum suction and bladder evacuation are all provided and installed here. Sustenance, such as it is, is provided through the helmet’s gag arrangement, so again, no maintenance work requiring removal from the device. Once they are in here, they can stay for a very long time. We feed ‘em, flood ‘em, drain ‘em and plug ‘em.” Fabian laughed. It sounded hollow in the vast greenhouse.

  “A bit higher still,” he continued, “right at waist level, is an adjustable belt/penetrator system which holds the waist very close to the post while anchoring the penetrator band that runs through the tight space between the legs and holds three creatively designed gadgets which you will shortly become most intimate with. Suffice to say that these ten creatures are all enjoying the varied stimulating offerings of these triple attention-getters. No need right now to describe where they go, but given your training, I am sure you know exactly where they do their dirty work.”

  Lucy knew at once what he was talking about. Anchored in the stall stocks at Summer Camp, she had endured the triple simultaneous stimulation of asshole, cunt and clit by electronic, electrical and mechanical means. This trio of pain and pleasure was often supplemented by additional gadgets clamped or tied to her tits. It was not an experience she wanted to repeat and, compared to what she recalled, a night of gang rape by the demented assholes at the mine was more pleasant, and that wasn’t saying much.

  “Okay,” said Fabian to his small, but captive audience. “Moving on upwards, you’ll note the next set of cuffs are also adjustable because, well, nobody’s perfect, are they? No problem for you in that area, Lucy. Your rack will fit in here very nicely. You’ll see.” Fabian smiled, looking hard at Lucy’s well-equipped chest.

  “But the lack of uniform perfection being a common problem, these cuffs clamp around the base of the breast and, after a time, usually lock down to about an inch and a half ID, nicely squeezing and compressing the roots of the tits and keeping the chest wall right up against the post, as you can see. When a new candidate arrives with insufficient tit flesh to trap in these bands, we improvise a bit and use the little darling nipple stretchers you can see here.” He pinged one of the small metal springy gadgets hanging by a short chain from one of the breast cuffs. “What happens here is that the nasty little nipclips are attached firmly to each nipple. They have springs which have adjustable tension and can be set to pull with adjustable constant force against the cuff bands, elongating the nipples over time while we dose the candidate with various hormones and other things to increase breast size. It takes time. It hurts, they tell me, like the devil, but it works oh, so well.” Fabian stopped to take a breath and to stroke Ellie’s cuffed and compressed breasts.

  “Once the size and shape of the rack is acceptable, we might discontinue the nip clips and torque down the base clamps. It is a measurable and recorded fact that those who have experienced the combination of nipclips and boob clamps place that arrangement among the top three most hurtful and annoying trials they experience here. In other words, when asked what they want removed, most girls say the tit clamps, right, Ellie?” As he said this, Fabian snapped his middle and index fingers against the shiny bright red side of Ellie’s grossly compressed left breast. Bound as she was, the girl twitched slightly away from the fingers. Fabian laughed and turned back to Lucy. “Surely you have already experienced something like this at your various stops along the way here?”

  Lucy blinked and found that tears where coming from her eyes as she looked at the ten girls bound in these terrible devices, knowing that she would soon join this Hanging Ten.
She was certain that she was to be the eleventh in the display.

  “Ah, shed not a tear for them,” Fabian muttered, still entranced by the chance to develop his narrative description for the new arrival. “You probably won’t find this all that annoying because you, unlike most of these creatures, these female things,” he pointed at random to the hanging girls, “which I have acquired, have had much more experience with this sort of training. You are lucky. Most of these,” he gestured again towards the hanging ten, “ended up in here with no prior training at all. I just encountered them at clubs, on the street, or in offices or stores and arranged to get them…permanently.

