Taboo Desires: Dirty Forbidden Secrets Bundle (The Complete Miranda Cougar Collection)

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Taboo Desires: Dirty Forbidden Secrets Bundle (The Complete Miranda Cougar Collection) Page 38

by Miranda Cougar

  “I’m sorry, I won’t point again,” Bella agrees. “Now, please, allow me to explain what happened when I peeked inside your mind.”

  I control the trembling in my neck long enough to nod my willingness to listen to her words.

  “When I accessed your mental wavelength, I overheard the sad thoughts flowing through your consciousness. Upon hearing the sadness overwhelming your psyche, my heart felt the stabbing pain of intense shame over the way my husband and I abused you this morning.

  We should have bred you with the love we feel for you in our hearts. At the very least, we should have gifted you one of the playful spankings I know you enjoy so much. We never should have spanked you in anger or spoken to you with cruel words.

  I apologize for mistreating you. I want you to know that I love you, Daisy. I have loved you for many years. You are both loveable and worthy. Please never doubt those truths.”

  With my heart pounding high in my chest, I draw in a deep intake of breath. Through pursed lips I blow my air out again, slowing the speeding pace of my heartbeat. I dip my head then lift it again, finally ready to speak aloud the words I am thinking in my mind. They are the words Bella already knows are true. But, I force myself to say them aloud to her. I want to share with her the deep feeling in my heart.

  “I love you too, Bella.”

  Beautiful Bella whips her long flaxen hair to one side and tilts her chin upward, angling her gorgeous features slightly askew with mine.

  “Part your lips, beautiful. Allow me to kiss you,” she commands and I obey, willingly opening my mouth to her.

  Her soft lips press into mine, then her warm, slick tongue penetrates my heat. My heart rolls then drops in my chest at the heavenly sensation. I suck on her smooth curves then she sucks on mine. When the tip of her tongue tickles the sensitive ridges at the roof of my mouth I giggle, willfully scraping her lip with my teeth.

  To my surprise Bella stops kissing me and moans into my open mouth. Then she presses her lips more passionately into mine. The entire surface of my flushed body tingles with the need to caress the woman I love. So, I cup my Bella’s gorgeous cheeks with my hands, giving my sensitive fingertips a soft, warm place to rest. I playfully tickle the lower curves of her jaw as I caress her luxurious skin. Bella breathes a soft whimper then rests one tender hand at the nape of my neck.

  ‘You’re the most beautiful little mischief maker I’ve ever known.’ My best friend speaks the words inside my mind as we continue to kiss.

  “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”

  I’m jolted out of the tenderness of our tongues’ embrace by the shouts of chanting zombies. With shaky hands, I rip my fingers away from Bella’s soft skin.

  “Show! Show! Show! Show!

  The thousands of zombies in the audience have completed their roll call and are now cheering boisterously. The roar echoing inside the massive ballroom is so overwhelmingly thunderous, my inner ears burn.

  The golden haired zombie stands and strides out to center stage. She pauses in front of the queen’s empty throne and stares down the crowd. Almost in slow motion, she lifts one open hand in front of her chest. Every last zombie quiets immediately. “Your queen enters,” she announces, and a new thunderous roar explodes from the audience.

  “Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!” The zombie hucows chant in unison.

  With one grand triumphant motion, Arissa raises her outstretched hands above her head and yells, “Drink up my sisters!”

  With those four words, the mass of naked hucows stop chanting and noisily reorganize themselves on the ballroom floor. I recognize three of my former hucow sisters, best barnmates, sliding their bodies down onto the polished concrete floor.

  The hucow with the fullest tits positions herself on her hands and knees. I watch my former friend adjust her body positioning several times, until she appears to settle into a semi-comfortable stance. Her two friends slide their bodies, face up beneath her hanging tits, spread their mouths wide open and begin to suckle and relieve her breasts of their milky load.

  Reflexively, I lift my glimmering pink sandals onto the seat of my chair and clasp my fingers around my knees. I curl up into a fetal ball. My fear of becoming one of these mindless milk drinkers forces my face to turn away from the crowd and toward the direction of the zombie queen, who has already begun to converse with Hamma.

