Taboo Desires: Dirty Forbidden Secrets Bundle (The Complete Miranda Cougar Collection)

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Taboo Desires: Dirty Forbidden Secrets Bundle (The Complete Miranda Cougar Collection) Page 53

by Miranda Cougar

  Only now, she knew she couldn’t do any of that. It would be selfish of her. It would destroy him. Or rather, Hailey’s wicked mother would destroy him if he dared do anything other than marry her daughter. Stephanie knew that if she revealed her love for Skylen, he would shun Hailey and marry her instead. And their marriage would be his undoing.

  Stephanie didn’t know what sort of evil plans Hailey’s mother had in mind, but she was evidently a powerful woman who was fully capable of destroying Skylen. He had as much as said so himself. Perhaps she would steal his company away from him, or perhaps it would be worse; she would destroy him personally. Stephanie didn’t know what the exact mechanism of Skylen’s destruction would be; only that his life would be irreparably damaged.

  She couldn’t allow him to be permanently injured. She had the power to protect him and she would use that power. She would defend him in the only way she could; by hurting him. She would leave him; tell him she had to quit her job at Mountain Peak Enterprises; tell him she had to cancel his encourager/feedee contract; tell him she had no real feelings for him and that she never wanted to see him again. Lie. Break his heart to save the rest of him.

  She knew she’d also be breaking her own heart in the process. It would hurt. Hell, it already hurt. She was in agony, but she would endure any pain to save the only man who was ever perfect for her; the only man she'd ever loved. Breathe deep Stephanie. It’s time to save Skylen and shatter your heart into a billion pieces in the process. Woman up. You can do this.

  Chapter 24


  Tucking her tail between her legs and running home to her mother hadn’t been as difficult as she’d thought it would be. To her surprise, her usually critical and overbearing mother had actually been kind to her and had adopted a hands-off approach to her weight and her love life. Her mother hadn’t mentioned her failed romance with Skylen once, and she hadn’t encouraged her to date any other wealthy eligible bachelors either.

  Instead, she’d embraced Stephanie’s favorite hobby: eating. She’d planned mother-daughter outings to the local ice cream parlor. She’d treated Stephanie to dinner every week at her favorite Friday night surf and turf buffet. She’d even signed both of them up for an amateur dessert cooking class at the local culinary institute. This new mom she’d come home to was both accepting and kind. Stephanie’s mom had transformed into just the type of mother she’d told Skylen she wished she had when they ate pizza together in her tiny apartment all those months ago.

  Running home to mom had been easy, but running away from the handsome billionaire fat admirer who loved her had proven impossible. Skylen had lost his mind when she’d broken up with him over dinner. She’d told him she didn’t love him and she never wanted to see him again. Unfortunately, she’d made the mistake of waiting until after he’d declared his love for her to tell him she could never be with him.

  Not surprisingly, he’d completely refused to accept her refusal of his love. He’d made a scene in the restaurant; he’d called her a liar; he’d begged her to tell him the truth about why she refused to accept his proposal of marriage. During the car ride from the restaurant to the hotel, he told her he would never give up on their love and he would find a way to prove to her that he was worthy of her hand in marriage. Finally, later that night, he’d knocked on the door of her hotel room and when she answered, he told her that he intended to fully enforce the terms of their contract.

  With his copy of their contract in hand, he bade her read the agreement’s fine print outlining the circumstances under which she could cancel the legally binding agreement. While she was free to cancel the sexual portion of the agreement at any time, it turned out that she was not completely free to cancel her weight gain obligations. She would still have to gain weight for him, only under less stringent terms. He showed her that she couldn’t abandon him completely. He could still force interaction between them. He told her again that he would never give up on her or the love he knew they shared.

  The fine print on the contract was specific about exactly what he was allowed to do with her. Now that she had canceled their agreement, he was still within his rights to send her food, but only once a month. She was required to taste at least one bite of the food he sent. She was also required to take a picture of herself tasting said food and send it to him in the mail proving the calories had actually passed through her lips.

