Brit Flick Sweethearts: A Rom-Com With Spanking

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Brit Flick Sweethearts: A Rom-Com With Spanking Page 6

by Samantha Hyde

  In one swift movement, he picked her up and flung her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry.

  “Hey! Get off me!”

  It happened so fast that no one in the foyer saw. He kicked her little wheeled suitcase back into the lift and swiftly followed, the lift door sliding shut behind them.

  The lift ascended and still he did not put her down. She beat uselessly on his back and kicked her legs but he held grimly on.

  “You, Doris, are going to learn some discipline. Who the hell do you think you are, acting like such a spoilt brat?”

  “Don’t call me Doris! My name is Dahlia! Hey!”

  “Like hell it is.”

  As he spoke he slapped her backside. A familiar heat flamed in her buttocks that went shooting straight between her legs.

  I cannot believe that I’m actually aroused at this…

  He let her slide down his body so that her feet were safely anchored on the ground once more, and held her tight in the circle of his arms.

  She had stopped struggling, and found herself gazing up into his glittering blue eyes.

  “Don’t you ever run off without telling me again,” he said, his mouth clamping possessively down on hers.

  The kiss was fierce and her head swam with the intensity of it.

  I can’t let myself do this...

  But the thought was silenced when he began kneading her breasts through the jumper, making her heart pound and her knickers flood with wetness.

  All too soon, the lift doors opened to her floor and they broke off the kiss, Doris coming to her senses a little and pulling away from him.

  “Walk,” he barked, grabbing her elbow with one hand and her suitcase with the other, guiding her back to the room from which she had just departed.

  “Tell me,” he said, once they were safely back in the hotel room. “What gives? Why are you running out on me? Is it the dominance thing in bed? Because if I came on too strong, I apologise. Mind you, I didn’t exactly see you complaining at any point.”

  Doris blushed, absolutely hating herself for constantly reddening whenever she was around him. He must think she was so stupid.

  “No, it’s not that, I just wanted to go home for few days, you know, re-charge my batteries before we start filming and everything…” she said, her voice trailing off lamely.

  “You’re lying.”

  “I’m not.”

  Maybe you should’ve listened to me when I tried to tell you the truth, she silently added.

  “Do you know what I do to liars?”

  Her blood heated in her veins and she found she was trembling.

  “I don’t want to play your games, Curt. I really shouldn’t be here…”

  “Take off your clothes. Now,” he barked, interrupting her.

  “Curt, please.”

  Although there was little resistance in her voice. Even when he came up to her and spun her round so that her back was pressed against him.

  “Please,” she repeated, but the word no longer held the meaning it should have done.

  His hands reached round and popped open the fly of her jeans.

  “Seeing as you can’t seem to do it for yourself...”

  Her jeans pooled at her feet and unthinkingly she stepped out of them. Like an obedient child, she lifted her arms above her head at his insistence, and let him remove the jumper. Her skin goose-bumped at his touch; a million little pinpricks all over her body that made her heart hammer and her breath catch in her throat.

  He undid her bra and it fell to the floor in a whisper. When he reached round to cup her heavy-with-arousal breasts, a soft sigh escaped her lips and she squirmed against him. Her nipples puckered instantly at his touch and she knew right then that she was lost to him. She would do anything he asked of her and she would do it gladly, not matter what it was.

  “On the bed,” he said gruffly. “Lie on your back.”

  Meekly she did as he asked, all thoughts of escape completely forgotten. There was only him and her in the world, nothing else mattered.

  He kneeled next to her, slipped her knickers down her legs and spread her thighs. The air immediately hit her arousal, cooling the wetness there.

  She gasped when without warning he buried his face between her legs, homing in on her clit and tonguing it hard. She writhed on the bed and fisted the duvet; the pleasure was so immediate, so intense, it was almost pain. But her body quickly adjusted and in a matter of seconds, a strong, sharp orgasm burst through her, making her writhe and arch her back.

  He moved away from her as soon as she was done. Doris sat up. It was all over so quickly she barely comprehending what had just happened to her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, watching him in confusion. “What is that?”

  Curt had reached into the front pocket of his jeans and pulled out a roll of slim bandage.

  “This, my dear, is to tie you up with.”


  “Lie down please, arms above your head, legs spread.”

  “Now hang on just a minute… Hey!”

  Curt grabbed a wrist and held it tight against the wrought-iron headboard. He proceeded to swiftly wind the bandage around her wrist multiple times before securing it to the headboard. He did the same at her other wrist so that there was no escape.

  A rush of panic washed over her.

  Why had she just let him do that?

  “Relax, baby. Have you ever heard of safe-words?”

  “I guess.”

  She had indeed. She was a writer, she had read widely in the genre of romantic fiction.

  “Pick a safe-word, sweetheart.”

  Her mind went blank. “What kind of a question is that?” she stammered.

  “Just pick one. Where’s your most favourite place in the world?”

  “Brighton Pier,” she replied unthinkingly. She and Dahlia used to go to Brighton on family holidays when they were kids and just thinking about that pier brought a smile to her face.

  Curt did little to suppress the amused smirk.

