Fate Hates (Twist of Fate Book 1)

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Fate Hates (Twist of Fate Book 1) Page 15

by Tina Saxon

  Seeing her in the field the other day, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. Thankfully she only caught me looking at her a couple of times. I had to keep my distance so I could actually do my job. How fucked-up is that? I need to get my head on straight. Work has always been my number one priority. Women come second. So why the hell can’t I get her out of my mind?

  I can’t believe I sent her flowers. Cheryl helped me because I sure as hell haven’t ever sent a woman flowers. That was three days ago and I haven’t heard anything from her. I feel pathetic waiting to see if she’ll contact me. How’s that for karma. I’m sure every girl I screwed over would be enjoying this. I know Damon is. Asshole.

  I blow out a breath. It’s Saturday morning and I can’t stay in bed all day. Maybe I can pound out some of this frustration at the gym.

  * * *

  “Hey, Aiden, glad to see you’re back,” Stacy says as she winks at me. Stacy’s the receptionist at the boxing gym. “Damon got here a little bit ago,” she says, pointing to the gym. I’m walking out of the locker room when I see Damon. He flashes a huge smile.

  “You don’t have to be that happy to see me,” I joke.

  “Oh, you just made my day.” He laughs, but I can tell he’s up to something. “You remember Tony, right?”

  “Yeah, he’s kicked my ass a few times.” Tony is the Krav Maga instructor at the gym. A lot of the agents like to spar with him because he’s brutal.

  “Well, some of the guys are watching him and another person spar. It’s pretty intense. You should come see.” There’s that fucking smile again.

  We walk over to the mat and I freeze. There’s Addison and Tony rolling around on the floor, sparring. Addison jumps up in defense. She’s wearing leggings that go right below the knee with a sports bra, showing her gorgeous, muscular stomach. Her ass is perfect and her breasts glisten with sweat. Tony jumps up and catches her legs, bringing her to the floor. My instinct to help her kicks in.

  “Don’t do it,” Damon says, holding my arm. I stay put, crossing my arms. “She can take care of herself.”

  “So I’ve been told,” I say, remembering when Joe jumped on her. I ball my hand into a fist thinking of that asshole.

  Addison uses her legs to grab hold of Tony and throws him over her. This woman is going to unhinge me. Fucking bolt by bolt. I’ve never been so turned on to the point of pain before.

  “She’s a powerhouse,” Damon says, leaning over to me. Suddenly, I want to kick Damon’s ass and every guy watching. The caveman in me wants to grab her and take her away and yell “mine!” What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I so jealous of everyone all of a sudden? I’ve never had to compete for a girl. Ever.

  Addison is back up in her fight stance. She glances my way and catches my eye. In that exact moment she doesn’t catch Tony coming for her. She goes down hard. Shit! I start to run out there to see if she’s okay, but I know if that was me, I’d be pissed, so I stay.

  I see her slowly get up and hear Tony ask, “What the hell was that, Addison?” She shakes her head and apologizes. They both go to the side of the mats and talk. Everyone watching disperses. I’m hesitant to go talk to her. Dammit, I hate this feeling of insecurity. I walk toward her while she’s putting her stuff in her bag.

  She peers up at me with those beautiful, Caribbean-blue eyes. “Still a distraction,” she says, laughing, shaking her head.

  “I’m impressed.” I flash a grin.

  “Oh, are you?”

  “Heck, yeah. I want a turn.” I wag my eyebrows.

  “You want to spar?” She looks at me suspiciously.

  “Hey, I need to redeem myself.” I smirk. “You caught me off guard.”

  “I guess that’s what happens when you’re distracted.” She shrugs, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

  She picks up her bag and starts to leave but pauses, turns around, and says, “Thanks for the roses. They are beautiful.” Not as beautiful as you. As she walks away, she looks over her shoulder and says, “I’m an only child.”

  “Okay?” Her random comment confuses me.

  She doesn’t look back, but I hear her say, “You wanted to know more about me.” Then she exits the gym.

