John Returns

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John Returns Page 9

by A J Newman

  Revolution was definitively in the air following an aborted attempt to round up the citizens and place them in work camps. A federal asshole who claimed to be the Field Marshal of Kentucky tried to take control. He and his subordinates were rounded up and hung outside of the courthouse in Frankfort.

  Similar news filtered in from the rest of her teams as they worked their way back to their base camp.

  “Imelda, that’s good news. These people have thrown the USA out of the countryside. We heard rumors to that effect, but thought they might be exaggerated. Do you have any early news from any of the major cities?”

  “John, Bowling Green has cleared out all gangs and is operating as a quasi-functioning city. We hear that Hopkinsville, Owensboro, and Richmond have cleared out the gangs and are eliminating the drug trade as fast as they can.

  Trials are quick, and justice served that day. Serious crimes are not tolerated, and the death penalty is frequently used. Food is in short supply, and no one wants to feed prisoners.

  Bowling Green makes their prisoners grow their own food and has the old chain gangs performing road work and community projects. They treat the prisoners as well as we would but work the shit out of them. It does, though, take human resources to maintain prisoners.”

  “I can’t blame them for not wanting to feed criminals. We can immediately help with the food issues and help increase their farming output.”

  “John, as we have found in most of our travels, the towns lost 90% of their population while the rural areas only lost 40%. Farmers are doing the best they can with the old equipment, but need us to get the newer more efficient equipment back in operation. John, they need equipment now. It’s too late for most crops, but they could get a few in. Beets, carrots, turnips and cabbage beat starving. We also need to push fishing with commercial nets and equipment.”

  “Let me think about that. I want to help, but your mission is based upon no one knowing you are there.”


  “Hey, Gus, how they hanging? Listen, old buddy, I need some advice.”

  “Damn, did I hear that right? John Harris needs some advice. I’m all ears. And, for the record, they are hanging just fine.”

  “I assume that was your failed attempt at sarcasm. How important is it to keep our mission in Kentucky off the radar?

  We are finding a lot of good people who need help now planting summer crops. Without our aid, they may not make it through the winter. I know we could send some food, but they could grow their own if we shipped some working tractors and other farm equipment up here ASAP.”

  “We don’t care if they know the ISA is exploring the area or helping the people. What we do not want them to know is that we are selecting sites to build fortifications, or that John Harris is in the area. Just don’t tip them off to that part of the mission, and then no harm, no foul.”

  “Thanks, I think we can get these people to join us and play a big part in building a solid defensive wall between us and the USA with their help. Can you get George to send some farm equipment, medical supplies, light arms and ammo up here ASAP?”

  “I’ll be glad to get the ball rolling. Remember to identify some strong people to be the leaders after you pull back to the Capitol.”

  “That is a big part of the plan. I’m also setting in motion a recruiting drive to get the locals to join our military. Tim has Jim heading that up. He can arrange flight transportation to get the locals to our training camps. They’ll learn how to properly defend themselves.”

  “Good thinking and you keep your head low. Oh, yeah, for a change, remember to duck.”

  “Roger that, mother.”


  Colonel Drake informed Imelda of the action plan, “Imelda, we will begin shipping tractors, farm equipment, seeds, medical supplies, pickups and larger trucks late this week by rail. I’m sending a team to make sure the tracks are clear as far as Bowling Green and then to Elizabeth Town. I am also sending a company of Regular Army to fortify the area around Bowling Green to use as your staging area to supply the people of Kentucky with farm equipment and supplies. I’m also sending a field hospital, construction company and as many large portable generators as I can talk the ISA out of.

  We are changing your mission to add this relief effort. This actually plays well with your real mission to scout out fortification sites along the river. We will make a big deal about helping the people, but let’s stay mum concerning the eventual annexation.”

  “Thanks, these people need a helping hand. Will it be okay to recruit veterans too?”

  “Yes, just downplay them joining the ISA until we are ready to start construction the fortifications. We will move several divisions up there to guard against attack when we start that project.”

  “Sir, what do you think about shipping coal back south on the empty cars? Several of the groups have started mining again to provide fuel for winter stoves. They have produced large quantities of coal.

  Their equipment was hundreds of feet underground, and the EMP blast didn’t affect the mining of coal. We could triple the output if you could help them get the equipment for the surface mines back in operation.”

  “Imelda, are you bucking for my job? Those are excellent ideas. Keep up the great work. I’ll make sure we send some people who can fix the mining equipment, and negotiators to set up interstate trade. Nothing brings innovation like a business. Need anything else?”

  “Not now and thanks for helping these folks.”


  Imelda sent teams to transport the leaders of Owensboro, Elizabethtown, Hopkinsville and several smaller towns from the area to Bowling Green to inform them of the plan to increase their farm production and establish trading co-ops. Several were initially reluctant to travel that far, but they were persuaded when they were told that if they didn’t use the equipment, it would be given to other communities.

  They met, discussed and approved a plan for the ISA to help jump start their summer planting. Winter wheat would be a huge crop this year. They wanted the help, but many found it hard to believe the equipment would actually run when it arrived. Near the end of Imelda’s presentation, a loud whistle rattled the room.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, follow me out to the rail dock and take a look at your new equipment.”

