One Simple Step (Journey Series)

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One Simple Step (Journey Series) Page 1

by Williams, C. A.

  One Simple Step

  The Journey Series

  Book #3

  C.A. Williams

  One Simple Step

  A Journey Series Novel, Book Three

  Copyright 2013 by C.A. Williams

  Published by C.A. Williams

  Amazon Edition License Notes

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. All rights reserved.

  Disclaimer: The persons, places, things, and otherwise animate or inanimate objects mentioned in this novel are figments of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to anything or anyone living (or dead) is unintentional.

  Edited by Lea Burn

  Cover Design by Stephanie White of Steph's Cover Designs

  Cover Photo by MHP Photography

  This ebook formatted by White Hot Ebook Formatting

  One Simple Step is also available as a paperback at most online retailers.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29


  Other Books

  Sneak Peek


  Chapter 1


  You know that feeling? The one where everything in life is going too perfect and you’re just waiting for something to come along and screw it all up? Well, I was normally the kind of girl that would take whatever shit life dealt out and turn it into a pretty rainbow, that’s just who I was, but something was definitely off in the world of Ally and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  Maybe it was due to the fact that I had just left my best friend, Leah, behind again. Being on the road with my husband and his band for basically the past four years meant we didn’t get a lot of time together. I always felt like I was in a little bit of a depression after having to leave her and Caleb. They were like family, and now there was another addition: sweet, precious Ava.

  The minute Leah called to say she was in labor and headed to the hospital, Teddy and I hopped a plane from Virginia. Luckily, the Major Hoosiers were in between gigs on their summer tour, so we didn’t have to worry about rescheduling. When it was time to go I just couldn’t make myself leave, and Teddy flew back without me so I could help the new mommy out for a bit.

  But I was really kidding myself there. I think I forgot that Leah had already handled the whole baby situation before with Caleb. She was practically a pro, and although she thanked me over and over, I felt like I was in the way more than anything. Leah and Chase had a perfect little family, and they were so in love with each other. It made me feel a little left out.

  As soon as I stepped off the plane and was officially in North Carolina my phone rang, and I smiled when I saw it was Leah. When I told her that morning that I was heading back a few days early, she was a little bummed but understood that I just really missed Teddy. Her and Chase could barely go a day without seeing each other, there was no way she would be able to live out on the road like I did.

  Just because we were stuck on a bus most of the time didn’t mean that I was with Teddy constantly. Usually, he was either working on something new with the band or getting ready for a gig, and we probably saw each other less than if he were to have a regular, everyday job. Sometimes I wondered how I did it.

  “Hey, Mama, miss me already?” I answered as I followed the arrows to baggage claim. I had become an expert in airports over the years, flying back and forth to visit with my family. Luckily, this was one of the easier ones to navigate so hopefully I would make it on time.

  “Of course, Al, you know I always do. Since you’re answering, I’m guessing you made it alright?”

  “Yup, just landed and I’m getting my bags. How’s everything going there?”

  “Oh, you know, the usual,” she replied as a loud crash came through the phone and Ava’s sweet baby cry started up. I heard muffled yelling, and I’m fairly certain it was directed at my sweet nephew Caleb, who was just growing up way too fast. Time was a bitch.

  “‘Kay, well it sounds like you’re busy.…” I trailed off as she started talking to Chase, mentioning something about pickles and ice cream. “Jesus Christ, Leah, that hot ass husband of yours hasn’t knocked you up again already, has he?”

  “She wishes!” I heard Chase’s low voice pipe in before Leah snorted loudly.

  “You wish,” she replied to Chase before answering me. “Of course not, Al. Chase is running to the store for me to grab a few things. Is Teddy picking you up from the airport?”

  “No, I’m surprising him since I wasn’t supposed to be back for a couple of days. They are supposed to be finishing up their show right about now, so I should be able to catch the bus before it takes off.”

  “Should? Ally, don’t you think you should give someone a heads up? What are you going to do if you get stranded there? Do you ever plan anything ahead of time?” She blew out a loud breath just as I stepped out of the air-conditioned building with my bags and into the mugginess of the North Carolina air to catch a taxi.

  “Chill, L. I have plenty of time. You really shouldn’t worry so much. Just breathe.”

  “Oh, please don’t start with all of that breathing bullshit on me again. Call as soon as you get there so I know you made it. You seriously stress me out.”

  “Of course, Mom. Love you.” I heard another loud huff as I ended the call and giggled before giving the cab driver the address of the arena where the guys were playing. Since the first time I met Leah in high school, she had always been so mature for her age. I guess that’s what happened when your horrible mom ditched you, along with your newborn brother. I was still amazed by her every day.

