The Wedding Deception

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The Wedding Deception Page 8

by Adrienne Basso

  - If it was my brother ... - There was a brief silence. Suddenly, Lord Fairhurst ventured: - It was that boy who died on the peninsula?

  - Yes

  The word seemed to echo through the garden. With much effort, Claire kept head up. Never commented to anyone about their relationship Henry, always believing that would lead her secret to the grave Although necessary, he felt it was ridiculous to speak of his intimacy with Lord Fairhurst.

  The prolonged silence made her shoulders lifted in an attitude defensive.

  - Perhaps you want to withdraw its proposal, my lord.

  - No - He stared at her. - If you accept, I hope that meets the vow of fidelity. Claire reacted with indignation.

  - Clearly accomplish. And I hope that you also meet.

  - I?

  - I know that is common among the nobles had mistresses and affairs with women married. But I can not respect a man who acts this way. E I can not marry a man who does not respect.

  - I assure you that there is no reason to doubt my faithfulness. Because you keep me sexually satisfied and satiated.

  Claire winked and nodded, knowing that words not daring were spoken by him. They were in her thoughts.

  E burning in the eyes of Lord Fairhurst.

  She shook hands, controlling for not throwing in his arms and kiss your lips.

  - I will wait your response to my proposal - he said. And with a Reverence, Lord Fairhurst stepped back toward the house.

  The rays of sun lit up her hair blonde and firm steps. No looked back, but Claire was sure he felt his gaze accompanying him.

  Chapter VIII

  Claire awoke startled. Dreamed of children. His children and lord Fairhurst. Jasper. The dreams revealed the secret desires that his mind refused to accept. It was more than enthusiasm, more than passion, more than respect. She wanted Fairhurst Lord as a husband.

  Was an extraordinary truth to be faced. She always lived with feet on the ground, and now could not be taken by the fantasy. He needed to think carefully about the proposal of Lord Fairhurst. Was too serious a step that would forever change his destiny.

  The path would not be easy. He worried about the reaction from Jay to learn the sudden change in their relationship, from wife to sister. At bottom, however, knew that Jay was the last of their worries.

  The Jasper was the very first. Sometimes he was sad and formal seemed determined to hide his emotions. At times, she felt that under the austere facade, had a generous heart.

  She strongly believed that Jasper had the capacity to love, and if She had luck and patience, he would learn to love it. Indeed, was much pretension. And crazy. Still, ignoring protests of reason and common sense, Claire decided to accept the marriage proposal Jasper. That was what she really wanted.

  Decided take breakfast each morning in the room. Then caprichou care with the appearance. Before leaving the room, took one last look the mirror. She wore a pink satin dress that reflected in their color face and made his eyes shine, and for a moment she saw the image of a stranger.

  He smiled, knowing that some expensive dresses and a modern hairstyle did not change a person. However, I knew it was a different woman since entered that house more than fifteen days before.

  The created led her to the library and, after making sure Fairhurst lord who was alone, entered unannounced.

  He was standing near the fireplace, looking thoughtfully into the flames. For a moment she noticed the striking image of the man dominating the elegant atmosphere. She shuddered. Had already taken its decision. No was no need to talk. In fact, he believed that Lord Fairhurst preferred it to be straightforward.

  - Good morning, my lord.

  - Good morning, Claire.

  - If your proposal is still standing, I accept it. I would like to marry me with you. He looked at with a smile of satisfaction.

  - His decision makes me happy e. ..

  That moment, the Countess opened the door and entered the library, followed by Meredith.

  - Claire, you here so early? - The countess looked at her suspiciously. - I have not seen the breakfast each morning. Did something happen?

  Claire opened his mouth to reply, but Lord Fairhurst pre-empted.

  - It happened, yes, Mom. I'm getting married.

  The countess and her daughter exchanged glances.

  - Will you marry? - Meredith repeated. - With whom? Jasper approached Claire and laced around the waist. The simple act possessive and dispensed words. There was a long moment of silence.

  Claire shivered. The warmth of his fingers on her waist awakened him primitive emotions, which were suffocated by the tension of waiting reaction of the countess and Meredith.