  I thrust my fist in the air. She’s not shutting me down. Time to up my game.

  * * *

  “You want me to do what?” Damon asks in surprise when I tell him my plan.

  “You fucking owe me.” I stare at him.

  “For what?”


  Damon chuckles. “Oh, yeah. That.” He owes me big time. He asked me to hook up with this girl so he could get her hot friend. I didn’t mind helping… she was cute, but holy shit, she was psycho. She stalked me for a year. Like crazy stalk. I’m a fucking FBI agent and I was scared.

  “I’m sure you’ll get something out of this, too.” I smirk.

  “You’re starting to concern me. You never chase women.” Damon looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.

  “I wish I could explain it. Something about Addison has been making me go out of my mind.” I sigh. “I have all these feelings I don’t know what to do with.”

  Chapter Thirty-one

  I AM SO excited! Sydney is coming to visit me next week. I haven’t seen her since last Thanksgiving when I moved into my new apartment. I miss her so much. I haven’t had a chance to tell her about Aiden. She’s going to freak out, probably tell me that fate brought us back together. She believes in all that fairytale crap. My life is far from a fairytale. Fate hates me. She dangles things within reach, tempting me, only to pull it back and say “fuck you.”

  I push off my couch and wince. I’m a little sore from sparring with Tony yesterday. The hit that took me down caused a nice bruise on my ass. Damn Aiden. His emerald eyes grabbed hold of me, and I couldn’t move until Tony knocked the hell out of me. I need a nice hot bath with Epsom salt for my aching body.

  As I’m about to get into my bath, my phone dings. I run to get it just in case it’s work. It’s from a number that I don’t recognize.

  Unknown: I grew up in North Carolina

  Someone has the wrong number. I put my phone down and sink into my bath. All the tension in my muscles release. My mind takes me back to a bath I took last summer, the night Aiden and I had sex. Goose bumps spread across my body as I remember him drying me off. The feel of his smooth, thick cock in my mouth. His glorious mouth on my clit, tongue fucking me. My body heats up, and I can feel the swelling sensation in my sex. My hand trails down my stomach to my clit. I start to rub, feeling the intensity increase. With closed eyes I imagine it’s him touching me there. I move toward my entrance and insert a finger. I moan. I can feel my orgasm getting close, getting ready to explode. Oh… oh… Jett! I scream out as a rush of heat is sent through my body and my sex pulses around my finger.

  Did I just scream out Jett? Oops.

  Harper calls me, wanting to do lunch. I dress casual, throwing on some jeans and rolling them up to make them capris then pair it with a white, V-neck T-shirt. It’s a beautiful sunny August day. Not too hot. I catch a cab to our favorite French bistro in Tribeca.

  I walk into the restaurant and notice Harper already seated at a table.

  “Hey, girl,” I say as I sit down. I grimace.

  “I heard you might be a little sore today,” she teases.

  I furrow my brows. “Word travels fast. Since when does anyone care about Tony taking someone out? It happens all the time,” I say.

  “It’s not that you were taken out… it’s why you were taken out.” She winks.

  Was it that obvious? In my mind it all happened so fast I didn’t think anyone noticed. I sure as hell didn’t think everyone would gossip about it.

  “Seriously, why is everyone making it a big deal?”

  “Girl… everyone sees how you and Aiden look at each other. Brrrrr.” She pretends to shiver.

  “Very funny. Hell hasn’t froze over yet. Aiden and I are not a thing.” I’m not sure if I’m s
aying that to convince Harper or myself. My phone dings again. I grab it out of my purse.

  Unknown: I have one sister. Katie.

  “So weird.” I glance up to Harper. “I’m getting these random texts from someone I don’t know,” I say, showing her my phone.

  “Hmm… I only know one person with a sister named Katie.” She looks at me and smiles at my questioning expression. “Aiden.”

  “What? Why would he…” My mouth drops open and my eyes go wide. Aiden. Of course. Harper has a cocked eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. “Yesterday at the gym I told him I was an only child. He was confused so I told him that he wanted to get to know me and then I left.” I shrug.

