John Returns

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John Returns Page 19

by A J Newman

  The USA seized the Pennsylvania Capitol Building and everything within a mile of that location. They evicted everyone living in that area and bulldozed all private homes and most business buildings to make the area safe from attack and to add parks and monuments in the future. The President wanted to make the Capitol a show place and improve over DC. While this made protecting the President easier to accomplish, it alienated the majority of the people in the state. They hated the pompous asshole that many had voted into office. He promised change for the better, but bankrupted the country and allowed it to be attacked and bombed. Little did they know that he had led the destruction of their country to seize permanent control of the country and reshape it to become a socialist state?

  A team of ISA operatives watched the Capitol Building and the President’s travels for the past year and found he had two mistresses. Both lived in nice houses across the river in Camp Hill and Wormleysburg. There were always five Humvees and three identical armored limousines in the President’s motorcade. He never traveled in the same one twice in a row, and they constantly changed the three car’s position in the column. His motorcade crossed the river twice a week to visit one of his women. His wife knew about the women and didn’t care as long as she was the First Lady. They could have him in bed as long as she stayed the woman at his side in power. She would actually ride with him and go on a shopping trip each week during his visits.

  The motorcade alternated crossing the river using one of three bridges. Highway 83, Harvey Taylor and the Market Street Bridge. A single Apache helicopter guarded the motorcade at all times. His visits were like clockwork. He went to Camp Hill on Tuesday morning at 7:00 am and Wormleysburg on Friday after lunch at 1:30 pm. He never stayed more than four hours at Camp Hill, but frequently stayed overnight at the Wormleysburg address.


  John, Jane, and Jep met once a week with the leader of the ISA operatives to share Intel and to continue planning the target elimination phase of the operation.

  “I agree on taking the target out while his car is on one of the bridges. There are several locations where we can get several shots off while the motorcade is driving towards our position. It will take three shooters to assure the target is eliminated. Getting them in place is the easy part; we have to have a solid plan to extract our shooters. Since I’m one of them, it is very important to me,” said John.

  Jane added, “We need multiple distractions and something big to divert their military. We also have to take out the Apache before it shreds the shooters as they escape.”

  “Sir, what if we enlarge the scope of the mission to scare the hell out of the Congress. We could blow up the Capitol building or other building used by the government. Hell, we could blow all of the bridges across the river to boot. That would create havoc,” added Joe.

  “I like the ideas in general, but I’m not keen on blowing bridges. We have to rebuild this country one day. We won’t be able to build major bridges for twenty years. Pick some other targets, and I think you have a winner. I also think we need some fake gunshots to fool any gunfire detection listening devices. They have several around the Capitol building.”

  Jane added, “Why do we have to escape? Why not stay in the city and worst case we get lost in the sewers and drainage tunnels?”

  “That is a great Idea for you and the other shooter, but I’m afraid that I would be recognized quickly if my face was ever seen. Remember my most wanted picture is still in all of the post offices. I do like the idea of using the drainage tunnels to help with my escape while you two hunker down and wait it out. Can we get drainage tunnel blueprints?”

  “We have them. I’ll make copies and get them to you tomorrow. I think we can use them to get you to the edge of the city and then figure out a way to get you home.”

  The surveillance and planning took 86 days. It was now the start of winter and Tuesday at 0645. The three shooters were in place along with 32 supporting operatives. Only two of them knew the real targets. They thought the objective was to take out the communications center, one bridge and create general havoc on the Capitol. The motorcade approached the bridge with the Apache hovering above a few hundred feet in the air. John and the other shooters waited until the column was two-thirds of the way across to the west side before engaging the target.

  Several explosions rocked the city simultaneously destroying the Secret Service office, the pedestrian bridge, and several other government buildings. At the same exact time, LAWs rockets took out the lead and tail vehicle while three Stinger missiles took out the Apache. Shots rang out in several locations around the city at the same time John and the other shooters fired at the motorcade.

  John could see the president’s wife and his head in the cross hairs. He squeezed the trigger just as the vehicle lurched sideways. He saw the driver’s and her head explode and immediately shot three more times at the president before dropping the rifle and rappelling down from the roof top of the house on the hill overlooking the river and downtown Harrisburg.

  As he ran the 300 yards to the manhole, he saw the last shots in his mind and knew that he had missed the president, but killed his wife, speech writer, driver and probably three or four more people in the vehicle following the limo. By just sheer dumb luck a Humvee fill of DHS agents was heading to the bridge and saw John running out of the woods after the explosion. One shot a burst of .556 at John and a bullet caught John just below the knee in his left calf. He ducked behind a car and tended to his wound. He wadded up a handkerchief and tied it tight over the wound to keep pressure on it to stop the bleeding.

