John Returns

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John Returns Page 16

by A J Newman

  “Oh, shit, some one’s locked on to us, shouted the pilot. Missiles inbound. Hold on.”

  The helicopter dropped a hundred feet as it fired chaff and decoy flares and flew under a bridge just missing a support column.

  A missile exploded on the side of the bridge as the pilot kept the chopper, hauling ass down below the tops of the buildings. Another missile struck one on the buildings to the left of them only a few feet away.

  Shrapnel peppered the side of the helicopter wounding everyone onboard. Kristie screamed and fell to the chopper’s deck.

  John unbuckled, joined her on the floor and started checking her injuries. She died in his arms as the pilot twisted and turned the aircraft to stay one step ahead of the next missile.

  “Gus, she’s dead.”

  The pilot headed over the river and flew southwest along the river to try to escape. They traveled several miles when the engine died. They were only 50 feet above the water going 150 miles an hour when the engine failed. The chopper hit the water, rolled and bounced like a bowling ball before breaking apart spilling the crew and passengers into the cold black water of the river.


  The sun was setting, and Gabe knew he had to get off his butt and head to the warehouse. The drive back to Columbus would be lonely and boring. He loved fixing the cars and trucks and then selling them, but he didn’t like hauling them home.

  Gabe looked back towards Louisville and saw something in the water just a few yards from the water’s edge. He strained his eyes and thought he saw a man clinging to a log. He rubbed his eyes, looked and saw two men clinging to a log. He ran down the narrow strip of sand and dried mud towards the men.

  He jumped in, swam to the log, grabbed one of the men and towed him to shore. He jumped back in the water, retrieved the second man and towed him to the shore. The first man was unconscious, so he helped the other walk up to the man lying on the ground.

  “Thanks, I’m not sure we’d have made it if you hadn’t helped.”

  John stirred, opened his eyes and said, “Where the hell are we?”

  “You’re in Mauckport, Indiana. What happened? How y’all end up in the river. You look like you’ve been in a crash.”

  Gus answered, but kept the real story to himself, “Son we were crossing a bridge upstream when we lost control of the car and careened over the side rail into the water. My friend hit his head, and I’ve been busy keeping him from drowning.”

  “Look, I wasn’t born yesterday. There is a battle going on north of Louisville, and you both are wearing military uniforms with ISA on them. Make no mistake, I am no friend of the president of the USA and will gladly help you.”

  “Thanks so you didn’t buy my story.

  “Nope, not one bit of it. We need to get you two to my warehouse so we can check your injuries. No one gets out much after dark so we can travel on the side road to my place. Let’s see if your friend can walk with some help.


  “Mr. President, the Secretary of Defense and General John Harris’ copter was shot down over lower Indiana just east of Louisville. We have recovered the bodies of the aircrew and the security team. No survivors, so far. We have mounted a search and recovery operation and will keep you posted.”

  “What the fuck was Gus doing in a war zone?”

  “Sir, he just went without telling anyone.”

  “Is the search ongoing?”

  “Sir, of course, it is.”

  “Sorry, we have got to find them before the U.S. forces find them. Prepare the Joint Chiefs for a meeting with me at 2200 today. Those two are hard to kill. Has anyone told Beth or Scott?”

  “No, sir. I wanted to inform you and the Vice President first.”

  “I will speak with both. Scott has probably already heard and joined in the rescue effort. Help him get to Smyrna ASAP.”

  Scott flew down to Smyrna to tell Beth that her daughter had been killed in action and that her husband was missing.

  He called ahead to have Beth’s Aunt Sally go to Beth and John’s house in Smyrna to meet Scott. Sally and Scott knocked on the door and Beth greeted them.

  “Hello Scott, what are…Oh, hell!” Sally, what happened?”

  “Mamma Beth, I had some bad news and didn’t want you to hear it from someone else. John and Gus are missing. Their helicopter was shot down earlier today.

