Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition

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Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition Page 34

by Jurgen von Stuka

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Groff’s speculation about Fabian’s long-term plans for the four women was not easily resolved. But the events of the next few weeks seemed to at least provide a focus for her to adopt several conclusions. Groff felt certain now that Fabian was a very dangerous nutcase, bent upon continuous and increasingly more violent revenge. That this get-even attitude was vented on many women was certainly evidenced by the torment and agony he inflicted on the dozens of young women he kept under his control in The Greenhouse and probably elsewhere. Groff was helpless to do anything about this and regretted her impulsiveness in going to Prague without either a plan or a back-up. She was also now very sure that all of the activity that she, Bibi, Lucy and Brenda were being subjected to was leading up to something, something sinister that would perhaps end in their deaths or worse. One by one, the girls were taken into a sort of industrial packaging laboratory within the Greenhouse complex. In the process of being taken to and from this suite of rooms, Groff one day was able to catch a glimpse of sky and then, oddly, what looked like the Eiffel Tower on the horizon.

  “Could they have taken us to Paris without us knowing it?” she wondered.

  With drugs, it certainly could be possible, she thought. But she was sure that it was the Eiffel Tower she saw. What Groff didn’t know was that there are more than twenty-five other towers in the world that plausibly look like the original in Paris. The closest duplicate is in Tokyo, is painted red, and doesn’t look much like the Paris version. Others are much smaller and different in design and function. Another close copy is on top of the Mala Strana in Prague and could easily pass for the Paris version if one only had a second’s view of it.

  The latter tower is what Groff saw as she was being hustled to the lab once again for what seemed like interminably long sessions in a deep vat of some sort of thick liquid that was slightly above room temperature. She was told to move as much as her bonds allowed but not to dislodge the facemask and Fiberglas helmet that permitted her to breathe. Inside the tank, all she could hear was the sound of her breathing and her blood pumping through her veins. She had no sight, no other hearing, only the cold, faintly metallic taste of the compressed air coming in through the helmet. As she hung there, suspended in a sort of zero gravity, sensory-deprived environment, she could feel the liquid coating her body and building up layers, much like what happens when you continue to dip a piece of meat or bread into hot liquid cheese for fondue. While submerged, she was bound in a spread eagle position, arms and legs extended in four directions and breathing through mouth and nose inside the helmet that fully enclosed her head. After whatever time was allocated, she was removed from the tank and the plastic-like material that clung to her body was examined and allowed to dry, then slowly sliced and peeled off.

  It also seemed as though each session was longer than the previous one, as though they were trying to find at what point the stuff might stay bound to her body and become a second skin. Groff had the impression, although she could not validate it, that each of them was being experimented upon, possibly with different kinds of coatings and treatments. On more than one occasion, she saw other females who seemed to be encapsulated in a sort of rubberized skin. Some were totally mobile and others seemed to have very little ability to move their limbs.

  Once again, Groff went back mentally to her training and tried to recall what she had learned about rubber and the various fetishes that went with it. She knew that the so-called rubber fetish was a very broad spectrum human fantasy that could manifest itself in thousands of ways, from simply wanting to wear rubber gloves or rubber boots to enveloping oneself or another in layers of heavy, thick rubber garments. The examples Groff remembered most vividly were of beautiful women wearing transparent one-piece body suits of thin and clingy Latex at fashion shows and other events where the public might be able to gawk and stare. “Could Fabian be planning to encapsulate them in some sort of permanent rubber skin, and if so, why?” she wondered.

  “What would he get out of this? Would or could he sell attractive female slaves sealed in rubber? What would it feel like to be totally sealed in a second rubber skin with your body functions piped out, no speech, probably no hearing and limited smell and taste, depending on what extent of capsulation was used? Was this what Fabian was working towards?” She wished she could at least ask him.