  Weigh-ins were still required. Only now, instead of weekly, she would only be required to weigh in monthly. The contract required her to stand on a scale wearing a bikini and have someone snap a head to toe picture of her proving that her weigh-in weights were real. She had to do this every month until she reached her goal weight of 201 pounds. How fast she gained the weight was her own decision, but she wouldn’t be allowed to cease contact with him until after she’d proved that she’d reached her weight gain goal.

  Stephanie didn’t think her heart could take having too much contact with Skylen when he could never be hers. So she dedicated herself to putting on the weight as quickly as possible. If she could have gained the entire required forty pounds in one month she would have done it to spare herself the heartache of having to maintain contact with the man she loved, but knew she could never marry.

  Chapter 25


  Stephanie’s Weight Gain Diary

  Starting weight: 138 pounds

  Diary catch-up. Skylen opened the Grand Buffet at work. I ate the delicious food and over the course of three months I gained 23 pounds of decadent fat all over my body.

  Current Weight: 161 pounds

  This is the beginning of the first month of my weight gain contract with Skylen.

  I’ll add some background information here to make this diary complete. I fell in love with my boss Skylen Carlisle. He fully accepted my weight gain aspirations and shared with me his desire to feed me and see me grow bigger. I signed a contract with him agreeing to allow him to fatten me up. We had sex. It was wonderful. He wanted to marry me and I wanted to marry him also, but fate had other plans. I had to lie to him and tell him I didn’t love him to save him from having his life destroyed by an evil woman. I’ve convinced myself that I did the right thing, but I miss him terribly and I’m a miserable lonely wreck.

  On a brighter note, I ran home to my mother’s house and she’s been kind to me. She kept her word to give me a job as her pageant consultant assistant and she’s paid me $5000 up front for my services. I’m going to save the money and use it to pay for my first semester of college.

  Skylen sent me a package in the mail that contained a frozen package of macaroni and cheese from the restaurant we ate at in San Jose. I baked the casserole in the oven and took a picture of myself eating it. My heart broke all over again when I ate that macaroni and cheese and thought about the way I hurt Skylen when I told him I didn’t love him and rejected his marriage proposal. I mailed him the picture of me eating the macaroni and cheese. I also mailed him a picture of the empty casserole dish so he would know that I enjoyed the meal enough to eat it all.

  Current Weight: 171 pounds

  This is the beginning of the second month of my weight gain contract with Skylen.

  I took a picture of myself standing on the scale wearing my size 12 red and white polka dot bikini and mailed it to Skylen along with a 3 x 5 index card listing my current weight as 171 lbs. I was successful in my weight gain goal for the month, and I suppose I have my misery to thank for my success. I was, and still am so heartbroken over losing Skylen that I’ve been bingeing on Chunky Monkey ice cream nearly every night since I left him.

  Skylen married Hailey last week. He overnighted me a package that included a huge slice of their wedding cake. The package also contained wedding photos. He really didn’t need to torture me by sending me the wedding photographs. Pictures of his wedding to Hailey were splashed on the cover of every tabloid in the country. I couldn’t miss them. Live video snippets of the ceremony also aired on all the TV tabloid shows. Sinc
e my mom’s a tabloid junkie there was no way for me to avoid the news of his happy nuptials.

  As required by contract, I took a picture of myself eating a bite of the wedding cake. I was so upset about the wedding that I only wanted to take a single bite of cake, but the red velvet cake was so delicious that I ended up gorging myself on the entire enormous slice. I dutifully mailed Skylen the picture of me eating the cake. Unexpectedly, he sent me a letter in reply. In it he described how badly I had broken his heart and how the red velvet cake he sent me should have been the cake at his and my wedding. His words wounded me and I cried into a quart of New York Super Fudge Chunk ice cream.

  Current Weight: 177 pounds

  This is the beginning of the third month of my weight gain contract with Skylen.

  I took a picture of myself standing on the scale wearing my size 12 powder pink bikini. It was the same bikini he had admired me in while I swam in the hotel swimming pool the night I lied to him and told him I didn’t love him. Only now the bikini doesn’t fit me anymore. My blossoming breasts pour out of the small triangular fabric cups and my belly pouch and thick hips stretch the fabric of the bikini bottom to its limit. I mailed my newest photograph to Skylen along with a 3 x 5 index card listing my current weight as 177 lbs.