  “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,” he said in a pretty passable Bogart. “There you go, then. Brighton Pier it is.” Suddenly he was serious once more. “Just remember, I won’t do anything to you against your will. I will push your limits, but this is consensual. You were born to be a sub, Doris. My sub.”

  The way he was calling her by her real name had her heart hammering afresh. It felt so wrong, yet so right.

  She held her breath when he quickly shed his clothes. She had never seen him naked like this before, not properly and for any length of time where she could study him. And God, was he gorgeous. She drunk in the sight of him, her stomach twisting up into knots in appreciation of his masculine perfection. His biceps flexed when he stepped out of his underpants, his big cock springing free, bouncing slightly with the sudden release.

  His cock was huge, she duly noted. Huge and perfectly formed, just like the rest of him. It stuck out from his body at a right-angle, rock-hard and proud.

  When he straddled her ribcage, she bit down a rise of panic. This was kind of intimidating, but she guessed that that was the whole point. Holding the stiff shaft in his hand, he shuffled up her body and ran the moist, spongy head over her parted lips.

  “I love seeing you like this,” he said huskily. “So beautiful, so helpless, so mine.”

  He didn’t break eye-contact when he pushed the head of his cock past her lips. Thankfully, he didn’t go too far in because she felt sure she would choke if he did. It was the threat of him being able to if he wanted, the power he had over her. She got it, and she loved it.

  She wrapped her lips around the end of his cock and felt him pulse and harden further in her mouth. When she flicked her tongue over the slit, his stomach muscles clenched pleasingly and he gasped, withdrawing immediately form her mouth.

  “I don’t want to come,” he said, kissing down her body, paying particular attention to each nipple in turn.

grazed a sensitive bud and she inhaled sharply, twisting uselessly beneath him. It was a bitter sweet, sharp pleasure that left her panting for something more. He obliged by planting his mouth on her pussy for the second time. She sighed deeply and bucked her hips, the pleasure building again at breakneck speed.

  Just when the orgasm was about to rip through her body, he stopped. She stared down at him through the valley of her breasts, panting and wild eyed.

  “Why did you stop?” she managed to gasp.

  “Because you don’t get to come until I say so.”

  He positioned himself between her thighs and drove into her in one fluid motion. Doris gasped in pleasure, lost in the moment.

  Lost to him…

  She wrapped her legs around his lower back, urging him in deeper. She could feel his hesitance, he was holding back.

  “Please,” she whimpered, aching to claw his back and encourage him to go deeper and harder, but of course, she couldn’t.

  He stared down at her, propped up by one hand. His blue eyes were black with lust and bore into her very soul. With his free hand he stroked her hair off her forehead.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured, smothering her mouth with his.

  A hand snaked between her legs and expertly massaged her clit as he thrust gently in and out of her. She could feel herself teetering once more on the edge of orgasm, and she moaned softly.

  A few more flicks of his fingers on her lust-hardened clit and she was coming. At last, Curt let himself go. He slammed into her as the orgasm pulsed through her. She screamed out her pleasure, never wanting the moment to end.

  “I love you,” she sobbed, bucking her hips against his. “I love you so much.”

  Alas, end it did, and grim reality slapped her full in the face.

  Oh my God, I can’t believe I just said that…

  Curt untied her hands without saying a word and once she was free she sat up, cradling her cold, almost asleep hands to her chest.

  “I have to shower,” he said gruffly.

  Doris’s head spun with his sudden change of mood. Mere seconds ago he had been making love to her like she was the only thing in the world that mattered to him, and now he was totally cold and emotionless. He left her sitting there without so much as a backwards glance and shut the bathroom door behind himself.

  Immediately she heard the hiss of the shower and she stared at the closed door in disbelief.

  What the hell just happened there, she thought. He’s just using you for sex, that’s what. Why did I say I loved him? I’ve just totally humiliated myself.

  Doris bit down the tears. She hadn’t expected him to say ‘I love you’ back, or anything, but even a ‘thank you’ or, ‘how was that for you’ would have been nice.

  Curt didn’t care about her, that was blatantly obvious. With tears stinging her eyes, she fumbled around for her clothes.

  It took her a matter of seconds to get dressed. It wasn’t like she had to pack, so she slipped out the room while the shower was still running.

  Sod Curt Gunner. I hope I never have to see him again for as long as I live. Because my heart can’t take it….

  Tears stung her eyes as she made her escape.


  Curt didn’t see Dahlia until the day they were due to start filming. Most of the action scenes for ‘Death Car’ were to be filmed on a disused industrial estate on the outskirts of London. The crew had set up camp here for the next week and lots of people busied themselves rigging up complicated lighting and cameras on tracks and the like. He saw her before she saw him and his stomach instantly contracted in an unbidden onslaught of nerves.

  Come on, man. What the hell is with you?