  Meanwhile, the sessions became more and more complex. Different arrangements were made for her air supply, smaller and lighter cuffs were attached to her wrists and ankles to keep her suspended and various devices inserted into her ass and sex, some of which allowed the fluid to flow in and others which were blockers or plugs to keep the liquid out. Each time Groff went to the lab she made an effort to look up and try to see what she had seen that one time. Because of the blindfolds, she saw nothing.

  One day, she was taken to a different room which was outfitted, as she saw once the blindfold was removed and they started to attach yet another helmet with breathing apparatus, like an automobile paint booth. The area was vented with blowers and there were heat lamps in the sides, ends and overhead. A plug with a hose was inserted in her pussy and another up her ass. A sort of tiny funnel was glued; it seemed, just below her clitoris, over her urethra, and only her eyes, nose and mouth were given protective cover. She breathed only through her mouth and her eye covering once again stopped all sight. She was told to stand still while two figures in safety overalls sprayed her with a different kind of liquid that set up immediately when it contacted her skin. In a matter of minutes, they covered her entirely with a flexible, latex-type material. When finished, they made her continue to stand still while blowers and moderate heat were applied and caused the material to dry. She felt it tighten and slightly shrink as the drying progressed. Neither feeling was unpleasant, but Groff had bad thoughts about being trapped indefinitely in this rubber skin. When it was over, they bound her wrists behind her once again, placed a gag in her mouth, blindfold over her eyes, and guided her back to her cell where she was attached to the walls with padded clamps at neck, waist, wrists and ankles. Her guides said nothing and departed, leaving her attached to the cool cement wall where she stayed for what seemed like more than a day.

  Time seemed to stand still for Groff. When she was finally taken down from the wall, too stiff and tired to resist in any way, she was dragged to one of the “clinic” rooms and placed on a table with her rubber encapsulated limbs strapped down and her head in a metal frame that prevented any movement. Her jaws were pried open and some serious and painful dental work was carried out while she screamed and struggled. A slimy, viscous, putty-like material was put into her mouth and she was given strict instructions to breathe through her nose and not to swallow. Several minutes later, the material, now solidified, was removed and the resulting form of her mouth taken away. Several teeth were drilled and fitted with metal hard points, a set of steel braces attached to her upper and lower teeth and a hole was pierced in the front of her tongue, from left to right, not from top to bottom. A rigid metal pin was put through the tongue and attached to the hard points on her lower teeth at each side, holding her tongue in a position where very little coherent communication was possible.

  The impression taken earlier was returned in the form of a solid, semi-flexible mold of her mouth with two hoses trailing from it. This was stuffed into her mouth and attached to additional hard points on her teeth. With this gagging device in place, Groff was now without voice and could only make muted sounds in her throat.

  Fitted with additional hardware in her nipples and vaginal lips, Groff was not surprised to find that a helmet of sorts was again clamped into her head, sealing out sight and controlling her breathing through a sort of regulator and the hoses in her mouth. The helmet was a very snug fit and seemed to be mated to the rubberized coating that covered the rest of her head and body. The short moment of vision that she had before the helmet was fitted allowed her to see that the thing was a perfect
replica of a pony’s head, with a long blond mane, forward pointing ears and bright glass eyes set in a molded fiberglass form. It fit her head perfectly. With it in place, Groff was finally and totally sealed inside the rubber skin. The only contact she now had with the outside world were the hoses that sprouted from her crotch and helmet. Her ringed nipples and crotch were connected to stout metal bars and additional connections were made to a thick leather and rubber waistband. As an apparent after thought, her asshole was suddenly and painfully probed with a larger plug that stretched her anal sphincter as wide as it could possibly go and then was seated inside her rectum. A long blond tail that matched her mane was attached to the plug and the leverage exerted by the sweeping tail made the plug in her ass constantly move and jerk about. She was led by her reins out of the lab attached to a two-wheeled cart. Someone or something was in the cart and pulling it required more effort than Groff expected it would. Blind, gagged and chained to the pulling apparatus of the cart, she was forced to start down a road of some sort. Resistance on her part was met with the harsh bite of a rubber whip plied by the person driving the cart. Pressure on the reins, which were linked to her implanted bit-gag was her sole source of direction. A crack with the whip across her plugged ass inspired Groff to speed up and soon she was running at a fast trot along some hard surfaced trail, pulling the cart and driver with nearly as much speed as she did on her daily conditioning runs when all she wore was a tracksuit and shoes. Now, the leather harness dug into her shoulders and waist, the connecting chains tugged at her ringed tits and lower lips and the infernal tail swept out behind her, rummaging inside her plugged ass. The cart pulling continued until Groff was exhausted and driven to a sort of underground stable where she was unhooked from the cart, spread out between posts in the center corridor of the stable and washed down, the soapy water cleansing the rubber covering, but not actually contacting her skin beneath it. Shortly thereafter, she found herself locked to a wall, spread eagle, and quickly went to sleep, still wearing the ponderous pony head.