  We have a search and rescue operation looking for them. Mom, I’m so sorry, but there is no good way to say this. Kristie was on the helicopter and didn’t survive the crash. She died protecting Gus and John as part of their security detail.”

  Beth broke out in tears, held Scott and cried on his shoulder.

  After several minutes, Beth regained a bit of composure, and asked, “Son, have they recovered Kristie’s body?”

  “Yes, she will be flown to Smyrna tomorrow.”

  Trying to appear brave, she said, “When John walks back to camp; tell him I don’t want to hear any crap about losing his memory or new family.”

  She cried some more on her Aunt Sally’s shoulder and said, “Scott, go find Gus and John. They aren’t dead, or they would have found the bodies. Just look for a trail of dead DHS or some other scumbags, and you’ll find John. I’m not kidding about that lost memory crap.

  Scott, chase down the people who killed Kristie and kill every last one of those fuckers.”

  “Mom, I have my intel group working on it now. We may have to kill every DHS soldier in lower Indiana, but before God, I swear we will get the assholes that killed my sister.

  This attack upon the nation of the Independent States of America shall not go unanswered.”


  Chapter 15

  Gabe Logan

  The USA


  Columbus, Ohio

  They arrived at Gabe’s warehouse, checked for intruders and then entered. They saw several cars lined up against the back wall and a semi-truck with a trailer load of Cadillacs and other high dollar cars.

  “Gabe, what do you do for a living?”

  “I go to the interstate, find nice cars that can be made to run again and then sell them on the black market in the USA.”

  “Don’t the DHS and other government officials object to you trading on the black market?”

  Gabe produced a bottle of Jack Daniels Black Label, poured them a drink and said, “They also like bribes of whiskey and other items I give them. Hell, I’m beginning to sell more cars to government officials than anyone else.”

  John punched Gus in the side and said, “Do you meet in person with these officials?”

  “Most of them. The Vice President sent the President’s Chief of Staff to my house and ordered a Corvette last week.”

  “We could use a guy like you to obtain inside information from the government. We would pay you very well, and we have people on the inside that could help you set up an above board legal car sales business in the USA.”

  “Sorry, I’m not into taking any more risk than I have to. These guys play rough, and I don’t want my wife and kids placed in danger.”

  “Well, I had to ask. You won’t tell anyone about this conversation will you?”

  “No, I like the ISA and hate the US President. I’m sorry I can’t help, but I won’t hurt you either.”

  There was a knock on the front door, and Gabe said, “That’s my friend. Hide so he won’t see you and then we’ll be on our way to Columbus. Good luck, General Harris.”

  “You recognized me?”

  “Your face is on every wall in every town along the Ohio. There are some clothes in the office that should fit you two. Cover your ass. Bye.”

  John and Gus hid in the office changing clothes while Gabe and his friend drove off on their way to Columbus.

  “John, what’s to prevent him from stopping at the next town and turning us into the authorities?”

  “Son of a bitch. I liked the guy so much I didn’t think about the danger. Let’s follow them past the next several towns, a
nd if they don’t stop, we’ll let them go. Gabe said those three trucks are running and fueled up.”

  They climbed into a 1949 F1 Ford truck and sped off after the semi. John drove with the lights off so they wouldn’t be seen if they ran up on the semi and Gabe. The semi was lumbering along at 40 miles per hour but had a 15 minute lead on John and Gus.

  “My .45 is dry and ready.”

  “I lost mine saving your sorry ass. I have my boot knife and my Kbar. Maybe the kid is what he says he is and I won’t have to slit his throat.”

  They had the truck hauling ass at 60 mph, and John almost wrecked the truck several times. They arrived at Central in just a few minutes and had to get off Highway 135 to cruise through the small village to check for the semi. This took a few minutes, and the truck was not there, so they got back on Highway 135 and headed north again. Corydon, Indiana was the next town ahead and was only 13 miles from Mauckport.

  John slowed down as they saw lights up ahead.

