Black Tide [Panther Key 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Black Tide [Panther Key 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Scarlet Day

  Emma sat stunned as her mother wrung her hands and continued, “I didn’t want any of you mixed up in this crazy family legend Jesse had told us about. He said his whole family had been killed because of it. I was so worried that he would come looking for you and you’d be in danger. I thought splitting you up would make it harder for him to find you.”

  “He couldn’t.” Blake’s voice was as dark as the look on his face. “He was murdered.”

  Her mom’s face paled even more. “Oh, my God.” She looked at each of the girls and then turned a hard glare on Blake. “Are they in danger?”

  “As long as they stay on Panther Key, they’re safe. The island is protected.” Blake glanced at Emma. “This situation with Emma and Diego complicates matters. She won’t be able to get to the island until the link between them is broken.”

  “What does his link with my daughter have to do with whether she can get to safety?” Indignation permeated her mother’s voice.

  Blake exchanged a long, hard look with Diego. “The island is protected by an ancient magic. Think of it as a force field of sorts. It repels anyone who isn’t part of our clan or isn’t an invited guest.”

  Emma’s mom scoffed. “Well, that should be easy, then. Just invite Diego, and the problem’s solved.”

  Blake shook his head. “It’s not that easy. There are certain—beings—that cannot be invited. The island repels them, even with an invitation.”

  Emma’s mother looked at Diego with wide eyes. “Do you change into something, too?”

  Diego’s laugh was harsh. “No. I was changed years ago, and nothing can change me back.”

  Emma’s head spun. She’d never been more confused in her whole life. Her mom wasn’t her biological mother? Kate was really her sister? Her biological father was murdered? Diego couldn’t go on the island because of magic? And everyone could change into—into what?

  “What? What do you all change into?” For some reason Emma couldn’t explain, and as crazy as it sounded, that suddenly became the most important question.

  Abby stood up and twirled one finger in the air. “Boys, would you mind?”

  All of the men, except Brad, Bryce and Diego, turned their backs to Abby.

  Diego laughed. “Here? You’re going to do this here?”

  Abby shrugged. “Might as well. She needs to see this, and since she can’t go to the island…”

  Diego shook his head and turned around. Abby kicked off her sandals and lifted the hem of her shirt.

  Emma’s mom jumped to her feet. “Whoa! Hold on, young lady! Just what do you think you’re doing?”

  Abby spun to face her mother. “Mom, I think you know what I’m doing. You watched my biological father do it. Kate can do it, too. Emma, well, she can’t do it yet, but I have a feeling she’ll be able to soon.” Abby grinned at Emma and winked. “And trust me, sis—it’s awesome.”

  Emma thought her mother was going to pass out from shock, considering the look on her face. But then her mom’s gaze focused across the room and she pointed at Brad and Bryce, who had not turned their backs on Abby.

  “Turn around, you two. My daughter is not putting on a peep show for you.”

  Abby laughed. “Mom, they’re kinda your sons-in-law.”

  If Emma thought her mother had looked shocked before, it was nothing compared to this reaction. Her mom’s eyes widened, and her mouth opened. Then closed. Then opened again. Finally she closed it so hard that Emma heard her teeth snap together. She sat down and pursed her lips. Emma could tell she was dying to say something, but she just sat there and kept her mouth shut.

  Dang, she really needed to learn how to get her mom to do that!

  Emma sat, confused and stunned, as Abby took off her clothes. All of them. Then she stood before Emma and her body—blurred. It changed, Abby’s shape bending and blurring. Emma blinked. Then she screamed.

  Her sister was gone. In Abby’s place stood a very familiar shape. Low and sleek, with glowing green eyes.

  Chapter Eleven

  Diego spun back around at the sound of Emma’s scream. The creature he saw standing in front of him shocked him to his core.

  “My God. They’re real?”

  The panther, sleek and silky black, stalked forward to within a foot of Emma. It sat down in front of her and stared at her, unblinking. Diego felt fear explode through Emma. He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him then looked over her head at Cash.

  Diego’s own shock made it hard for him to speak. “The legends—they’re true?”

  “They are.” Cash narrowed his eyes at Diego and cocked his head sideways. “You really didn’t know they existed, did you?”

  Diego shook his head. “No. I had no idea.”

  Cash continued to study Diego. “You were working for Tiberius, weren’t you?

  Diego saw no reason to lie at this point. “Yes.”

  Kate gasped. The black cat, Abby, pulled her lips back to bare her teeth and snarled at him, her green eyes narrowed menacingly. A low growl sounded in Chase’s chest. Open hostility permeated the room.

  Cash just continued to stare at him. “And if you had known what she was?”

  Diego held Cash’s stare for a moment and then looked down at the black panther in front of him. He turned his gaze to Emma, whose face was still a mask of shock and disbelief from watching her sister transform. Would he have turned her over to Tiberius if he had known what she was? Would he have handed Tiberius the awesome power that legend spoke of?

  Diego shook his head. “I would not have given her to him. Tiberius lusts for power that could affect us all. I do not know how I would have resisted him, but I would have tried.”