  John just had to make it to the commercial building, crawl under a straight truck and climb down the manhole under the truck. He was now pinned down by three DHS want to be heroes. He only had his Colt 1911 and a Kel-Tec SUB 2000 9mm carbine to deal with the DHS. He fired a couple of rounds their way with the .45 to pin them down while he locked the barrel in place on the Kel-Tec. They were firing off a large volume of rounds, but not coming close, so he took his time and only shot at an open target.

  John knew that the longer he was delayed by these idiots his chances of being caught would dramatically increase. He got one in the knee and another in the foot before he decided to rush them. He put another 31 round magazine in the carbine and began firing as he charged them. The remaining agent raised his head to shoot, and John placed two rounds in his neck and head.

  John killed the other wounded ones and scampered under the truck and down the manhole. It was only half a mile of running, crawling and finally climbing the ladder up to the manhole beneath the ambulance with the hole cut in the floor. He was now in the Holy Spirit Hospital parking lot. John slid the manhole cover in place as the driver turned the lights and siren on. They sped off heading to the spot where John crawled back through the hole in the floor under the ambulance and up into a van with a similar setup. The van took him to a warehouse where he transferred to another car and drove to the safe house 50 miles away.

  Only one operative didn’t escape, and she chose to fight until the death taking six DHS agents with her. Jane would be missed and was now a hero in the ISA.

  The attacks killed most of the President’s staff, DHS Staff, Secret Service leadership, and leveled the Capitol, Secret Service, and DHS buildings. The attack’s success was due to great planning, poor DHS execution, and luck.

  John later flew back to Smyrna and took a month off from killing thugs, DHS agents, and other scum.

  “Gus the operation failed to kill the president as you know by now. Sorry I killed the First Lady, but she was a scumbag, and I won’t worry about killing the bitch.”

  “John, great job. Your team took out all but one of its targets. We should have a lull in attacks from the north for a while. The President had a nervous breakdown but was still in charge. After he puts on new underwear, he should have a new found respect for the long reach of John Harris and the ISA.”

  “Pour me another shot of Bulleit.”

ou switched from Jack Black?”

  “Just for a while. I’m beginning to like Kentucky Bourbon.”


  Chapter 18

  Crimes Against Humanity and Life Goes On

  The Pacific Coast States


  The trials for the traitors who conducted, supported or covered up the conspiracy to attack the USA began in March at the Naval Air Station in San Diego. The location was convenient for the judges based on the PCS and the military, which had to transport witnesses, protect the proceedings and house the prisoners. The military had converted two large warehouses into courtrooms, meeting rooms and temporary jail cells for those being tried.

  There were over 1,500 low-risk men and women being held in prison based at the Miramar Naval Air Station. There was another 500 incarcerated at the Super Max prison in Florence, Colorado. There were 100 judges assigned to 50 courtrooms conducting trials for the lower level offenders with 50 trials being conducted every day of the week. These trials normally lasted less than a week. There was a 95 percent conviction rate and the ones found guilty were placed in work farms and ranches performing hard labor for the rest of their lives.

  There were 10 courtrooms for the most serious offenders. The trials took from five days to as long as thirty days. Most of these traitors were on film supporting the treason of the president, rigging elections or the Global Warming Scam. One hundred percent had been found guilty with 90 percent being hung the next day. The others were sentenced to a life of hard work on prison farms.

  The high conviction rate was in part due to the vast data captured by the CIA, NSA, and FBI during the heightened awareness of potential terrorist attacks on the USA. The CIA caught on to the president’s plot to destroy the USA, but had no one to report the treason to that wasn’t part of the plot. Their own director was in on the plan to nuke the USA, so several senior operatives warned the military and began sending them copies of the CIA, NSA and FBI files.

  These files, sent to the military would prove to have far-reaching repercussions. Without them, the military would have been hard pressed to take action against the USA.

  They had recorded conversations of the heads of the liberal media networks being told to cover up for the president and help rig the 2008, 2012 and 2016 elections, which were all won by liberal traitors to the USA.

  The only minor setback was that the more liberal people in the PCS thought that the nationally known media journalists, talk show hosts, and rich donors were being railroaded. There were even a few protests that were stopped quickly by the PCS military. The president of the PCS, Ralph Baker, demanded that President Washing ton and General Harris travel to San Diego and meet with him to determine how to resolve the issue.

  “George, John, great to see you!”

  “Ralph, I hope all is well with June and the children.”

  “They are fine. The kids are doing well in school, Clyde graduates this spring and he wants to join the Army. His mother is going crazy.”

  “I wish him well and hope June learns to let him go,” replied John.

  Let’s get down to the issues. As you know, we started the trial process with the lower level bastards to make sure the process was working before trying the real scumbags and traitors. A small, but sizable group of our people doesn’t understand why we convict everyone. They see the evidence and still think most should still be set free. These aren’t trouble makers yet, but will be if they don’t get their way.”

  “What do you need us to do?”