  Luck had been on my side with the parents I was given. Yeah, I guess I could say they spoiled me a bit, especially since I never really worked a day in my life. I think it was because of the fact that I was their only girl, so they felt like I needed to be taken care of. My brothers, Ben and Owen, were essentially the same way, always overprotective of their baby sister. I think that contributed to how I turned out. I wouldn’t say I was rebellious, but I definitely liked to do things my own way. Luckily, my parents never judged. Whatever I decided to do in life, they always supported me one hundred percent.

  I paid the taxi driver after he pulled to a stop right in front of the shiny silver tour bus that had become my home for the past two years. Yeah, the thing might only have one real bed
room, the rest of the sleeping space being made up of tiny cubbyholes, but to me, it was like a mansion on wheels.

  Before Teddy and the guys really made it, we were roughing it between grungy motels and sleeping in cars. Thanks to my mad marketing skills, the band had managed to go from an opening act to a headlining one. The spotlight that came along with that had been a little overwhelming at first, but I think we all handled it pretty well, for the most part. It never seemed to put a strain on Teddy’s and my relationship, which was a little surprising.

  The stream of girls between Mark and Tyler picked up along with their fame, but whatever—more like whoever—they wanted to do was up to them. Except for when I had to hear it, but I guess I would have to get used to that since Teddy and I took over the one and only bedroom on the bus. After a while, I had invested in a good pair of earplugs.

  I really didn’t know how long we would be living this life. For in between breaks, Teddy had purchased a house for us back in Indiana, but we didn’t really spend much time there. He had started hinting towards wanting kids lately, but I really didn’t know if we were ready for that. I couldn’t imagine trying to cram a crib onto the bus, and I really didn’t want to raise a kid alone while Teddy traveled all over the country. Plus, I think I wanted to do something with myself before I brought a little baby into this world.

  I grabbed the last of my luggage just as I heard the bus come to life. My heels clicked across the pavement as I hurried towards the glass door, smacking my hand on it just as the tires began to turn. The squeal of the brakes told me I’d made it in time, and I blew out a breath when the doors opened. Bobby, our bus driver who had been with us for the past two years, squinted at me through the darkness, those gray bushy eyebrows that I had come to love, knitted together.

  “Miss Ally?” he called out, his southern twang laced with confusion.

  “Yup, the one and only, Bobby.” He jumped out of his seat, leaning down to help me with my bags. I had clearly over-packed. It was something I always tended to do, but I needed a different outfit and shoes for every occasion.

  “Well, I...uh, wasn’t expecting you, Miss Ally. Mr. Sampson said that you’d be arriving once we stopped in Florida.”

  “I decided to come back early. Don’t try to act like you’re disappointed. I know you missed me, Bobby.” I squeezed him tightly, and he patted my back as I breathed in the spicy cologne he wore that reminded me of my dad. Bobby was my little piece of home away from home.

  When the guys put me in charge of hiring a driver, I felt like fate had intervened when Bobby walked through the doors for the interview. His wife had recently passed away, so he decided to come out of retirement to pass the time.

  We connected over the past two years, and I think he secretly always made sure I was his number one priority, when really the band should always come first. He wasn’t afraid to tell the guys to cut the bullshit when he needed to and remind them that there was a lady on board. Teddy snorted every time he said it but never argued with Bobby.

  Hey, I could definitely be a girly girl, but Teddy knew just about every side of me, too, and knew I could handle just about as much bullshit as they could throw at me. If I could deal with him, I could handle any one of the other guys.

  “I believe Mr. Sampson’s working on music in the back. You probably won’t want to disturb him right now,” Bobby informed me as he re-buckled his seat belt with a sigh and shifted the bus into drive. He was all about staying on schedule, which was a good thing. He certainly helped me out a ton by doing so. If you had to give me a title, I guess you could call me the guys’ personal assistant. I made sure they were on time, showed up sober and dressed as appropriately as they would. I took care of all communications from the manager and their label, and helped with planning their tour schedules.

  I shrugged my shoulders at Bobby before turning to walk through the darkened bus. “Well, he’ll just have to deal this time. Besides, I’m sure he’ll be excited to see me.”

  Bobby muttered something that I couldn’t make out, but I continued on my way. Ever since Chase left the band, Teddy had actually started to write a lot of the music that the guys performed. His one major rule, though, was once he got an idea in mind, he couldn’t be bothered. Apparently, it disturbed the song in his head or something. Whatever.

  I heard a loud moan as I walked towards the back and groaned, cursing myself for not having my earplugs in my pocket. The sooner I got to our room, the better, plus I’m sure Teddy and I could drown out some of the noise ourselves.

  “Surprise!” I pushed open the door, and my mouth dropped open when I recognized my husband’s bare, tattooed back, his body centered in the middle of our bed as he crouched on his knees. Normally, I appreciated the sight but the one in front of me was definitely not for my enjoyment.

