Now and Forevermore

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Now and Forevermore Page 5

by Minx Charmer

  He pulled himself out and gazed at her in wonder “What is this metal contraption? It is like nothing I have ever seen. How does it work? Do tell me please? I shall have to tell Peter although I do not think he will believe me. So I will not be in his good graces, as I am clearly not in yours.”

  Summer scratched her head and blew the tendrils out of her eyes. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  At his contrite face, she exploded in laughter. It was a welcome release from the tense moments they had shared earlier “So you want to be in my good graces hmmm?”

  “Well I do not wish for you to be upset with me and I would love for you to explain what this thing is.”

  Summer said the first thing that came to her mind “A horseless carriage.”

  Malcolm’s eyes lit up like a little boy in the candy store. “This is much better than Sedgwick’s library full of books. I love to read and learn, but I never thought of something like this before. How does it work? What does it use to make it gallop at a greater pace than a horse? Can you explain it to me?”

  With mock horror, she held up her hand “Whoa, whoa, Einstein. I don’t know all that stuff, but I can certainly get you some books on the subject and speaking of books, why don’t you join me in the horseless carriage and we will go back to the library for a quick review. Ok?”

  “Yes, I would love that. Thank you for your kindness.”

  Summer gritted her teeth. That oozing charm rattled her nerves. “You are welcome. Now hop in.”

  Once he settled in she turned to him with a forlorn sigh. “The truth is I can’t get in any more trouble now especially since the prince is coming soon.”

  “The prince is coming? Perhaps he may explain things to me. Can I request an audience with him? My title should grant me favor.”

  Summer groaned and tried to explain “I don’t mean an actual prince, but more like someone who thinks he is a prince. He is a nasty little man to deal with, but what can you do about it?”

  Malcolm did not understand, but he reserved judgment. It was not his intention to frighten the girl, but he realized that despite his words, she truly did not believe he came from another time and place. He found it amazing as well, but just the fact that he sat in a horseless carriage warranted some explanation. The entire ordeal meant he would have to surmise how to live in this new world, until he could return to his own. And for the moment, she remained his link to a world far gone. “Summer, I have need of you. It seems as though fate has cast us together, and I will be here for some time. You are a fine lady and I know that you can be of assistance to me. I must know why I was sent to this time and what I have to do until I can return to my own.”

  Summer’s cheeks flushed and her heart beat a mile a minute at this earnest plea. “Look Malcolm, yes I would love to help you, but I can’t. I need you to go back where you came from and that doesn’t mean that I believe anything you said about the past. You must be from the mainland and you were hiding in Mr. Neely’s library for a reason. So we are going back there right now. So just sit tight and leave the driving to me.”

  Malcolm inclined his head and acquiesced to her desires. He allowed her to place a restraint across his chest to keep him in place, and soon the horseless carriage galloped at a great speed. He noted the sights resembled the off lands from the books he read. Places where natives made their dwelling. Some men spoke of it when they returned from their ocean voyages and in the books on the discoveries of the new world, there were similar features. How strange that he should land somewhere similar.


  Summer rushed Malcolm inside the library and gave a gusty bellow. “Mr. Neely, where are you?”

  When the older gentleman appeared, his face and clothing reminded Malcolm of the old woman in Sedgwick’s’ library. Could they be akin to each other? Before he could inquire, Summer ran over and hugged the gentleman in a scandalous manner “Mr. Neely, I am so glad to see you. You don’t know how much!”

  Mr. Neely’s lined face broke into a warm smile, and he motioned for her to sit down. Summer was too anxious to sit, and she paced back and forth. “I can’t stay long, so I will just explain as best I can. This man, Malcolm is the name, was in your library and he fell out, excuse me, he fell from behind the mirror. It is clear that he was hiding from someone, but I don’t know who he really is —”

  “He is the Marquis of Thornbrook, I believe.”

  Summer stopped pacing and stared at him in stupefied disbelief. Did she land in the twilight zone or something? “I’m sorry, but how, I mean where did you get that? What I mean is…I don’t know what I mean.”

  Malcolm cast a glance at the older man “And how do you know who I am?”

  Mr. Neely ambled over to his desk, and returned with a large bound volume. He pointed to the title and said “This is a book about famous men and their portraits. I read this today and it’s your picture if I’m right.”

  Malcolm examined the pictures. The old man spoke the truth and his portrait stared out at him with a note that read “Malcolm Theodore Fenton, Marquis of Thornbrook, picture commissioned by the Marchioness of Thornbrook. For my loving husband ‘Now, and to the ends of time.’

  No further information was provided about his past life, and Malcolm closed the book with a frustrated sigh. Although comforted to have found a wife did not explain how he would return or who his wife would become. He turned to Summer to get her thoughts on the matter and grimaced. She looked as ill as he did when he first arrived, and he felt a sense of concern that he had affected her to such an extent. Getting down on one knee, he spoke in a soft tone “Summer, you need not fear. All will be well. It is clear that I am here for some reason that will reveal itself in due time. I dare say, I cannot stay in these soiled clothes any longer, and I need somewhere more appropriate to lay my head. Can you help me to find a place more suitable than your little rock dungeon?”

