Now and Forevermore

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Now and Forevermore Page 10

by Minx Charmer

  The smell of perfumed flowers only reminder her of Malcolm and Summer bawled all the more. When the sound of shuffling feet approached she did not turn, but spoke over her shoulder, her words muted with unhappiness “Don’t try to cheer me up again Peter. I’ve lost all hope and now he will die without me. How could this happen?”

  “And why will he die without you?”

  Summer leapt to her feet and gasped at the appearance of an old woman in a bright gypsy costume. A large hoop earring dangled from her right ear and her hair fell in scraggly waves to her waist. “It’s you, isn’t it? You’re the one responsible for all of this.”

  “I would like to be responsible for your happiness and not your tears.”

  Summer wiped her eyes and sniffed inelegantly “Then show me the way to save Malcolm.”

  “I?” The question appeared rhetorical as the old woman continued “You have known the way to save him all of this time and you certainly don’t need my help.”

  Summer replied indignantly “That is not true. I don’t how to get back after we cut the mirror… And now, it won’t work.”

  The old woman sighed and shook her head as though reasoning with a recalcitrant child “My dear, the mirror did not bring him to you, but your cry called to him. Yes, the mirror is a gateway, but like all gates it needs a key and the key is and has always been you. All you need do is open it again.”

  Summer turned away as she tried to digest what the old woman said. Could that really be true? “If that’s right, how come I can’t open it again?”

  The woman rolled her eyes and turned away “Believe that you can open it, and you will. And may I say in parting, best wishes to you both.”

  With those words she blended into the darkness and vanished from view.


  Summer did not hesitate and ran to find Peter to tell him what the old woman had said. Then she walked up the mirror and concentrated as hard as she could. Nothing happened. No telltale shimmer, glint or wave passed across the reflective surface. With a muffled sob Summer leaned against the glass and called Malcolm’s name softer and then with greater intensity. When a bright light filled the room it took her a moment to realize the mirror’s surface had changed. With unrestrained joy she yelled for Peter, but the mirror had her in its grip as it pushed her towards the future leaving a void in its place.



  Summer awoke in Mr. Neely’s library and shook off the effects of the time travel. She shot a quick glance at the clock. The lateness of the hour did not matter. She had to get Malcolm and return with him as soon as possible. The drive to the hospital went by quickly and she ran into the room only to find an empty bed. Keeping the terror at bay, she found the doctor who told her Malcolm had been moved to the recovery ward.

  When she found him in a deep slumber, she bent over and kissed him gently. His eyelids fluttered and he awoke with a smile on his face. “I dreamt of you and now you are here. My joy is complete.”

  Summer’s face radiated joy as she held Malcolm’s hand in her own. “You’re ok! That’s amazing to see. Tell me what happened?”

  Malcolm sat up and pulled her into his arms “I don’t know. I faded away and suddenly I heard your voice and returned. And now they tell me I am on the mend. I will be well again, thanks to you.”

  Summer shook her head “No thanks to you, for saving my life. Now get your things together. I’m taking you home.”

  With a nod, he got off the bed and started to put his things into the backpack she brought with her “It will be nice to leave here. Do you think your aunt will treat us better until we can find a place of our own?”

  Summer did a double take. Her aunt? She had forgotten all about her. “No way are we going back there. I am taking you to your real home.”

  Malcolm stopped stuffing clothes into the bag and looked deeply into her eyes, a hint of joy blazing in their depths “You are returning me to my time?”

  Her gaze melted and she walked over and framed his face with her hands “Yes, I am returning you and before you say anything, I am coming with you. And you need not worry that we will ever come back here.”

  Malcolm could not understand what she meant “You will go back to my time and leave your own? You cannot make such a sacrifice. Why would you do this?”

  Without hesitation she said “Because you are my life now and it doesn’t matter where I am, as long as we are together. That’s what matters.”

  Malcolm embraced her so hard, Summer squirmed in protest “Still need to breathe there partner.”

  With a gay laugh he twirled her in the air and then he bit the edge of his lip as he whispered “For how long Summer? How long will you stay with me?”

  She ruffled his hair as she murmured “Now and to the ends of time. And even after that. Now come on before the doctor sees us. This is a hospital breakout after all.”


  The Tinker Box shone with a bright light that lit up the entire surroundings, and no one saw the light but Mr. Neely himself. From his dark corner he watched the couple hold on to each other as they faded from view. With a happy whistle he loaded the mirror onto his truck and drove to the river. And with a firm push he watched the object sink into the depths. Then he turned his gaze to the stars as his appearance melted away to reveal an old woman in its place. With a wide grin she opened her book and wrote down the latest success: Malcolm & Summer united as one. Now and to the end of time. When the library faded to reveal an empty lot, she turned towards the sea. Somewhere in the darkness, two hearts searched for each other across time and space and her task would begin yet again.

  Minx Charmer




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