  Ever since she had walked out on him in the hotel room, he had been a mess, fluctuating between indignant anger, hurt and back again. He was losing his head over a woman and he didn’t like it one bit. If only she knew that he absconded into the bathroom because he had been choked up. He had never felt such strong emotions during sex before and it had scared him shitless. He had only gone into the shower to get his head together for a moment, and when he had come out she had been gone. Her mobile phone had been constantly switched off, and her London address which he had found out through devious means, was empty. He just didn’t understand it. It was like she had disappeared off the face of the earth, only to reappear now on his film-set.

  He loved her too, of course he did, the realisation had just knocked him for six and it had taken him a moment to get his head around that fact. The length of the shower he had taken, to be exact.

  He drew nearer. She was in the middle of the wide street that ran between two huge, derelict warehouses. She was surrounded by a gaggle of people, actors and film crew alike, holding court like the prima donna he had known on the set of ‘Brick Face.’

  They surrounded her in a circle as she spoke in a loud voice;

  “And I was like, sweetie, there is no way that those are Manolo Blahniks, there’s no need to lie about it if you’re too poor to afford them. And she was like, ooh, they are. Some people are so pathetic, and she had really bad hair…. Oh, hello darling.”

  The little crowd gathered around her respectively parted when she spotted him and walked over to him.

  “Darling, it’s so good to see you.”

  She air kissed him on each cheek, probably so she didn’t dislodge the heavy make-up.

  His first thought was that she looked and sounded different. He figured it was because she was back at work, and her work persona was firmly in place.

  “Why did you walk out on me?” he asked bluntly.

  She looked at him blankly for a second, then her face was a composition of arrogant perfection once more.

  “I’m sorry, my agent had booked me into a spa for a few days so I would look my best and be relaxed for work.”

  It didn’t work, he thought sourly.

  If only he could put his finger on it, but she just looked so different. And thinner too, if that was possible. He didn’t know what these sad women went through in order to get skinny quickly. He’d heard of seaweed wraps and the like, but how could it work in a matter of days?

  He shook his head in disbelief. Besides, she looked a million times better with a little bit of meat on her.

  “Come to my trailer, we need to talk.”

  Her eyes narrowed sultrily and he felt a little rise of irritation at her. He hated the stupid, ‘come hither’ looks that women put on when they were playing men. He much preferred it when she let her true sweetness shine through.

  “Of course, baby. There’s just a few people I have to see first.”

  “Now, Doris.”

  The colour instantly drained from her face. “What did you just call me?”

  “Stop being such a fucking princess,” he hissed through gritted teeth. “I’m calling you by your real name, not your stage name. Stop being so fucking precious and come with me now.”

  “OK, fine,” she said, holding up her perfectly manicured hands with the red talons. “Let’s go then.”

  Inside the trailer, she perched at the little table. She looked nervous and he was glad to see even that small chip in her polished veneer.

  “Have you learned your lines, Doris?”

  “Just for the scene we’re filming today.”

  “You haven’t learned the rest?”

  “I got familiar with the script at the spa.”

  “You’d better not let me down, Doris. I pulled a lot of strings to get you this role.”

  “I won’t let you down, Curt. And would you please stop calling me Doris? It makes me uneasy.”


  Her mouth opened as if she was about to say something, then seemed to think better of it.

  “The thing is Doris…” Come on, man. Just spit it the fuck out… “I’m sorry I was so cold after we made love, but I was scared. No woman has got to me the way you have. The thing is… I love you too. Will you marry me?”

  Her expr
ession was priceless. She stared at him open-mouthed, her beautiful blue eyes wide and shiny.

  “Marry you?” she repeated dumbly.

  “Well? Will you?”

  She threw herself into his arms and for a second he thought how bony she had gotten.

  “Yes! Oh my God! Yes, yes, yes!”

  “Oh, darling girl, I love you so much. We’re going to be so happy together. So what do you say, shall we blow off this ridiculous thing called acting and spend the rest of our lives away from the limelight in retired bliss?”

  She pulled out of his arms slightly, her pretty face suddenly warped with alarm. “Retire? You can’t be serious?”

  “Between us, we’ve made more money than most people do in a lifetime. We could have a very good life together.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “I thought you felt the same. I’ve got to know the real you, Doris. I know you hate this celebrity, merry-go-round as much as I do.”

  “You don’t know shit.”

  His words stung as surely as a slap across the face. “Well, there’s the Dahlia we all know and hate.”

  “Oh, come on Curt, if this is a joke I don’t think it’s very funny. I’ve spent my adult life chasing this career. Am I supposed to give it all up because a man asks me to?”

  “No. You’re supposed to give it all up because you are as disgusted with the industry as much as I am. You’re supposed to give it up because you want out as much as I do. I know how much you regret taking the drugs. I know you hate what this industry is turning you into.”

  “Baby, you’re obviously having a bad day, like, getting all disillusioned and stuff. I love acting, it’s who I am. And I’m clean now, I promise.”

  He frowned at her slightly, deeply confused.

  Had he really misjudged her to such an extent? And perhaps it was too much of him to expect her to give up acting.

  It was just that he felt so sure she felt the same as him.

  “Don’t look so sad, baby,” she purred in cutesy-cute little girl voice that grated on his nerves. “I love you too, and of course I want to marry you. But we have to finish this film, it’s not like we can walk out on it at this stage.”


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