  “Don’t speak to the elitist hupig. She’s a liar,” the golden haired hucow interrupts the conversation, barking a command.

  “Be calm, Arissa,” the queen points in the golden haired beauty’s direction. Shaking her head, as if waking from a deep sleep, the younger hucow turns to face Bella. She blinks in her cousin’s direction as if she’s seeing her for the first time.

  Chapter 23


  “It’s been a long time,” the queen grins, continuing the intimate, yet public conversation.

  “Too long,” Hamma says casually while giving her shoulders a slight wiggle, causing the white beads of milk perched atop her dark nipples to splatter onto the stage floor.

  “I see you have a new piece of equipment between your legs.”

  “I do,” Hamma’s lips part in a wide smile. “It’s fully functional. Do you like it?”

  “I like that it’s hard for me,” the auburn haired queen drops her chin to examine the long, thick, chocolate brown cock pointing straight in her direction.

  “It is hard. It’s hard as steel for you, my queen—”

  “Hard for a hucow, are you?” the queen pulls forward a lock of her curly hair and twirls it around one delicate finger. “I wasn’t aware noblewomen from the Sky Mountains got hard for lowly hucows?”

  “This noblewoman does,” Hamma says, stepping forward. As she approaches the throne, she forces her thick hips between the queen’s open thighs, spreading them wider. Jutting her pelvis forward, she nearly impales the tiny woman’s belly with the long sword of her cock.

  The zombie queen leans forward, rubbing her round tits against the meat of Hamma’s dick, making Hamma moan in appreciation. The queen then swipes the tip of her tiny pink tongue over her plump lower lip before angling her chin up to gaze at Hamma’s overfull breasts.

  “Since when do you lactate, lover?”

  “Since I discovered the cure for zombieism—”

  “There is no cure,” the queen barks, slamming her lithe body against the back of her enormous throne.

  Hamma pushes her bottom lip out in a pouting motion and steps back.

  “I’ve come bearing a most valuable gift. And no, it’s not my hard cock,” she laughs.

  “Let me guess, could it be the milk inside those massive tits of yours?”

  “Believe it or not it is. My milk contains the cure for zombieism,” Hamma promises while squeezing her dark, glistening breasts together with kneading fingers.

  The zombie queen’s facial expression drops to a scowl and she releases a snort from deep within her chest.

  In response, Hamma drops to her knees before the queen’s throne and bows, prostrating herself low. The queen grunts her approval and Hamma remains on her knees, but lifts her upper body to face the powerful monarch again. She speaks, continuing the tense conversation.

  “If you drink from me, you will become a normal hucow again—”

  “If I drink from you I will become a slave again—”


  “Yes. My hucow daughters and I will all become milking slaves for the elite once more—”

  “Not true,” Hamma shakes her head. “You will all live free—”

  “You can’t promise that—”

  “I both can and do promise it—”

  “I don’t believe you,” the queen snorts. “You and the rest of the elite will promise anything to get us to stop stealing your noblewomen and transforming them into hucows. You’ll say whatever you have to in order to stop us from feeding on your young men. We now drink their essence, the way they used to drink our milk. This is the natural order of life now
. We zombie hucows are now above everyone else on the food chain. We are no longer prey, we are predators. We will not give up the strength of our zombieism for empty promises of freedom—”

  “Your zombieism is cruelty, not strength. You aren’t thinking clearly. No one died when the nobles drank your milk. But as zombies, you hucows have killed many, many young men —”

  “Hucows may not have died, but they suffered—”

  “I know, and I’m sorry for that—”

  “Are you sorry? Are you truly sorry for luring me into your medical laboratory with your false promises of love?—”

  “Those promises weren’t false—”

  “Lies. You made me your wife then exploited my trust in you by experimenting on my body. It was you, Hamma. You were the wicked noblewoman who transformed me into this monster…this queen of the living dead!”