  They followed her out to the dock and saw the train pulling into the station. Many of the cars had tractors, combines, trucks, and other farm equipment. Imelda could see the smiles grow by the minute as the crews started unloading the equipment tagged for Bowling Green.

  “Frankly Captain Payne, I didn’t believe a word you said in there. The USA has repeatedly promised us support, food, and equipment, but has delivered nothing. This will keep a lot of us from starving this winter. I was afraid that we’d have to relocate to one of those FEMA camps.”

  Imelda looked around and realized he was addressing her and replied, “You should do anything to avoid going into one of those slave camps. The USA forces the people to work to feed the people in their cities who won’t work, or are part of their bloated government and don’t do anything, but govern.

  You must grow your own food and protect yourselves from the gangs and criminals. We are helping you, but it also helps us. If the gangs kill all of you, they will grow in size and become more dangerous. Then we have to eliminate them before they move on us. Helping you prevents the gangs from taking over and being dangerous to all.

  Reestablishing trade is also a requisite to rebuilding this country, and we will git ‘er dun!”

  “Can you help us fight the gangs?”

  “Captain Payne, please tell them what we plan to do. Sorry for the confusion, we have two Captain Paynes on this mission.”

  Jim walked to the podium and said, “Gentlemen, it is my job to seek recruits to be trained for 8 weeks in our Basic Training facilities. Those selected for other than infantry combat roles will receive additional training. I am also here to recruit veterans who wish to receive remedial training and join wi
th us to fight the gangs.”

  The mayor of Henderson spoke up, “We will be glad to have our current security force in your first class.”

  Imelda answered, “The course is for both men and women. All citizens in the ISA have the same right to die for their country. We, in the Independent States of America, support the premise that no citizen will ever be discriminated against for any reason. To secure our help, you must dedicate yourself to the same.

  “Excuse me Captain, but are you saying that we have to accept nigrahs, gays, Jews, and the like? I don’t really see that happening. Not in Kentucky, anyways,” said a fat little slug of a man.

  “Sir, may I have your name, please?”

  The slug grinned and said, “Why whatcha gonna do, darlin’, convert me? Good luck with that shit. My name’s Claude Elmore.”

  Smiling, Captain Imelda Payne said, “Of course we’re not going to convert you. I fear your bigotry runs too deep. So, if Kentucky joins the ISA, you, and all who agree with your miserable perspective, will be deported to the USA. If you return, you will be hung.”

  Jumping to his squat little 5’5” frame, he shouted at Imelda as he ran toward her. “Why you little tramp, I’ll beat you to a pulp. I don’t take that shit from anyone, least of all some smart assed cunt.”

  Just as he arrived within arm’s length, Imelda’s hand shot out and clasped Elmore by the throat. The forward motion of his lower body allowed Imelda too violently throw Elmore onto his back.

  His head slapped the floor with a sickening smack, and his breath came gushing out. Fighting for breath and unable to speak he was helpless as Imelda placed her foot on his throat, and said, “Cunt? Want to live to see tomorrow? C’mon, speak up before I crush your windpipe you little weasel.”

  Though speaking was impossible, he vigorously shook his head in the affirmative.

  Smiling, Imelda said, “Don’t worry, it will feel better when it stops hurting. I’ll just wait for you to regain your breath before you apologize for insulting me. OK?”

  Shaking his head, yes, he began gasping for breath.

  Facing the assemblage, Imelda asked, “Has the ISA made a mistake in offering help to Kentucky?”

  The Mayor of Owensboro stood and said, “Captain Payne, sadly, our state has a few such believers, both black and white. This may be a problem. I, however, fully support your action toward my morally bankrupted colleague. I also support the premise of ISA membership. We must never tolerate any discrimination, of any kind, toward any of our citizens.

  My fellow Kentuckians, if we do not embrace the proper guidelines of treatment of our populace, no matter how they may differ, we will surely end up as slaves. I say this not as a jive to our ISA friends, but because we have no room in this new world for bigotry of any kind.

  Without hesitation, I stand with the Independent States of America.”

  Cheers erupted across the room as the realization of a new reality took hold.

  Elmore began to arise. Imelda placed a foot on his shoulder and pushed him onto his back.

  “Mr. Elmore, if memory serves, and it does, you owe me a most heartfelt apology.”

  “I am so sorry. I apologize for calling you that name, and will never do it again.”

  Looking sincere, Imelda said, “Thank you, sir, may I help you to your feet?”

  Upon regaining his balance, Elmore ran for the door and disappeared out of the door. He fled to the USA, with a burning hatred, and a longing for revenge.

  As if nothing had happened, Imelda said, “You need all of the trained soldiers you can get. Look around you. Our units have 40-50% female fighters. In the ISA, we all fight when needed. Not everyone is a soldier, but everyone above 14 fights when we are attacked.”

  That brought a round of cheers from the leaders of these communities, and Jim went on to give more detail about the training and support for their new fighters.