  “You,” Fabian continued, “on the other hand, have been a slow and carefully planned investment, mostly because I felt that you should pay in months for each minute and each hour that you frustrated and ignored me. Oddly enough, now that you’re here, I’ll be able to fuck and bugger you at will, as often as I like, as long as I like and you, dear Lucy, will have nothing to say about it. How’s that for payback for all the dinners and cocktails and bottles of Krug Champagne and fancy hotel rooms you squeezed from me?”

  Lucy shuddered and closed her eyes. Fabian went on with his description.

  “So,” he said, turning back to the hanging girl displayed in front of him and poking her teasingly in the ribs. “From the tits to the neck is a short distance and this collar is a work of art, fully adjustable and attached, as you will note, in the back to the ULT, the Upper Limb Triangle, as I call it. Yet another ingenious device of my creation. The collar fits snuggly, but is well padded to prevent any damage to the sensitive neck area. Once in place, the ULT hangs across the back and allows the wrists and arms to be locked into any one of several convenient and stressful positions. In Ellie’s case, her arms are crossed with the wrists held high up above the shoulder blades and the elbows cuffed to the lower corners of the triangle. The light chains at the corners are pulled around under the arms and fastened, in Ellie’s case, to the nipple rings, which happen to be useful in this case. At other times, the ULT can be fastened to nose, clit or tongue rings as necessary. In any case, it keeps the arms from flailing around, doesn’t it, Ellie? The motionless girl uttered a nearly unheard moan.

  “Oh, yes, of course. I almost forgot in my anxiousness to get to the brank. I should point out that the collar has noise-sensitive electrodes imbedded in it so if you are inclined to complain, do so silently because any sound from your throat will elicit a shocking response from the collar. It inspires silence, I suppose and a silent plant is a happy plant. Improves growth, I’m sure.

  “So, now a brief discussion of head,” Fabian continued. “Not giving head, but enclosing heads. This steel contraption has been reworked many times, but it just keeps on getting better. Ellie and the girls all have Model VI, which came on the line about a year ago. We all liked it so much that we have put off revisions, although you might, if you are very good, get a chance to try some new concepts beyond Model VI.

  “This brank incorporates the following important features and priced at five thousand Euros, is one of our best sellers. We move a lot of these to the Middle East, often customized, which effectively triples the price. Imagine the thrill of wearing such a thing, custom made for your head alone. I can make it in silver, Titanium, (with another two hundred percent premium), or even gold alloy.”

  Lucy couldn’t believe her ears. She was hearing an actual sales pitch for expensive BDSM equipment made by Fabian’s company. Fabian, as she knew, was a very well off executive in a business of some sort, and she also knew that he was in a metals fabrication industry, but she had never considered what sort of metal fabrication he was into. Now, unfortunately, she knew.

  “This model feeds the wearer through nearly invisible tubes that can go either into just the mouth or, as in Ellie’s case, all the way into the stomach for carefree feeding of any liquid or semi-liquid substance. The small belt pack here,” he pointed to a plastic box mounted at the base of Ellie’s spine on the waist belt, “is easily changed and can carry a few days of nutrition and hydration. The mouthpiece/gag is variable and can be changed to fit the needs. Some are permanent. Others can be interchanged with bits, combination exciters, and disciplinary gags. Very versatile, as you will see.

  “The blinder portion is also variable and can be set up to keep the eyes open all the time for enforced observation of films or training videos, or they can, of course, seal out any light or sight. The small ear inserts can provide white noise, training lectures or total silence. There are some accessories, available at additional cost, that can bring considerable discomfort, (shall we say, real pain), in the ears if needed.

  “The entire brank unit can be connected and locked to the central post or used independently as I might desire. I can only add that I get very few complaints from wearers of this outfit, so we must conclude that it has the desired effects. Your IP and its accompanying brank, collar, etc, Lucy, has been ordered and will arrive from my Munich factory shortly. I already have one which was made from measurements taken while you were at school, but your figure has changed a bit since then and I will change it again, so a new outfit is on the way”

  Lucky me, Lucy thought, unable to avoid the sarcasm.