  Her next sensation was that of emersion into what seemed to be moderately cold water. A similar harness was fitted around her body with attachment points to her nipple rings, tight bands encircling her thighs and breasts and her hoses hooked up to some kind of extensions from the dual metal bars to which her harness was attached. The internal audio of the helmet instructed her to stand still and begin to move forward, pulling whatever was behind her, following directions as to speed, and direction. Groff was astonished. She had no clue as to what was happening, but when she failed to quickly begin forward movement, she received, instead of a slash with the whip, electrical shocks in her ass and pussy that told her to obey. Groff pushed forward against the thing holding her harness and slowly began to move in what was to become a circular underwater route. Paralleling her course were three other women in the same rubber and pony head helmet attire, each pulling a sort of sea sled around in circles. This performance, which lasted for over an hour, was witnessed by a group of observers through several large windows. They watched as they might casually witness fish in an aquarium and their interest slowly subsided after the third or fourth pass by the competing underwater figures. When they were finished, the swimmers were hauled out of the huge pool and sent back to their cells. The experiment was considered to be a success, but it was not repeated, leading each of the women to conclude that whatever Fabian expected from the program apparently had not taken place.

  This demonstration terminated prematurely as some of the observers elected to take their ponies to their quarters for more personal entertainment. Groff found herself roped to a soft bed, the pony head still fitted and her knees pulled up under her so that her tail-plugged ass was up in a most vulnerable position. She felt a rough hand grope her plugged ass, remove the horsehair tail from the ass plug but leave the plug itself alone. He then coarsely fingered her sex, removed the harness crotch strap and pulled the deeply seated dildoe from its warm, internal home. The hard rubber probe was immediately replaced by a strong male member which was thrust into its place without any preliminaries at all. Groff gasped inside her pony head helmet, struggling to either free herself or accommodate the large dick which was already thrusting away in her cunt. Her head was down against the bedcover, her wrists tied with rope and pulled forward to the head of the bed. Her ankles were pulled apart and held to the sides of the bed and her bound knees pressed against her chest.

  What a weird switch, she thought, by now slowly rotating her hips and trying to get something pleasurable from the screwing that she was going to get one way or another. The rough hands were now on her tits, squeezing the soft hanging globes and tweaking the ringed nipples. The plunging in her cunt increased, driving the already deep butt plug even further into her ass and bringing with it sensations of pain and sensual arousal. Then she felt the surge of semen being fired rapidly into her cunt. He came in several jerks, then all motion ceased.

  Groff knelt on the bed, her hips still slowly moving, her pussy muscles clasping the softening prick. To her surprise, this movement seemed to stimulate him again and in a few minutes her unknown fucker was at it again, charging into her with renewed enthusiasm, murdering her tits and shouting for her to “come on, come on, you fucking pony” as he drilled into her now totally liquefied cunt. This time it took longer, but the impact of his release was just as strong as before and this time Groff was with him, ramming her hips and ass back against him, chewing furiously on her bit and gag, tugging at the ropes on her wrists, crying silently inside the pony head as she finally got the first real orgasm she had had in years.