  - Heavens, so sudden! - Meredith said. The countess was shown to be more enthusiastic.

  - I am delighted with the news. Simply enchanting. Congratulations. From open arms, crossed the room to embrace her son. Then he shook Claire's hands and kissed her cheeks. Relieved, Claire noticed the brightness of happiness in the eyes of the countess.

  - You're doing this because I believe that is actually married and that the cancellation is impossible? - Meredith asked in a forceful tone. - Or for fear of divorce?

  Claire Meredith believed he loved her and yet she did not seem approve the decision of Jasper.

  - Meredith! - Countess scolded. - What a rude comment!

  - Just trying to assimilate the facts and reasons for this decision as sudden. The countess tried to hold her daughter's arm, but Meredith pulled away and stood in front of Lord Fairhurst.

  - Are you in love? - She asked staring at his brother. Jasper arched an eyebrow.

  - I appreciate your concern, dear Merry, but I insist that my feelings by Claire and her for me are our subjects, individuals.

  - And the marriage of Claire with Jason? - Asked the marquise.

  - According to the message I received today from Mr. Beckham, before the law there never was a marriage between Claire and our brother. So I am free to make her my wife. Let's get married with a license special. Just today, I will give instructions to Mr. Beckham to request the document with the Archbishop of Canterbury. Meredith hesitated before before speaking:

  - If this is what you really want, Jasper, I offer my best wishes for cheers. - Almost solemnly kissed her brother's face. Then Claire hugged.

  Claire sighed and looked at the man beside her and noticed a glow of contentment in his eyes. Or thought it saw.

  Expected not be deluding themselves about to see what he wanted to see. Expected, the good of all, do not be blinded by the attraction and desire, and because of that, be making a colossal mistake.

  Rebecca Manning prepared carefully for the ball of Williamson. Was the biggest event of the season and his first public appearance since dinner at the mansion of Lord Fairhurst.

  Was determined to be seen and admired by all. Free, happy and beautiful. If had the misfortune to find Fairhurst, she would greet with a short bow and then would raise his head with haughty indifference, as if it were an insignificant nuisance. Nobody could ever say he had witnessed his humiliation and embarrassment. No unaware that there were rumors of her name and lord Fairhurst, but no language would have the evil au-Dacian to confront her. Oh, no, that was not how things happened in beau monde. There were whispers, exaggeration of facts, and words of compassion for the possible victim. All with great discretion. But the feeling of humiliation embarrassment and he is emphatic.

  Up all, Rebecca was determined not to lose your place in high society and, much less become an object of pity and scorn.

  The Williamson was a mansion of the oldest in London, built in the middle of a large piece of land near the city limits.

  After to congratulate the hosts, Rebecca and Anne down the stairs marble and entered the ballroom. Their father walked away, muttering something about the games room.

  - Dad - Anne called him in a tiny voice, but Charles Manning was already away.

  - Stop making this guy a martyr - Rebecca muttered angrily. - If
they see your fear, we live food. Take a deep breath and smile.

  - It's hard to smile and pretend not to notice women whispering behind the fans.

  - You do not have to worry about. They are looking for me and not for you.-Rebecca was furious, but kept smiling.

  Circulation the hall. The orchestra played enthusiastically and some couples have swirled around the track.

  Rebecca expected to be taken just to dance.

  - Let's go around and greet the matrons? - Anne suggested. Rebecca glanced surreptitiously at the group of ladies of the nobility. Were seated in a semicircle facing the dance floor, not to miss a single detail.

  - No. I stay well away from that nest of vipers - Rebecca said, picking up a glass of champagne served by a valet.

  Anne began to shake with the fan.

  - Oh dear, it seems all eyes are on us.

  Rebecca tried to be patient, but Anne's nervousness made her even angrier.

  - No wonder everyone is looking at us. You're horrible. That gust of wind when we got off the coach ruffled his hair. Go to the ladies and recompose booked up!

  Anne blushed.

  - My God! Why do not tell me before? You follow me?