  “So,” Fabian summarized happily, “that’s what you have to look forward to, Lucy, my dear. Welcome to Plant City. You stay there for a while and contemplate your fate. I have things to do.” Fabian turned and left the greenhouse while Lucy tried to make eye contact with any of the hanging girls. This was impossible for they all had the eye pads of their branks closed and the gag pieces fixed in place. Lucy closed her eyes, tried to find a more comfortable way to endure the hogtie and waited.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Mickeal eased himself up to the broken window of the shed and looked out carefully. Another rifle shot echoed outside and the round hissed as it came through the window, just above where Mickeal’s head had been.

  “Well, I guess they didn’t leave,” he said quietly, backing away from the shattered window and putting his back against the wall.

  “I wouldn’t stay there,” Bibi offered. “That wall is just sheet metal and they’re using a rifle that will probably shoot right through it…and you.”

  “Ah, right. Dumb of me,” said Mickeal. He eased himself across the floor, sliding on his belly, the Glock at his side. “Any ideas?”

  “Yes,” said Bibi. “Well, first of all, if the dark guy got away in your car, he may bring back reinforcements, so we need to think this out and move quickly. Second, I suspect the shooter is the broad or possibly man number four, both of whom were due back here about now. If there are two of them, one probably is already circling around and is going to pop up sooner or later and surprise us. We don’t want that.”

  “Right,” said Mickeal. “Is there any other entrance?”

  “There may be a hidden door in the cellar,” Bibi said. “I’m not sure as they kept me tied up and blindfolded most of the time, but I thought I heard someone come and go other than on the stairs. I’m going to go back down there, beat the guy in the box some more and see if I can find a way out. I suggest you might want to get over to the stairs with me where you’ll be below the line of fire and then wait to see if anyone tries to get in up here. Okay?”

  “Brilliant. Good infantry tactics,” said Mickeal. They both crawled to the stairway, Mickeal turning around and facing the front door, his Glock resting on his cupped left hand, which was on the floor at the top of the stairs. Another round came through the wall right where Mickeal had been sitting a moment before. He glanced at Bibi, who was already half way down the stairs.

  “If I were them, I’d try to rush us,” he said. “You go look for another way out. I’ve got about thirty rounds here, so I can hold them off for a while.”

  Bibi nodded and went down the stairs. A few seconds later, Mickeal heard her berating the man in the box and then he heard him scream. Then silence. The people outside were makin
g noises like wolves surrounding sheep. The doorknob rattled briefly and Mickeal put three fast rounds through the top, center and bottom of the door. Someone grunted and there was a shuffling sound by the door.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Twist & Shout

  Lucy tried in vain to find a position, any position, to ease the pain in her various clamped, cuffed and impaled body parts. The swinging cage allowed almost no movement and even her fingers and toes were now immobilized, her tongue was horribly pierced and held out by a thick steel pin that was linked to the brank’s frame. The eye pads permitted eye movement, but there was no positive benefit because they allowed no sight. She wondered how Fabian had managed to elude her father’s elaborate household security and take Brenda prisoner, but she also had to admit that her sister was even more stubborn and independent than she was, so it was not especially hard to imagine anyone kidnapping her. The other interesting information about Brenda’s interest in bondage did not surprise her. On several occasions during their late teenage years, as soon as they could legally drive, Lucy and Brenda experimented with tying each other up, sometimes in bed and other times at various locations around the estate. Lucy thought it was fun and only later realized that she got some mildly erotic sensations while bound, but she was certain that Brenda found it far more stimulating.

  Now, Brenda was swinging in a metal cage like hers, only a few feet away, but seemingly unaware or uncaring that they were both prisoners of this foul character whom Lucy had played with for several months before her capture. Lucy considered for a moment how Brenda became involved in this nightmare and decided that she had certainly mentioned her younger sister to Fabian at one time or another during their lengthy relationship.


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