  Summer jumped up apparently distressed to sit still “And just how am I going to do that and what explanation will I give? Mr. Neely do you have any ideas?”

  Mr. Neely raised his hands and looked at them both with a mischievous gaze “You boys and girls are all grown up now. Don’t need the help of a little old man like me. Besides Summer, you could simply get him to work for your Aunt Vivian. That should solve the problem. Doesn’t your aunt have all those servant quarters on the estate?”

  Summer could not believe his suggestion. “And just how am I going to do that? The moment I try to make up some story, she’ll sniff me out.”

  Mr. Neely did not agree and pointed out “To help the gentleman, you will simply have to try. Now run along kids and figure it out on your own.”

  And with those words he put them both outside, and closed the door with a firm click.

  Summer stamped her feet in frustration and turned to Malcolm. “That’s just great. Mr. Neely has gone and turned into someone else. Taken over by aliens no doubt. Now I am going to have to figure out what to do on my own and you are going to help me. Tonight you have to stay in the cave, but tomorrow I will figure out how to introduce you to my esteemed family. By the way, that will be the greatest trick of all time, so sit tight and wait for the fireworks.”

  His bemused look brought an understanding smile to her face. “Just stick with me and everything will be all right, Ok?”

  Malcolm nodded solemnly. “Yes my lady.”

  Chapter 5

  Summer veered off the main road just a block away from Huntington Manor. The logistics of getting Malcolm into the house ate at her subconscious, but she had to try. “Uh Sir, Lord, what should I call you anyway, now that I accept you may not be from around here?”

  Even as she uttered the words, her mind played havoc with the idea. To say that a living breathing male from the past overwhelmed her would be a gross understatement. He sensed her dilemma and infused warmth to his voice as he pointed to his chest “My name is Malcolm. My title does not make me who I am. I wear it, it does not wear me.”

nbsp; A statement that may be true, but Summer did not precisely agree. He oozed wealth and nobility despite the crinkles in his clothing, and she noted the Caribbean heat did not seem to affect him as it affected her. Wiping away the damp tendrils from her brow she came to decision “All right Malcolm. This is the deal. We have to get you introduced to my aunt, so that I can help you return home. That will save me the headache of running around, hiding in every corner, sneaking you food, clothing and what not’s. That means you have to lay low for a while until I figure something out, all right?”

  He did not understand, but he yielded to the desperation in her voice “Your words are difficult to understand, but I know you will do whatever you can. Is there anything I can do to assist you?”

  “No, I mean yes!” Her words were tinged with warmth to take away the sting “You will stay out of sight, until I can come up with a plan, better said arrangement, to introduce you to my employer.”

  With a raised brow he nodded towards the estate in the distance and observed “She is your aunt, so explain what is your employer?”

  With a frustrated groan, Summer hit the gas and drove the last part of the way. She parked and they took the path down to the cave. “Listen, just help me here all right. Give me two more days and I will come and get you and we will decide what to do. I promise I’ll work it out. Just give me two days. I will bring you food, water and some clothing. Can you do that for me?”

  His reply was tinged with amusement “You wish to have me in your power? I do not believe you have the rank to do such a thing.”

  She flashed a quick smile and kept up the brisk pace, which Malcolm matched stride for stride. She breathed a sigh of relief when they vanished from view, woefully short-lived when she checked the time. Much too late for a proper lunch, but she would have to try with something. “I have to run. I mean I have to go to the house. Whatever you do, stay here and I will bring you back something to eat. I know you must be hungry, but I’ll be back shortly. Stay put all right?”

  Malcolm understood but he had a request of his own. “Perhaps I can have a bath on this night? I do not think I can take my current state of dishabille any longer.”

  Summer’s cheeks flushed at his gentle request. How insensitive of her. “Yes I will make arrangements for a bath as soon as I return and I will get some of my dad’s clothes. I think you are the same size. After all if you will be here, you will have to dress like a native. Now be good until I get back.”


  Lunch was a disaster of cold ham, soggy bread and withered lettuce. Summer did not have the time to prepare the usual fare for the family and her aunt was livid. With a grim face, her glacial eyes bore into Summer, and she enunciated each word carefully “You are a spoiled brat of a girl, and I will not bear your presence much longer. Cook us a proper meal or so help me, I will turn you out on the street on your ears today, do you hear me girl?”

  Summer swallowed with a quick nod, and ran back to the kitchen. Her hands shook and her breaths came in nervous puffs. She couldn’t afford to land on the street, because she had Malcolm to think about. On her own she could make it in her cave, but with Malcolm that would not do. She had to find a way to help him and that meant being at her aunt’s beck and call just a little while longer.