  “That boy wants you bad. Are you going to respond?” The excitement in her voice makes me laugh.

  Me: How did you get my number?

  His response is quick.

  Aiden: Sweetheart, I’m FBI.

  I roll my eyes and show Harper. “He’s so cocky.” I snicker.

  “That’s what I hear,” she responds, giggling.

  “Oh, my God, we are not back to talking about his dick,” I whisper and roll my eyes. We enjoy the rest of our meal and then go do a little shopping after.

  “Oh! My best friend, Sydney, is coming to town on Friday. I want you to meet her. You’ll love her. Let’s plan on doing something fun Friday night,” I say.

  “Fun! I can’t wait to meet her.”

  * * *

  Today isn’t quite as busy as Monday was. I’m enjoying the downtime from the hectic chaos yesterday. I was in the lab the entire day. We found some prints that might help us catch a lead on the murders from last week. The FBI is heading the case now, so we’re getting our information together to pass off to them. I’m typing out our findings when Kenlie peeks in my office.

  “There are two very fine agents here to see you,” she says.

  I get up, laughing, shaking my head. Whenever agents come over to the office all the women gawk. The men in the office always puff their chests out and wonder what the big deal is.

  Our offices are set in a square with the lab in the middle, surrounded by glass, and an open area in front of it that we call the bull pen. The techs sit there. When I walk out of my office, Aiden and Damon are waiting for me in front of the bull pen. They are a sight: two gorgeous, muscular men exuding authority by just standing there. It’s funny because I’d heard many stories about these two before I found out who Aiden really was. And the trouble they got into. I’m carrying the folder with all of the information we have collected so far.

  As I walk up to them, Aiden says, “Hey, beautiful,” and winks.

  I feel the heat crawl up my face and blow out a breath before handing him the folder. “Here is everything we have on the Monroe case.” He smiles at me. There’s an awkward silence. Of course, people are glancing our way. I stick my hands in my lab coat pockets. “Well, if that’s all you need… I should get back to work.” I turn around to walk away.

  “Addison, wait.” I stop and turn around. He clears his throat. “Have dinner with me Friday night.” He fiddles with the file in his hands. I’ve never seen him nervous. He’s usually a confident man. Then he flashes his dimples and it makes it really hard to decline his offer.

  “I can’t. I have a friend coming into town that day.” I look around as people talk in hushed voices, watching us. Great.

  “Tomorrow night then?” he asks.

  “Aiden, I don’t know.” I sigh. I hear Damon mumble something but ignore him. “Let me think about it and get back to you.” I’m still trying to figure out where this can even go. And I don’t want to lead him on. He nods his head, so I turn around and walk away.

  The sound of a deep, sexy voice singing stops me.

  What the hell?

  Turning around slowly, standing in all of their sexiness, is Aiden and Damon in aviator sunglasses, singing, “You’ve Lost that Lovin’ Feeling” to me.

  And there’s the confident man I know.

  Someone has watched Top Gun too many times. A laugh escapes my lips. Everyone who wasn’t already watching our exchange is being drawn out from their office by their singing.

  All I can do is stand with my hand over my mouth, which hangs open. Harper comes up to my side and whispers, “Holy shit.” Every girl is glancing from me to the men with their hands on their hearts. Oh, my God.

  If it wasn’t bad enough that I have two guys serenading me, now the whole office decides to join in at the chorus. Even Harper. I swear someone is going to pop out with a hidden camera and yell “GOTCHA!” This is insane. CJ, my boss, is leaning in her doorway with her arms crossed. She looks over at me and I shrug and mouth, “Sorry.” She laughs and shakes her head.

  When the guys finish, everyone yells and claps. Aiden stands there with his arms open, aviators still on and panty-dropping smile. “Please go out with me,” he mouths.

  CJ puts a stop to all the chaos. “Okay, everyone, High School Musical is over. Get back to work. Addison…” she looks my way “…go deal with Maverick and Goose.”