  “This should be where Highway 62 crosses 135. Whoa. Slow down. There’s the truck, and it looks like it’s stopped at a roadblock. Pull over. We’ll walk up and check things out.”

  They ran through the brush and woods on the right east side of the highway until they were fifty feet from the roadblock. They used the truck and trailer to hide their advance and saw Gabe and his friend kneeling on the ground with DHS agents surrounding them.

  “Looks like Gabe has some enemies. I’ll sneak up behind them. When you shoot, I’ll cut some throats,” said Gus.

  They moved within 20 feet and were still behind the cab of the truck. John positioned himself behind the front tire and engine for cover while Gus crawled in a ditch to arrive just a few feet behind the men.

  Gus heard Gabe say, “You shouldn’t take these cars. I’ll bring more for you. These are for the Director of DHS, the Senator from lower Indiana and the Budget Director.”

  One of the DHS said, “Son of a bitch. Bull shit. Kill them, Leroy.”

  There were three of them and before John and Gus could react, one agent shot Gabe’s brother in law in the head and pointed the gun at Gabe.

  John took aim, shot the thug with the pistol aimed at Gabe, then shot the next closest one to Gabe. Gabe got up and ran. Gus grabbed the last DHS agent, slashed his knife across the woman’s throat and ended her miserable existence.

  Several shots rang out from the other side of the roadblock and Gabe went down. A shotgun blast and a ricochet from an M4 caught Gabe in the back. He was thrown to the ground, unconscious. John spotted several black uniformed DHS and using the DHS agent’s M4, shot two before they could take aim at him.

  Before the others could kill John, shots rang out from the woods and the DHS were shot from behind. Several turned and tried to hide behind the roadblock, but were mowed down before they reached safety.

  John heard, “Hold your fire. We’re friendly.”

  “Who are you?”

  “We were just passing by when we saw the DHS shoot the man in the back. “


  “Yes, who are you?”

  “Joe, I thought you and Wendy were in New Albany.”

  Wendy and Joe walked out of the shadows, and Joe instantly recognized John and Gus.

  “Mr. Secretary, General, I can’t believe we found you. We were told to get out of New Albany for a few days with no reason given. We’ve been swimming on the beaches east of here. Wendy, I think you know General John Harris and the Secretary of Defense. This is Gus.

  Who is the guy getting shot?”

  “A friend, but not ISA. Yet.”

  “What the hell are you two doing in Mauckport, Indiana looking like the cat dragged you in?”

  “I’ll tell you later. We don’t want our friend to know too much right now. Do you have a radio?”

  “Had a radio. One of the thugs shot at me and hit it. It slowed the bullet down. The radio saved my life.”

  “Gus and Joe, gather the weapons while Wendy and I check Gabe out. Put them in the back of the Ford.”

  John ran over to Gabe and found him still alive, but bleeding from several wounds. The shotgun pellets were small and didn’t pose an immediate danger. The .223 had ricocheted off a steel barrier and lodged in Gabe’s shoulder. Wendy applied pressure to the wound. This woke Gabe up and he moaned in pain.

  “Damn that hurts like a sum bitch.”

  “Yes, but it’s going to hurt much worse when I help you to your feet. Here, place your right arm around my neck and I’ll lift while I keep pressure on your wound. We need to get out of here before U.S. forces arrive.”

  “Take me back to Mauckport and bring my truck or they’ll know who was here. How is my brother in law? I think they shot him.”

  “Okay on going back to Mauckport. I’m sorry Gabe, but your brother in law didn’t survive. We’ll bring his body back with us.”

  “Damn those bastards. They were trying to shake us down for a couple of cars when I told them the cars were for their bosses. They were scared shitless and wanted to kill us and make sure we didn’t report them.”

  John and Wendy helped him into the pickup then helped Gus place the body in the bed under a tarp while Joe stood guard. Gus drove the semi with John following in the old Ford back to Mauckport.

  It only took a few minutes for them to arrive back in Mauckport. Gus drove to the warehouse to hide the semi and trailer loaded with cars while John took Gabe back to his sister’s house.