  “Everything you say is true,” Hamma’s eyes drip tears. “I betrayed your trust. And I know it’s no excuse, but I had no choice in the matter. Powerful men forced my hand. If I hadn’t done the experimenting myself, another scientist would have. And they wouldn’t have been kind about it. They would have hurt you badly—”

  “You hurt me badly! Why? Why me?—”

  “Your genome is special, my queen. At first only you, then later Arissa, and finally young Bella had the proper genetics. Only your bodies can produce the immortality serum inside your milk without eventually succumbing to the negative side-effect of transforming into toothless, rotting corpses. Of course, young Daisy also owns the superior genetics, but I did my best to make certain the powerful men who forced me to experiment on you never found out about her. For years, I’ve hidden her away on my farm—”

  “You tried to protect the young hucow, in the way you failed to protect me?—”

  “Yes, I protected her in the way I could not protect you, my love. I discovered it was your association with me as my wife that first put you in danger. So, I made certain Daisy never became anyone’s bride. As the last hucow she became a well-known celebrity, but I allowed no one to find out about her special genome. I schemed to keep her from marrying so her blood samples would never be drawn and her genetics would never fall into the hands of the men who harmed you—”

  “Hmm—” the zombie queen grunts then blinks rapidly.

  “I tried my best to keep Daisy from the men who would force me to change her. When you and Arissa escaped your captivity in the Sky Mountains, denying those powerful men access to the serum in your milk that makes men stronger and extends their lives, those men grew angry. They did horrible things. That’s how the zombie epidemic started. The elitists forced scientists to secretly inject the zombie hucow transformation formula into women with unsuitable genetics. They began their cruel experiments on the farm one of my young wives grew up on —”

  “You have wives?”

  “Yes, three wives…”

  “What—what are your wives’ names?”

  “Pigletta, Swinea, and…Queenie—”

  “I am no longer your wife, Hamma—”

  “You will always be my wife, my queen. Please allow me to demonstrate my dedication to our marriage by helping you and your zombie daughters transform back into your original hucow states. If you allow me to feed both you and them my milk, not another single one of your daughters need suffer through the loss of their teeth or the rotting of their flesh—”

  “Even, if I allow you to help us, this won’t change anything. The powerful men will just create a new batch of zombie hucows—”

  “No. I promise you they won’t be able to create any more zombies. It’s taken me and my scientist colleagues years, but we’ve distributed vaccinations to all females that make them immune to the effects of the zombie transformation injection. The only way to transform a woman into a zombie now is by giving her fresh zombie milk to drink. And once you and your daughters transform back into regular hucows, there will be no more fresh zombie milk in existence.”

  “Will we become milking servants again?”

  “Each one of you will be free to do as she likes. You can return to your farms, or you all can remain here if you want to. As you know, this is all my land. As my wife, you have equal rights to its use. As an apology for being a part of the scientific community that has harmed each of you, I have prepared legal paperwork giving every hucow the right to live here. I have done this in addition to setting events in motion that will decrease the power of the cruel men who have hurt you, my love.”

  Hamma drops her hands from massaging her full tits and gestures to the crowd of zombies drinking from each other’s breasts. “Please, allow me to help them.”

  “We will accept your assistance…my wife.” Tears cascade down the zombie queen’s face. A naked Hamma stands, the beauty of her wide shapely hips and curvy buttocks on full display. The large curves of her thick thighs giggle and her ass bounces as she strides the single step to the queen’s throne.

  Clearly enraptured by the splendor of Hamma’s figure, the queen licks her lips and rubs her palms over her hard pink nipples, her chest heaving. Hamma takes one of her own round honey-colored breasts in hand and presents one chocolate brown nipple to the queen. With lustful eyes, Hamma gazes at the regal beauty while sliding her fingers down the meat of her breast toward her hard peaked nipple. The movement forces several drops of white milk to drip from its pebbled surface.