  - No. I do not run the risk of finding some busybody.

  - But I can not leave it alone.

  - I prefer to be alone to be standing here with you looking like a scarecrow!

  The Anne's chin trembled. Fearing an attack of crying, Rebecca ordered:

  - Go!

  Anne hurried toward the feminine reserved. At first, was uncomfortable being alone, but soon realized that nobody Rebecca had noticed.

  - Mlle. Manning!

  Rebecca looked up and smiled, but relaxed to see Gertrude Hawkins. Poor Gertrude, who never was drawn to dance and that twenty-five year was on track to become a spinster.

  - Goodnight, Rebecca. Are you alone?

  - I'm waiting for my sister. - She looked around, hoping that Gertrude go away.

  - Fairhurst Lord has come.

  Rebecca stared at her, ready to rebut the insult, but the innocent expression Gertrude disarmed it. Apparently, she did not know the break compromise.

  - I have no idea nor interest me.

  - Oh!

  - Oh, please do not get hung up on me - Rebecca said sharply. - I'm sure there are many gentlemen wanting to fill their dance card.

  Gertrude looked at the card hanging on the pulse of Rebecca and sighed, but soon the sigh became a laugh. Too late, Rebecca realized Gertrude noticed that your card blank.

  - It is better to move the edges of the room - Gertrude suggested. - So nobody will notice you are having tea in her chair.

  Rebecca he felt the blood rising to the head. I was offended by the words Gertrude, mainly because they had touched in his most secret fear. - Coming from you, I'm sure the board was tested and approved. - Rebecca grinned. Intimidated, Gertrude muttered an excuse and walked away. Rebecca leaned against the wall. If you had trouble dealing with the commentary of Gertrude Hawkins would like to find a real tyrant, as Lady Hartmore or Mrs. Standish? He felt he needed to be alone to compose herself. Crept down the hall and went to the terrace. Did not see anyone. The terrace was lit by lanterns for guests who wanted privacy and fresh air.

  Closed eyes and shuddered, admitting that he needed both.

  - Are you cold?

  Rebecca opened his eyes. Believed to be alone, but before it had a gentleman. Despite the poor lighting, he noted that he was handsome and elegant. He gathered the necessary elements of a refined gentleman, but had something in his eyes that intrigued her. They were shrewd and seekers, despite the brightness of fun.

  - Are you cold? - He repeated, advancing a step. She did not answer and he made mention of taking off his jacket.

  - No, please. I'm fine. The cold wind is pleasant after the heat which is inside the hall.

  The unknown straightened his jacket.

  - The night air is refreshing. I'm sure a lady so lovely is dancing since she came to the ball.

  Rebecca squinted, suspicious that he was teasing, but he seemed sincere.

  - Actually, I have not been drawn to dance.

  - I would swear that their suitors were lining up to fill your card; Typically, Rebecca replied with a coquettish gesture, but the mention of the card dance ruined her night.

  - My dance card does not concern you, sir. And this conversation is inconvenient, since we have not been presented.

  - Something tells me you're not the kind of woman who always follows the rules of good manners.

  The comment angered her even more.

  - What makes you think so?

  - His audacity to come here alone. Daring and provocation. The evaluated in his eyes suggestively. Rebecca gasped. He was no longer a gentleman's elegant and beautiful, but a predator. Tried to contain the tremor, but his reaction had nothing to do with the cold.

  Despite the innocent expression, his eyes showed otherwise. Shone like flames, causing a profound and disturbing effect on the body it. Rebecca tried to ignore it. He tilted his head slightly.

  - If you'll excuse me ...

  - No - He laced waist. - Not until you tell me your name.

  - I will not say. - She stared at him defiantly.

  The increased pressure of his fingers. She looked around. He saw no one. The stranger continued to stare at her with intensity. He smiled.

  - Relax. I do not bite.

  - I'm not foolish to believe you.

  - Very smart. - He looked amused. - If you were really scared, I could have cried.

  - I can.

  He shook his head.

  - If I wanted to scream for help, I would have cried to five minutes. Involuntarily she looked at his hands. The fingers were long and elegant.