  Gabe’s sister came to the door, and upon seeing Gabe shrieked, “Oh my God, what happened? Was Gabe in a wreck?”

  “No, he was shot by the DHS that were trying to steal his cars. He needs a doctor. He has some small buckshot wounds and a large wound in the shoulder from a .223 round.”

  “There isn’t a doctor for miles, and getting him would surely bring the DHS goons down on us. Hey wait, where is my husband? Oh, my God!”

  “I’m sorry, but he gave his life trying to protect Gabe. He saved Gabe’s life.”

  The woman broke down into tears and fell to the floor. This woke up her two small children, and her parents, who rushed down the stairs. The children were crying, and her father was asking a hundred questions.

  Wendy said, “I’m a trained EMT. I promise to take good care of Gabe.”

  Gus asked, “Do you have any strong pain killers? Removing that bullet will hurt like a…well it will hurt a bunch.”

  Gabe’s sister gave him two Hydrocodone tablets that her father had left over from a previous back injury, along with 8 ounces of Jack Daniels.

  Gus retrieved the bottle of Black Jack from the pickup and gave Gabe a strong drink, saying, “This will speed up the painkiller.”

  She sterilized her knives, tweezers and a couple of probes while Gus boiled some water and Gabe’s mom, Emmy, fetched bandages. Wendy dug out the buckshot and the bullet and then dressed his wounds with antibiotic salve.

  When Gabe awoke, he told them what had happened, “Dad, some DHS goons at Corydon tried to shake us down for some free cars. When I told them, the cars were for some high-ranking officials they panicked, and started shooting. These two men were behind us at the roadblock and saved my life. We brought Billy back for a proper burial.”

  Gabe’s father asked, “Will those bastards come here looking for you? Do we need to escape to the ISA? I’m tired of this crap. I want to move south and live in peace and forget this dictator running roughshod over us.”

  John spoke up, “The ISA needs people like you to help build our new country. Get across the bridge and head to Elizabethtown. They will help you resettle in the south. Let’s take care of Gabe and get Billy buried before we continue the conversation.”

  Gabe’s father fixed them each a whiskey while Gabe’s sister made them a sandwich. They hadn’t eaten since before noon and were starving. The conversation turned to recent events, and Gabe’s father was asking more probing questions.

  “You two are obviously from the south, and I’d guess upper Florida or lower Al
abama. We spent many summers on the Red Neck Riviera, and I know southern speak. What are you two doing up here in enemy territory?”

  “We buy and sell items that can’t be bought in the stores these days. We were actually chasing Gabe down to sell him some cars and trucks from southern Kentucky. We have partners that have access to several large car lots. We take silver, gold, and items such as medical supplies in exchange,” Gus replied.

  “Look, I don’t care what you do for a living, but I’m afraid that someone will come looking for you four. Killing DHS agents is frowned on up here, and they will tear every house apart for miles around Corydon looking for you two and Gabe.”

  “There is no evidence that Gabe or we were ever in Corydon. It was pitch black, and we saw no lights. I don’t think anyone knows anything except there was a gunfight.”

  “But if anyone saw the semi loaded with cars, it could lead right back to my doorstep.”

  “How many people know about Gabe’s business?”

  “The DHS does. He sells them cars.”

  “You do know that there is a battle going on for all of Kentucky and this part of Indiana, don’t you?”

  “I’ve heard rumors lately. There is a fight going on around Jeffersonville now, or so I’ve been told.”

  John replied, “Our friend tells us that the ISA will control this area by the end of the week. We’d like to stay in touch with Gabe and you so we can have a trade contact up here.”

  Gabe had been awake for a while listening to their conversation, “John, If you help me get to Columbus, I’ll do that favor for you.”

  “Gabe, you and your family could go back south with us. I know we can use people like you in our business.”

  “No, I’m staying up here and going to help even the score with the bastards who killed my best friend. Those men were just the pawns. I want the leaders brought down.”


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