  “Is this the way I need to be fucked?” Groff asked herself as her breathing began to slow and her rapist pulled out and got off the bed. “Can it be that this is what I need? Am I that much of a masochist or is this just self punishment for the hard life of a detective?”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Screw it,” muttered an annoyed and frustrated Fabian at the gala dinner that evening in the Greenhouse’s dining saloon. His thirty-three male and female guests looked up as one and awaited his next, hopefully clarifying comment. Fabian raised his wine glass and said, “A toast to Doctor Brenner, who, despite his best efforts, failed today to convince anyone here that our little rubber queens can have a useful purpose.”

  “Hear, hear,” the assembled diners uttered jointly with less enthusiasm than one might expect, given the amount of money and work that had gone into producing the somewhat lackluster underwater show.

  “Tell me, Fabian,” said one elegantly dressed male diner. “What is your next move with these creatures? Will you install gills and fins?” A ripple of laughter began at the end of the table and quickly died as it reached Fabian.

  “These ‘creatures’ that you observed today are mere curiosities. With Doctor Brenner’s help, we have sealed them in rubber and in rubber they will stay for the rest of their pitiful, meaningless lives. They are nothing but toys and their lives will now be little more than worthless motions in a dark and sightless, soundless world. They may be underwater or in a forest or wherever I put them, but they will not ever again enjoy this world as we know it. They are less than pets. They are mere rubberized creatures.” He finished this lengthy statement breathlessly, took a long drink from his wine glass and sat back, a bit of sweat glistening on his forehead.

  “But why?” another guest asked.

  “Because I enjoy watching them suffer,” said Fabian darkly as he waved his hand and a curtain on one long wall of the room slowly slid back, revealing the four women, still encased in their rubber skin.

  “Ahhhh,” murmured several guests simultaneously as they turned their heads and looked once again at the displayed creatures hanging listlessly from overhead chains, only a few meters away. Lucy, Brenda, Bibi and Groff each hung from their own single chains, ankles spread wide by steel bars cuffed to their feet, their heads still enclosed in the black helmets, their rubber-encased bodies shining in the
candlelight. The overhead chains were tight and their bodies stretched by other chains extending downward from the spreader bars. They breathed soundlessly through the helmet and hoses. Every detail of their bodies showed through the transparent rubber coating: their full breasts with rigidly ringed nipples, their tight, shapely asses, their shaven and slightly open cunts with the ivory dildoes deeply embedded. Thin metal wires led from their cable-encircled waists through their legs and up through their buttocks, snugly retaining the dildoes and butt plugs.

  “To the creatures,” shouted one guest, holding his glass high and gesturing towards the four hanging figures.

  “Yes, why not?” said Fabian. “Here’s to the creatures.”


  A few levels below, Mickeal lay face down on the stone floor of his cell. He was motionless and did not appear to be breathing. The guard, after peering through the spy peephole, opened the door and advanced cautiously, her taser poised at the ready. When she was standing next to Mickeal, she reached down to feel his carotid artery and Mickeal brought his left foot up hard, smashing the calloused heel into the guard’s right ear. The taser fell to the floor. Mickeal shifted his weight and brought up his foot again, this time catching the stunned guard in the nose, breaking the bone and showering him with her blood. The twin blows were enough to knock the woman down and Mickeal was quickly on top of her with his strong thighs wrapped around her neck. Flexing his legs and powerful back with an upward pull and a quick twist, he broke her thin neck. He turned around, reached for the guard’s keys on her belt and quickly found one for the handcuffs. Getting the key into the hole took longer than he wanted it to take. The heavy padlock on the neck chain was easy to unlock. By the time he was out of the cell, taser in one hand and chain in the other, he was worried that someone might already be wondering about the guard.


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