  Mom’s beauty queen won the national title. We’re both officially pageant consultants to a winning queen. It’s an exciting time for all of us. We’re now working with our queen on her bid for the international title. I was supposed to start college this month, but mom’s convinced me to put it off. Her beauty consultant business is blowing up in a big way and she has more clients than she can handle by herself. She needs my help. I’ve been so busy with my new pageant clients that I haven’t been able to eat and rest as much as I’d like, so my weight gain has slowed. I’ll have to redouble my efforts to gain weight again.

  Skylen’s secretary Edith finally retired and Lizbeth got the job as his new executive secretary. I hadn’t realized it, but he has a different low-level secretary for each of his individual businesses. He only has one executive secretary that follows him around everywhere he goes. So this promotion is a truly big deal for Lizbeth. She’s the crème de la crème of secretaries. Today we shared a congratulatory glass of champagne together via Skype and she shared more good news with me. She and her husband just relocated to California where her hubby got a new job in the marketing department of Skylen’s Silicon Valley tech firm.

  Lizbeth now flies between Skylen’s two newest businesses in California and Nevada each week. She’s loving her new luxurious commuter lifestyle. I’m happy for her. All of her dreams are coming true. I wish mine were too.

  Thirty gourmet personal size pizzas came in the mail today, along with a mini pizza oven. My mother and I had an adventure figuring out how the oven worked and how to perfectly bake the pizzas. Once we got the hang of it, we threw a pizza party for our pageant girls. I baked the girls and mom all low-calorie pizzas, but I ate the fattening decadent cheesy masterpieces Skylen sent me. One of my girls took a picture of me eating pizza at the party. It was a cute photograph that highlighted my growing curves, so I sent it to Skylen. I hope he liked it.

  Skylen sent me a brand new wardrobe today. It consists of all the exact same clothes I bought at the plus size boutique back in Mountain Peak, but now everything is a size 14 instead of a size 12. I sent him a thank you letter. I needed the new clothes badly. None of my old stuff fit anymore.

  Current Weight: 182 pounds

  This is the beginning of the fourth month of my weight gain contract with Skylen.

  I took a picture of myself standing on the scale wearing my new size 14 emerald green and gold bikini. It’s the one that compliments the green, gold and brown tones in my hazel eyes. I mailed it to Skylen along with a 3 x 5 index card listing my current weight as 182 lbs.

  Mom’s subscription to Millionaire and Billionaire Exploits magazine arrived last week and I overheard her discussing its contents with some of her pageant clients. The issue contained an article about the grand new estate Skylen’s best friend Harvey had just purchased in the Nevada dessert. The article also mentioned that Skylen and his new wife Hailey were renting out the west wing of Harvey’s new estate. I felt jealousy grip my heart. All three of them were living together like one big happy family.

  I’m ashamed to admit it, but my mind flashed to the novella I just finished reading on my tablet. It was a menage romance about two billionaire best friends who had both fallen for the same heiress. I knew that I was torturing myself by reading a billionaire romance, but I just couldn’t stop myself. Anyway, ever since I heard about Skylen, Harvey and Hailey all living together in the same house, I couldn’t stop imagining them as the characters in the book, all three of them enjoying their perfect love together. I grit my teeth every time I picture the three of them together enjoying their perfect romance. I know I should be happy for them, but I’m not. I’m jealous and bitter. I wish I could break up their perfect menage and steal back Skylen’s love for myself.

  Skylen sent me a dozen red candy apples to eat his month. Per our usual routine, I snapped a picture of myself eating one and mailed it to him.

  Current Weight: 188 pounds

  This is the beginning of the fifth month of my weight gain contract with Skylen.

  I’m almost a size 16 now and Skylen has already sent me an updated wardrobe. Everything that I ordered from the boutique originally in size 12, he’s sent me again, but in size 16. This time, he’s also included a few extra pieces of clothing of his own choosing. I almost cried when I saw that one of the new dresses was marked as coming from a maternity collection. It should be me pregnant and living happily with Skylen, not Hailey.