  - You seem too knowledgeable on this subject for my taste, sir. Women often cry at your company?

  - Only in moments of ecstasy.

  Rebecca felt her face burning. The vulgarity of the comment left her stunned. She tried to shed, but he bent down and his breathing stroked his face.

  - This conversation is totally inappropriate - she protested.

  - Maybe. But you liked it. And liked it. Guarantee.

  - I like you? It's very funny. I know nothing about him. Not even his name.

  - So, allow me to present, beautiful maiden. - While holding the the waist, the stranger made a strange bow. - I am Richard Dorchester, fresh from Wiltshire. My friends call me a gentleman Dorchester and have a feeling you will soon be among them.

  Chapter IX

  The wedding was held at the mansion, in a simple ceremony, just with the presence of the family of Lord Fairhurst. Claire had the feeling to be reviving a dream to repeat their vows. Remembered family and wondered how he would explain the exchange of husband to parents and sisters. As we all only wanted your happiness, certainly accept the new situation.

  Lord Fairhurst was polite but distant and hardly looked at her. The only clue of emotion was when, at the end of the ceremony, the eyes met an expressive way, recognizing both that something irreversible just happened.

  In wedding night, and the others that followed, the newlyweds slept in separate rooms. Jasper took seriously his decision to wait know each other better before becoming intimate. Claire agreed, But inwardly he was disappointed. The first week passed quickly. As soon as the news spread, several members of the aristocracy came to visit the couple. Were courtesy visits, but mainly to know the young man who, among many others, Fairhurst Lord chose to be his wife. Finally, after fifteen days of marriage, Claire was officially presented to society at a reception given by the Duke of Warwick, the father Meredith. In hall of the mansion of the Duke, Claire Jasper and receive guests. Slowly, the tension lessened, and finally they went to the salon main to start the ball. The orchestra was ready, waiting the signal from the conductor. The first dance was with Claire Duke. Tried disguise the fear of being driven to the center of the dance floor. Looked up and encountered the Duke look encouraging.r />
  - This is no time to falter, little girl - he said, wrapping the waist. - If you notice your insecurity, the attack is imminent.

  - I know, your Grace - Claire shrugged his shoulders slightly. - But it seems that my feet are stuck in the ground.

  The Duke smiled and waved to the conductor, who turned to the orchestra. The violins began to play.

  The Duke was an accomplished dancer, and under his command, Claire performed steps with ease. In the next song, his partner was the marquis of Dardington. Despite having attended the marriage, the husband of Meredith not hide his distrust. Fortunately, was a music style country, steps with florid, cute and little chance to talk. Next Claire danced with Jasper's father and then with a distant relative Duke.

  - Now it's my turn to dance with the bride, Berkley - Jasper said, so the song ended.

  - Sure. - Berkley bowed. - She is a lovely girl, Fairhurst. You're a lucky man to have her as wife.

  Jasper bowed his head slightly and laced Claire.

  - Berkley has always had a weakness for beautiful women. She blushed. Jasper already had a modest effect to see her dressed up for the reception, noting that his appearance was suitably aristocratic. No was exactly the effect she had intended to provoke.

  Chosen costume thinking about impressing her husband. The dress was cream satin with delicate embroidery in green and gold, with low neckline and bodice. She wore satin slippers of the same fabric of her dress and hung wrist, the range of pearl. Her hair was stuck on top head, with a few curls falling over his ears and neck. Claire was not conceited, but I was proud of her appearance. Jasper led her to the dance floor. The other couples turned away for sides, leaving them free space. All eyes were fixed them, but that was not what left Claire nervous. A feeling of panic involved, and their senses are sharpened. Turning the face, ran into Rebecca Manning, looking earnestly for them.

  As Miss. Manning not go through the official entrance of the reception, Claire did not know she was among the guests. Feeling that he needed do something, bowed his head slightly in greeting her.

  Realized Rebecca's confused expression, before turning to the gentleman that accompanied it. Claire could not see his face, as a column Marble blocked his view of man's face.


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