  Diego thought about the mental and physical anguish he had endured at the hands of his creator for failing to follow orders. Now that he knew what type of power Tiberius was after, Diego knew his creator would stop at nothing to get it. But as he looked at Emma, Diego also knew he would have endured a thousand centuries of torture to prevent Tiberius from having her.

  Legend claimed the black panthers were the reason the ancient clan of vampires could not endure sunlight. After the ancients tried to force the panthers to use their power to enslave the world’s shifter populations, the panthers cursed their abusers. Only those vampires who were created since that time, like Diego, could go into sunlight.

  Was it only the knowledge of what Emma was that made him feel the need to protect her? Or was there something more? Since the moment he had looked into her eyes—since his long-dead heart began to beat again—he had felt something. It was as though she was pulling him toward her, drawing him closer to her.

  He met Cash’s stare again. The man wore a speculative expression. Diego could sense that Cash was mulling something over.

  Mrs. Walker’s demanding voice diverted Diego’s attention. “Who is this Tiberius person, and what does he want with my daughter?”

  Diego turned to her. She was holding up remarkably well for a woman whose daughter had just transformed into a black panther in front of her. Then again, she had carried the memory of Jesse’s transformation with her for many years. He wondered if she had always held fears that her niece and adopted daughters would have that same ability.

  “Someone we’re going to keep Emma away from, Mrs. Walker.” Diego looked over Emma’s head and threw Cash a very determined look.

  Cash nodded. Diego could tell he was deep in thought, but most of his emotions were locked down. All Diego could discern was trust. Considering Diego had never known any shifter to trust a vampire, and vice versa, it was a fairly monumental occurrence.

  The black cat stood up and moved even closer to Emma. With extreme gentleness, she rubbed her muzzle against Emma’s bare knee. Diego felt Emma’s fear spike for the briefest of moments. But then he felt her mind finally unfreeze. It was as though she were waking up from a dream. In place of shock, a rush of emotions flooded through her mind. Awe. Wonder. Curiosity.

  Emma slowly reached o
ne shaking hand out toward Abby. Abby leaned forward and nudged Emma’s palm. A rush of air left Emma, as though she had been holding her breath, which Diego realized she probably had.

  “You’re beautiful.” Emma’s voice reflected the awe Diego still felt through their link. “This is real, isn’t it?”

  Chase leaned forward and squeezed Emma’s shoulder. “It’s real, all right. You’ll look just like her when you change.”

  “I’m–I’m going to change? How?” Diego heard the doubt, tinged with more than a little fear.

  Cash exchanged a glance with Chase. “We’ll explain later. I promise.”

  “Just how do you plan to keep Emma safe if she can’t go to this protected island of yours?” Mrs. Walker’s condescending tone grated on Diego’s nerves. He wondered if Emma was often the recipient of that attitude.

  “I actually have a plan,” Cash answered the question, but instead of directing it to Mrs. Walker, he was looking at Diego and Chase. “We know some pretty remote islands. I think we can keep her hidden on the Panther’s Pride until we get this thing figured out.”

  “I’m coming with you.” Mrs. Walker’s declaration didn’t leave any room for argument, but Cash objected anyway.

  “No, ma’am. I’m sorry, but our supplies will last longer if we take as few people on board as possible.”

  Mrs. Walker crossed her arms and pursed her lips. “I don’t like it.”

  Thankfully, Cash didn’t budge. Diego was afraid that if he had to spend any length of time cooped up with Mrs. Walker, one of them was going overboard. His bets would be on Mrs. Walker.

  Cash turned to look at the other men in the room. “If you could contact the elders, see if they’ve ever heard about this type of link between a shifter and a vampire before?”

  There was the briefest of pauses before Mrs. Walker’s shriek rang through the air.

  “A what?”

  Chapter Twelve

  Emma waved as the smaller boat pulled away from the Panther’s Pride. She was left alone with two men who could turn into panthers and another who could, if he were so inclined, drain her blood for his lunch.

  A couple of the other men would be returning later with a long list of supplies requested by Chase. Once loaded, she, Chase, Cash, and Diego would be setting off for however long it took to figure out how to break the weird, pain-inducing mental link she had with Diego. Oh, and they had to keep a power-crazed ancient vampire from getting his hands on her, too.

  She still felt as though this were some sort of dream. Even though she had always had a bit of an affinity for all things weird, she never imagined she would be living a real-life paranormal adventure. Emma was getting much more than she had bargained for on this trip.

  It was all a little scary—okay, it was downright terrifying. But even though she knew anyone in their right mind would probably have jumped overboard and swum for the mainland hours ago, Emma couldn’t help but feel a thrill of excitement course through her.

  Everything had come at her so fast. Finding out Kate was really their sister and Aunt Jen was their biological mother had been shocking enough. But learning there really were mythical creatures roaming around, and that she was one of them, had sent her brain into a temporary lockdown earlier.