  I walk toward Aiden and Damon, and I laugh at CJ’s comment. Damon winks and leaves, but not before he’s stopped by several women in the office. Aiden stands there lifting an eyebrow with a sexy grin that displays his dimples. My breath catches from just that one look. “You’re insane,” I murmur. I don’t know why he has this profound effect on me. I don’t have any control over my body when he’s near me.

  He leans down and whispers in my ear, “Insane for you.” The heat of his breath gives me goose bumps that trail down my entire body. “So…?” He tilts his head so he’s right in my face. His lips are a breath away from touching mine.

  “I’m afraid what you’ll do next if I say no.” I laugh nervously as I step back and try to regain my senses. His eyebrow goes up like that was a challenge. “Okay!” I say before he actually does do something else. “Yes.”

  “Pick you up at seven tomorrow night.” He smirks before turning and walking away. I stand there and stare at his ass for a minute.

  Harper walks up and interrupts my gawking. “Girl, I don’t know what to say. I think I fell in love with him,” she teases. “That boy will stop at nothing to get you. You must have a golden vagina.”

  “You did not say that!” We both laugh. “Please tell me someone got that on video,” I call out.

  Numerous people say at once, “I did!”

  Chapter Thirty-two


  IT’S CRAZY HOW many women are calling, asking me to marry them. The guys busted our balls the second we got back to the office; a video was shared with them before we even got back. And now everyone has seen that video. Damon is definitely enjoying the attention.

  All I care about is one woman. The look on her face was priceless. And to top it off, everyone joined in. That wasn’t part of the plan, but it was awesome. Tonight is our date. I’ve never been nervous about a date in my life. I’m not sure when I became a fucking girl with all these feelings. That’s not true. I know the exact day.

  The day I met Addison.

  I know I’m not the only one feeling this attraction. I can see it in her beautiful blue eyes, but she’s pulling back. I know our situation isn’t typical, but fuck typical. She will be mine again. And I’m not letting her go this time. Well, I guess I didn’t let her go last time… she fucking shot me.

  There is a new Italian restaurant down the street from her place where I made reservations. I heard it was phenomenal, and I know that Addison likes Italian food. My dick twitches remembering her moaning while she ate Italian during her stay with Travis.

  Damon walks into my office and sits in one of my chairs across from my desk. “Holy shit, dude, our video is going viral!” he says. “Maybe we need to take our act on the road.” He puts his aviator glasses on with a shit-eating grin.

  “You’re crazy. Don’t quit your day job.” I throw a wadded up piece of paper at him.

  “Hey, don’t mess with the face. I could have mov
ie offers soon.” He chuckles. I didn’t think his ego could get any bigger than before. Fuck was I wrong.

  “Dude, you were just the back-up singer.” I laugh, totally messing with him.

  “Whatever, ass. That’s okay. This back-up singer has women lined up. You know that if Addison doesn’t work out, there are plenty of women wanting to lick your wounds.” He wags his eyebrows.

  “Addison will come around,” I say. Because I won’t stop trying until she does. Starting with our date.

  * * *

  I arrive at Addison’s place at seven sharp. The doorman calls her before allowing me to go to her apartment on the third floor. This place is really nice. There is no way she can afford this working in forensics. I shrug. It’s not like I know anything about her. I’m hoping that changes tonight. I want to know everything about her. I remind myself that I need to take this slow.

  When she answers the door, I inhale sharply. She is gorgeous. I slowly rake my eyes up and down her body. A groan escapes my lips as I try to control my raging desire for her. She’s wearing black leather pants and a white scoop neck shirt that shows off the tops of her fantastic breasts. Three gold necklaces graze the top of her chest. Her hair is long with loose curls. I want to grab a hold and pull her to me. My fingers twitch to reach out and hold on to her for dear life.

  “Are you going to stop eye fucking me soon?” she says in a breathy voice. Those blue, hypnotic eyes are so intoxicating that I can’t look away.

  “Sweetheart, we need to leave. Right. Now. Or we’re eating in,” I say.


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