  With deft movements, she threw bits of chicken into the frying pan, sautéing them in butter, adding sliced vegetables to the mix and whipping up additional compliments. In record time she scurried to serve the multiple courses, in hopes her aunt had forgotten her soured mood, but that hope did not last.

  “I have decided that I will personally overview the cleaning for the rest of the afternoon Summer. Charles has called to say he will be here tomorrow and I want everything to be spotless. Don’t get any ideas of running out to the beach, or it will be the last idea for you my girl. Now clean up the kitchen and after we eat, I will supervise your work, each and every step of the way.”

  Without responding to her aunt’s threat, Summer raced back to the kitchen, time of the essence. With a scant few minutes to spare, she had to get something to Malcolm, return, clean the kitchen, serve desert and get ready for whatever her aunt had in store.

  With a dash she threw two slices of bread, cheese, ham and lettuce together, added a huge splash of dressing, got a thermos and filled it with juice. With a printed cloth, she quickly tied the bundles together with one eye on the clock and one eye on the kitchen door. In a flash she sneaked out the back way, and ran like the wind down the cobble pavement, out of the front gate and down the path to the cave.

  Malcolm reclined on the bed, surrounded by some of her books when she ran up to him, threw the food into his lap as yelled over her shoulder “I don’t have time to talk, but here is some food. Will be back later. Stay here. Bye!”

  With a prayer on her lips, she fled back to the kitchen a moment before her aunt came to find her locked in battle with a dirty pot, blackened around the edges. “I’m just cleaning the pot Aunt Vivian. It was burned a little this morning and I have to scrub it really hard.”

  With a suspicious gaze, Vivian’s razor sharp eyes glanced around as though sensing something out of place, but a quick overview indicated nothing out of the ordinary. “Carry on Summer. We will be ready for desert soon.”

  When she left, Summer deflated like a balloon and her legs felt like rubber under her. She struggled to get her breathing back to normal, and stared out of the window to the gardens beyond. The beautiful blooms with tender green leaves did not inspire the same peace as it used to. There had to be more than living for just one command after another. She had dreams of her own, just didn’t have the time, opportunity or the money to follow them.

  But Malcolm’s appearance gave her hope. I mean, how many men came from the past to the present? None as far as she knew. So she too could travel, well not to the past of course, but in the present. See the world, breathed in new sights, sounds and feelings. That would be much better than wasting her youth on one belittling comment after another. With a heartfelt sigh, she returned to her labors with a new resolve. After I get Malcolm back home, I’m going to find a new home of my own.


  Malcolm spent hours perusing Summer’s books but they did not clear up his confusion and only added to it. Women and men in dressed in obscene clothing, barely covered and in scandalous poses. When he put them away and moved on to more historical works, the words and their meanings were unclear. He noted that poverty still appeared to be a problem in many places of the world, and he felt the strong desire to help his staff even more upon his return. The intriguing notion that he had been sent to this time to understand what he should do with his life seemed to merit some consideration. And now that he knew he would eventually marry, he hoped his wife would also share his views.

  The sound of approaching feet brought a flustered Summer, breathing in a most irregular fashion and he flashed her a quick smile. “You should take care my dear. You do not wish to become ill with so much scampering about.”

  Oblivious to his endearment, she walked over and fell down at his side. He saw tired lines around her eyes, and immediately his protective instincts came to the fore “Tell me what ails you so.”

  With a woeful smile she shook her head “It’s all right. Just the same ol’ same ol’. At his expression she held up her hands “Sorry. I mean the same old thing happens all the time and I am tired of dealing with it.”

  His warm and inviting gaze brought her some degree of comfort and she elaborated further “It’s just that I have been living with my aunt all of my life and she always treats me like trash…uh…I mean waste. Something to throw away. I feel that I need a change because I don’t want to stay around here anymore.”

  Malcolm touched her hand and Summer felt a warm glow spread over her. It had been a long time since someone had touched her kindly. “Thanks for the support. I need it.”

  “Why do you remain here when you are so sad?”

  Summer thought ha
rd. That was a great question and yet, her mother’s words were still in her heart. “Well it has to do with a promise. When my mother passed away, died I mean, she told me to care for my father and my aunt. My mother felt she was the cause of a great division in the family and she couldn’t bear it, so she thought that I could heal the divide between us all. But that didn’t happen. My aunt has treated me worst than a slave, and I must confess it hurts. It hurts very much.”

  When tears sprung to her eyes, she brushed them away with an embarrassed smile. She didn’t want to act like a blubbering fool, but tiredness sapped her energy. When his fingers touch her cheek, she held her breath. Softly he wiped the tears from her face and kissed her hand like a true gentleman. “You should not fear your tears. Sometimes we need to cry, but I would like to know if you can’t do anything to change your fortune? Your father? Surely he loves you.”


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