  From what they’d told her, Jesse Landers had been the last surviving member of the bloodline that had produced the ancient black panther shifters. Since the powerful panthers had been the cause of the darkness curse among the ancient vampires, some of the ancients had spent countless millennia tracking down and exterminating all remnants of the clan. They believed that the death of the bloodline would lift their curse. Most of the younger vampires didn’t even believe the ancient legends. And then there was Tiberius, who had learned of the continued existence of the clan and that a new black panther had actually been spotted. Apparently, eons of darkness had not diminished his desire to experiment with the ancient power the black panthers possessed.

  Emma had spent a little time talking with Abby and Kate before they returned to the island. Now that she’d had a chance to absorb the news that she wasn’t a twin, but was actually a triplet, and that she was part of this mystical, ancient clan, it all sounded pretty damn cool. She still didn’t know how she was supposed to turn into a panther, though. Abby had told her that she’d find out soon enough, right before both Abby and Kate had dissolved into giggles. What was she supposed to do—just think about it and bust out the paws and fur?

  “You’re handling this well.”

  Emma spun at the sound of Cash’s voice behind her. The thunderclouds had cleared, and the setting sun cast a soft glow over him. It made him seem even more handsome than when she had first seen him under the harsh fluorescent lights at the airport, if that were even possible. Diego sat nearby at the deck table, looking over charts and maps Cash had shown him. Diego hadn’t gotten more than a few feet from her since she’d had her meltdown earlier and had fled onto the deck.

  She shrugged. “I’m okay. Just still trying to sort this all out, I guess.”

  Cash nodded and walked over next to her. He leaned against the side of the boat with his back to the water. Emma turned around and faced the water so she could watch the setting sun. Her bare arm brushed against Cash, and she felt the same warmth gush through her veins that she had felt every time Cash, Chase, or Diego had touched her. At least she didn’t feel like a live electrical wire whenever she touched Cash or Chase. Not that it was a bad feeling when she touched Diego. It was just—weird. She shuddered and moved a couple of inches away from Cash.

  What was it about these men? Sure, they exuded maleness, but no man had ever sent electric tingles through her. Or made her feel like she was going to burst into flames.

  “Emma, could I ask you something that might sound a little strange?” Cash wore a serious expression.

  Emma snorted softly. “You mean more strange than what’s already gone on around here today?”

  Cash chuckled. “Okay, maybe it won’t sound that strange. It’s just kind of…personal.”

  Emma turned to look at him. He really did seem concerned about something. “Sure, ask me anything.”

  His brow furrowed. “When you’re near Chase and I…do you feel…well, hot?”

  Emma burst out laughing. “Are you asking me if I feel sexy around you?”

  “No! I mean—it would be great if you do, but…no.” His expression turned worried. “I meant actually hot. Do you feel warm inside?”

  Emma stared at Cash. “How did you know that?”

  Emma didn’t think she had ever seen anyone look so relieved as Cash did at that moment. She was puzzled as to why her insides feeling as though molten lava was running through her would be a good thing.

  “I do when I touch Diego, too. Well…with him it’s more like I just stuck my finger in an electrical socket.”

  Cash’s expression turned from relief to confusion, which puzzled her even more.

  “Is that bad? Does it have something to do with this whole turning into a panther thing?” It was hard enough trying to wrap her mind around all she had learned so far. Could there be something wrong with her?

  “It’s just…unexpected.” Cash ran one finger along her jawline.

  Heat bloomed where his finger touched her skin and raced through her body. She shuddered at the onslaught.

  “What does it mean, the heat and tingling?”

  Cash looked as though he was struggling with something, but then his lips turned up in a soft smile. “You’ve been through enough for one day, Emma. It will be a few hours before we get our supplies loaded and get underway. Would you like to get some rest?”

  Now that he had mentioned it, she realized she was exhausted. Maybe if she got some sleep, she would wake up and realize all of this was just some weird, bad, sushi-induced dream. Then again, the last time she had dozed off she’d had a dream of a green-eyed panther and then woken up to the real thing.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cash tucke
d a light throw around Emma as she slept on the couch. It had been a long day for her. Her face was peaceful as she slept, unlike the expressions she had worn for most of the day. Shock, hurt, confusion, fear. Cash had watched all of those emotions, and more, play across her beautiful features as she had learned the truth of her heritage.

  And she still didn’t know about one crucial piece of the puzzle. It was the piece that had already bound himself and Chase to her, irrevocably and forever. He had worried all day that something was wrong. He had expected her mating fever to overcome her, considering the close proximity she’d had with them all day. But she had barely shown a hint of the distinct characteristic that let a female panther shifter know she had found her mates. He supposed her lack of response could have been the result of the presence of so many other people in close quarters and the stress of the situation.

  But then he’d had the chance to speak to her alone for a few minutes. Her admission that she did indeed feel the heat burning though her veins had been all the assurance Cash needed. The instant flush of her face when he had brushed his finger against her skin earlier just provided an enticing confirmation. Today, however, was not the day to inform her of the bond that had already tied them together. She had endured enough.

  While settling his questions about himself and his brother, her admission regarding the way her body responded to Diego raised other questions. Concerning questions.

  “What did she do to you?” Cash stared at Diego, who looked up from the maps he had brought inside to the main table in order to be close to Emma while she napped.

  “You said something happened on the plane—to her and to you.” Cash watched Diego carefully. “What happened to you?”


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