  I took a picture of myself standing on the scale wearing my new size 16 yellow and white floral pattern bikini. It was still slightly too big for me, but I wore it anyway because it was one of the new items Skylen had chosen himself. I figured he would want to see me wearing it. I mailed him the photograph of me in my new bikini along with a 3 x 5 index card listing my current weight as 188 lbs.

  Skylen sent me cupcakes in the mail this month. I ate them the way he likes; messily and with abandon. Instead of taking a picture of myself just eating a cupcake, I took liberties with the contract and smashed one of the red velvet cupcakes over my mouth, sploshing cupcake crumbs and frosting all over my face. I then took a picture of myself, my face all messy with cupcake crumbs and frosting while I ate one of the decadent German chocolate cupcakes he’d sent me.

  Current Weight: 192 pounds

  This is the beginning of the sixth month of my weight gain contract with Skylen.

  I took a picture of myself standing on the scale wearing my size 16 yellow and white floral pattern bikini again. In the last photo I sent, the swimsuit was still too big for me, but this time it fits me perfectly. I wore it again because I wanted to show Skylen that I was still working hard to gain more weight for him…and for myself. I found my growing curves beautiful and I hoped he did too. I mailed another photograph to my lost love along with a 3 x 5 index card listing my current weight as 192 lbs.

  I came down with the flu this month so I actually lost a few pounds. But I was determined to keep gaining weight, so the moment I felt better I focused my full energy on consuming as many extra calories as I could. I gorged myself on cheesy gourmet pizzas and brownie ice cream sundaes.

  Skylen didn’t send me any food this month. While I was sick with the flu, I wrote him a letter explaining that I was ill. I warned him that for the first time I might actually lose weight instead of gaining it. Instead of sending me treats, he wrote me a sweet letter wishing me a speedy recovery and sent me a pass for unlimited free meals at the best buffet in town. After I felt better, indulging in the deliciously fattening food at the buffet helped me regain some of the poundage I’d lost.

  Since he hadn’t sent me any food in the mail I technically didn’t have to send him a picture of me eating. So instead, as a thank you for his kindne
ss, I sent him a picture of me wearing a tight fitted white crop top that hugged my round breasts and a tiny flared white mini skirt that showed off my thick thighs. I wore the waistband of the mini skirt pushed down exposing my full round belly for his viewing pleasure.

  Also, this month, mom’s pageant contestant won the international title. Mom gave me a hefty bonus check and hired another junior pageant consultant to help with her growing business. Maybe now that I’ve got extra money in the bank and mom’s hired someone to help with the business, I’ll finally be able to start attending college.

  Current Weight: 196 pounds

  This is the beginning of the seventh month of my weight gain contract with Skylen.

  I took a picture of myself standing on the scale wearing my new size 16 white bandage strap bikini. I received the new bikini in the mail this morning; my latest gift from my benefactor. My curves are now so outrageous that I might as well have taken this photograph naked. That’s how little the thin bandage bikini straps covered me up. My jiggle kept busting out of the suit, but I think I was able to keep all my goodies strapped in long enough to snap an R-rated picture. I mailed my sexy photograph to Skylen along with a 3 x 5 index card listing my current weight as 196 lbs.

  “Shake up at Carlisle Family Brands.” It’s all the television, internet and print media has been talking about for the past two weeks. Hailey Savidge’s mother has been ousted from the Carlisle Family Brands operating board due to charges of embezzlement. Upping the already high profile case’s visibility in the media was the shocking revelation that she’s a highly sought after dominatrix who engages in the complete financial domination of her devotees. The Savidge Dominatrix is what the tabloids are calling her. She’s already been charged and is currently awaiting trial for multiple crimes, the least of which is the embezzling charge. It appears that she’s going to be serving some serious jail time. Her fall was so swift and so complete that I’m sure Skylen was the one who orchestrated it all. I’m proud of him. He successfully defended us both against the vicious attacks of a cruel dominatrix. I hope he stays safe.


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