  His familiar brown eyes widened in shock as he froze, looking at me over his shoulder, and his mouth dropped open a few times like a gaping fish. “Al, this isn’t what it looks like.” He at least had the decency to remove his hands from the naked little slut that he straddled in our bed—our bed—as if he had been scalded on contact.

  “Isn’t what it looks like?” I screeched, my hands motioning back and forth continuously between him and the bleached blonde who looked just as surprised as I did. Well, I don’t know if surprised could really label the emotions running through me at the moment. They all attacked me at once, and my head felt like it was going to explode as I stared back at the man who was supposed to be my husband. The man that everyone had wanted me to stay away from, but I just couldn’t. I just couldn’t.

  “What? Did you two just happen to fall on top of each other naked, Teddy? I can’t believe this shit, you asshole!” I pressed my palms to my eyes, trying to block out the scene in front of me. Hoping that it had all been a bad dream. But it wasn’t. After the blackness cleared, nothing had magically changed, yet it was like I was living someone else’s life. This wasn’t supposed to happen to me.

  “Al, c’mon. This doesn’t mean anything. I thought you weren’t supposed to be back for a few days.” This all came at me in a relaxed, calm tone, like we were talking about the freakin’ weather or something. Really? Really? He bent down to pull on his discarded boxers and I saw my chance, grabbing my heel and chucking it at his head. He let out a loud groan, stumbling back slightly, so I knew I had made some kind of contact.

  “Ow, Ally. What in the hell was that for?” He stood up, glaring at me. He actually had the nerve to glare at me.

  “Teddy, what’s going on here?” I heard the blonde call out in a nervous voice, quietly giggling as she looked between the two of us. I wasn’t really sure what about the situation was laughable, but judging by her appearance—platinum blonde hair with dark roots showing through and multiple trashy looking tattoos—she wasn’t exactly bright. But, I really wasn’t looking like a genius either. How long had he been doing this to me?

  “So, let me get this straight. Since you thought I wasn’t going to be back for a few days, you figured you needed to bring the trash home?” I gestured towards the tramp, who was now glaring back at me, too. Teddy finally looked a little guilty as he chewed on the lip ring he always wore. It was one of his signs that he was uncomfortable in a situation. It didn’t happen very often, but when it did, I was probably one of the only people to notice. Wow, about freakin’ time.

  “Ally, she doesn’t matter. I fucked up, and I swear it won’t happen again. I just missed you so much and I had a bad lapse of judgment. You understand, right?”

  “I don’t matter?” Bleachy screeched from the bed, jumping up in all of her glorious nakedness, hurling herself at Teddy. She made some contact with his back before she fell onto the floor and must have been embarrassed because she remained there. “You told me you were leaving her,” Bleachy said in a quiet voice, sticking out her bottom lip as it quivered.

  “Oh, really?” I crossed my arms tightly over my chest, trying my hardest to keep my brave, bitch face on even thoug
h I just wanted to collapse right there on the floor along with Bleachy. Maybe we could have a cry-fest together. But no, Teddy didn’t deserve for me to cry over him. I was not going to give Teddy the chance to see me like that.

  I pushed my lips up, giving him the sweetest smile I could form. “I wasn’t aware of that, babe. In fact, last time I checked we were perfectly happy.” I turned my attention to Bleachy again, almost feeling sorry for her. Almost. “So, you don’t read any of the entertainment magazines or see pictures of us together? Does it look like we’re unhappy?”

  Yeah, we weren’t everyday news, but those paparazzi assholes seemed to be everywhere and they loved getting pictures of Teddy, the uber sexy front man of Major Hoosiers, and his wife. Of course, they were always looking for something incriminating on him, but had never found it. Where were those assholes now?

  Bleachy actually had the nerve to roll her eyes at me, which only pissed me off even more. “You can’t believe everything you read, you know,” she replied in a know-it-all voice, like I was the stupid one. “I guess I can just make him happier than you can.”

  I don’t know what overcame me, but I had really had enough. I wasn’t the type of girl to take shit lying down from anyone, and this girl was really asking for it. Teddy must have seen that look in my eyes because he jumped in front of me, like he was trying to protect her, this dumbass, over his own wife. Not that I would be for much longer.

  “Get the fuck out of my way,” I managed to say through gritted teeth while his hands grasp my shoulders.

  “Al, just relax, baby. She means nothing. I think we just need some time alone to talk, and we’ll get everything worked out.” Those brown eyes bore into mine, and I almost wanted to give in. Almost. But then, the picture of what I had walked in on flashed across my mind, something that would probably be ingrained there for the rest of my life. A memory that was life changing. One blip in time that was so small, but yet had so much meaning.


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