  Her blue eyes glowing brightly, the zombie queen gazes up at Hamma stretching her mouth wide open. She’s clearly both willing and ready to receive the spray of Hamma’s warm milk on her tongue. Hamma shakes her massive brown tit, with its dark areola and long hard nipple in the queen’s face, sending drops of white milk landing on the zombie’s now rosy pink nose and cheeks. She strokes her massive black cock with her other hand as beads of milk drip from her nipples again in anticipation of feeding the zombie queen.

  “Want a taste?” she teases.

  “Yes. Oh, Yes. I want more than a taste, I want a mouthful,” the queen pants, almost drooling.

  “Not so fast. I demand a sip of your milk first.”

  The queen giggles in apparent surprise. “Aren’t you afraid my milk will turn you into a zombie?”

  “Not at all,” Hamma laughs in reply. “I’m now immune to your milky charms.”

  “I suspect you’ll never be immune to your wife’s charms,” the queen wraps one auburn curl around her finger and twirls it.

  Hamma licks her lips. “As usual, you’re right, my love. I’ll always crave my gorgeous lady’s sweet cream.”

  “Stop fucking around and drink her milk already!” a panicked Arissa screams, interrupting the two lovebirds’ banter. In less than two seconds she runs across the stage and yanks me up and out of my curled up fetal position.

  “Do your breasts have the cure?” she asks with harried speech.

  I turn to face Bella, unsure of the answer.

  “All our breasts hold the cure,” Bella admits, her facial muscles twisting as an expression of increasing knowing flashes behind her hazel eyes. She whips her head from side to side, furiously scanning the room for danger.

  “I need a drink.”

  I’m so caught up in trying to guess at what could be the cause of Bella’s fear that I barely register Arissa’s words as a question. She grabs my chin between thin, yet strong fingers. “May I have a gulp of your milk?” her glowing blue eyes burn into mine, demanding an answer.

  “Give it to her,” Bella barks, and I obey.

  “Here, take—take my cream,” I stutter, jutting my chest forward and presenting my breasts as an offering to her.

  Not delaying for even a second, Arissa lifts my entire body off the ground and smashes her open mouth onto one of my already dripping with milk tits. She swipes her warm, wet tongue against the underside of my nipple and the stimulation forces my milk to flow into her sucking mouth.

  Electric ecstasy dances between my tight nipple and the round curve of my breast. The entire sensitive surface of m
y skin tingles and I curl up my toes in bliss. She gazes up into my eyes as she drinks from me. I return the gesture, staring down into her golden hazel eyes, witnessing the terror flaming behind them. She is transforming right in front of me.

  If the expression on her face is any indication of her internal thoughts, the sensations she’s feeling as she transforms must terrify her. Suddenly she stops sucking, allowing my nipple to fall from her open mouth. I don’t know why I expect her to keep pleasuring me by drinking from my breast. But Arissa keeps her word, only drinking long enough to pull a few mouthfuls of milk from my swollen tit.

  Crash! The backdoor at the corner of the stage slams open. Wearing a beastly scowl, Magnus bursts through the door, tossing a severed head onto the stage. I clamp my eyes shut and turn my head away from the gore after recognizing the battered and bloodied face as belonging to my former captor, the young hubull, Decimus.

  “Release our wives!” Magnus and Flavi shout in unison.

  Chapter 24



  The soles of my feet burn as I’m dropped to the stage floor.

  My glittering pink sandals sparkle in the bright stage lights and I’m blinded for a millisecond.

  I run. I don’t know why, but I run.

  A spray of milk bursts free from my breasts as Bella’s hand pushes me forward.

  I feel my mouth open in shock as I’m thrown directly into Magnus’ path.

  “Ahhhh!” I scream, as I lose my balance and crash into his hard muscle.

  My breasts slam against his abs. My neck jerks back.

  I tighten my shoulders and wince as I feel my milk spurt out and drip down my belly.

  I glance down mouth agape.

  The site of Magnus’ cock shining with a fresh coating of my cream sends unexpected heat rushing to my core. I push the lustful sensation away.

  Magnus delays his advance on Arissa to help me stand upright. He flips me facing forward as he lifts me. With his help, I stand securely on my feet.


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