  “First, I don’t want any more of these SOBs brought to trial. Second, I need a place to send any of the ones that we find innocent. They are getting the word out to the liberals that they were wrongly convicted and stirring these idiots.”

  “So you want us to stop finding these criminals?”

  “No, just make them disappear. John knows how to handle that. Then load up the others and drop them on a deserted island in the Antarctic to die for all I care.”

  George spoke up, “Ralph, we are hard people and hold people accountable, but we don’t kill in cold blood. Oh, I don’t care if John kills most of these assholes trying to avoid capture, but we don’t railroad them or kill them for the hell of it. Grow a pair of balls and deal with the problem. We ran the liberals out of the ISA, and everyone works and contributes.”

  “I knew you would say that so be prepared for about 5,000 of our lazy idiots to be rounded up and taken to Illinois. The military is working on the logistics.”

  “Sounds good to me. If they try to enter the ISA, we’ll shoot the bastards.”

  Ralph shook their hands and said, “Problem solved. We start the trials of the presidents of BSNBC, BAC, BNC and BSC next week. I can’t wait to see them hanging from the gallows.”


  Chapter 19

  Wrapping Up.

  Smyrna, Tennessee


  The Smyrna Regional Hospital

  Jenn slowly opened the door to Josh’s room and heard her dad telling him about hunting down the leaders of the plot against America.

  “After almost getting captured during the botched attempt to kill the US President, the President of the ISA ordered me to lay low and not go back into the USA for six months. I honored that by getting with the Intel boys and gaining as much info as possible on my targets. I headed out to California and eliminated 33 of the lower-ranking politicians who were indicted for treason. Then I flew to Hawaii and killed a dozen more that were hiding on a plantation belonging to Boros, the guy who financed the whole disaster.”

  “Did you get Boros? I heard he died of old age.”

  “The sumbitch died of acute throat slitting after I cut his fingers and toes off to get the identification of the other money men behind the conspiracy. He sang like a bird. I traveled to Africa, Australia and several islands to get those bastards. They had years to prepare their bunkers. It was tough, but I finally killed every last one of them and sent them to hell.”

  “Were you sorry you killed the president’s wife?”

  “Hell no! She was as evil as he was. I never would have intentionally shot her, but I’m glad the bitch is dead. She knew about the plans and didn’t warn the people. If I could just kill Wilton and a couple more I could die a happy man.”

  “John, I have to ask, did you intentionally miss the president to keep the USA from launching nuclear weapons and settle for scaring the crap out of the bastard.”

  “Off the record, there never was a plan to assassinate the president. We knew it would backfire on us, so we settled for scaring the bastard and harassing him the rest of his miserable life. We gave his lovers serious STDs and eventually exposed him to AIDS. He was dying for the last year of his life and finally hung himself just as our team had him cornered.”

  “I won’t print that part.”

  “Better not. We are winning over the citizens of the USA through the Food for Peace and other programs. Scott just has to get rid of Wilton without it blowing back in our face.”

  “Wait, I just remembered. Did you get the men responsible for killing your stepdaughter Kristie?”

  “Scott oversaw the execution of every one of the bastards. He found out which unit shot the copter down and killed every man and woman in the unit to make sure he got them all. Hell, the USA suffered from mass desertions after Scott wiped out the entire DHS unit and Gus bombed the houses of everyone in that Captain's chain of command. The bastards starting drafting and then shanghaiing men and women into service after that episode.”

  John didn’t notice, but when he finished speaking, there was a crowd behind him listening to every word.

  “John, that’s a great story, and I’m glad I was able to get information on the locations of many of your targets,” Gabe Logan said.

  Beth added, “Hanging those traitors didn’t bring any of our friends and loved ones back, but it made me feel good that at least those evil people were gone from the face of the earth. The conspiracy started long before
TSHTF. The Global Warming scam, the failed nuclear deal with Iran and bringing those Syrian refugees into our country were the worst until that bastard president nuked his own country.”

  Josh looked around the room and saw his mom and dad, Jenn and her mom and dad and Gus McCoy. He thought, ‘Who else could possibly show up.’

  The thought was just leaving his mind when the President of the ISA, Scott Harris, and the ex-President of the ISA, George Washington, walked into the room. Josh sat up in bed and welcomed them.

  “I hope the USA doesn’t know all of you are in my room even though I’m honored to have you here. What is the important matter that could possibly bring all of these high-powered people to see me?”

  Scott looked around the room and replied, “Peace.”

  “John said, “What the heck?”

  “Dad, we have a verbal peace agreement with the new leader of the USA.”

  “New leader? What happened to that bitch, Wilton?”

  “She was vaporized two hours and ten minutes ago along with all of her military command, her staff, and the entire USA Congress. We destroyed the ships with the nuclear bombs this morning by 1000 and then nuked their bunker in Alaska. The new leaders of the USA want peace and our help rebuilding their country. Hell, he even asked if it was possible to join the ISA.”


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