  “Jim, does this mean that we have to join the ISA? What if the USA takes Kentucky back?”

  “The USA has abandoned you, and if they come back, they will come to force you into FEMA slave camps. They are not your friends, or they would not have deserted you.

  The United States is our enemy. They have murdered over ten thousand people in Mobile, Alabama in a sneak attack using nuclear weapons.

  The USA and the ISA have been at war since shortly after the lights went out. The President and the Iranians along with some other powerful groups are responsible for the attack on the USA.

  The bulk of the US military joined the ISA and fights to keep the USA from attacking our new country. The USA used Iranian operatives to smuggle the two nukes into Mobile and were able to detonate one of them.”

  “I knew that bastard was soft on Islamic terrorism, but surely he didn’t plot against his own country.”

  “He did, and he will be captured, tried and convicted eventually.”

  “Well, all I know is the government hasn’t helped us one bit, and they have left us to starve and fend for ourselves. I want to learn more about the ISA. I think we should join you.”

  Imelda replied, “Let’s concentrate on getting the farming jump started, your people trained, the gangs eliminated and the beginnings of electrical power restored. While we cannot rebuild the regional transformers, we have been able to reopen solar panel system manufacturing plants. At present, we manufacture over ten thousand systems per week. I’m really glad that solar technology attained tremendous advancement in the past 10 years.”

  She waved her hand and pointed at the room where they initially met. It now had lights, and a floor fan was blowing.

  “Oh, did I mention that we have electricity, running water and ice in all of our major cities. We have small generators in the small communities and plan to have electricity in 80 percent of our country by year’s end. Here, have a glass of our southern house wine, sweet tea with ice.”

  One mayor, who was holding back, now joined in the discussion about joining the ISA. The enthusiasm was building as they continued discussing the plans laid out by Imelda and Jim.

  “Half of this load of farm equipment was meant for Bowling Green, and Elizabethtown will get the other half.

  The next load will stop in Hopkinsville and will then go on to Owensboro who will share with Henderson.

  The next load will head towards Lexington. Louisville is infested with gangs so we will skip them for a short time. We didn’t plan on tackling that area for a couple of months, but if they don’t start planting soon, it will be a long hungry winter.”

  “Could you speed up our training and let us run the gangsters out of Louisville? We have several veterans who could help with the training if you give us the arms.”

  “No, I’m sorry, the training schedule is sacrosanct. Training and preparation mean fewer casualties. Along with the vets who join us we will carry the brunt of the war against criminals until your trained forces join the fight.”

  “Are you two related or is Payne a common name in the ISA military?”

  “Jim is my husband. We just got married so I’m just getting used to answering as Payne. We have been together since before the lights went out, but just got married.”


  “John, things are going too well up here. They all want to join the ISA right now. I swear we didn’t give them the pitch to join us. They feel like the USA deserted them and see what we have to offer. The half of the cities that we met with today wants us to speed up the training so they can go and kick the gangs out of Louisville. The gangs send men out to steal and kidnap women from their towns. They have fought several battles with them, but the gangs are usually better armed, and there were heavy losses on both sides.”

  “Is Jim in the room?”

  “Yes, along with Sam and Ziva.”

  “Jim, when did Imelda put the plan together to annex Kentucky without ISA forces firing a shot?”

  “Err…John…We…Didn’t plan this, it just happened.”

  “Hey, shit happens. Now how do we
help these people without getting my tit in the ringer with George and Gus?”

  “Arm the good guys and give them some help. Pick some targets, and I’ll make them disappear. I’ll soften the blow with George and Gus. Hell, we just train them; we can’t help it if they want to kill the same guys that we kill every day. Good job, but I’m still not sure that I’m not being played.”

  “Thanks, John, these people will be in your debt.”


  “Damn John, why don’t I send the two divisions up there tomorrow and wipe those bastards out myself. That would cause much less fuss then your ever-expanding top-secret operation. Hell, even the USA knows that there have been trainloads of equipment heading into Kentucky.

  They are gearing up for an attack on your forces in Elizabethtown and probably Smyrna. I was calling you this afternoon to tell you that you need to prepare for a crapload of help. The advance party for Scott’s group should be landing in Elizabethtown in six hours. More will be airlifted in the next day, and two Divisions will begin their road march in the next couple of days. That’s another 20,000.

  I have ordered the 82nd to have a division there between Elizabethtown and Louisville by midnight tomorrow. I’m airlifting five of the Mini Rail gun vehicles to Elizabethtown as we speak. They have ground to air missiles, and with the rail guns they can make the USA wish they’d stayed home.”

  “Why didn’t you contact me about these changes?”

  “John, it just developed in the last two hours, and we have been trying to reach you the whole time.”

  “Crap, I was 500 feet underground. I’ll have my engineers install cables down to the bottom. This won’t happen again. I’ll contact Imelda and have her prepare for the help.”

  “Shit man, you better stay out of her way. I’ve been working with her for the last two hours. She is ready, and I’m not sure that the two Division Commanders that are going up there to conduct this new war are as good as she or Scott is in conducting this operation. I’m just joking a bit, but seriously you’ve got a good one there.”


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